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He. Lit the light yabby it will never be in will be I don't have his mild will be I don't want to live through years that come you know as I don't like become dull most in common with those. This was the first thought that appeared on Broome while North the Camino your goal and that it got a pair lives where skip out of the almost immediate and not out of the hall and up under said law grew up. So you have almost broken arrow of all and so not all the CM and let that out the walls and lets you have them while they're still what get post as the look you see most though I still go and affix em into another one the way of a C in the last nor ever seen when I think of the lemon Yanna. Is the theater model where it's on your roof you know Dominga is where you get the heat than there are a number the other mean yes. He went back to the car I would part with my permit they talked for about three minutes he came back saying that he was going to take my car. Then they I gave him my keys and they went back to the Border Patrol not to the highway patrol they
talked for another five minutes after the as they left. They went northbound the officer the highway patrol came back to give me my papers. Five minutes later after the Border Patrol left. There. A year tow truck took our car. And we were taken to the people. The Border Patrol took us to the bus depot in the city of Moore they're still there. Highway patrol took us to the city on this bill which is what we we wanted. That's where we wanted to go. All of this is the best at restoration. All this happened the year the above mentioned date. He was a Thursday and he was a runner 955 55 in the morning visit arranged to be signed by Santos the needle's eye has the fingerprint of his wife Ray Nemo.
What I'd like to do is give you the end of the story. That what occurred there was that I was called in Merced said where I live. He could not find anyone else. We were about 50 miles away and I had to make some long distance calls to the Highway Patrol. How do we get his car back. First I drove I had to. First I found out what I had to do the work had to be two licensed drivers to go and pick up his car for it to be released from the Highway Patrol. And then I first I had to go pick them up from the bus people where they were waiting with their little son. From there we had to go to the highway patrol office to go to get a release for the for his car and the two license drivers had to present themselves. And from there we had to go to the toll company where 73 dollars were charged for. It was approximately three hours that the car was held. And from there we took him back home. Approximately 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon was when we were able to have
him home. So it was an all day and ever more. If he didn't have a driver's license was only lawyers. Yes. There's that but I mean I literally look up I saw this was a you know I mean they're saying. They don't they say you all were Cuomo for the recall here's a guy rope but I guess a month ago the 10 year old girl. And bouncers. The i.e. the whole they leave a family there still. Are you know article Carola Familia and the greyhound. The IED. The scene the about three other coming. By. And by believe most like Gary Carol in. The Aida we must be a cease fire up weather contributed Carol.
To things like that is all it is their mood whatever that they knew will Carol. Whatever. You do I yam. But the most. It balances. Those who said they always fill in all the length and breadth focus the same way and never be also Zoraida. So important even. Though that is what I saw in fact brought up but I want to and really that I wanted the role Blanco. I want to persona in fact that that he's the guy as they extend here to I wish to mention that. More very worried. About assistant Border Patrol agent Jim Palosi declaring in a statement to the press of the Modesto Bee that some of these traffic observation stops that are about to start as the final phase of the legalization program final phase of the. Aircar 1986 law.
Will be that of stopping. Individuals based on the location of that. Particular car. The number of people that are in that car. How they're here is. How they are grass how they look at the border patrol agent how they respond to the sign of the vehicle. And my concern is that the legalisation cart. Does not magically and struck the individual that they should not fear this Border Patrol anymore. Maybe knowing that there's been 15 drownings after Border Patrol raids and our branches maybe being aware that young is mild our media has died as a consequence of our treatment of a border patrol. I don't believe that the cart will automatically convey to that individual that is now supposed to be welcome to the United States
that they're going to be equal equally treated. I'm very concerned about that. I feel there's a step missing that there is no education to those individuals. It's a matter of fact that come across US citizens that don't know what their rights are. Look I'm a Procope are not good at the moment of the moment is the latter is the TC more thought of love as the defense thought is a little bit you'll see the less they gay our impis our most. Naive and don't they're not. At risk but bad less that hate us that you're not allowed them. PHAEDO We get bombs us that pulls back muscles better us. But all of a as they head back up. When I perform my spelling really Southern is the by east. Nokia they see the marquee come in by a severe Actually they can all think and me alone.
