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Our Patience There we go! . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We have a 15-minute program that is called Enfocque, that tries to analyze what is behind the news. It is between views with the protagonists, semblances to the protagonists, debates about important themes in the news. The voice of the community people who rely on important news. And this program is called Enfocque. We also have another 15-minute program that is called Via Libre, which is a mix of many lighter contributions about the world of power,
the world of arts, the world of training, the world of social themes, as other social themes, and this also lasts 15 minutes. We have a great variety of musical programs, of jazz, of salsa, of British pop, too. We also have other news programs, for example, today's program, which is the great theme of the week. And we also offer programs that consist of disarmable debates that the roots in Latin America can use. For example, we have a program, an item that is called Feméries, which gives the details of something important that has occurred in the history of that day. We have an economic infome, which is a comment that is not
that is very important, and again, it has Latin America that has occurred. We have an episode comment. So our great meta is to offer the roots, a variety of programs, to the hours that they want this program. And also our opinions, which in any other national root can offer so many programs. This is 15 hours of 24. And we call ourselves a little root, which is never new. The idea is to have information every 24 hours when it comes to root. Well, really, because of what Mr. Painter has described, we are doing all the effort in the world to combine our energies here at Radio Universidad de Puerto Rico with this program to be able to offer them
through the first Spanish-speaking Spanish-speaking Spanish of the United States, which is Radio Bringo's satellite. Think about it, my friend, I already hear it. The radio is also a vehicle to know what is happening in your community and be able to express your opinion or denounce what is happening. Also, with these services that we are putting for you, you become an adventurer to the world to be able to meet and to be able to have and form your opinion on different aspects. And a little bit of breaking is that isolation that one suffers in the United States because it is catalogued as a minority. As a minority, we have tastes, like most of them, because of the same things, the good music, the good information, and the only difference is the language. And in this effort
that we are doing, Radio Universidad and the BBC, Washington and all the communities where they live in Latin America, bringing news from the Caribbean, Puerto Rico and the rest of the world to complement what is happening in their localities. So, it is a effort that results exciting to go to the programme that we are trying to put in combination with the BBC, with programme products also from the Caribbean and Puerto Rico, as the Boletines have been that you are listening to. We want to thank Mr. Painter, his mobility, who has been working for today, and we can talk to him briefly to share with our audience in the open line.
Thank you very much to you, and I am just to emphasize that this agreement with the University of Puerto Rico is extremely important for our country to achieve an important audience in the United States to break the domination of the big channels of the United States to offer something that I really wanted to have for you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Well friends, we wanted to take advantage the visit of James Painter from the BBC to share with you these brief minutes. I want to thank Mr. Painter, his presence in our study. How did we look at the news? Today in the open line of Puerto Rico, we have interviewed the Department of Health, Dr. Carmen Feliciano-Biuda de Melesio, about the syndrome of immunodeficence
acquired, that is to say, the AIDS. In recent years, the interest, the degradation, about AIDS, it seems to us that it has decreased, and the people apparently are ignoring this reality, and therefore, it is not enough to talk about this condition. This silence, this negation, offers some risks. I explain. My appreciation is that if people do not hear any kind of orientation, they can think that there is no danger. We run the risk that a situation happens to us, such as the AIDS Institute, which deserves the service, is worse than the medicines, although they are effective, the people do not look for them, because they do not know about them. It is around these problems that we are going to talk to Dr. Feliciano-Biuda, health and very good news. A pleasure to be with you, and greetings to those people who are listening to us here in other areas.
