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So you use this thing if we can get the fish. Should be a lot of fish in the camera. Yeah, take it. Would you hold it there for you? It's not a nasty bit. If you could just stay close to her some more. Yeah. What if I just try and hit away? I don't know. Can you see that far? Yeah. I don't think there's 80 bodies in here, though, folks. Up by the stage, I don't think there's anything in there.
We got some flange over here. Oh, I got plenty of smoke, too. All right. I'm going to rebound my six. Pass, cowboy. Excuse me. Let's back up a little bit. I think this is pretty well depicts the cowboy's season this last year.
Let's go back up a little bit. Let's get you a little bit. This is the main quarter in the country near the gymnasium, immediately in front of the first grill going east.
Let's get the sign and then we'll move inside. Okay. Let's get the chapel sign. You can see it already in the back. Got it? Okay. Yeah, stop. Don't forget the training section of the criminal justice department. All was cooperating with the attorney general's office.
I'll go with that. Is this one more of these office lists? No, this is upstairs. I think a lot of those guys have pretty much had in mind who they want to give in. Yeah, you're probably right. It's going to be very interesting to read the statements. Can you get some steals in here? That's the record section. You know I mean the records. I'm going to get some of the floor. Stop.
Stop. I'll guarantee he's on this one. This is the corner leading to the control center. Okay. Let me get a zoom on. Blood in the corridor leading from the information booth. Okay, stop. This is the wardens room or office. Effectively there is. The wardens floor leads to the conference room. Let him pan back that way.
Wardens conference room. Okay, stop. Okay, I think it's lunch time to go out here. Okay, Tim, we used four minutes and 30 seconds. I don't want to have that guy get pissed off it because he's going to do his thing. I'd like to be able to see it on TV. More shots of wardens conference room. This is across from the wardens room. You're right, look.
One of the guys that was killed, I mean, it was killed in four. I covered his trial and so we're sitting and I kept on my nerves. I'm not even able to see it. It's such a murderous set. Is the waiting room outside the information booth? Outside the information booth. Oh, they slammed that. They certainly did. They shot an information booth. This is the information booth. It was all fast around there. Communications controls.
I don't know, there's nothing else. Let's try to cook the cans. Let's try to cook the cans. One of the four of your cell block three.
Let's go right down the corridor. Left corridor, entering CB3. It really smells bad too. Middle here. Is that tape still going Frank? Press count, showers. Oh, no, that was a linen closet. Sorry, that was a linen closet. There's the showers. Don't take much time on it.
31. Yeah, let me go down there to see which one is that one. 32 and cell block three. Bottom floor, bottom bunk, bottom walls. 33. 34. Best of one, Dorothy? Yes. 35.
36. 37. 28. 28. 28. 28. Go around to the other side, okay? Okay, here we go. So, we've got three right side, starting cell one. This is cell two.
This is cell three, cell three, cell four. It's probably going too fast for five. CB9 or CB3, cell nine. The bar is cut with blowtorch. So, cell block three, maximum disciplinary unit. Spears for lower level, right level. Is it all right? I guess I'm going to push this down here.
Yeah. First 10. Three pan up here, Frank. Let me give you a zoom. Lower level. What's that? The broken bars. Yeah, I got it. Got it, I'm going to give you this again. I'm going to give you this again. I'm going to give you this again.
I'm going to give you this again. I'm going to give you this again. I'm going to give you this again. Okay, let's check that off.
Cell block two, a settling torch, cell block three, a lower level, a lower level. You see your gas chamber? What's down there? Who knows? The food bar kid. I think. That would seem the most logical. I think one of the reports. Hospital syringes on floor. This is the hospital. Pictures you're seeing now are syringes on the floor. You want to get over here? Yeah. I'm going to give you this again. That's me having no ds, was there? I'm doing too well, I'm not like.
But we'll see. It looks like one of the infirmaries and what do you want to call it? Probably where they raided drugs. No, that's the one. Yep. That's why I need one of those shoulder harnesses. Okay. Inmate dining room. Okay.
Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. I'll get it. Just let me pan up.
This is an entrance to dormitory. Where? Get a picture of the bathroom room. Okay. The floor is so clean. Yeah. Don't destroy it. Okay.
Camera work in TV production. Here are some techniques for good video. Okay. This is the bathroom in F1. Okay. These are broken here. Broken off the wall. This is F2. Okay.
Uh-oh. That means you're going to start getting cranky now, too, huh? Yeah, cranky. She gets real cranky. Every other word out of mouth is we're going to go eat soon. Of course, that's better than what I do. I just don't notice it and then I go home and I binge eat. I got a warning light. Did you? Okay. Well, we've gone here. This is A2, A2 front door, barricade placed at front entrance, mattresses set fire and burned. Yeah.
This is A2 again. Behind the barricade and behind the National Guard. That's right where I want to be. Okay. This is A1. This is still A1. Okay, now I'll give you a hand about the whole thing. Main corridor, entrance, day one in the darn unit itself.
Switch to the units. Okay. I'm just going in. Dometory A1 bathroom. What a mess. Blood on the sink. Dometory A1. It's better if you see it in black than white. Let's go.
Dometory A1. When we zoom out, it goes to its shortest. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Penitentiary of New Mexico Riot
Episode Number
Raw Footage
Historic Film Collection, Video 0010
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-d02408dd021).
Raw Footage Description
*Please Note: this file contains content that may be sensitive for some viewers.* This file contains raw footage of the interior of the Penitentiary of New Mexico after the February 2, 1980 riot. The footage shows the magnitude of damage to the building and to the numerous inmates who were either injured or killed.
Created Date
Asset type
Raw Footage
Event Coverage
Media type
Moving Image
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Producing Organization: KOB-TV
AAPB Contributor Holdings
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives
Identifier: cpb-aacip-857f6ccee5d (Filename)
Format: U-matic
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Penitentiary of New Mexico Riot; 10; Historic Film Collection, Video 0010,” 1980-02-05, New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 28, 2024,
MLA: “Penitentiary of New Mexico Riot; 10; Historic Film Collection, Video 0010.” 1980-02-05. New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 28, 2024. <>.
APA: Penitentiary of New Mexico Riot; 10; Historic Film Collection, Video 0010. Boston, MA: New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from