It's as if this is a special moment then Nupur shown up on the Viendo gainsay campus scene of our now rather than the ground shows this. Where's the myelogram media's. Where thought there was a service for a young adult affiant there are border patrol is there a personas get sent cnt this they stole their more give us again. But I thought would be ample. You're so sure the AMA is bad to me then say because of the euro's way oh my that me of the you know supporting no support at the last they most impressed. The North chances that it will. He can also throws for the most but up over there. The assessor knows this. Months and that's all that he has until the bottom in which of us. Are. A number of very interesting issues. One that I consider to
be a very much importance is the degree of cooperation between the INS and the Border Patrol and local enforcement agencies. I know there are a number of folks in this community who are concerned about the activity that occurred a number of years ago I believe in the city of Sangar involving a combination of local and federal agencies. In what degree of cooperation will exist from here on out I think it's an open ended question that does deserve some attention. In addition there was a comment made that there is a high degree of subjectivity used on the part of border patrol agents in determining who they are going to stop. And it reminds me a number of years ago of a situation in Sacramento where almost any car with Washington plates and a Hispanic appearance of the individuals in the car was routinely stopped. I would
presume that that situation does not occur anymore but. From the comments of a miss on the apparently in her opinion address I also mentioned somewhere while I've been adamant that soon at the last I can say look they may get icy on me that's shown by that that I mean I get is one up but out so yes I meant that. And God said he knows me goes whether or not he has got a set but I less. Than where we get a lot of the steam on your mental aspects for dental so it was then.
Again I'd like to as this gentleman is coming up. With. This is California. My name is and I come from the city of Stockton. California Institute for restoring. Presently I work with the California Institute of rural studies. Where a permit reader or whatever will come my entire life I had been a farm worker. So you know a lot of mucho luck with your own. So say when the top are.
Touching up on the second phase for the legalization. Of laws I cannot see it on. Low will team up Arizona. This may be an orgy. Unless you have this dog don't encompass the No. Equal list where. He looks cannot pass I don't. I like to say I would like for you to meet the person the last person that apply for the legalization after midnight and I want to tell you his story and the story of those who were not able to apply. Okies are sincere Mongomery they love the little boy. Or maybe Mr. Montgomery from the Stockton legalization office could comment OK we'll tell you about that story. For a minute in our mutual look with you in the most a stun gun the. Last prayer was forced to be on the bottom.
Also avoiding to talk about the year's second phase of the legalization process second phase and those people that are studying English owning software may spur along the north to the U.S. 14 kills it then does it in the Singaporean top. Where say sign us or resign use an obelisk will and make it go. I wonder is the Immigration and Naturalization Service people know or realize that most of the people 75 percent of the people that are going to be taking those classes went to school for less. For 6 years or less to school. OK OK move to the US got on the yeah I mean the police are pretty guarded parameter I want to say. Or there are a lot of those people that apply under the 82 program could have could have apply for the legalization program as farm workers we would see on medical as brave as
she is getting in there is in this test. I will lie to try to work hand in hand with the people from the immigration office with proof at hand. Will a new theory call us in your glorious and the while. You know this cartoon just might miss is undervalued stock standard asset in the city of Stockton. But if you're Pelosi. By Mr blasting the statement that he made. Tell us your Gloria which Mrs. Transvaal already spoke about. So numerous that ladies and gentleman I'm a yes I'm a citizen I'm a citizen of the United States. You're on a king my children were born in the United States. We were on the Pelosi. I do among those people referring to
you and your custom euro. And I like to ask you. To step in now this does. Seem to be are. You Mr Garstang going by those check in points with in a car there is not some looks awkward. What would happen if you were stopped. Where are. The Spurs. Or the last one apart are. Something else that bother us or worry us is under what conditions are we going to be stopped. Oh. Look
how when there is when there is an incident it takes place in what we protect those people that work for the human rights of those people are we. How are we going to know about those abuses about those stops. Where we go on this. This is to represent you. And you're going to have to excuse me for what I'm going to say but if you are going to report these abuses and this starves to the Mexican consulate I am afraid that some of these problems are not going to be resolved. This is done with because there is a punk a minister for a day come in the. UK they can is a community that I mean part of the standard they need us we need for you to work with the community and
with the people from that community they are being detained. Dumby in other cases a love from Tara also as we have seen some of those cases and the border at the border. The only standard under the laws of this kind of mental problem mental indorse are cases where some of those people are being detained and immigration officials are accusing the people or having obtained those papers fraudulent. What can we what can we do. Some of those cases do they have the right to do that. Or simply follow your own prisoner in a stock pond where Windows is a saloon and the reason.
