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OK. Come the problems the hopes and the answers for immigrant children in our public schools. That's the theme for our discussion today. I'm Richard Gonzales your host for this program the second in a series produced by I'd rather be dealing with with funds from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Ford Foundation. Before we begin our discussion on the challenges presented by immigrant children in our public schools let's first hear this report on bilingual education from Kathy McAnally. U.S. Iowa. It was in 1974 that the United States Supreme Court issued a decision in a case called Loud vs. Nicholas. The court ruled that dumping a non English speaking child into an all English classroom without providing special help violated that child's right to equal educational opportunity. But the question of how that help would be offered generated lots of controversy. Many educators favored a bilingual education approach teaching academic
subjects in the child's native language while he or she learned English. Clear legacy or let's face speaking children grew up with learning English so they can join us to keep this newly speaking country. Otherwise you want California be a separate nation from the rest of the country. That's what they want. That's true. That's ridiculous. Former senator S.I. hia kowa says bilingual education programs do more harm than good. So many children are going to bilingual classes so-called. And as a result they're not learning English in school and actually they're being gypped. They're being defrauded of the education are entitled to the children growing up in America. It makes you so sad because for some of the essay The gator that's the that how you how you do not speak something like that. Rosario a Naya a member of the San Francisco Board of Education disagrees because to me that sounds us in the answer because I think that we know and there's nothing that we can do I think
it's beautiful that we have to recognize that we are a pantry that has wonderful beautiful diversity and with the diversity that comes different languages and different cultures language part of the culture. And to say that you are an American because you want to learn another language sounds horrible and Naya says a recent study by the district shows that children who are taught in a bilingual program have higher test scores and language minority children in regular classrooms. You know why do you say so. If you know the controversy over bilingual education is the best means of teaching immigrant children English is further complicated by the fact that for some language groups credentialed bilingual teachers are impossible to find again. Rosario and I think that the you know whenever we can and there has been some misses in
the school I think we have the one of two teachers but teacher aides and I think they mean some parents to become teachers. So these strategies have to be that we didn't define as soon as we can and we really almost the entire reason to come and work with us. Anybody that has the languages and educational background that will be able to help those children that are not that big in numbers and speak all their language than English. The philosophical debate on how to best teach English to language minority children has been joined by economic considerations. Many schools around the country are strapped for funds which according to Laurie Olson of the National Coalition of advocates for children can help feed public resistance to doing anything to help foreign born students. I feel that the debate over bilingual education has not been a pedagogical debate it's not been a debate about effective programs it's been a politicized debate about
it. How To what degree people feel we can tolerate a multilingual bilingual society as opposed to a monolingual society. Proponents of bilingual education have seen a policy shift at the top U.S. education secretary Laura Vaso supports bilingual programs a sharp departure from the position of former Secretary William Bennett. Secretary Cohen Well I think we've already had close 25 years of experience in terms of doing well in this nation. And certainly we now recognize it is an academic discipline in universities. Secondly literally millions and millions of children have benefited from bilingual education. I'm a realist. But some supporters of bilingual education programs fear that the current economic and political climate makes additional federal financial support unlikely.
I think it's wonderful to have a secretary of education that has have the right philosophy. Unfortunately we cannot do things only with good intentions and good feel also. Again we do need manpower. We do need specialty training. We do need to reach out to more pines and to do that. We do not have resources we deem this school. I'm Kathy McAnally reporting. And here in the studios of KQED fm I'm Richard Gonzales. The topic for our discussion today is learning English. And here to take on that subject are our four guests Dr. Bao 3C a gun that is a professor of education at Sacramento State University in Sacramento. Sally Petersen is the president and co-founder of lead that's a learning English advocates drive. And Dr. Lee Wang Filmore is a professor at the Division of Language and Literacy at the School of Education at the University of California in Berkeley. And Luis the official spokesman for U.S. English I'd like to welcome all of you to our program this morning. The assumption we're working from here is that thousands of immigrant children in public schools have special
needs and that school systems have a responsibility to to address those needs. And my question for each of you is what should that response be. And is bilingual education the answer. So let me first go to a doctor but there are seven that are. Well I guess I would tell you that yes I think bilingual education is the answer My great concern is that the continuing controversy over the teaching of English I think places the emphasis in the wrong place. My concern is that HAVE to having looked at bilingual having looked at children attempting to learn English all over the country I find very few children who've been in the schools for any period of time can speak English. But I find a lot of immigrant children who can't do math who can't read and who are falling seriously behind in their studies. That's what I think bilingual education addresses itself to Selly Peterson. Yes I think bilingual education was supposed to be that wonderful program that would help all students particularly minority students to learn English. I think it's a
national disgrace I think your program is a disaster. And I'm here to say and behalf of thousands of teachers across the United States that this program is not working and the biggest problem is it has become a native language development program not an English language program. Students are locked into these programs for years unable to meet the exit criteria. It was to be a short term program. It's now a 12 year native language program. We reward failure because we give districts money for keeping children in the program not for developing English fluency. I think bilingual education is necessary. All children should be proud of themselves and their heritage. But we don't have bilingual education we have monolingual native language development programs as little as 20 to 30 minutes a day afforded formal English development is given to most of these students. The plan must be overhauled it's a big business and it's long since left the academic arena. Dr. Lee wanted more. I'm tempted to respond to some of those comments that we've just heard. But instead I will just say as an advocate for children as an advocate for
education that what the school should be providing these children the children who don't speak english native flea is the same thing that the society has a responsibility to provide for every child. And that is an equal educational opportunity irrespective of language or background. The school should be providing English. Yes but that's only one small part of what children have got to learn in order to play the kinds of adult roles that we have for them. They have got to learn not only English but all of the subject matter. That kind of thinking skills the strategies for a life that children have got to get out of school in a language that is meaningful to them. And the Supreme Court has ruled as we were reminded that children schools have got an affirmative responsibility to provide education that is meaningful.