We remind you to our clients that they can make their contribution for the number one eight hundred, 7, 6, 3, 89, 70, which is a free call from cost. And we remind you to the friends who listen to us in Puerto Rico, that they must mark the one eight hundred to gain access to our studies and our phone here in radio and university. For today, the journalist Carlos Zarior has prepared a story of some of the grandparents who have already retired. He has had to leave the task of starting to create. To create his grandson, since the mother of the children died, the daughter of them died of AIDS. To the young, the infecting wife she died five years ago and she still lives. We listen. Puerto Rico has reserved in the cold and sadistic colds of health. The number 376
for the children of AIDS in April of the present year. The program, Lini Abierta, from Puerto Rico, has interviewed a grandmother who was forced to start her mother's father with more than 60 years now with a child of AIDS. You are four children. I never thought this could happen to us. In this family, my younger daughter, was the one who died almost five years ago. And of that death four children were born. My daughter died of AIDS. All this was discovered when the fourth daughter was born, she was born. But in my poor family,
she was never convinced that this happened to us. But she never thought that she was going to touch her. When she was born, she was born and she was born in a pulmonia. And we took her to the hospital and we did not know what she had. This happened five years ago. She had not had a lot of experience with one of her patients. And there was no way of treatment. Until we finally said what she had. That is, she really discovered everything that she had. But at any time we were afraid to stay with them, because they were well hit
with each other. At any time we were afraid of having them. Her father did not send us to the protest party. We have the provisional of the children. We have never wanted to give the protest party. And it is a big change because my wife just took her after so many years working. And we started again. And we started again with the generation that is, we started two days crying four children of strong strong. Two years ago I had to talk to the mayor because
I have, they have to know that they have to protect their sister. Well, they fall, and the girl is quite excited to find games and things. And I had needed to at least raise them to help me. She helps me a lot. We still have not arrived at the moment, but I am preparing to say for them. Because they have they realize that they are really like they feel a little bad. Now I have the problem that the girl has seven years and she is asking me why when they are going to kill me when I am going to stop her. This experience that I would like to tell you is that everything is developed in this
childhood. Well everything is thanks to God. I have no one in my family and my friends who are rejected. As go to see stories from the window, get the moment of the school. There was that I decided to go back. could not imagine that I could I was 14 years I have my problem is that I can I I thought I think I am very honest. And I could not go to my home in music and I did not listen to it. Besides that for her
and for the other people. Because I worry about the other children too. I had to protect them. But that say it all . and said it all at a end. I excuses And I tell Until we stopped saying, if I hadn't said it, I would have accepted it. In any case, I was very happy. So I said, Karamba, well, in my worst worst it was going to be... ...with this powder, what is it? I can't say it. But every thing that they told me... ...people who think that they are educators, that they have to be aware of... tell me how that really is. Another one told me, and if I fall in school, if they start... ...if they start to relax, they come to work, they take care of the work. If they start to fall in school, because everyone goes to me. Another... Another extreme, religious, as well. Because I went to different denominations. I came to a person to tell me... ...what school and how they were going to die. With which I know to learn to read and write enough. Why? Because they had to accept that. If they could do a completely normal life. A girl who does a role in the honor lists of the notes she has. And that person tells me that she doesn't need it.
It's an incredible thing. The interview is made for the online and open program from Puerto Rico... ...for Carlos Ariol. Hello, friends, it's really a strange situation. The social consequences of this disease, what has been called... ...the epidemic of the century. Children, orphans, unemployed people... ...who ask for their work in the root of being discovered... ...that they are infected with AIDS. They are part of the process that we want to know. We are going to start with the Palestinian doctor. What is the trend today? Who is more contagious? The first doctor. Well, everything depends on your number, your analysis. We all know that the city started in a couple of rivers...
...and that the man was the one who was most affected. In sexual groups or bisexual groups. But it's going to happen. So, in Puerto Rico... ...the group was very predominant. It was the drug use, but still... has been stabilizing and quarantine... ...a decrease in this moment. The group that is increasing... ...if we analyze the risk factors... ...that were caused by the past year or this year... the heterosexual group. And now, almost 22% of total cases... ...of AIDS in Puerto Rico are women. So, every day... ...the group of women is infected. And look how the grandmother said...
