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It. I'd also like to reiterate that we need to keep our comments short otherwise I will never get a job as moderator again. Oh. Yes. Yes yes ma'am early 30s so leg that I barely could CDO it would have to leave me I see on the map but I left out of it. I mean a lot to handle because then I give percent this. Year much to the left hand if. She listened but out of the lottery up at them and I get a quart of that game which I hinted he says we have Daniel if you must but I suppose when he got those. Yes his letter sorting kit which I hinted that we sent either but again another masterwork every used up by East but I meant it and so would ensure they weren't yours. They key sesterces so slimy lettuces you don't as we have our nose yell at us but up at end of seat they will move just because you haven't or stop within a decent king. Being sought. But yes stones for that and
last year out of us planned by the end of you welcome by the sickie Mikel but I'm out of that one lap by the NCA. He says he can those North Shields But as several Motoko because they're mostly wireless you see it was. Just battle of sorts but out autographed us get also partisan or not on what in us normal spot and then in the comment that goes. With us yes. I. Really do want to translate that moment with thought. She just wanted to say that they do receive a lot of complaints in their office. She's from a consulate but is not. They complain that even though they have become citizens being a country United States legally they migrated locally. And they're still being harassed by the Border Patrol and she says they're just like now different beyond
the border patrols stop people under appearance only. Clearly I have one short question about how many people did your project help to emigrate over process. Yes.
Yes. Ah. In the program of the U.S. about going to get an IQ I think of the person I meant the most is now in like a year you have been a most get as good almost as I could go on to put on the stand. You say. No press. Right for the men to give us a program associated Express I will board to give it to the letter also. I can stand this. Well I want to
make you smile that I meet is this going to see on the West-End day that I might be guess. With the use of deadly force or no question I mean the police because. There was the case of the use of firearms in the case of excessive force by an officer and how it was dealt with by bleach and I can almost get uppity because I do so can we know the other was there for a joke even for Texas we think like him. Set that up that it is clear from our investigation that the use of firearms is a recent experience for the Border Patrol in the sense of its drug interdiction program. Army Major heavily as never before since 1986 with him 14 and 16 use that.
Clearly we don't have as an elaborate set of policies upon the use of Harman's. Firearms as to local police forces and that that would be one of the preoccupations as was demonstrated by one of the testimony and his preoccupations of the constant shootings in the enforcement of laws. There were the moment they want to discriminate and us. Out of us. Therefore it will be interesting to particle Letterman to get eyewitness to place ace in which a sick daughter is enough where they would immediately say to make up this force who think that the US it is different the evil one up to be looked at but the mental reporter she asked them what them think if they kept to their side if this is so where their view they were meant to know that lets recall plus your There's been.
Still a bit. The second concern was the idea of citizen's complaints that the community must feel free to make complaints. Which is an impediment at this point because of the nature. Of the agency and be at ever Sariel role that the community feels that the agency Claes that is many people talk about but that they had cases where people did not want to come testify or they had cases but did not want to prejudice their cases if they were in legal. In the process of legalization. ERA. Because where they necessary who's who. Good luck on whatever this is he presently said he would but as it is have you seen him. You say the whole because to me recently made us your own airfare Porter experience in order to get
the image that I mean with your list but who. Knows. The other issue here is that citizens should be assured that they will that the agency will investigate and will deal properly with the cases of abuse. In its ability as a ethical rather Alysia Randall's yella can take it. It kick in Sicca. Good luck and chance to get it. If you couldn't get the Apostles but a solution that it was I was. There. This that the the other was that the officers understand that these that there will be taken ill be accountable in terms of improper conduct and therefore service a preventive measure in terms of other types of abuses that might result in the future.