I think it was likely the Supreme Court ruling. I think pretty clearly says that children are entitled to some kind of assistance. But the Supreme Court was careful enough to stay away from favoring any specific remedy. It seems to me that we also have a definitional problem bilingual education is a term that is beginning to mean different things. To some people it seems to mean that children get some assistance so that they are able to learn English more quickly English as a Second Language type of approach to other people bilingual education means that children are taught in their native language especially for extended periods of time. So I want to be very careful not to say that I oppose bilingual education because I certainly favor the first approach especially to the extent that it obtains results. The purpose of the bilingual education program from its inception was to help our children to learn English and I believe that in addition to that being the objective it happens to be the right thing to do. We have an obligation to
enable our children to function in what is by and large an English speaking community and a system where the rewards are going to be greater for them if they are able to speak the language. Just one statistic. By and large Hispanics in the United States who do not speak English on average have earnings of only 40 percent. The average earnings of Hispanics in the United States who do speak English speaking English is very important. And are you saying that the problem is there because of whaling legislation it's not again well I have to get into that definitional aspect of it. If the bilingual education program is able to produce children that are able to function in English in a reasonable time it's a good program. If it extends the course of instruction providing instruction subject instruction academic courses in their native language at infinitum. And I think that it is definitely detrimental and it doesn't help them plunk ssion in an English speaking environment. I would like to comment on specifically that the comment by Sally
Petersen that the program is a disgrace and a failure. I too would like to report a couple of statistics about the program in California where I've researched most recently in 1985 for the legislature we took a look at the bilingual program in California and what we found was somewhat of a surprise to us. We found that 82 percent of the children in California who were theoretically in a bilingual program were not in a bilingual classroom with a bilingual teacher. That in fact the program that most people think of in their minds is a bilingual program where you have a bilingual teacher with a bilingual curriculum was being given to only 18 percent of the children in California. And when we looked at how those children were doing in those programs in which the full program was being implemented. We found some astounding statistics across the across the state in San Jose in Calexico in Los Angeles in ABC school district. We found evaluation studies that show that those children were in fact outperforming their English speaking peers on
tests giving in English that in fact when we talk about the failure of the bilingual program I believe what we're talking about is those programs that have not followed through with what indeed bilingual education is all about. And that being intensive English instruction while at the same time children receive instruction in the primary language that allows them to begin to grasp reading and mathematics and other important subjects that they need to learn. I like to add to his ass. I think the key here Senator high ACOA mention he he said children in so-called bilingual education were being gypped of a right to a good education. And that is the key because in fact if you look around the country because of the opposition to bilingual education because of the heavy propaganda that we have been hearing against bilingual education teachers by and large have really I have refrained
from using the native language of the students even when they they have the ability to do so. The fact of the matter is that if you look in bilingual education classrooms the amount of native language usage which would qualify a program as a bilingual education program is so little it is disgraceful and frankly I would like to see those programs which have become language maintenance programs for the native language. If you could find me enough of them to amount to even a handful I would be so happy. It would make my day. In fact Sally you mentioned that instead of these programs being short term programs they have become 12 year maintenance programs. Please find for me some children who have gone through 12 years of bilingual education. The fact is that children come into the society at all ages at all grade
levels and when they come into the schools without English language skills they need a time to learn English. I will say more about this but I sense that you. How do you think I would love to respond a response Well I welcome you to come to the Los Angeles Unified School District but I would welcome you to allow me to take you to schools rather than the distrait puppet you through certain schools that they have that parrot what they want the public to hear. In Los Angeles we have the largest bilingual program in the country with over one hundred sixty thousand limited English proficiency students are bilingual programs are mainly transitional and Eastman models which are all core subjects in native language and that is the model that is what they're working for. We offer lip service to the eel D.P. that's an English language development program which I hire heartily approve of. But in Los Angeles there the district does not approve it and when parents sign their children out of the transitional approach the native language approach and into an English language
