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     Segments of poetry, bilingual radio station and the Cumbre Flamenca from
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Mean. We were not just Amigo's even evil. I mean so I had read he went to California or to see the most busy plus of the Healdsburg Healdsburg we get on to these panels these inappropriate ideas or was the water on them and and it is the middle expert is this with you on the radio baby if it makes sense to say that you love you
love it and that goes like this. We love it. This is the name of the I or the fall. Well you may recall when I said no I didn't show they were the Latino in San Francisco. I know my horrible flamenco this out of my program but I guess this is what my boys see. So you end up plenty of people say boy in this way. I guess that would be my man. Get this group and then show me with any of my questions for you under my seat or so from my case for less.
Yeah I like it that Jorge you can. See here there is. A real the. Ticket prices. In my past. He said Well at this point do they want to see you this guy unless you sue somebody. It's pretty sad to see. You. So happy. Carlos anything that it can be will being in school Chatterbox's to be eaten. By the chairman of the Fed in
my quest to do whatever he says Boise música. Hey hey hey hey hey. Hey hey. Hey. Hey hey you can come back and see the way for you Latino men you can post any news any man someone that I might find. A. I. Say this.
Is why this is. And then really anything else you may say. So you really mean that you don't just get it all the way I see. You and you can. Do it.
I don't know. If it's got the best song. And is the marine Hurley the boy in California and I said yes I do I need an English. The reception was here at the red house your
house read my lesson. In fact I'm going to leave it. I mean you see me is my point here. No. No. No. Yes. I love them. See I'm. So. Intellectual and say What do
you see I mean my love for you to. Well I think this is your thought process when you're sitting in Espanol less important thing when you're so clever. I mean you lose money that need to see on the winning
ticket. Yeah your best interest. Ice cream. I mean the body is in it though. The food that normally mean seeing is the practical karaoke. I see him in the. Race. This is. Just gonna be crying out for me my boy. So you guys.
You bet. So the the. Basics you'll be la. La la. La.
La. La. La la la la la la la la Nina. Your baby if it was just by you. I'm evil. And if you know then you need it say when you me find I knew in California. It's just when you see my the alley so I mean you know when the baby bilingual broadcasting foundation incorporated Proyecto Kansas City baby drive you to
see where it goes. I said yeah don't forget next Sunday night I'll be back with you at 10:00 when we continue our look at the history of rock and roll. This Sunday we're going to look at 1969. They were the most of the A B B B B B B B B B B C and they got
it if it is still a rock and roll. I'm going to. Be important is for the Democratic meeting will take place at the Druid's hall on college Avenue. And for more information you can call it what I mean by that I mean that is all those of us finding out not. Jackie Baby I shall only meet
those who love you. I use them. I get continuing today. I swear to God since I read it. Why do you say this. But I could feel that kind of a classic English. Sorry I didn't mean to you. OK. All right.
This is to ensure that your skill facing somebody I've seen you know the. Specifics. But I think. Is he so I'm clear.
That aside and said Well you know Latinos but I guess I will say whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
whoa whoa whoa whoa. Yes. Yes. Yes yes. He cannot be those. I even Victoria programming coming down the stairs or Francisco Marlina and again when I see them go. Many of those specific I maintained Healdsburg thing
you need familiarity the Makiko seem about it. I was like I don't like I said I think my Stingo. He feels. Pretty much the mice. I guess I see this movie. He is not going to be associated with the right is getting in that movie need to see him when he's going to say the Continental Airlines he could get a good idea. I mean it was not really postulating you know one of these they just posters are the
same question. Yes. Book out we won't eat those. Yeah. Guess what. No kidding. Girls going to school you will eat more than we will. My feeling is that they like us Eunice. Finally when this gunsel single parent told me that's almost like you know shan't And finally when I'm a I mean always grow older than 50 Well you know San Francisco. There we go. I love this. I just want to get in bed and go see it eagles. We'll see. Plus we will miss you get to win and what you like you know what.
Luckily. We don't see eye to eye candy for. The. Little bit. If I fall in love is awesome. I'm a woman. OK.
That is in order to up as you go to bed with some of them this is all about that. I don't. Mean. B.
B B. B. B. B B B B B B B B B B.
B c b o b b b b b don't go on me I can tell you though I.
But what am I wrong. In. Thinking
that when I say that a little bit. Early as.
Says you can see. Me on the
En Camino
Segments of poetry, bilingual radio station and the Cumbre Flamenca from San Francisco.
Episode Number
Segments of poetry, bilingual radio station and the Cumbre Flamenca from San Francisco
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
KRCB (Rohnert Park, California)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-88-0000002c).
Episode Description
En Camino introduces poetry across frontiers as a form of expression to children in elementary schools with the goal of building bridges between countries through children and art. Then it introduces the work of a rural radio station, KBBF Radio Cultura, that supports the surrounding agricultural communities through bilingual programs of education, training, a variety of services and entertainment.This episode also includes the delivery of a round trip ticket to Mexico City to the Sonoma Fair raffle winner, and closes with the Cumbre Flamenca that took place in San Francisco, where artists state that Flamenco is a way of life.
Created Date
News Report
Public Affairs
Spanish Language
All rights reserved copyright 1986.
Media type
Moving Image
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Co-Producer: The San Francisco Foundation
Co-Producer: The San Francisco Foundation
Interviewee: Lujan, Jorge
Interviewee: Sanchez, Francisco
Interviewee: Sanchez, Francisco
Interviewee: Lujan, Jorge
Narrator: Siguenza, Herbert
Narrator: Siguenza, Herbert
Producing Organization: KRCB FM
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-e66fc2f04a8 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:28:53
Identifier: cpb-aacip-6ee7fd48004 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:28:53
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “ Segments of poetry, bilingual radio station and the Cumbre Flamenca from San Francisco ,” 1987-06-02, KRCB, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 18, 2024,
MLA: “ Segments of poetry, bilingual radio station and the Cumbre Flamenca from San Francisco .” 1987-06-02. KRCB, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Segments of poetry, bilingual radio station and the Cumbre Flamenca from San Francisco . Boston, MA: KRCB, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from