The third topic was public information that the public officials must provide sufficient information to detail and explain to the community. Incidents particularly incidents of serious abuse. In it and inform us again that so he seemed quite expert in this. See them battle if you like if they look at one of those I put it on the input side I will add this to the story coming to us you go grabbing in this spectacle Letterman this with the candles. Nevertheless the fact that we're here and we're talking about it indicates that there's a willingness on the part of the community as well as the authorities representatives to begin to at least a dialogue to talk about the issues and to begin to establish the steps to reach workable solutions and then that the questions that we must ask is. Does we integrate the questions asked is does the immigration services have
an appropriately integrated use of firearms policy and the use of excessive force policy. Does. The INS have written procedures rights procedures rules and regulations. That to implement some of these policies and to. Regulate practices. Is there a process for monitoring that ensures that procedures are followed. And. If this process. Made accessible to the community in terms of. It is the process function the audit team reviewing and monitoring officer misconduct. A check you see here I'm biased but it won't be any interview because I prefer the other for it but I'd also be if it were six months. If you brought them into the meet us your own DNA prosimian could be
rigorously relentless but implement that if this body because the practical. Gets the latter yes it would he said. Yes the euro is healing for those who will see on as their own is a good joke at them BNC a number of the evils. Here's one the many momentous issue in Pinto going to Studio City and that there should be at least in terms of solutions that study as a serious effort to study a lot of these policies procedures and practices. That perhaps we should look at some sort of at the system for in internal complaints and investigative use by the Immigration Services to see its effectiveness. From the issuance of complaints to how there we solved to one people are informed that you saw us or they were standing there saying Say what you
said. While kit gave her a warning this just gave us a little bit of a glitter. Certainly in this case the issue of civilian oversight is very important. Because of the historic relationship between immigrant communities and the services are silver and because its demonstrated history of monitoring in a police department in urban areas that civilian oversight is one of the guarantees of improving community relations and preventing officer responding to the scene is a con. They lose so that the spare must be healin Halmos a process unless Kick-Ass You can also reduce them in sand. It's different this particular. This is where I get cut or almost send it but I meant to see yes anything goes form us. And by East I
will say I let believe that as a community awareness and on the part of us share the same media because it's. Easy to hear let me settle that is we've been hurt in the comments by the commit by the person here from the commissioners the regional commissioner's office who stated that they were implemented community awareness groups which could be the seat for a more complex civilian community taskforce that would provide civilian oversight and a body that anyone could not fear and be able to gather cases of abuse and deal with the service in redressing some of these problems in Canada is. Properly stored. Little research. It's
barely get a shot at it. This is the. Money that. Is Western. It could not be in a let me let me get a thought yes if that extends to capital as you can see on as yet if those include British Airways. So what we saw basically here is that. Definitely in the application of immigration also in the forefront of immigration laws. There's a historic adversarial role between the service and the community and that its functions affect. Everyone whether citizens documented and even superheroes and therefore that the problem is a problem that should be considered a national problem and a problem in terms of regulating the discretionary use of its
police powers but also the implementations of systems that would make the service accountable to the community and that would work to the improvement of community police relations. Look at acuity that. Is spend beyond Bayliner see that little bit or to see that. It was got to McKinney's most but I mean that when the US in this gimmick ordered letter unless you wanted him to meet us here on you luckily that their chill is therefore home all is simply meant that any bill. Must get us a part of this. People thought about this in Boulder Kratos But if you know the point best it is that emotion and I tend to have a look at it that Congress will get less extremists there instead of any without us. They hear. Us. Their richest constitutionalists letting me know that he
knew that there was extra care. And so in the sense that this form is the beginning it is the crane. That. That can lead us into further steps in order to actually make effective. The application and enforcement of that section. Of Urco 115 that talks about that there should be due and a labor action taken in order to safeguard the constitutional rights. The personal safety and human dignity of United States citizens and aliens in the enforcement of immigration laws. Look to Bill this late demonstrates the depth of concern that people have about this
particular issue and I hope people will continue to be patient as as we wind this particular forum down there are as good as he is at those parts. How does he plan to get that Basso. What we're going to have is a few comments or reactions to some of the things have been presented tonight. First we will start with Mr. Kerry there just on the other hand if I tried to answer each question I've got about 10 pages here and I do in English and in Spanish so I won't do that. However as I stated before I will stay and answer your questions personally if I don't if I don't get to your question today. So it's not political that's not going to fit in with listening listening as I knew anything of