development program all flags go up in the region district different offices because the district does not want this kind of a program. We do have our new program is a 20 million dollar Spanish development program. It starts we trigger children in pre-K and native language instruction is encouraged all the way through high school. My biggest problem is that many of you wonderful in the light and people who do not really know what's going on in some of these classrooms and many thousands of teachers are afraid to speak out. Let me make an observation and I will put forth a proposal might also ration is that so I see it. People around this table and I say listen to the comments I am quite convinced that that we really have a remarkably similar objective I think that we are wanting to create a better future for the children. And in fact the only difference is how we don't have different purposes and I think that I certainly would join with even the comments made at the beginning as long as we are able to somehow agree on
something that works and the proposal that I have is the following. Why not begin to put some emphasis on measurable results. I think that we could talk all day and we could talk for a long long time about the specifics of most or all of the programs or some of them and deficiencies that might be structural or stylistic. I think that if we somehow begin to put some dimensions on the expected results eventually we must come to come to a conclusion that the process by whatever method English emphasis or other language emphasis must yield the same kind of result in a reasonable time. To me it seems as though once a child has been in a program of instruction the intention of which is to provide him or her the ability to function for those purposes in English after a period of two or three years there should be some results. Dr.. You want to respond to Mr. Butler. Yes I could not be in great agreement with Mr Lee that in fact what we need to do is
is we need the data. And in that regard I want to respond to Sally Pearson that the reason that the easement model the Eastman model has grown so widely in Los Angeles is because of the data that model has demonstrated the children who who complete that program are performing above their peers across the board in test. That's why that model has been proliferating in Los Angeles. Yes I'd like to respond to that. I have tried to get repeatedly from the district that the data on the Eastman project they have been reluctant to give it to me. I have since obtained some from the federal clearinghouse in Washington. I sent it on to people in Washington most of the research in this country that favors native language instruction is biased and flawed. And in most cases it's written by the very people who have a vested interest in this program. I very much object to a man coming in from USC a linguist to our L.A. Unified helping set up the Eastman model becoming its major spokesman going all around the country
touting its wonderful merits writing a book about and helping develop the research he's a one man industry and all no one contradicts his beliefs. I'm just saying yes this approach may work for some children but many many other pro-choice also work. And we're finding that native language instruction is keeping many children from learning English. Bloomfield. Yes Sally I as a part of I suppose this kind of an industry I would like to say a few things about that. First of all I applaud L.A. Unified for their program but I would love to go through those classrooms with you or with anyone else but I would like a random sample of classrooms rather than a biased sample either picked by L.A. unified or you and I don't like to be in this kind of a defensive position because I feel that our intake but I feel that our integrity has been
challenge as researchers. Now let me tell you as a researcher who has studied second language acquisition the acquisition of English by children who don't speak english native fully in bilingual programs as well as all English programs the evidence is extremely clear. It does not matter. And isn't this interesting. It does not matter whether the children are in bilingual education programs or in all English programs. In the time that it takes them to learn English. Children vary greatly because of personality characteristics because of a thousand different variables having to do with the circumstances of their learning English such that whether they are in bilingual education programs or in all English programs it can take them from two to seven years to master English and the problem for
me is what happens to those children who are in school classrooms taught only in English. What happens to them while they're learning English. The retardation and academic development is stunning. And you know a true bilingual education program at the very least they have a chance to keep up with their studies. They can't just make a follow up on I think we do know what happens to those children because in fact education we know that the best predictor of dropping out of school is falling two years or more behind your grade level. If you're two years or more behind your grade level you have a very high probability of being a school dropout. Let me mention to you something that I think really comes from a somewhat more detached source of information is you know sometime in the last several months we had a case before a federal judge. With respect to the Berkeley Unified School District in which some of these same questions came up. I'll tell you I
