Studio See; No. 102; Ponies

- Transcript
<v Station Announcer>Studio See Series 371-102 Air Date, February 1st, <v Station Announcer>1977 Ponies. <v Host>Why would 3 boys spend their free time making cookies? <v Host>What does it take to play an instrument really well? <v Host>Where can you find wild horses on the east coast of the United States? <v Host>[music plays]. <v Harry Clay Bunting>Chincoteague Pony, as far as we know, originated on uh Assateague uh from a Spanish
<v Harry Clay Bunting>galleon which was shipwrecked off the coast here back in the 16th century. <v Harry Clay Bunting>And as far back as records were kept. <v Harry Clay Bunting>Uh when the settlers first came to ?Chincoteague? <v Harry Clay Bunting>Island, uh they learned from the Indians that these ponies had been here for many <v Harry Clay Bunting>years. And we sort of leaned towards this <v Harry Clay Bunting>legend uh to be true. [music plays] <v Harry Clay Bunting> <v Harry Clay Bunting>When the roundup begins uh, the first thing that is necessary is <v Harry Clay Bunting>a good, strong horse that can be trusted.
<v Harry Clay Bunting>The second thing is an experienced rider uh to be able to work with them properly. <v Harry Clay Bunting>So we're very careful who we have to work with the ponies. <v Harry Clay Bunting>All the riders we have our volunteer ?inaudible? <v Harry Clay Bunting>and that do this cause I have a love for the ponies. <v Harry Clay Bunting>These ponies are wild and they have to be directed. <v Harry Clay Bunting>The whip is cracked over the heads. <v Harry Clay Bunting>It doesn't touch a pony. It's cracked in the air. <v Harry Clay Bunting>A lot of times when these ponies break, the only way we can turn them is by the loud <v Harry Clay Bunting>popping noise the whip makes. <v Harry Clay Bunting>Otherwise, we'd never be able to herd them. <v A.B. Hopkins>During the round up, I help some of the cowboys like Walter Clark, <v A.B. Hopkins>which is a fairly good friend of mine, and I walk his horse, feed it, <v A.B. Hopkins>water it, brush it, walk it around. <v A.B. Hopkins>And when it needs, when it gets too ?cranky?, I ride it. <v A.B. Hopkins>And I try to keep the horses as relaxed as I can when I'm working with them.
<v Harry Clay Bunting>When we get these ponies into the ground, the first thing we do when they settle down <v Harry Clay Bunting>is to mosey through the herd and check them out. <v Harry Clay Bunting>One thing we have to watch for is where their hooves grow. <v Harry Clay Bunting>We have cutters that we trim their hooves with and get their feet in real fine shape. <v Harry Clay Bunting>Also, there is always an accident here and there. <v Harry Clay Bunting>So we check them over real good. <v Harry Clay Bunting>And if one has been scratched or if he's got a little bump, we always <v Harry Clay Bunting>uh see gets the proper medical attention before we start the drive with ?inaudible?. <v Harry Clay Bunting>[music plays] <v Harry Clay Bunting>The people who live on Chincoteague Island really look forward to this day, especially
<v Harry Clay Bunting>the ones that were born here and who moved away due to their jobs or other things. <v Harry Clay Bunting>It's another chance to come back home and we sort of look to it as <v Harry Clay Bunting>an old fashioned homecoming and we really get together and see old friends we haven't <v Harry Clay Bunting>seen for years and it's a really enjoyable time. <v A.B. Hopkins>I think everybody here on the island enjoys pony ?inaudible? <v A.B. Hopkins>And wait for every year because of, not only because the horses <v A.B. Hopkins>are so beautiful when they come in, but because of the different people they meet. <v A.B. Hopkins>And the actions going on around the carnival. I know the kids do <v A.B. Hopkins>because of the rides and they get to see the horses. <v A.B. Hopkins>[music plays] [auction chant] <v Harry Clay Bunting>The day, we call pony ?inaudible? day is always the last Thursday in every July.