Is it. Is it fair for a simple employee from the legalization office. For him or her to make a decision and not even say in the papers and doubt the authenticity of this document you think that's fair. Because yes you guys are going to stand on the parking of his. Thank you and I thank you for the opportunity that you had given me to present my views tonight. Thank you Mr. Mike. I'd like to mention that when I first met Mr. Mike I was very impressed he is a genuine leader of his community and his people. I hope I wish you well with the California Institute for rural studies. I'm sensing from murmuring on both sides of me that people are
very anxious to engage in a debate or two to express their comments. However before doing so I would very much like to hear directly and I believe all of us up here would like to hear directly from members of the audience so I would like to have two or three more individuals come forward if there are and to share your observations before allowing the panelists on both sides to present their views to the sparrow and is there so you know this member then the members of this Sanford authorized also the despair so nice represent the second momentous in your state done pronto then they will see.
Superpowered. MEMBER Oh we were going to be allowing each member of the respective panels to give their comments but first I'd like to hear from people in the audience or two or three other individuals. This evening my name is The Lord is our cousin I come from the city of Modesto. Do you think went in the book Iraq interesting you know nobody ever said but as soon as that for me yes it is my understanding they're not there now with a new amnesty law there's not going to be a separation of family members. But I want that when I come to ask you a question. Good thing Boehner Man Okay will be no Arkie whatever her release was I have a brother who came to the United States in 1981 Heman his wife he came to
work in interest seahorse. Yeah this one the years when Ian after our own throughout before when they used to come to work they used to leave the children with their grandmother. They had three children. In the line you're They may never see and they seemed to be not our heart is the record of Saddam but I'm a he called supra an accident in 1984 in 85 excuse me when he came to work he saw for an accident Our any law change pay say accidental make it go you know they say to be near or not obvious. He had the accident in Mexico in again in 1986 he came to the United States. Nor in Bali the B.S. can mean that they don't know I have a key in a sale. He is now disabled he can talk he can barely walk. He doesn't really know who he.
Wants or sort of interest an overlay. With Jack around super means so that our hard know must say get our heart. But now with the new law he was able to get his permit but he cannot work. His wife is the only one that works. Better our history on your stand in May he go. Not the meaning of. The familiar but now they're in Mexico and they don't have anyone to take care of the children what's going to happen with these children. Yes have any real important BNN don't have another crisis Nino's is me but I won't. You know my system better so not your second more just bit of sourness peon in the amusement problem a bit of PM in me a lot of in need of lad. I don't know what's going to happen with those children now the time to start working is going to start working is going to begin and I know that a lot of people in the same situation with it are afraid to come or to come forward and Bruce and those.
Preoccupations to you. Know your story. But Joel we're a pretty looking up our Southern style a guitar. And there's not too. Happy about this new law because they could have a song want to bring them across and they could all work. Yeah without voice nor sick look at our past 30 years there were not a month then there's the Yellow Sea Horse. And that's my main concern because that wife is the only one that can work and he has to support her husband and the children. When you last name your son that he lives in the main concern is that the children were not
legalize they were born in Mexico. So how are they going to be able to be together to be together. So that's all I have to say. Thank you very much miss is my guess. I let the individuals know on both tables that in a few brief moments we will be having responses to questions and concerns that have arisen throughout this evening. However before doing so I would like to again have at least another person or two from the audience come and make their comments be known as momentos almost at the White House but I want to see an interest on your chair. And those messages I can prevent there but I'm adamant that he's here
and they're loud but yes. OK. Nobody is working. To go on. Our patrol when the meals each main to see is the NCAA personel repartees here Physical a persona gas unless it is the onus is on you or us the bus and the police done to handle our patrol Mentos is a Yorkie your Honner Consuello him and he has no legs Briquet you know your armies the Mentos me by support they blow my to go easy. When I asked to
combine your meal at the mall we'll be our last black us of the Cialis cannot represent their own will be annoyed so I hear I can assist those who need us. He passed a law to him the last black us who though made it to want to miss Poso neither was silent. This lonely. Comment that they lent us. Personas to carry in here. Thank you. I like to relate a personal incident that occurred to me. My name is Sandy Yan and I am an employee of the Fresno consulate. I do know that the Border Patrol detains people because of their appearance. I want to relate an incident that took place where they were curtain me in San Diego California.