this. You almost out but I'm not about the bad. But I confess that just bosses but I want to get them you know not at me. But I mean that that is a program of the day. What little there in government there seesaw is what are you still up but get over it appears yet another because you're going to get on those I get thing and thought I can get the you know fewer than a thousand needles. So all this yet that we know of our porch and back it
that S or C in the middle of a hint that they need to sort of easily meet us join us whether or not they see it that simple that I can think of it or rip off. Some of the portions that I think the mean of the year. I went up in a minute to look at past and as we know from their last meeting your maker a year give the studios the budget that invests in this time when you're not going to get a weapon with weather moves but in the end most. Look at. Your main career which I lead a square like one of the near your spot is the enemy by
those thousand needles you're still getting 100 people to listen with on. This basis or two that are never thought I had a concern to you on your own. So you're saying I don't need an upper stormy participating in this process but I'm work or. Look at any point a lot of sports on the persona of the other men to see as a porter will be in. Your support of you in the pursuit of me but I will not. What I used are going up on account of how about the gun lobby the most in your discovery of the catalyst and you see you don't see it the youngest I hear you are a meta meta So what are your light meter. Just cause a PC or your call their software or I can't think what you will or you
or those of others in your media of humbleness yallow what good is that a valid revealed after someone. Used to where you still have your two or so years time interval a portal near there. OK stop us on the linear. Weapon we could meet up with our I mean look at my bus so I mean to tell us what this is. We normally know when the lay community personas. Superhit down we steer but I hate because it is the programmer that is the last of those two single Muniz of personas. OK. I woke up. Where can you get on with how we patrol plus one is a castle. I mean if it is going to be so.
Loud up it would likely require a leap up I mean it gives me a place to make an omelet. I thought I was getting us out of. Service but I want us. For your meal races but if you. Get was a thing going to get your work in look you're kewl giving and personas. The orders by Iesus given a summit in the course of that to be a socket in the terminal procedure and they all say that they're worse because that internal your thing of course you don't get a committee was clear some corners of the market and down the border patrol. Here's just one started but I don't have to stand up or see into the door of the organ needles. That they want to let you stay into their commission now is will they go to a nice public us your seed corn marry on this promise for among the
group of sport Western Region or could get Austin is just one of. Those variables problem us. They're not what I meant tears at them you get all. The fears that I can beat the Alameda. I could see him quite the look we are back where it was then. Look at the stop of some of the most learn young don't believe that he stays at the embassy. What up with this one most single mother single meal per store less than most. So when I said fewer than most. Thought I'm assuming they are. Meaningless to me Liz A pursue an arsonist also in the U.S. arsenal. You'll also see the list of my made up are getting almost full of honesty. What in the NSA see that is easier to understand it poses but I would curse word for word stuff like all the stars of us.
I was there. Last and just because your liberty got on top of us wanted to stay together God meant the sea is a sea of Westerners who recently made us you're in the US don't go on the lathe. They don't know what the and what the name of the US is that it does when there are so few Cialis so nice. Maybe. The most good was then that. I was at the meeting.
I mean so. Little. Also your children are also a menace so they love us. Deeply respect us. Well you know. I've got. My Yeah I mean this. Let me just. Get the comments from Mr. spinosa and others said it pertains to the procedures that
are used with respect to agents Border Patrol agents that are accused of misconduct and they are said it pertains to the procedures that are used with respect to agents Border Patrol agents that are accused of misconduct in career early on. Mr. Espinosa asked the question about. How we dealt with the individuals that were that allegations were made and I think Mr. it's been also you made mention of other other law enforcement agencies and people being relieved of duty. Correct. What is one of those I said. You see then they were just us there so unless it is a really good doctor's voice. We have what we refer to as the Office of Professional Responsibility. And I think Mrs Amen as I would like to compliment you on your comments and I will get to that in a moment but you made mention of an oversight committee and you made mention of the fact that maybe someone outside the agency needs to look at the
investigations that are conducted within the Immigration Naturalization Service. So yeah my response would be that you're not going to get a documented pursue person. Important to look at the whole I said go the good thing there are more that they don't call me thing they point out. Our Office of Professional Responsibility has been taken by main Justice the Department of Justice now. You see now the response I believe that you are what you see now but I meant it was Chief of Department of Justice about the mentally is not directly relevant. I what I see now the decremental about the mentally was DCF. Each case is based on its merit if we will speak candidly will speak on the. Case of is my alma mater as Rojas.