...that, well, who was going to think... ...that the city was one of those groups. This tragic... ...the example that brings this grandmother... that... ...the message of the city... that they are all dead. And that they can touch the door... any moment a woman... ...the contagion of the man is infected by her daughter. And every day... ...this is seen more and more thanks to God... some treatments that maybe... ...if we can give time... ...we can talk about... ...we see how the pediatric acid... Puerto Rico, the new cases... ...are decreasing. And what we see is that the acid attacks... ...the youngest population. Therefore, the parents are dying... ...the mothers are dying... ...and the grandparents every day... ...are having to assume roles... ...of the care of these children...
...affected or infected... ...because both groups... ...are very... ...very important. I was told that... ...the medical knowledge... ...well, what the doctor thought... thanks to God... ...the majority of the doctors in Puerto Rico... the United States. And even the pediatricians... ...we see a square... ...and quickly we think... ...that can be done. And thanks to that... can diagnose... ...a little more temperate... ...the children. So, the epidemic in Puerto Rico... ...every day... ...they are younger... ...every day there are more women around... ...every day more... ...from the heterosexual group... the contagion... ...we are seeing less cases... ...of pediatrician... ...for some very specific reasons... ...and definitely still...
...the drug user group... ...well, it's a very... ...identificative group. And why women... ...are in that number so high? What are the reasons and how to explain that? Of course, what happens is that... ...when you leave... ...then the group... ...that is homosexual or bisexual... ...and when you enter the heterosexual group... ...obviously the woman... ...has a possibility... give her genital tract... ...etc. ...that you can easily contact the man. And... can say... ...that... ...people who can contact... ...a drug user... cases... ...well, in some cases... ...but not necessarily. That is, not all... ...the women who can contact... ...or contact the heterosexual... ...the partner... ...was a drug user... ...but yes...
...there is a very high percentage... ...that... ...and the other reason could be... ...because you had a relationship... ...that man with other women who can... Of course, of course... ...that is another possibility... ...that the Puerto Rican is very sick... ...the sex with protection... ...was not in his agenda... the time before the birth... the last seven years... the last seven... ...or eight years... ...well, it is definitely... ...the use of a prophylactic... ...and the protection of a sexual relationship... ...well, there was... ...there was... a moment. Still, it is not enough... we did... ...because... see that... ...the disease... ...although everything... ...that... ...we wanted to advance... ...will never have... ...a more studied condition... ...and that... ...they have done so fast... in the... the city. But... ...there is still...
...there is not a drug... ...that we are sure... ...that it is really... ...that it is totally... ...for always... ...the virus... ...or more totally... ...there is not... ...there is still... ...a vaccine... ...that we are sure... ...that... ...the strategy is more effective... ...for... avoid the transmission of the AIDS... the prevention. I want to remind you... the Radiant Friends... ...who are in Sintonia... ...with the line... open Puerto Rico... ...and today... ...discuting... ...between other things... ...the social effects... ...of... ...the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of all the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS...
...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... ...of the AIDS... 6, 3, 8, 9, 70. You mentioned at the beginning of the presentation at the beginning that the pediatric acid is diminishing by some particular reasons. What are the reasons for that? Well, they started some studies in the United States using acetate, which is an anti-retroviral drug. And we showed that drug was used in pregnant women and they used it during the pregnancy. During the pregnancy and then they gave the doctor to the child. This avoided the contagion. A mother, HIV-positive, can pass the virus to her child. And not in the 100%, more or less between 27% to 30% of the children,
a HIV-positive mother was born eventually with the virus and they developed the condition. So in Puerto Rico, they brought the results of these studies and we took as public policy to voluntarily the test of HIV, to all the pregnant women we could do. In fact, they did it free, they imported the conditions, they made it the economic condition. And we made available the acetate in these women who came out HIV-positive. In fact, the Puerto Rico government included as public policy to be available to the acetate for the women who get it, they were solicited. And I know what is happening is if we compare the cases
they already fire on us, they didn't report, they they didn't tell us, the 9-2, the 9-3, the 9-4, the 9-6. There was an attack at 1,000,000 and in this year 1997 I think it has only been reported to a case. Well friends, let's go to the usual pause of the program in advance with her. I always try to do the best for my children, but sometimes I get wrong. Once when my son Marco gave birth to a doctor who did not take care of anything. The doctor was alive and returned almost every night when he slept. And also when he ran, he played a lot. Sometimes he was inspired by the noise that seemed very raucous, a subtle wave. I thought it was a flu or maybe a allergy. I thought it would happen to him. So it was a great game of football. I had a lot of difficulty in breathing. The coach took him out of the game and took him to Marco Almedico. The result that my son has asthma and it can be deadly.