<v Harry Clay Bunting>We start around 6:00 in the morning and they go through the herd and select <v Harry Clay Bunting>the foals that will be sold this uh day. <v Harry Clay Bunting>Around 8 o'clock, the first foal goes on the auction block. <v Harry Clay Bunting>Things move pretty swiftly and the sale lasts until about 11:00. <v Harry Clay Bunting>Now, some foals we don't sell. <v Harry Clay Bunting>In this particular round up, we have one little fellow that has a foal, which <v Harry Clay Bunting>I think is too young. <v Harry Clay Bunting>So we're going to let this little foal go back to the herd with its mother and <v Harry Clay Bunting>we'll just keep that as another ?breeding mare? <v Harry Clay Bunting>when it grows up. The reason we sell some of these ponies is <v Harry Clay Bunting>due to the fact that we try to manage the number of ponies that the <v Harry Clay Bunting>acreage we have will support. <v Harry Clay Bunting>If we didn't sell some of these ponies, some would go without food. <v Harry Clay Bunting>So therefore, we have to sell some to keep keep things in balance so that <v Harry Clay Bunting>they have proper uh food and we can maintain a healthy herd.
<v Harry Clay Bunting>When we swim the ponies back, they seem to be a great deal happier. <v Harry Clay Bunting>As soon as it get back on Assateague Island, you can see them rolling in the sand, <v Harry Clay Bunting>uh shaking the water from their coats. They sort of prance around.
<v Harry Clay Bunting>They just seem to be happy to be back. <v Harry Clay Bunting>And it seems as though they know that we're free again for 12 more months. <v A.B. Hopkins>I think the ponies enjoy their freedom much more because they're not anybody's pet. <v A.B. Hopkins>They belong to everybody. They don't want to be pinned up at all. <v A.B. Hopkins>Too free. [music plays] <v Speaker>[knocking] I seem to be crazy, crazier
<v Speaker>than the Mad Hatter and I am. <v Speaker>I'm full of super golly gee, life, and I have to let it out. <v Speaker>Like pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, <v Speaker>pop, like pop, popcorn. <v Speaker>[knocking] Poetry Power from Susie Edwards, Columbia, South Carolina. <v Host>When you're learning how to do something and it's really hard, what makes you keep <v Host>trying? <v Child 1>When I want to do something I I put my mind to it. <v Child 1>And I feel like I just want to do it so I just do it. <v Child 1>'Cause I ain't have nothing else to do. And that's what makes me do it. <v Child 2>I just want to prove to myself I can do something like that, you know. <v Child 2>It's a challenge. <v Child 3>Um, you think and you concentrate and you keep on trying until you get it. <v Host>Every other Saturday morning, this jet lifts off from Columbia, South Carolina, carrying
<v Host>David Kim and his two friends to their music lessons in New York City. <v Host>For David, traveling is fun, but mastering the violin is a lot of hard work. <v David Kim>One of the good things about going to Juilliard with other kids, we go there and they are <v David Kim>really nice and we sit around and talk together. <v David Kim>Most of the time we don't talk about music because we're so sick of it already, but we're <v David Kim>going to Juilliard and all classes and things. <v Flight Attendant>How are you all doing? Good. Good to hear it. <v Flight Attendant>Well, did you finish your breakfast? <v David Kim>Yes. <v Flight Attendant>Good. Just wanted you to know the weather is going to be very cold. <v Flight Attendant>Not like Charlotte. There should be some snow on the ground, but it'll be clear and <v Flight Attendant>sunny, so you'll be able to get out a bit. <v Flight Attendant>Do you ever get tired of going back and forth? <v Flight Attendant>You do this every other Saturday, don't you? <v Friend>Yes, well, I do it every Saturday. <v Flight Attendant>Every Saturday? <v Flight Attendant>Do get tired of it? <v Friend>No, not really. I I like it a lot. <v Friend>I get a lot out of it.