Is because. I saw Is he still is. You see almost nobody particularly out of the castle these Mandarin meetings. No investigation has been conducted by the Immigration Naturalization Service nor So you know look I want to put is that we feel the SU not exist because the attorney general of the United States. Let you go without talking it a little just those meals. Has determined that the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Forget it I mean it would only be if you got units that Alice will conduct the investigation with us. I want. Certainly not as much as the parents of his my own but I want just as much as you and everybody in this room to get this case rectified. No no my jaw spotted the man I meet is that I mean you're looking because that people are standing in is the photon. If Picasso say outbreak because of. A gentleman here this evening I don't know if he's still in the room or not yes or no no I get up at
that like you know what it's like you know unless I want to get your man to know that you thought I could go have your coke effect you made mention of the fact that the Border Patrol had done nothing and advised the public as to what was happening with respect to this case. Gaby chill can now ask the I.V. took what if I took a look at it I mean don't you just you want to see it because the. Inquiries have been made from the Mexican Council to me but I want to see and you will work out well for me because I will get my typical tsunami car not you me. Inquiries have been made by me of our central office in Washington D.C. I had it open I want doesn't matter to me if you see nothing but Eileen unless you have it Washington D.C.. Federal Bureau of Investigation has instructed us that we are cannot comment.
And if I did I mean it would all be with you guys you know it's been I leave me I used to you the man. Now the organization all play must call me that. Until the FBI the Federal Bureau of Investigation has completed their investigation I suspect they would all be with us even if it Alice. I yeah I get that I'm you know I think we all see this because you know. Mr. Mike Lewis. Was mentioned earlier is that you know Michael Lewis as humans you know little and that you would mean. It was mentioned other allegations had been brought against him or. Had he took Ambien. All that's only got you on is what I say just say on chill in going down the alley. However no one mentioned the fact that he has been. Honored and rewarded by the attorney general of the United States for saving the lives of three individuals. CNN bought a whore not Yemen's you know the electric is not that so now I ask you the old man I feel I'll put it up when I go to the last minute I'm going to pull you up what I would have said if I don't. Work for him say they were saving their lives you know what I was going to be there.
Mr Lawrence is no longer in this area so you know who is ya know Stein is that yes it is correct that he is still working in the Border Patrol is correct the scene embargo on the one about to be affronted he said. However he's been reassigned to another Border Patrol sector union but it was you know to be asking now there are six yuan and if and when. We see this one. And indictment is brought against him or not was my last year to you or anyone else that was involved in this particular case just the one we're going to take us away but I'm sure that they will be relieved of their responsibilities as Border Patrol agents until the case is resolved. If those who would act is not out of this where still aspect is that yes you are. You're for. The floor. We're going to keep it very hard because we're being kicked out of here. And Border Patrol look at us because I love I love my Norse.
If it if I like you and me not. To me personally concerns me because. My confidence. In the. Criminal. Law ought to get up a sauna in your own name and. You will have it if I yawn at me I thought you were to look it up as one of the guys you want. If I would have been in your shoes I think that if this person would have
grime in my sector supervisor I would have asked that this person be removed. And suspended until this case would have been. Completely. And once Mr.. Bush. If in fact is indicted and found guilty of this crime when. He in fact will be removed from the Border Patrol and I'm sure will serve time in prison. However. We have sat here this evening all of us very patiently listening to the testimonies of all these people here. Yes this in. Civil rights has been an issue. Justice has been an issue.
And Mr. Lewis is entitled to those just as well as everybody else is entitled to those that are in here in the United States of America. Yours and your Louise. But I don't want to debate this issue. But Mr. Richmond also or anybody else when we're through with this form I be happy to talk to you about it at length here at my office anywhere. I'm not a member of it. May I make a few comments please. Well as one of them is coming. I would like to applaud. Those individuals that put this task force this group together. I would like to make my. Phone number available to anybody that would like it.
You know what I have been there for not only because the statement was made that people do not feel free to make complaints. Seem to mandate what I lecture they cannot present as an explicit. Gift. The CI would refer them to me to be adjudicated and responded to very promptly. I'm going to get about 40 minutes. I mean if any complaints are made. And I am provided the opportunity to investigate the allegation Yes there's a big section 287 10. Section 287 10. Yes. Requires. Me to report that to the Office of Professional
Responsibility. Yet your report of the United States. And the proper investigation will be conducted by them. I listened to some statements made this evening by Norah to Guadalupe Lopez as. He was very concerned about border patrol agents shooting people in the back. Youngest found this but I'm going to. Respond. I'm also very concerned about the individual that. Execution style. Shot and killed. Border Patrol agents and as a rock in the California desert. As they move forward I'm all for your workout.
