thumbnail of 703 Housing; Images/Imagenes; 703; Reel 6 - Jersey City / Hoboken
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And what do you think it's happening in Hoboken with housing. OK in Hoboken as far as the housing is concerned they had before housing was very very bad and people were living in back conditions now what they've done is they've constructed a lot of housing they reconstructed a lot of old buildings they fixed them up. What they're doing is asking the people that are living in these housing to leave so they can fix them up to better themselves. And then when the place is fixed up and they were paying a hundred and fifty one hundred dollars rent as opposed to now when that house is off except they're paying 250 300 So actually what they're doing is moving the poor people out to fixing up the city up with the people that can't afford the rents or can't afford the standard of living that they're bringing them up to have to move out. There's no you know they're actually not helping the Hispanic people in general because they're the majority of the people in the city and who controls the city. Well my opinion of city hall has a lot to do I feel a lot of the funding or the money coming into the city isn't being used properly. Hispanics in general that's the main I think that's the main issue. Do you feel that Hispanics are being
pushed out of the city Little by little as far as housing is concerned they have no place to live they can't afford the rents that they're asking for. So the spandex after move out they have to find someplace else to go. It's been Hispanics the majority of the people living here are Spanish. And where do you live. Well I've lived here for 23 years just recently about six months ago to work to the city to heights. Why did to move. Basically because of the rents and the city itself the people you know they're nice people I like them but the rents are just they're just too much and the wages people are getting within you know within the city are ridiculous you can't make any money here. You have to move out you have to go someplace else to get you know to make money. OK thank you very much. OK. Yes I said that
if you coming up in the OK place which is the mother I said well that's old. Or what. I knew
that I wasn't looking. But then I get in a lot of
that but IMO they don't want you. I think a little. OK.
So you're the only such a free and those students will be and I mean what I mean Casimir thing I mean oh sorry guys I wanted to know a thing. If I wasn't until you have promised you to live another life on a yank it was probably must be a long time I get done call by Yasser daughter Sanyo you know I'm not going to respect a law school but I just don't live in awful lot of the year. But I see a medical doctor on hand the reports are that are on the scene as you know what they said was that like the gun the problem is a problem. OK I'm going to quote though it was only if you don't feel she remembered. But I know there are several
but my main the only people I know. OK but which is the mother that yes yes I know.
703 Housing
Episode Number
Reel 6 - Jersey City / Hoboken
Contributing Organization
New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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Series Description
"Imagenes (also Images in English) is a Emmy award-winning show that features documentaries and in-depth conversations with panels of experts, focusing on the lives, history, and culture of Latino communities in New Jersey."
No Description
Race and Ethnicity
Spanish Language
Media type
Moving Image
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
New Jersey Network
Identifier: UC15-393 (NJN ID)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 00:20:00?
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Chicago: “703 Housing; Images/Imagenes; 703; Reel 6 - Jersey City / Hoboken,” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “703 Housing; Images/Imagenes; 703; Reel 6 - Jersey City / Hoboken.” New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: 703 Housing; Images/Imagenes; 703; Reel 6 - Jersey City / Hoboken. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from