<v Flight Attendant>And how many hours do you spend actually practicing while you're in New York? <v Friend>Well. <v Suzanne>Mostly classes. <v Friend>I practice, like before my lessons, I do most of my practicing <v Friend>before I come up here. <v Flight Attendant>Oh, I see. Do you get tired, Suzanne? <v Suzanne>Oh no. <v Flight Attendant>Going back and forth? <v Suzanne>Well, sometimes. When I want to like go to a movie on Saturday, but I got to <v Suzanne>go to New York. <v David Kim>Do you ever get tired of being a stewardess? <v Flight Attendant>Well, I think probably because I'm older, I have a different outlook perhaps than the 3 <v Flight Attendant>of you do, but I feel that life is too short to do something that tires me or would bore <v Flight Attendant>me. <v Flight Attendant>So the day that I'm tired is the today I quit. <v Flight Attendant>Do the things that make you happiest, right? ?inaudible?, right. So, are you all finished then? Because I guess we're going to be landing. [music plays] <v David Kim>Um, West 66th Broadway. <v Jack Bauer>But I couldn't name.
<v Jack Bauer>5 violinist in his age group in the world that are any better. <v Jack Bauer>And uh it's a tribute not only to his talent and his teacher, <v Jack Bauer>Miss DeLay, but it's a great tribute to hard work. <v David Kim>Every other week, I go to Juilliard School of Music up in New York and <v David Kim>I study with Dorothy DeLay and she's um she's a great <v David Kim>teacher and she's been teaching at Juilliard since 1946. <v David Kim>And it's so nice being with her because she's she tells <v David Kim>you just right out if you're wrong and she takes your comments <v David Kim>and she thinks that hers is right. <v David Kim>Then she thinks over my my idea. <v David Kim>And then we both debate over which one we should take and some lots of the time <v David Kim>she uses my ideas.
<v Dorothy DeLay>When David played for me the first time he came um here, he was, <v Dorothy DeLay>I think, 8 years old. <v Dorothy DeLay>I wanted to get some impression of what kind of child he was. <v Dorothy DeLay>And I asked him what he thought of music. <v Dorothy DeLay>Expecting him to say what sounds like a dancer, it sounds like a song, <v Dorothy DeLay>and he thought for a while and then he looked at me and he said, are you asking me <v Dorothy DeLay>whether this is baroque or classical music? <v Dorothy DeLay>And I was really startled because I don't expect that from an 8 year old. <v Dorothy DeLay>And I discovered at that point that when I speak to David, um it <v Dorothy DeLay>always has to be in the same terms that I would speak to an adult. <v Dorothy DeLay>I think he's really very gifted, very gifted child. <v Dorothy DeLay>[violin music plays] <v Dorothy DeLay>Good. Very good.
<v Jack Bauer>Uh he's not afraid of work and he knows how much work it takes because he is <v Jack Bauer>in his school, he is with other gifted children who also work, and he takes <v Jack Bauer>this as a normal part of life. <v David Kim>Juilliard's really fun to go to because there's so many nice people. <v David Kim>And the other people are just like ?inaudible? <v David Kim>musicians. So that makes it really good because they don't make fun of you or they <v David Kim>don't make comments or if they're making a comment, it's about your instrument or how <v David Kim>you play or how is orchestra today, something like that. <v David Kim>Some of the younger kids who got to Juilliard um get really competitive between <v David Kim>themselves and playing their instrument and you get really mad at each other. <v David Kim>Once you get older, you know that it's no use arguing anymore. <v David Kim>And lots and people my age, we don't argue anymore.