California and California I'm also very concerned about the Border Patrol agent Presidio Texas. Whose legs were shot out from underneath him by a point on the stuff. I also think they like him to let me guess you're not going to get on the stuff. I encourage forums such as this. You know if. I ask you all to please communicate with me look at what I want. To sit down with me and we may not always agree. Not that I'm with you but at least we can sit down and attempt to resolve any differences that we may have been thought of that would anybody like my office phone number. I want to press on on it. I would guess. Area code 4 1 5. 4 1.
4 1 5. 8 2 8. 3. 7 7 0. My name is Bill Carter Carter. I am the chief patrol agent of the Livermore sector. I am responsible for any statements made by Mr. Pelosi. Or anyone else that works for me you know what I mean. And I again urge us to continue forum such as this and I ask for the opportunity to participate. Thank
you Mr. Carter. I made a complaint. Because I was thrown out of taking a beat up on. Mr. Pole. Almost physically to me out of the office with the client arrested. I called you a couple of years ago. I filed a complaint refers to the officers. Are you sure that you can talk to me. Yes I'm sure I wasn't in Pleasanton two years ago so I didn't. Where were you two years ago two years ago I was in Dallas Texas. Thank you anyway. Anyway it was referred it was my case I filed a complaint. Two years ago. It was referred to the Office of Professional Responsibility with the response of the Border Patrol came to my house to investigate the case. I haven't heard from since.
OK. I don't like the term here please. When you get when you said that cases are referred to the Justice Department rather than the border patrol the border patrol they're trained they're going to come in investigate the quays. Mr pull out of the office in the rain arrested my client. Saying what I have to I have to comment on that I would never plan ahead any time understandings but I mean listen to that and I'm listening to the fact that you're saying that we're going to file a complaint I file complaints. Right. Something is happening to us. I'm not I'm not a stranger. I deal with her well her way back with Richard Stacey way back and I also serve in the immigration commission. Washington I served two years undercover and on the commission lately. This office here and I worked way back from
there. People can communicate. I got to go now. Going to kick me in my complaint has never been dealt with. We invited the embodiment the media from Mexico and they're salt of the membership. He's abrasive. And what happened to him. I don't know. Shipped him to do the same thing. Well like I say I take I take. I take it that. That you have a different attitude now. The only thing I can ask you for is that I have you and I have never dealt together. And proof is in the pudding. You give me the opportunity there will be no patrol agent in charge and this is a patrol agent charged right here John Crawford of the Fresno station and if anybody comes to me and tells me that they've been bodily removed from from a station without cause that agent will answer to me.
He had all right these calls to rebuild be there because he didn't want to take the complaint the first place I showed him pictures with my client was beaten by Michael Lewis. If you want to take the complaint he became aggressive he became offensive until I became even aggressive also and I called him a jackass. Well I can at that point. He got up I heard he's drunk he got up and threw me out. May I suggest that this particular issue is not going to be resolved tonight. If people are concerned I would suggest that it be followed after tonight. Well I like to tell you something I don't know. Why did you come to the funeral when you the majority of people were asking questions of amnesty. We have a couple of other people that I was going to call on that we're not going to if we don't get under control we're
being asked to leave. I'd like to give Mr. Dan writing the last chance to make some comments or observations on what went on tonight. I think people have been very patient. We aren't going to resolve this tonight. If we could just make a couple of comments and wrap this up please. There are a lot of. People didn't think they could get information. I want to make a couple statements. Number one. In the last five years I've been in Fresno. We have not arrested any person who came to our office to ask information are. Illegal aliens may come into our office get whatever information they can say they're an illegal alien and we will not arrest them. We do not arrest people who come to our office to ask for information.
