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The problems the hopes and the answers for immigrant children in our public schools. That's a theme for our discussion today. The last in a series of programs about how public schools can best respond to the challenges presented by immigrant children. Today we'll talk about how some communities are bridging the gap between the immigrant home and the public schools. I'm Richard Gonzales your host this program is produced by a rather be lived with in the studios of KQED FM in San Francisco. With funds from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Ford Foundation. Before we begin our discussion we'll hear this report from Kathy McAnally the girl that you're about to hear is speaking in a language called Lao me n she's talking about how she doesn't have a clue as to what goes on in her classroom through. The ballet highway. Who. Still cool. The highway and in the end down the road. Now min is what's called an exotic language by educators The mian tribe originated in China then were driven south to Laos. There they lived for
generations until their cooperation with representatives of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency during the Indo Chinese war forced them to flee to America. George RATH Mel an Oakland California educator says their arrival presented a whole new set of problems to the public school system there. We weren't used to getting people who were not in. They couldn't read and write. We had immigrants of course from many different countries for a long time. But when we talk about hill tribes coming into the city with no preparation to have a new ballgame. The men have no written language and many of their children had never experienced formal classroom instruction. The men are part of the new immigrant wave that has only recently been the focus of research and study. Laurie Olson of the group California tomorrow began looking into the issues raised by this wave of student immigrants four and a half years ago. People thought only in terms of language limitations of language and they were kids who couldn't speak English
and those who could and there hadn't really been any Look at all at the issues of immigration specifically or what it's like to be an immigrant child and so nobody even had numbers at that point how many immigrants are there in that in the schools. So the first thing we set out to do was to find out just how many are there. And that number alone was a real shocker because it was at that point one in six public school kids in California were immigrant children. And now it's higher than it was several years ago already. So that was the first bit of information that I think was really vital for people to have to realize that that many that higher percentage. Public school kids are facing a whole new way and a new culture as well as a new language. These girls refugees from Cambodia found that the language barrier was only a small part of the overwhelming change in their lives. When they first came to the United States we were from knowing anything with me. When did Peter Falk who you thought the thing in the house like that. Take
a bath shower and my mom get sick. She didn't go anywhere. The first day home and through most schools find it difficult to reach out to the parents of these new immigrant students. The parents are often intimidated by the institution itself and are shy about involving themselves in their children's educational experience. In San Francisco a school called new comer high school tries to serve immigrant parents as well as immigrant children. The school exists to provide a bridge for recent arrivals in the school district into regular classrooms around the city. Students receive both native language instruction and intensive exposure to the English language. And principal Paul Chang says the school also works hard to make parents feel a part of the process. We have by my bi monthly newsletters that go home in the native language. In fact they translate into the six different major languages and we make sure
that some of the events that we have done a year or attended by these parents. We have a traditional potluck dinner and stew before MS in November. We have our X war ceremonies in January in June and we have a tradition of open houses in the spring. Open house I should say in the spring for these parents and of course we do try to let them know about information in the community. There are certain programs offered by the by Community College district for example whether its mission about the ins and or medical services or special lectures or presentations. Done in a language in the native language for these populations and we send home flyers with with US students. Paul Ching also says that his school tries to recruit volunteers who have both native language and English skills to help out in the classroom. He says it provides extra help and positive role models for the children and their families. I'm Kathy McAnally.
And I'm Richard Gonzales your host joining us here in the studios of KQED FM are three people with many years of experience in helping communities to bridge the gap between the immigrant home and the public school and itching is a program associate at the Chinatown youth center in San Francisco. Carlos that IBM is the program director at a Chicago based organization called Net. And Dr. Paul Nava is the director of migrant education for the Valley Unified School District in Watsonville California I like to welcome all of you to our studio this morning. Thank you. Let me ask you Carlos to help us kick off our discussion by telling us a little bit more about your organization and how it got involved in the issue of education and advocacy. Our community organization is located in a predominantly immigrant community and we saw lots of problem in the area. Crime gangs for example and problems with Miseducation in the schools. So when we when we started the
organization with decided to do something about the schools we started by having classes for adults and immigrants and trying to connect education their process of education to the education of their kids. So we try to involve them in getting them to to attend more school meetings getting them to wonder stand the school system and getting them to understand what their rights from responsibilities were in the school system. We've been at this for about nine years. And what we're looking we're looking at in this case is parents immigrant parents to become much more assertive fiddle with the provision of of support of technical technical services training for example getting them to understand the system getting them to believe in themselves developing self-esteem. And with that we think we can change and we were beginning to change some of the local conditions in our schools.