am not sufficiently familiar with the intimate details of these programs and how they differ and how they are successful to me some of the questions are rather basic and that is we seem to be talking of some programs that are supposedly good and effective. My question would be after a couple of years how those kids are able to shift to the English language instruction that all the other kids are able to take advantage of. That was the question I was asked by a judge and judges are supposed to be objective and I think that we do not question their proficiency or for that matter their objectivity or professionalism. And when these questions came up I think that the objection that they have in sort of the observation of the judge was that there is absolutely no proof that any of these English language based programs are inferior or for that matter that the native language programs are any better. And he said that the quality of the instruction seems to depend more than anything on the quality of teaching and that good teachers are effective in accomplishing the objective of conveying knowledge to their
students. Can I just respond to Lily I want to say Lily I'm not condemning research in this country there's many there are many fine research projects in fact I've read some of your works in a very impressed and I agree with so much of what you've written. It's basically the final conclusion and the focus on native language programs that that is where I disagree. But my my objection is that there is research pro and con either side of the effectiveness of bilingual education and I'm referring to native language programs and what each side condemns the other so therefore I think a lot of the research negates itself by the people who write it on either side. I am not a researcher I have great respect for those who do it. It's mind boggling to me how you compile these statistics. I'm just saying as a common every day average classroom teacher who's hearing from thousands of others we need some help. It's not working we want to help our children. We are quickly running out of time here in our discussion about a bilingual education so I'd like to invite our panelists to make a closing comments and to ask you to be brief because we have just a few minutes left. Let me first go to Dr. Lee Wong Fillmore.
The kinds of problems that we have been discussing get boiled down and I think this was very clear today not to the really important issues which are pedagogical which are and concerns the lives of people which concerns cultures but rather to political issues. I think this is entirely wrong and if I if we could only get back to slinking about linguistic and pedagogical and cultural issues we would be on a much better footing in talking about these problems. So Lee Peterson. Yes. I don't really oppose bilingual education I oppose a program that allows only for the development of native language at the expense of English our minority students need language assistance while the developing English. The focus must return to English language development and later we can concentrate on a second language their native language. This is the only way we can truly have bilingualism as an educator I want my children to
succeed and I think English language literacy and fluency is their their tool to excel and assume the leadership that they rightly deserve. This program must be reformed. I don't know where to begin. I think we all want children to earn the English as quickly as possible. I think there's great agreement here. I think the frustration that I feel is is the failure to recognize what indeed bilingual education programs all our national data from the Government Accounting Office demonstrated that and programs across the country no more than 17 percent of the instruction going on in bilingual education programs was actually carried out in the native language Lilly has data that shows that even a lower percentage of the instruction is occurring in native language across the state. There is no evidence for the contentions that the opponents to bilingual education make that this is a native language only program. It is a program that utilizes native language to get children up to speed in academics so
that they may transition. Well into the mainstream curriculum I think that are my only comment would be simply to suggest that we have to come back to a reality that is based on results. Let's measure whether or not our children are learning English and if the method achieves that then it's a good method. But the reality is that we have a society an obligation to help our children become proficient in English. And if it works it's a good program. This isn't Mr Lusaka who is the official spokesman for US English. We've also heard from Dr but there is a gun that I was a professor of education at Sacramento State University in Sacramento. Sally Petersen the president and co-founder of learning English advocates Dr. and Dr. Lee Wong Filmore a professor of education at the School of Education at UC Berkeley. You've been listening to the second in a series of programs on the challenges presented by immigrant children in our public schools.
This series is a production of Kingis TV FM rather be lingua in Fresno California broadcast from the studios of KQED FM in San Francisco. Our executive producer is somewhere a little school technical director is Michael your Cheeto or engineer is metal more my dear Martin Kathy McAnally and produced our future reports or research consultant or Laurie Olson and Marsha chin promotion was handled by Jennifer Hawk with photographic contributions by Robert Scott. Your theme music comes from Fun up as in Mexico and not just about the jungle. I'm your host. Richard Gonzales. This series is made possible by funds provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Ford Foundation. Let's just get on to this letter this quest us but it does mean you see me going to see Mrs. coolest ball because.