<v David Kim>We encourage each other and comment on each other's playing and take <v David Kim>comment and work on stuff like this. <v Jack Bauer>David's future has to be brilliant. <v Jack Bauer>He is a gifted boy. <v Jack Bauer>He's a very normal boy. <v Jack Bauer>He loves to watch the football games and uh he runs out and plays basketball. <v David Kim>After I've been practicing for a long time and I go outside and play, it really relaxes <v David Kim>me to be with my friends and play basketball or football <v David Kim>or whatever. And because I don't have to concentrate on notes <v David Kim>or any habits that I have playing violin or something. <v David Kim>So I really have fun when I go outside and I don't wa- I can't waste a minute when I'm <v David Kim>outside if I don't have that long to play, most of the time. <v David Kim>So I just use every minute I have to play. <v David Kim>[kids playing] <v David Kim>I like my friends to think of me as just a regular person instead of their David Kim,
<v David Kim>violinist ?inaudible? around performing or something like that because it <v David Kim>seems funny the way they make comments about me and they call me, some <v David Kim>people go past me and they go, there's the violinist or the famous genius or something <v David Kim>like that. It really burns me out that way. <v David Kim>So I just like to know me as just plain David Kim. <v Jack Bauer>And his family are all gifted and all hardworking people. <v Jack Bauer>So his future has to be bright. <v David Kim>My parents have taught me a real lot on learning and everything because they found <v David Kim>teachers and they ?started? Me. <v David Kim>I guess that's the most important thing, they ?started? <v David Kim>me. And my mom practices with me a lot and she knows a lot about <v David Kim>music so she tells me definitions and things like this helps me read the music when it's <v David Kim>new, ?site? <v David Kim>Read and things like this. And she practices with me every once in a while, <v David Kim>and she accompanies me to just practice playing with the piano a lot <v David Kim>in the evenings and we play for my dad.
<v David Kim>He likes he likes to listen. <v David Kim>He just likes to sit there and listen. In fact, he does too much every night. <v David Kim>He wants me, my mom and I play the piano in front of him and <v David Kim>um like every 3 nights or 2 nights, my mom and I sit down <v David Kim>and play for him and he just sits there and listens and make once in a while makes a <v David Kim>comment and we argue and something like that. <v Jack Bauer>Now, of course, at his age, uh there are <v Jack Bauer>always question marks with child prodigies as they approach 15, 16, 17 years of age as <v Jack Bauer>to how they will respond to the pressures of of changing in <v Jack Bauer>their bodies and minds and desires. <v Jack Bauer>Uh I've I've known other prodigies who did not make the the transition <v Jack Bauer>very gracefully, and I've known some who made it very well. <v Jack Bauer>Having known these others, and knowing David, I can't <v Jack Bauer>believe that there'll be any significant problems.
<v Jack Bauer>He handles his problems so well. He he appears not to have any. <v David Kim>I've play because um I know that I've come this far. <v David Kim>I like it a lot now and I can't quit now because I've come too far <v David Kim>already and I can't give up right now. <v David Kim>And if I quit now, it'd ruin my whole life, probably. <v David Kim>So and I have I kind of have a goal, I don't know, to tour, <v David Kim>travel and make music for everybody. <v David Kim>And money. [music plays] <v Glenn Young>What would you do with 10 million chocolate chips? <v Glenn Young>Well, Studio See came to Newport Beach, California, where 3 kids turned their chips <v Glenn Young>into cold, hard cash. [music plays] <v Frank Beaver>Hi, may I help you?