The doctor taught me how to control asthma. So now Marco is fine. He is playing more football than ever. Now the coach doesn't think about taking him out of the game. Breathe without difficulty. Ask your doctor if he is asthma. This is a message of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. The osteoporosis can affect your lifestyle. Yes. Because osteoporosis is a disease that produces immobility, deformity, chronic pain and fractures. If you were a 50-year-old woman, or passed by the Paucia, you could be a risk. Consult your doctor. The osteoporosis can be controlled if it takes time. It can be used now. A message from the Caribeño Council for the Prevention of the osteoporosis. We invite you to call us on the phone. We are going to attend the calls. Sure.
To satisfy curiosity and participation of our patients. Very good afternoon. Hello. Very good afternoon. With whom do we have the pleasure to talk? With me. Yes, sir. Yes, my name is Sergio Ribera de Dorao. Go ahead. Well, I am Sergio Réjez Mense. I have had the opportunity to visit different centers of information. I have had the opportunity to visit different centers of information about the risk. To look for this orientation, to provide the school and the dormitory projects. And it has received a very good attention and a very good orientation. But we call it the orientation of our health. Tell us. It is a personal matter. Tell us. It affects me very, very personally. Yes. I have been asked to work in the 12th, 23rd and I have been asked to work in the psychiatric treatment. I have finished the treatment.
Now the language is there. I have visited the city of Vallamón, the center of Vallamón, and I have been there. And I have been asked to work in the dormitory projects. So much so that I can write down the sources that I have been asked to write down. If the practices are metیک shallow but for yourself and me when there are palm trees. At any time, I receive to go as fast as possible with the practices. It costs me significant. I have flourished because of the light. Now, I see what this can do. Again, go back and help. And it asks me because, especially, do I have a need for5 to change myself? If you look at it, it is foolproof. I don't know what happens to the people, I can't even imagine the indolent, incredible fear. Sometimes I see the little pills, and the United States wants to take me to the complete spot to finish with the situation. That I have to take care of. And it's a shame that I know that the tragic disease and I recognize that they have to help all these people. But we have to face this problem.
The problem is that in Diablo, it will help us. But I hope that the human heart and Christianity of Dr. Melecio will not expect us to help us. Dr. Melecio doesn't know what happens to the hours and hours here in the middle of the night. If you can get medication. I have no money to pay for it. I have been involved in the government for 18 years and I don't have any problem with the government. Because I, all my plans, I didn't have much money. But I think that in the 1990s, the United States and the United States had to take me to the 23rd. I have to defend all the government in the United States. The only thing that I am currently in the 90s is that I have nothing to worry about. And this is not for anything. It's for the people to come. For the favor, take care, take care. Take care of yourself, take care of the hospital patients, as well as the doctors. Mr. Rivera, I think you have had an opportunity to go to the cemetery. I was here taking notes.