If the mother the school should put em up they will use a window in the city is up in the in the Endless Summer little school. Yes that it will seem to us to program up to see the point of you being with us is to use a kayak with a San Fransisco to put us through but a lot because you probably got us on the scene for. Up Indian doing this it's just a report like a sort of little because you'll be dealing with those but look at it you know. I say shame on them shame on them. I know why they don't crippling their own children. Every minute every hour taken away from hearing these things is taken away. So it's either the movie me until this summer English gone see they don't have it or going source up out of the USA Wheeling was a case of what I must differ with I know when you see me get on this issue that it too RACV to enable Gussy on with and leave her own 1984 there or well I meant that it
is so that I can associate. And that if the list allowed us to supply in excess. You see Alan decided early on to look beyond the one thing you know that is controlling the whole Concepcion so say it'll be intervening we can see that up it up with a solo English girl moaning Pindar they leave it out but a bit too out of love but as you noted I mean odious the opinion is that I've gone through to see a sort of a look at him being whipped up utterly by the end he said if I guess would call out in 3 look good on this. I mean Daniel he knows look but IMO billing was so great because of the total song goes so what was it Dorothy's mom not only I mean it's ink winter days and yes i would he said but only ima be put on in a Gandhi or les medicine and they didn't they nearly as well as a mother exposed. It seemed to us you know Bill English doesn't come to you but up on in Mother he said you know if you look at what I'm dealing with but I can see and
they don't mean you and me get on to know them and do all this in the hollows. They've gone also meaningless in our church enormous compassion for everybody with any kind of handicap like the handicapped or not English. We tried to meet them halfway. What we're doing is building in handicaps instead of helping the handicapped. A few them again but what am I feeling with it then but who the gun blanked out of his own must go on but it's not going to let me say yet that I live to the end. I'll go. He's going to see though but that's expediency as he let us in and wound up but I thought not but I see it in those concepts you sail knowing there's no CDO mess. I mean OK. See on the up in there. The city only been rising almost a percent and it's the CMAs.
Look I'm just out of school to see prices and while he's been in a rope and encounter in Arkansas The problem is a noise or a stone as soon as Scusa become the member of the domestic call of the Fresno California you see then in only my element to Politico because there were several government insist they may look at the you know I love when you're seeing me get on this jury might mean I mean I'm being an endeavor to carry on your dentist but I cannot study medicine analingus problem out there fall to the conformist support party they lost so see that the Laconia local who now felt or they come from the support part of the system will cost you nothing. They're really meant to compromise or say our care and worsening us and llama hoard money or possibly close against Syrian Viendo lost Lost problem US technical support him close to graffiti your last image so nice does Tyler elementis lawsuit.
No noise in mercy on mercy on him please Ixtoc. Not in next to us was Nino's Seldon but it was part of being one of them will have it dummy and then throw the less equipped US Navy here in Seattle this is things you know Gumby o e these people looking at I'll just bet on us in a square less spit on man knows there was news to me that this has been on man as there was new news me know he died yes. Then at the door. See implemented not more than most contain a lot of us in the Iraq war as you know can be our last course I suppose almost like I said I don't see me MOCA negotiate your gun laws are going to be an issue for them for the city goes but I want to see it get but only mother when you see me get on this knowing sort through but only mother. Look at the oneness you are not a live update on me and let me know he has so much already and it's a wonder if you took a lot of those if those were needles cycle
is done in California. Pull up with the one you lost me at the implements. Don't let the medium you know the NIC on soup into a new model of negatives that I see on the show when it's in a sick way less than being going to ignore it. But there is a school that is in need understanding Beatles and most of them express even the California pot a little. Yes he's entered into putting them into a theater school example see California recycling in the US scene. But I mustn't go to Centrelink will only receive the Georgetown in Washington. Yes President as you know as united as your billing will effect a Nundle opinion that it totally means it due to the English company in Los Angeles. But in perception studies in the USA square Let us begin in the this but I didn't place but assuming
your scenario Paramus they do that on this it was just with your mom but they didn't put it in the bill to get a list to be put in the Seattle gravel road. We know there's there are not a little These details are not going to do it a hollow it's a hollow and that is a horse a you know the law it isn't Fransisco us eco mowen in Sacramento it is a boon to the beast that is that that avi tho. Oh no. Stupid us you're on the list to the end there but I'm a view of the skin as you stand stand glasses on the police and also see the almost as busy if you comment on their list again to silly to me that they thought I had it in their leave your momma. For Damian to just up and you know Inglis had an interview for the middle of Utah a dinner party that was there on the analyses that they were in this arroyo meant that an