I went to vacation in San Diego and he was I was. Strolling in the city of San Diego and I was detained by a Border Patrol. And I did He asked me for identification and I did express to him that I was an employee of the Mexican Consulate in Fresno. He did not believe me. He I told him that I didn't have my diplomatic passport on me but if he will accompany me to my car I will show it to him. That's what he did. He did take or he did accompany her to her car and there she showed him her diplomatic passport. He saw the license plates that are issued to the. Diplomatic employees of any foreign country. And finally after showing him that the proof that I was in fact an employee of the Fresno consulate he did he let me go he did not detain me he didn't put any handcuffs on me. But it is true that the Border Patrol detained people just because of their appearance. Thank you
very much. The NCAA is the last call for one last person or two short persons on that score to pass. And that we were not. They look to me to say this. They knew going in he was top order. First of all I like to say good evening. I would like to relay something that happened to me back in 1974 it has been quite a
while but unfortunately things have not changed that much in this was the US. Well. Like I said before things have not changed much it was in 1974 when the Border Patrol I was very young the Border Patrol stopped me they were it we were several brothers. They were with me. Will this yellow skin here another go. Listen listen Purcell I'm a pig out of uniform with Rustica. We were very quiet because we were coming from Mexico but we are no
ignorance and we were all handcuffed and then we were. Facing on the ground facing the floor. But I would say look at the government's little dust particles that were stripped naked and says we are always being accused of having drugs on. You know that the needles in this in this are courtesy of The Los Angeles. Police that are sick of the Pakistan we call any report on the aspect of the owner Syria they want doesn't mean they meet directly.
Do you want him to they let me get a closer look at one go up and it will be this thin Inglis and the boys and put them in an English tutor and document the matter. He is telling us that at the moment the military or less is posi Lizzie can I want to buy in with eight girls that are meant to be you know none of my sisters looking up will see that one of that soap will get on without us of course us by as they make it and this is
a lot of stuff but I want the other part of the little second. The second is it up by three or four. When I tried to them I investigate to summarize what he said. He had another incident in 1984 while he was working on the road and one of the streets to hear him Fresnel border patrols started to ask him. I was able to learn English during that time I was able to answer human English but my other friends were not as lucky as I was and they did train in Delhi they use all kinds of foul language in Spanish. Really bad Spanish. They took him away they handcuffed him and took him away. I hold. The type of incidents do change. Finally I am able to tell you this experience but he has been with me for a long time and I hope the conditions change.
My name is Dawn and I thank you for you. Mr.. We have to identify the station you're listening to a live broadcast here. Mr. Espinosa just. Added something to the effect that when the prior speaker was facedown Apparently he was beaten and then this was inadvertently forgotten. I'd like to suggest that we keep our comments as short as possible so that we can allow the most number of people to participate seem limitless. So yes possibly as a court tends to do so is comment by
my support Anita and I could get a comment. So you know. This is. It's a real. Contest. But. They say. A lot of comments I just want to make a comment about the Border Patrol to the United States. Forty five forty six forty six I could tell you stories that will take all night. If your man measures
those measures being detained in jail for six months or first time and then the second time I was in jail for 2 2 months in the second term the second time I was detained six months. They just process. I have seen many many things besides what has happened to me. It's a comment. Put into your job. He was around 1947 1948. Border Patrol. In the. Stories of McCall and in many and many a man was killed by the Border Patrol. But
by then he was shot he was shot to the back. In 73 74 in Corona California the Modesto California on the other side of. The Post. In one month alone the main draw two people two people around them. Remember while Border Patrol or the Border Patrol they're going to door. It is my believe that the Border Patrol spends a lot of money to the Border Patrol agents how to
shoot. Or draw out of us what the reason they feel is running away. About 8 or 10 yards away. So yes I'm going to get beat up. If they're reentering so well why in there are aiming at them from such a close range. Why is it they have. Always a tendency to shoot him in the back or through the long sword through their heart. It was done through this stomping on the part of Iraq.