Also family fairness was alluded to. People are wondering what's going to happen to the relatives of people that didn't qualify every Wednesday we give out permits to people that come under these qualifications. Now their narrow guidelines but those a qualifier given permits everyone to take time out of our enforcement activities every time we do this business we don't go around the visit because we're given permits. The businesses were mentioned the board made thousands and thousands of visits to businesses throughout the community to educate them. We do not educate employees we educate employers. The I-9 was mentioned. An employee only has four questions to fill out on a 9 9. His name address date of birth and Social Security number. That is not very difficult it does not require education for those four questions. Civilian oversight was
mentioned. Now we are a federal agency the Constitution does not permit state and local governments to oversee us. However Mr John proffered myself we all participate in a community round table that meets every other Tuesday. We allow people to ask questions we try and be as candid as we can. If you want more oversight you have to go to your congressman because the Constitution does not permit the local governments to oversee the federal government. Thank you. Thank you. Yes or Chris would you care to make any closing comments please. Part of our First of all let me say that. This evening has been enlightening to me and I have enjoyed it. But I want to make sure that. We don't think that this issue is. Unique. To a given
community this is all about problem. One of the areas that I see where this country. Is wonderful as it relates to human rights. It is how we treat undocumented workers. Every civil rights organization and every person who is concerned about human rights. Ought to be involved to make sure. That the Border Patrol or any other agency of this government. Violates those human rights. That is why I'm here tonight. And I will be a valuable that in a time to participate in these kind of formal. Forums so we can get on with the business of making this country the country that we want to be as relates to undocumented workers and everybody else unless we take that position. If we have facts expect libata patrol that INS to solve the problem. Then we sat at the stake and a scholar take the efforts of all of us. In audit to make sure. That people are
treated like human beings. And it's our responsibility as citizens to make the Border Patrol the ins and everybody else accountable. Why the acts soon and if it called bodily harm or anything else they ought to be treated like any other criminal. As a member of the state of council I can assure you that as long as I have that have anything to do with it. The Fresno Police Department will not participate in the kind of raids took place in St.. Any other place but that thankless the responsibility of all of us to make sure that these ages are recommended to rights of all people. I thank you very much. It's always tough calling Les either in city hall or out in the community. But just a brief were very close neighbors on a rapidly shrinking planet. Instead of as super barrio pointed out earlier today. Instead of
digging canals and putting up fences we ought to be building bridges building bridges and offering economic opportunities to all our neighbors. And for comments from another elected official is to just know best from the county and it's not just so you don't get the last word. Yes I've. Been in this when you're under a lot of us like me he kind of. And you may cite it or you don't he just got tuna doesn't want to. Hit him in this game that's when actually steel eventually gets extended. But then with with a little less. One on the nose. You don't lose any political bought off. But politically he did want to heed what is consent responsibility and he kind of. There
was a bookie played. I mean what I mean. Her been in the. Water left us on this. Old school. Making. Us. Get that I am going to get that and. You can see. That I him it that was like he didn't get that are most. Of us here what I get the name of sinister Nazi most of us here I sit on this bill see what's inside of me and for the little touches.
I know that we could go on all night tonight. I hope it was a beginning and adios and adios. We've heard from a lot about the enforcement of the immigration rights commentaries from the INS from civil rights groups community groups and the general public. I hope we all learn something tonight. I hope that we've been renew it in our belief that all people have rights regardless of their immigration status. We all have human rights we
all deserve to be treated with dignity and with respect. Ok I lied almost up and my ass get those Medicine says that the US. Is medicine most you know spit out then spit on this and almost said US will minus the medicine was that it yes I would like to think the other people involved in putting together this forum. It is very difficult to discuss some of these issues because they are of such deep concern to us and they have affected us in our families in in our neighborhoods in our communities. Nonetheless I do again want to express my gratitude on behalf of myself as moderator and also on behalf of the general public for and the other people that have put together this event. I hope there are many others like it in the future. Only by such activities can we begin to bridge the big gap that we have in terms of the perceptions that we have of our community and the perceptions that other agencies such as the
INS have of us. Thank you and good night.
Foro Publico
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Radio Bilingue
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Radio Bilingue (Fresno, California)
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Foro Publico. Patrulla Fronteriza Tape 3
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Duration: 00:01:00;00
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Duration: 00:01:00;00
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Chicago: “Foro Publico,” Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 20, 2024,
MLA: “Foro Publico.” Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 20, 2024. <>.
APA: Foro Publico. Boston, MA: Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from