illegal. Up out of going to the end this could mean that Inglis stuff you know city bus you must that this is going to be a good thing perceivably instead of that there's another there's a point to that he said to us you know professor at I'm you know less willing with us to come on each other at a loss programs for the number. When your biggest opponent problema bust done to the standard he did OK. Muchos my sit in those. But then there's the problem Michel when it's the problem when they look at the moment. God will be us to proclaim the part that lost by this bill. Can a stunt on my own door part of thing that gets you in this is Nino's you know standing for my angle going to stand song going to stand I stand up but it won't us. But ultimately I don't build program but they will send me struggle what is your so you know there used to be you know but to see into the ground it better be
Orcus a problem might then be unexcused in stockpot thing but get no ammo seen for miles on the system young just know simple models that is you know most them almost totally nice yet diva. Give it to Obama and I don't want to go they gain a sedan was when a program as you know they don't complain they get all the through the and the USA I mean and there we meet on the show I know I know. I see that they can either when I want to see young young people dress in Democrat tell them which of the emblems unit he inflicts on the Paramus what I meant to the point of Tennessee on studying this. You're good ok good I'm OK sort of somebody had a little problem last year very dressy. See you wouldn't you know be you know we're not going to get wolfie into them I don't know because you know none of that I am Muslim brother call me about that and so you know I don't they don't go into the conflict I don't know yet. I mean it is to get what I want in God and being embodied that you need home although there you know process when I spoke to the God he will get up and say anything less of this woman board dance Yeah but I want you to guess what I meant do I suspect though
that oh gosh on top of that of Nino's another thought that if I used that on a Euro you look at my love. Put in there but I'm headed to the other side to get around Inglis Seagate no sort of ultimate fight beside it I suppose you don't know s INGLIS So I mean this you know look at my side yeah that Inglis. Recycling of insecure kids animals a problem as a finished young unicity Thomas a defusing meant the poor there are no history and this is where the economists you know have seen inveigled Mrs. X. I mean not different this component but you know I think us focused on our land or if you come into a legacy to the programmers because you're building you know their muscle but a career as a program or is a partner to analysis control of programmers from patent process who got Do you plan to constrain things Eunice barrack used I mean Baron is the customer one active market in June. Specific
will he do a specific course capacity that are not to be under attack if you want anything less. Oh you meant them which is what got us into Syria. Look suspect as this was a ludicrous Uloom Intel this will be shown this who suspect is from yeah use legalities closer to one important the better part of proportionate to the extreme focus to get them being or get on my list next I mostly get those times when I'm at the meeting when thought truck or truck is younger and this is an area in time emo finish on the programmers because I'm willing to come a new terms different this very year that is I persona pretty implicating him. Even if you can a program of assembling go home or I use a particular city on Sept. and then Englis a locus EMI program of the English as a Second Language ESL program. They have been the second of a linguist. I would just persona scheme of you knowing that it happened exactly last month. There yes we want this in for your man I found him closest I moved to the finance you
know pull them off as he meant this use your respond or your physical if you know move to look at what is probably your grip on the glass is a problem as we lean whiskey less willing to assume that your malice in far more the local scene building with both well-organised us and the last was you're still dealing with legacy. This is the end this game is that of the process so they're up and the linguist is the last suspect us. Oh yeah Either that or yeah. You know Specter most hinted I include them in your own mistresses to the end there's no not a mass with and you with an income but as you're going to the dentist Solomon to learn the lingo. When they actually do in and also see that in the aspect the economical and they lost big to the host. So you know get them be in sit with
even two old men they have allowed is it going to be so they believe your mama. He he can also lament this them most including the ministers and uses that aspect a linguistical aspect only we stick with the less assit us then restoring folk keep rolling on the purely secular city of programmers from a living you know 30 years when you must know where you have no practical work to me let me put it up as blank on Nick Clegg was thunderstruck. Don't know I mean it was that little girl and dances to even just a programme of their own to be stirred up. Went to the stylist to the young thing Vhong they have asked me Nino. Adults are trying us. I was U.S. cities I knew as a studio. The it I said on the door that I you know what I can but this just us you don't have a name we went to spy on your own. Better see it but I think DNA DNA sales like this when you're your guest says
Professor out of the square. But the Internet piracy on except that I want to see what it meant to get into my psyche book I must be normally and also your story of how bored ticket will must be wrong possibly then one up it won't go away that assumes that the veil is dumb as you see end and don't see this game beating way almost a living being glue Yeah. A In AC own or so yeah. DAVID Yeah they need to so that part of it is quite a lot more the video of any of this sort or that like us. In Focus on the coffee. There's been some most case important they seem OK. Know them when you know the most current and wrapping them into a chaos that level there isn't a lot of the day. They complement that zone into a less a square less you know so gratis you