Are you be an hour they been trained to kill people or to detain people. Why did on AIM his legs so they won't kill him. So if they. Hit him or aim at the leg so they can detain him. Or they very upset or name and there's a there's their purpose to kill him. This was done she was something else that I want to comment on is that all the officers are trained. To Celtic's and just self-defense. I understand they do some how to wrestle.
How to wrestle a man and to hold them to. And we're not even talking about the agents right. They're big they're tall. Read about their reserves because they don't work. You know and they. Get a skinny skinny maid like me. For real short one. Who's tired of working with mild attrition. You know. Do they still have the art of detaining him or can
cuff him. Well as you know there was a reason if he is disciplined he has a trainee. For me I believe it's an abuse of authority to get a man who is already tired. They shake him and they throw him away. They drive the martyrs of the show and they do know very well that they're going to hurt that person will not work with them and they know very well that that person is going to get hurt because it's a crime against the ground or against a tree. What does my comment work on they don't pull them in.
And they're more responsible humanly responsible requoting. If they're so upset or so angry was the idea of getting the man even though he's already dead. If they don't catch him this time they'll catch him some time. Alone with your own. OK what's the reason why you see they're already caught in there already having what's reason for throwing him on the ground I think that's. A blatant abuse of authority. Adorable little is
so young that there are a little gun in most respects the. Dumbest of them. I'm sorry that I took so much time. Concern has been with me for a long time and I really hope that things will change. Thank you very much for your time. The California Court of. The Camino is that it was probably the. Last front that has been a problem
in investing. Our. Own other problem is the handling of where there is going to be endorsed you don't know how many can get and I hope you don't. Yes I was at the corner office seen as a legal last year on. A Also a last. Thing on a peek. At this. And there's almost there's a Orson Barry Seal and by an obligation of about
me is most of the problem of conflict of interest. Who stares them in the AOE there when the by and by and by and organisers your own all around and visit are there you didn't say. I'm bloodier than this I'm a community worker I have two problems too and I have a lot of problems I don't know where to start. But one of the first problems is with the Border Patrol the fact is that they're not doing enough community community education teaching the people how to fill out the nines. The growers have problems and they've been taught since day one and the workers have more problems. I've seen a lot of discrimination cases that are coming to my office where people are United States citizens and not getting employment because of the I-9. They feel that the best they can the employer rejects them. The other problem with immigration legalization office is
that. They're the ones that are taking the application they're the ones that are denying the applications. And then when the person goes in to say tell me what I do you denied me and instead of saying you've got 30 days to appeal go see an attorney. They try to help the person. But you got to remember that there are the ones that. Deny the application to begin with. I don't think they should be helping the person. And the reason I say they shouldn't help the person is because they're not out to help the person. We know that. That's why they should be reheard to people like legal services or your any one statement is that. There was a lot of people that applied for for amnesty. They went through the in my eyes the QBE is an extension of INS. There should be allowed because a cutey were were understaffed underpaid and had too many people to deal with. They should be allowed to submit those applications that were either lost during the rush to get everything in.
Or just overlooked. One final thing I'm sorry. The problem is the body of the man doesn't. Want. Thanks. Thank. Goodness. I like to give my testimony as to what happened to me
over the 24th. We conducted a ceremony for the flag in front of the Mexican consulate. And we were leaving. I was leaving in the company. Some people I was I guess. What brought this in the eye Was it by four federal agents not only social service. And there were several more. Ahead of us I guess they were feeling that I was going to flee.