And she could answer and give me some kind of a remedy or a situation ahead of me. Yes. What I can tell you is that if you didn't get the medication, I personally didn't receive any call from you. I'm going to give it to my cell phone. And my viper, who gave it to all the people, is that I can tell you through the radio. And you call me at the cell phone, within half an hour, three hours, three, eight, two, one, six, four, five. And I tell you where you go and all the details. And as always, help everyone, then I will try to help you. With a lot of love. Well, you can repeat the number two. Three, eight, two, one, six, four, five. Well, I hope this information and Mr. Rivera can communicate with the doctor and the physician. Let's go to the second call ahead. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. I have a different question to the subject. And in the case of having a doubt,
being infected with the virus, where I can go back to do the test, but that it is confidential. Well, in Puerto Rico, in all the diagnostic centers, that is, to do the confidential test. We only have a system in which, when a person does the test, no one is told. They are all equal now. If you want to say it is anonymous. It is true. It does not have the name, because it is always confidential. Well, you can communicate with clets in the medical center and there you can do it. What do you want to say, clets, doctor? The Latin American center of disease, sexual addiction, and it is in the medical center. Any phone number? No, I have no phone number. Here, but if you want, it can call my office,
which is 7-56-59-82. And we have a lot of pleasure. Well, we refer to Dr. Gadea, who is the director of the clets. Yes, of course. And his name is Solene. The third one is called Adelante. Well, we are in the process of the call. Dr., we were talking about pediatrics. And I wanted to mention a statistic that was mentioned outside of the microphone, because the magnitude of the preventive treatment is clearly seen in that number. Yes, we now have reported 336 pediatrics cases. What you were saying was that if a patient is pregnant, he is the test of BH and he starts treatment with acetate,
which is a medication used in the cases of decids. And during the part, he also gives acetate and he gives acetate to the child. That child has a greater probability of not being HIV-positive. In fact, transmission was approximately 27%. And we are achieving a 7-8%. That is, it is a decrease in the probability of a child to HIV-positive, and therefore it is not going to disrupt the condition. And as I told you, the investment in these medications pays with growth. Not only from the human view point of sensitivity, social, of human disgrace, but from the point of view of cost, of cost to society. We talked about this as a public policy.
And in fact, we went to the first, let's say, the territory of the state that began as a public policy and of the few that we have, and we have followed it through years. This treatment to children with acetate has been given to know if there have been other secondary effects or secondary effects of acetate in children is less than they can know. Well, the medicine has its secondary effects that are different between them. And people who do not tolerate it and conditions that are intestinal, etc. But with treatment and a medical treatment it comes from the case very few cases that we have to discontinue them. Obviously, now we have other medicines in addition to acetate.
And we have recently received the protection inhibitors that we have already started using based on protocol and can be used in children and adults. And as some of you have heard it is done in what we call cargas from virus, which is another thing, which is a contagion of how many viruses are circulating in the individual. And there is such a dramatic decrease that highly sophisticated studies cannot detect the virus. This does not necessarily mean that we have totally killed the virus, but in order to be so low the transmission to a child, which has been born, well, obviously, it lowers a lot more. The transmission with a sexual couple is much less. The transmission in a partner using the same ring, for example,
is significantly lower. So we are reaching a moment in which we have a drug that is becoming injured not in a condition and I want to tell you the truth. Recalling what the grandmother said, becomes a chronic condition in which, for me, I was diagnosed with diabetes, and possibly I am going to die of diabetes, or cancer, but it is immediate. So, it is already the case that it is necessary to be a synonym of immediate women, patients who are infected with HIV and have a great potential of prolonging life and of having the quality of life that is not only living, it is like living. We have been in a very constant struggle to have medication
that can detect fast, preventive treatment to not have the opportunistic conditions and all this is done, that a person would be diagnosed at the same time. So, having a treatment and a support and having a long life that is already over time definitely has many cases over 12 years and many cases of cancer will last about 4-5 years. So, yes, it is not the same as death. Yes, it is the same to us as human beings of support. Yes, it is the same to treat each other as any other condition. Yes, it is the same in children to guarantee education, to guarantee respect to human dignity and to not violate the rights of human patients. And in that we have been working very strongly.