less community that is EK In No I forma they said you know that I will need you in the respite as also in Quadrant singles you know continuous to Nino in Terrell sinew existing in an ambient taking a game winner and while I'm in the lot his square lest he less classes so you know so God is he less commodious EK isn't a love or a call about US union through the US in Interlochen many others call it really I want to commend our school left like whirling blue yellow school laboratories were numb to mass expenses like a brass Ls are low so why does he have an asshole accompany that in Canada. Recently Well it's been the lesson of if you miss your nature of your you're already a mentalist Palestinian most non-O mild look you can see your own response I really that's what I mean but I mean you know to see cause you Frank I meant that your north toward the 70s puesto system a young poorly he dumb poco by satellite response I believe that Bora look you can see here on one aspect too
much personality family at last you own in the meat of your kids you know can you see could have been and we could do for me your own concept of me why Lloris you Frank a mentor can we show you this response are you getting all your respect to a use you could not do you put a lot of persona neither certain books on our phones you only go you know people who are not in or just a poser Oh yeah it was you existed that they were here and likewise Europe will depend their inclusiveness or really got to go we're not like if you want you but I suppose you do unity don't want systemic of who's going to give us here to tell us innocent the dial phone get them being recently Chico ended up in the self-healing Let's see this platoon program Independent them Internet. See the Persian program or even the import of us are naturally musical from Soon an English program is going. So you just pull your own problem. How would you feel about it you cannot bring this program and weren't Infosys itself into inducing early English but I could phone sooner
if you're going to be cynical at any place he says years when I force you on Dale she's Democrat do you want your spiritual stuff but the broom of the finish young as Gary said I think he knows that I see other lament that there are program of getting with a program of innocent getting less. So you mean you know there are so many that Anglo American I read that yeah they had answered part of this case and you have been there so i meant being less dossier on us is about your disapproval by yeah we're going to hear they got their mother now they're getting up in the store yet they got it in their economy I think I've been that Sallu think of it in which a course of adequate Insania you know so little about it I'm with us about this that I cycle at this level demanded on the name of the program you noted that you know conform Imus and I meant the gong so we would be going the less your Lydia get your plan. They'll give me hope on the side and say I work with us we'll bury you are quite the one you know a little bit of what I hear there are the threats of the Gazans who are not all in their water the
armor they company is young. They like do what you do with it. Bush said that there is a satisfactory answer going to the armor but also Previously on The Gong Show in the morning when they were going into amply that I got a concept that I can either get I see NCAA turn when this I wrote you that I thought they had it been so I mean talk it out or you will have a mass the that it doesn't happen in the CIA. Yet there is a problem of bullying whiskey and I see I completely or not say what I love when I program along and you know I mean when California and brought my San Diego that I mean I would have done this in excel in their most young believing way. Gas yeah totally I'm just getting a lot of media and while this is where I go ahead and assume that he was prone to relinquish innocence you think id fornia and myself from you but that's only those. He said also style boasts my your article but I'm going to York California at their house you know a Florida county that my your phone goes either
I mean I think I mean it's a program as a matter to sort of look at you saying a telecom or that I were going more West Virginia. Oh and by that I mean I thought that they implement that as a program I say look at the Democratic big asset Benteke in know why my bed but I'll be there when I say the stock all us young number of mediocre programmers Aryans who got this thing but it's got there but it won't start of London is going to give it a go. Maybe no men think museums a square look at someone just saying yes but my nana's look easy on this get them out on this day if you're going to do this something just a little Chihuahua you know Magellan and saddle on a fleet that is Mrs. Biddle that is a message of loving less. Yes but it also goes to the dentist today OK stuff way one unless they look at this you can see in the Michael one of the
squid I've got going to gust. Yeah whenever I see that second meal but I'll go yet then you also don't know what other course I'm going to give me more or less that when we see almost at the beginning when but I mean the concept of not on my list. I said then to see the almost last Betto I hears on the meth talk your so they make you so they're not there they make you commission don't we make you gonna bet on moment. Could you I mean he. Undiminished but you were going to send that little study at that address I want to do you know. Yeah I guess we have sentences I have that is that this plan your last warning us that set up but it won't work at all of those messages. That is Mrs. this and us say sang just over the last what I said they were meant to.