<v Customer>I need a dozen cookies, please. <v Frank Beaver>Dozen? <v Customer>Yeah. <v Frank Beaver>Mark, are there any cookies in the oven? <v Frank Beaver>Here you go. Thank you very much. Have a nice day. <v Frank Beaver>Uh we started about 7, 6 to 7 weeks ago. <v Frank Beaver>And we've been just doing great in the first few days, we weren't doing as well. <v Frank Beaver>But word got around that we really had good cookies and ?boy? <v Frank Beaver>became famous overnight and the smell was our main advertiser. <v Frank Beaver>Everyone ?loves? the smell of chocolate chip cookies. <v Frank Beaver>We make like 4 to 5 large balls of batter a day and we sell them <v Frank Beaver>just as quick as we make them. I use real butter and natural ingredients, real <v Frank Beaver>eggs, but I can't go into further detail on that. <v Chipyard Worker>We had to pick a great name and he thought of a couple before that <v Chipyard Worker>just since it was next to the ocean and like we have things called shipyard
<v Chipyard Worker>or some like that, decided to call it Chipyard. <v Chipyard Worker>We put we put the license in the name of The Chipyard under our father's name, even <v Chipyard Worker>though the 3 of us, me, my brother and Frank Beaver are the owners. <v Chipyard Worker>Well, actually, uh my dad financed the whole thing and we're working to pay it off. <v Chipyard Worker>And uh it's been a lot of fun. We wanted to have something that was different. <v Chipyard Worker>A lot of people said we couldn't make it. <v Chipyard Worker>We had to have millions of objects, items that we sell. <v Chipyard Worker>We decided we're going to try with one thing that everyone likes. <v Chipyard Worker>Chocolate chip cookies. <v Chipyard Worker>The Chipyard has been a success because it's in a great location where we've got the best <v Chipyard Worker>chocolate cookies. And it's an original place. <v Chipyard Worker>We usually start working, we get here at 9:30 in the morning, open about 10:00 and <v Chipyard Worker>close at 11:00 or 12:00 at night. <v Chipyard Worker>We're selling now 6,000 to 7,000 a day on a weekend. <v Chipyard Worker>I love chocolate chip cookies. <v Chipyard Worker>We all do. And many people ask us, aren't we tired of them yet or don't like them and I <v Chipyard Worker>think we'll always like them. <v Chipyard Worker>Oh, yeah ?learned? meeting all the great people, the great people that
<v Chipyard Worker>come up to the windows and everything. You talk to some people ?inaudible? <v Chipyard Worker>and some people are, you know, different. <v Chipyard Worker>And all the money that we're making and how how hard is it to earn a dollar and <v Chipyard Worker>the value of a dollar and everything and how to teach us about business and how to spend <v Chipyard Worker>our money wisely and what to buy, when to buy and everything. <v Mitch Hurwitz>Remember that time we sold 20 dozen to that one kid? <v Chipyard Worker>Yeah, and then he went out and sold them each a for a <v Chipyard Worker>quarter more than we, than what he paid for. . <v Chipyard Worker>Dad wanted to hire him, that was funny. <v Mitch Hurwitz>We shouldn't have ran out of eggs today. That really hurt. We lost a lot of business, especially <v Mitch Hurwitz>in the busiest part of the afternoon. <v Chipyard Worker>If we could just keep it a steady pace, you know, like every other day <v Chipyard Worker>or every day, just early in the morning, go get everything we need and make sure and keep <v Chipyard Worker>inventory. <v Mitch Hurwitz>About those flyers, I called up the I called up the 3 different stores <v Mitch Hurwitz>and I got an estimate on the price. <v Chipyard Worker>That'd be great to advertise our products. <v Chipyard Worker>I know the guys um who can pass them out for us. <v Chipyard Worker>Oh yeah, I can get a bunch of people to do it, too. Put in store windows and on lamp
<v Chipyard Worker>posts and things like that. <v Mitch Hurwitz>That'd be great. <v Chipyard Worker>I can't wait to get those T-shirts made. <v Mitch Hurwitz>Yeah, that'll be great. Wtih t-shirts, everyone would do our advertising for us. <v Mitch Hurwitz>We could sell them at different stores too. <v Mitch Hurwitz>Like some of these restaurants ?inaudible? they're selling shirts. <v Mitch Hurwitz>We sell it. <v Chipyard Worker>Yeah, sell them at department stores. <v Frank Beaver>Well, we usually take the ?inaudible?, which we save until the end of the week, <v Frank Beaver>and we take it to the bank. We deposit at once, count up the money and <v Frank Beaver>we put it in our bank account. <v Frank Beaver>When we had our first deposit, we had to carry grocery bags, paper bags, anything we <v Frank Beaver>could find. We had hadn't we hadn't deposited in 3 weeks, 4 weeks and we just had <v Frank Beaver>a lot of money, loose change bills. <v Frank Beaver>We started to put the money now into coin wrappers and ?coin holders?, because just
<v Frank Beaver>too hard to count all together at one time. <v Frank Beaver>What I've most enjoyed about the summer is meeting all the people and making the money. <v Frank Beaver>I think it's great. We've learned a lot. <v Frank Beaver>Even if we don't realize at this time, I'm sure it's going to help us a lot in business <v Frank Beaver>when we grow up. It's really given us all a good business education <v Frank Beaver>and it's been a lot of fun too. [music plays] <v Studio See Child>Did you know that all the poems and animations on Studio See were done by kids? <v Studio See Child>We want your ideas too. Send them to Studio See <v Studio See Child>SCETV, Columbia, South Carolina <v Studio See Child>2 9 2 5 0.