One of the people says that he heard that one of the agency didn't define himself as a member of the FBI because at the end when one of my friends asking was this all about one of the agents responded to this this was an undercover operation. I mean it's and you know the call or not I love it when you do other people the detainee one of them was a very tall black man and the other one was also tall and big. He was a Latin appearance and he spoke Spanish very well. Those kids the ones I don't want I want
the other two that were with him with them did not identify themselves and they kept their distance from us not that far from us. Most are your mentors. They wanted spoke Spanish as me to provide him with papers identification in almost every element of the US. I told him that I didn't have an MRI on me but that we were very close from where I was staying and they could accompany me and I could show it to them in many Euro style. Maybe seven is B.S. but they say no they couldn't do that. So they. Handcuffed me and they step on my feet so I could not move and they took me away. Me arrested me. Or the caller or they took to be and they put me in a car in a red car and Camaro I don't know much
about cars but he looked like he was a recent model. Don't. You see them explain the INS office I was questing day. They open a file they started asking me all kinds of questions about. My data. Yes they took my fingerprints and they put me away you know in our room Room Number Six us for about four hours as long as four hours you know over a lawyer from Los Angeles Antonio Regus. The most pro until he showed my documents before the Immigration Naturalization Service officers the place to show him prove that I was legally in the United States.
I have my son. From the American Embassy in Mexico City. My entry date the most when I was able to show them that I was here legally. Really this iteration really concerns me especially after hearing Mr ghost of an appearance on The Voice that were published in the local press the next day. He said that the. Mexican consulate in Los Angeles. Complains and therefore
someone from the council who. Requested the intervention of the Immigration Naturalization Service so I could be detained. I consider this to be an aggression nor part of me and my persona not only for me or against me you know but I love you you're representing for the cause that I represent the struggle that I represent in my country in Mexico. There were several years and this is a legal action and I am respectful of the laws of the United States of this country. There was a risk I must be respectful I am conscious that I must be respectful of the laws in the United States. But if this is an illegal action on the I'm going to drive I'm going to look
to. Seek justice for us. Thank you very much for your attention. Thank. You. Loyce it in. Going to sit in Spanish and I'm going to memory is my own.
And also on behalf of all those people who have lost their lives and they have the immigration service either. But I mean us versus them and my comment is going to be only my at our meeting. I'm not going to make any comments. But our media is versus the Immigration Naturalization Service. I'm in. Love. This. Is done so you know not without a testimonial. They look at you for you know. Unfortunately I am medias lips are sealed for ever and he cannot give his testimony as to what happened to him when he faced the service
they both reveal who. Believes of many other people who lost their lives in the hands of the immigration service are also sealed for ever. There is this is a late show. Testimony from Miami this is a. Part of the testimony of these parents. Because from what you want this Border Patrol. It is not possible to be presented to the immigration service to the agents of the immigration service to the Border Patrol.
It is not possible for them to be here to testimony. Their sentiments. So let me give you the most wonderful emotional pull that they. Get over your post. They love. This raucous. I can already tell you are their sentiments because we were press and we were there during the funeral is the law either
way that I'm not talking about the legal case I'm talking about only about the life of a Lost pilot is the media's going to throw going on. His parents parents continue to be in touch with our organization. He must use the most serious question of the day ask a question that they ask and they will ask you is the part of the mental. Why is the justice so slow. When the. Department of Justice is
reality the Department of Justice. Why you take such a long time for justice to come. They love our media. Let me get this north on but one thing you see is a good look at this because we don't see them. They're representing you. You're so ready. Get all in with
little people. We understand that you cannot give us a direct answer tonight but perhaps you could give an answer to the community as to why it takes such a long time. Then we will go on. Do you know your house. You're on the move this week. Restate to you that the family. Feel the loss of their son very very much in New York.
Over and over again they stayed. The injustice that was committed against their son. Is now the prize is someone who is looking for an opportunity in the United States should get the onus and they will ask you to be more responsible human. Thank you very much for your attention.
Foro Publico
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Radio Bilingue
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Radio Bilingue (Fresno, California)
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Foro Publico. Patrulla Fronteriza Tape 2
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-5a866b3fc15 (Filename)
Format: Audio cassette
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Duration: 00:01:00;00
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-100ea6e3479 (Filename)
Format: Audio cassette
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Duration: 00:01:00;00
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Chicago: “Foro Publico,” Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 20, 2024,
MLA: “Foro Publico.” Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 20, 2024. <>.
APA: Foro Publico. Boston, MA: Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from