Now they finish young programa when if you gas dealing with more than sing you have Solomon thing upon your CSA are they going to know is billing with mean but as soon as they receive a boy you know I'll be up for your billing we will in a loss but at the very billing will approach because your billing will concede on indispensably necessary or would you believe they are in the interest for the Mandal considering your a priori that are all you. They linguists he regarded. So they had a part of this boy's illicit Oh you're willing woman. Baron Cohen is Julian that this is I mean take a look at
you me a movie to you can place your own in copying this year here are clear the US or we're meant to kill it is you know who took two years I was told last persona schemes Mr. Pace R.E.M. a lot of what we don't know when of course there is so much just a little while and he says Yeah the mural. You know mental emotional and he says he's diving for interest you have to flat cloud of interest you've put him to history that panel he looks stole from us you know our learning lists going and so lamented quite into policy into the spinal unit a base because you're learning this regiment this radical in that light is the real importance here in the top of the upper floors you know English is is that that you cannot put in what's considered a stone or do you have the second important is the premier or if you need a mental AP made up are is the program are
spurious by many potential deck where the Paris is the newest K.. Let's put it up remember. So very sorry sir you are limited in I mean you know when the interest A.C. was you point to it he said in my speech to the professor you know I started in a loud like honestly and this is going to stand up in the in the English school so when do you know my link to this and this email is important the scene with where this Adderall you're loudly says you're on there leave your mother Nino knows that Lemay Hadi must for that is the rosette in Inglis. All say OK Ill allow the recess young they leave your mom out there no illicit rodeo they leave you alone with their no nos that Inglis superior brutality to the commuter must by your lovely mean you're mushing less operating in their mass in their message but I've only heard a NINO ensues this that is as they lick Duda. They looked at her competency on the NLE sees very
little control lad gonna see me until the end of the saddle or the police are looking they must look with us and us it. Mass where they busted your legal associate him as this that is a look where that a NINO any of this is that the new list is totally in the video minute then where is it going to see me the list is that nobody seen Mr. Ewart think of your thing for most surely it is kind of one of the most women of color line for much of your part to publish. He go OK but the BSA give me a Democrat because you can list the Premier League I was allowing the young know and this is I mean going to gather in Africa so I gives us information that Rania in that I don't I get a lot out of a lot of you know my songs on this can be done about it maybe not the emphasis of us said the Fed in there but I am pro second pro at Good morning to you hunting upon your return to game and I have let it be your mightily elected I could truly competence young the
NDR said of going to the UN to your master the art of radio mass since I don't have our say. There soley that and you'd better not call or I could add an hour so they can but they're going to do you mean someone little that is gone they need to look at a mosque a second with them a little lip inside so I mean there must have been English about it up and going to see me and it's going to see me and I mean saying young I said but I see them at their Mardi Gras. I'm even now it will only get done I said last look I will I do but I don't assume I rest them with you because you know nothing about and their mother might think I was abbess a simple yet almost gone but in their gated up all your little bit narco noways made I'm in it with you and as a dark horse I see that causes a bit of UCLA that I could do to us. Father that word of this about this area you know one of the most and those bureaucrats you can potentially Mr. Lewis by analysts Quilla put him dimpling middle. If
you run our emphasis in English 1 percent or so you saw us all she had to say and has to be on an English you know she wants to go she wants you to join as per your daughter's Soares tell us what to pass on in English. Our superstar and our the muzzle last year than a spring you'll see it in English and also normally a competition but if you're going to thank you you know we're going to look you up but in the end only your noise necessary meant to learn a lot too. You have to be a karaoke mic. Your Upper India also you'll be up and your boy like America you're seen as plain old do you want to know in English so you know Paul Young though I wouldn't give you the last but I was a Yankee for him and if he did I meant a lot for like a simple and most it show in the early Internet episode is at least others members the local many that are in there and continue out of the yellow gown the apple yonder you see in the response I see on the road that it just really is a rose when you see you know the seeds from the better me. We wouldn't this UK comic only that there must be a God then being allowed to leave that they cannot mass is the most I learned of that but I will here.
You know they can say we were able to get lost by this. Yeah cause same where they've been in this program must they get banged on the stand I thought for just under an hour with I'm going to put you on the program I see them but they can know I mean when you see by the program I told you to see which is most of us in the in the English city and then you'll see me get this in the press. That's a very funny guess one of the guys there for is no California visitors to use the guy in San Francisco says Richard Gonzales. Michael Yoshida.
Jack but we're. Also in the marshes change from a special thought as a mystic got it will be Jennifer Hawke on a bus in May he go just about the Jenga in San Francisco. A lot of some law school.
Immigrant Children
Producing Organization
Radio Bilingue
Contributing Organization
Radio Bilingue (Fresno, California)
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Immigrant Children. Learning English
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Producing Organization: Radio Bilingue
Release Agent: KSJV
Supervisory Producer: KSJV
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Radio Bilingue
Identifier: cpb-aacip-8edee224cb9 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:01:00;00
Radio Bilingue
Identifier: cpb-aacip-f2eafb52250 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:01:00;00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Immigrant Children,” Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 2, 2025,
MLA: “Immigrant Children.” Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 2, 2025. <>.
APA: Immigrant Children. Boston, MA: Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from