thumbnail of Línea Abierta; 8014; Women and AIDS (IN-KIND)
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the gets We encourage all of you to speak something new. learn some of the benefits of the TV activities.
And I love getting right into the family. And as audo .. And consized, as we simply speaker,
it's not conditionum think that their last mochires latinas is a la rmente y allo que estambien a más per gupante que sas
de que se guntes fros solo la mitado de la mochires que estan en factado de bieros el cida buz que natin suen medica. Ito de ría menos de la mitado de en el bieros bajo control no much as per fierin por lo vista de hále todo a la vena de rios no que el lo que passas un problema de que la mochires, oes un problema de distima de salut. Well, well, I see this. It's de nico el coner es tígma. We looked here at my own. I was like a mess of what Avery thing would be heard of, but in the morning, okay. Well, this just is the very me you see, a maintain where the president as a service party, and ultimately is we are of today's community international
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and I can tell you and I will have fun
using that purpose so you have to look at a traditional street injustice in 2018 also thank you for inviting me to do that so don't forget to include the ...
... ... ... as the moment of this contralado crecimiento,
this contralado propagación de la pedemia del viroos. They'll see the enthalos coming elatinas. Tres pito, el di re manana, zia en que se comemora, the zia se jamas de vias anños, el di na cional de consientiación del zia enthalos moheris ela mochachas. The mozagamigos, a very powerful zia emos coma splatica, en verminu tu. Siga aradibilingo en tuitar para recibillas no ticias de vittimono memento de la retna cional de mistera latinas. Bus canos en tuitar punto como tuita con nosotros. Excuse me. Don s ela the
is shown in the ship. First, we seen in the scene which was from other locations, as many states charged workers in emissions. We felt in Farewell were always famous for these There are various approaches that the
page yellowing, instead of opening, up the We are being eliminated by the
have overlooked the video.
the military and the
wasn't that much?
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in the country.
It's a very important way to understand what is happening in the region. I think that the U.S. has been a very important role in the U.S. in the U.S. and the U.S. in the U.S. in the U.S. in the U.S. in the U.S. and the U.S. and the U.S. in the U.S. and the U.S. the U.S. the U.S. the U.S. is definitely the challenge for the U.S. the U.S. the U.S. the U.S. and the U.S. in the U.S. So I will say thank you your advisers.
Yes. I'm going to speak to you. I think I will only for the household value is most known as the so we should see what happens. South Island school,
For example, where are this undred students are going to grow and continue to grow through and startow forward. Also, we should be finding a client. They have been aware of this problem previously. The budgetplease are with us on Birx Air They work very with the same
and of course the
but let's get started. I'm not sure if he came out that the
the Join us in my And the
is fine. During this year, Bhak to the case of Farang pat hyenas. When Friends This period is ourselves, but you won't know whether
or should be expected It's all the most productive It's the 3rd time The instruments is not best It's only at least 3 Korean For the structure And for the timeline andening Aim We also know which the few levels of accuracy Are swimming Speed box A book Because the word ...whatever of our events.
At first you can see I was fascinated by children's partnership and it was me. Huffington By The to produce a radio-building way in Fresno, in Oakland, California. When I was at the Fort Foundation, the Open Society Foundations, the Evelyn and Walter has junior fund, the James Irvine Foundation, the California Endowment, either Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. As the program as a distributor, we have the service of the Satelli de della radio public and the National de los Estados Unidos, La Universidad Estatral de California in San Marcos, as a possible entrance museum for Medioven Internet, El Comuto Technico is Jorge Ramirez. Assistant to the production, Maria de Jesus Gomez,
Samuel Orozco Es El Proguto, a haiku Tivo. La Zopini on the sketchos on exclusives, the Sousal Torres Escucho State, Satelli de Radio Billingway. The Satelli de Radio, La Universidad Estados, La Universidad Estados, La Universidad Estados, La Universidad Estados, La Universidad Estados, La Universidad Estados, La Universidad Estados,
Línea Abierta
Episode Number
Women and AIDS (IN-KIND)
Producing Organization
Radio Bilingue
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Episode Description
Disclaimer: The following description was created before the live broadcast aired and thus may not accurately reflect the content of the actual broadcast.
Episode Description
More than 230,000 women and girls are HIV-positive in the US and many are not getting care or don’t have the virus under control. An HIV-positive patient is using her personal experience to help Latinas protect themselves and fight against the stigma of the disease. Guest: María Mejía, Author and LGBT Activist, Spokesperson, Campaign about National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, Miami, FL. Republicans’ Bill to Replace ACA; California’s Single Payer. As Congress moves to repeal ACA, analysts comment on the impact of the newly-unveiled replacement plan on Latinos and California. They also comment on a legislative effort that would create a single-payer health care system for coverage for all in California. Guests: State Sen. Ricardo Lara, Democrat – Bell Gardens, Los Angeles, CA; Mayra Alvarez, President, The Children Partnership, Los Angeles, CA; Tony Madrigal, Councilman, City of Modesto, CA
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Producing Organization: Radio Bilingue
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-b4576bec3e3 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Original
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Chicago: “Línea Abierta; 8014; Women and AIDS (IN-KIND),” 2017-03-09, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 4, 2025,
MLA: “Línea Abierta; 8014; Women and AIDS (IN-KIND).” 2017-03-09. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 4, 2025. <>.
APA: Línea Abierta; 8014; Women and AIDS (IN-KIND). Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from