So, three days ago I received the last statement signed by the new Victor Fajald, Secretary of Education, in which it is very clear which are the norms, which are the noses and the cis in the educational system to avoid the discrimination, to avoid that a child does not have the right to the education to the education that has any other child that does not repeat and that does not repeat and I get the attention because what she has said seems to have been in private colleges. It gives the impression of them. It is that I personally do, through a call, to any parent, mother, family, parents, grandparents who feel discriminated that they use the mechanisms
that this government has not been in the Department of Health, where they have an office of the defense of the rights of the HIV-positive patient who would say Mrs. Olivera's mother and also at the level of education. At this moment in Puerto Rico she describes the HIV-positive patient and she says, we want to know how to put people of course and for that. Well, I remind you to the colleagues who can call us at 1-800-766-8970. I, at first, the introduction of this interview, Dr. mentioned that the public forces of prevention through the media have decreased. And Yendola worries me more because if you mention
the element that you already feel something that can be given as a chronic disease, assuming that the affected has access to the treatment. She wants to say that then you can understand that as we go down the border. Well, I imagine that was the answer. Therefore, how the orientation and development of the department is the department that is taking that leadership or is a leadership shared with other institutions? No, I want to say that it is a leadership shared. At first it was the government nothing more. This is very interesting is that in Mexico ие
you can more Well, there is no doubt that if we were to do something at that moment more dramatic, we would not have the cases accumulated that we have. The reality that we have now, and I'm going to say this, is to send a message of optimism to the one who is infected, because then it was all a blackness, it was all a pessimism, I'm going to die immediately, and I think that there is already a contagious population with the VIH that we have, to stimulate, to give the hand, to send a message of stimulus, but on the other hand, we have to send that message that, look, you are responsible for contaminating each other and that, which is known as HIV positive, negative, has a responsibility also to protect themselves.
I do not know if you remember, but I was the first health secretary in my interview, to make a campaign and it has been repeated and soon we will go, so to establish another, in which I mention this prophylactic and emotional. What is the word with you? With you, which was forbidden, I think that I am health secretary of those who are in abstinence and those who are sexually active, those who protect themselves and those who do not protect themselves. Those who use drugs and those who do not use drugs. Those who use drugs with clean hands and those who share them. In other words, we have to be the Franco and send a very clear message. Be careful that the population is generally aware of what it is. And so we are already working on a level of community and individual level.
That is why we are not so visible to the level of the media. That is correct, but we still do it, but we are going a little more to that community. We have a program that education at the level of work where we go to the agencies, to the different trade, to the industries that invite us to talk about the desire to protect themselves, etc. We are going to school, we are going to public residencies, we have a mobile unit that we are going to where we invite the affairs, etc., and all that activity is being done. In addition, it gives money to community groups and they also have to finish other funds to continue doing programs like this. I asked you because I also have to manage the station and be an animator of this program. I am a university teacher and if I do not have a tendency between my students in the 80s to be
less active sexually, but that has been a boom in the contrary to the level of the 90s. And sharing with parents is a great concern of the sexual activity. And there have been studies that have been made public where it mentions the high sexual activity of young Puerto Rico and a non-protected sexual activity. And part of that is that, to all the education campaigns, because it results in a counter-sentence, as in a question of eight, nine years, there are some changes of behavior that are concerned and there is a, for me, what I consider a sobre-confidence from the young ones. Many of them, because of ignorance. And that is what goes behind the line of questions that I am talking about in relation to the information and the public information.
Now there is a campaign, I say, and the problem is the same as the concern. You see in the media more messages, they tell you not the drugs that protect you and what you want to know, what is the treatment strategy? Obviously, the campaign of the drug dealer is a campaign that is spreading not the government, but some community groups. And we have decided that the campaign we cannot suffer it continuously. Yes, the media of communication does not help us in it. That's why I, every time, want to invite the desidial board.
Línea Abierta
Mexico Edition
Producing Organization
Radio Bilingue
Contributing Organization
Radio Bilingue (Fresno, California)
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Episode Description
A program of the "Voz Publica" series, with comments from Mexican listeners on current events,
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-e21db5552ec (Filename)
Format: Audio cassette
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Chicago: “Línea Abierta; Mexico Edition,” 1998-08-20, Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 4, 2025,
MLA: “Línea Abierta; Mexico Edition.” 1998-08-20. Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 4, 2025. <>.
APA: Línea Abierta; Mexico Edition. Boston, MA: Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from