<v Studio See Child>Take these letters to Studio See. [music plays] <v Station Announcer>Major funding for this program was provided by Public Television Stations.
<v Station Announcer>Additional support was provided by unrestricted general program grants from the <v Station Announcer>Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Ford Foundation.
- Series
- Studio See
- Episode Number
- No. 102
- Episode
- Ponies
- Producing Organization
- South Carolina Educational Television Network
- Contributing Organization
- The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
- cpb-aacip-526-rb6vx07849
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-526-rb6vx07849).
- Description
- Episode Description
- The program features wild ponies from Assateague Island in Virginia. It features two people who help watch over the wild ponies' well-being. It also features an annual carnival on nearby Chincoteague Island that includes an auction, games, and a pony swim in which the ponies swim back to Assateague Island for the rest of the year. The second segment is about David Kim, a young violinist who travels to New York on the weekends to attend Juilliard's School of Music. The last segment follows 3 boys and their chocolate chip cookie business on Newport Beach in California.
- Series Description
- "This new weekly television series is a total-action, total-video kid's magazine designed especially for the in-between 10-to-14-year-old not reached by SESAME STREET and THE ELECTRIC COMPANY. Created around a fast-moving magazine format and geared to the attention span of this demanding target audience, STUDIO SEE takes its young viewers to the heart of the action aboard shrimp boats and pirate ships, panning for gold along a backwoods creek or soaring in a hot-air balloon, wherever things are happening of interest to this particular age group. "The programs are produced totally with portable video systems on location, giving a crisp 'it's happening now' texture to a series of mini-feature reports, each five to eight minutes in length. These reports investigate the thoughts and activities of specific youngsters who are interesting to all children focusing for example on a juvenile country music star, a youthful performer in a championship rodeo and a [13 year-old] airplane stunt pilot. "STUDIO SEE has no regular cast aside from producer Jayne Adair and naturalist Rudy Mancke, who appears frequently in nature reports with fascinating information on snakes, spiders and such. The over-riding philosophy of the series is that any youngster watching should feel that he is a STUDIO SEE kid, too, and that his ideas and interests are valuable and wanted on the program. But although there are no juvenile regulars on STUDIO SEE, children play a vital part in every production. Youngsters who appear as questioners and observers on the programs often become production assistants off camera. The short animated [filmstrips] that introduce some program segments for example, are the creations of 15-year-old Eric Schmitz. "STUDIO SEE is really a kid's show for everybody. It's honest and natural and constantly surprising, like life itself the kind of television program kids have always wanted."--1976 Peabody Awards entry form.
- Broadcast Date
- 1976
- Created Date
- 1976-10-31
- Asset type
- Episode
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:30:33.215
- Credits
Performer: Kim, David
Producer: Adair, Jayne
Producing Organization: South Carolina Educational Television Network
Speaker: Mancke, Rudy
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the
University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-a1a86cb10a7 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Studio See; No. 102; Ponies,” 1976, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 26, 2025,
- MLA: “Studio See; No. 102; Ponies.” 1976. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 26, 2025. <>.
- APA: Studio See; No. 102; Ponies. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from