I know this is a difficult thing to do sometimes but can you give us a profile of the typical parent or family that your organization deals with. Well I. We're talking about a family that hasn't heard from four to six kids to put me where the parents speak very little or no English where the mother by and large stays at home or does some work outside the house but only occasionally and where the father is employed or in some cases underemployed so economically the family is not doing very well. Culturally you're also talking about conflicts between their kids and the parents because as as a kid start in school they begin to move away from the home based language. In this case Spanish and become and come out of the influence of English and their values of course come into conflict with those of their parents. You also get into
problems such as such as gangs. So it's not only a question of economic instability in those families but it's also a question of cultural conflict. The generation gap. It is double what it is and any normal family and the lack of understanding of accessing social services is not there by a large. So it's a complicated situation and when Carlos talks about this typical family in Chicago does that sound familiar Are there any commonalities with the families in trying to use this thing. When you mention about things like there is some common LNT in Asian family a lot of time there when immigrant family come especially talk about a family pull FAEs when an immigrant family come to nice they seek you know for better education and better life. But a lot of time deferred disappointed because English is the major barrier for them. And also culture shock you know different culture understanding and at times when the parents come to here especially for the kids coming to a
school basis they've been. You have no sense of a orn to themselves school system and then get shocked especially in Asia the ones they only have AP class for for example they only have a pee class for once a week. But when they come here they have peak class everyday and they have to take shower with all of our kids and also it's very interesting there. I mean they are so shocked about you know just up in front of different people you know different cultures so the dynamics is for difference and also for the parents stick coming to nice a language barrier and the professional they have to change a lot of times and to do for lower decision forces for instance if the parents are doing in China India and educate or teacher or professor when they come here they have to find for the job because language is very difficult to comedy and then and I'm going to do janitors either you know other type of job they have to look for.
Their poll numbers are anything more you could add for us to help fill out this picture of the typical immigrant family and the children they're sending to school. Yes I think in addition to what they both said is that the migrant child they migrate often. Many times ten to three or four schools do in a year and for them to depart from one school and start another school. Just like a change in a life every time they change they have new friends and a lot of times that really disrupts their education and I think the mobility of the migrant youngsters is so traumatic as they move from school to school that they never really are accepted not even when they go back to Maaco do not accept that I may go because a lot of them speak some English and they want to come here is that they are not accepted here because they are they don't speak their right in the least according to the standards that are established so the migrant child really suffers in the United States.
So we're really talking about almost two different cases you're talking about a migrant child who changes schools how many times in the year x number of times in a year as opposed to an immigrant child. I don't want to draw that dichotomy too clearly but I mean there's also immigrant children here who are who will come to this country wind up in the same school hopefully and without moving around. But many of the many the problems are the same thing. Yes I think you know one can understand what happens in the education is that you know just adding a little something different is that right now you know in our public schools we are spending something like three hundred and fifty million dollars to combat drugs in the schools yet only we only spend one hundred fifty million dollars for Ballingall education and 30 million dollars for going to education. You know there's not a balance there I really feel that you know the systems have to look into where is the money spent so that we can reach the migrant immigrant child. Carlos when you talk with parents is it possible to get them to understand
that an issue like what Paul raises. The way that money is allocated in the school district is something that they have power to to affect. I think it's something that you can. They can understand over a period of time. It's something that since they're not since back in Mexico when your home country they were basically powerless and in this country they are still powerless. They're sometimes listened to but that's about it and nothing else happens beyond that. You've got to get them to understand that they have they have power. If only they organize and mobilize and the only way to get them to understand this is to actually have them engaged in an actual issue and carry them through the process from. How do you analyze an issue. What are the components of the issue. How do you develop a strategy and then actually going through with the strategy rather than sitting down and talking to them and we're talking about basically people who
are action oriented and not a word oriented. And that's important. I think parents do understand and they get involved. But sometimes those those who work with parents are coming from a different level and don't relate to their reality. And parents are very very capable of coming out of protecting their kids and they're basically raising their voices. But they they need to understand the mechanisms. And if people are around to work with them not just show them but work with them. What those mechanisms are the most parents are capable of doing a lot of things that most people think they're not. It's just been a couple of things to what Carl stated is that you know we do have a lot of parents that come to our country without basic with an education. And I think that if we can just develop their positive self-esteem that we can become leaders trying to be become leaders in a community that they can make a difference in the education of their children. I think that once they
know that they can do you know the leadership roles that are established they can begin to change the system and they can begin to as you know that how monies could be spent in the schools but until parents really get involved in the schools no changes are going to take place. You know we need to they need to open the doors. We need to open a door for them so that they can become part of the system because I don't think. That the system is going to open their arms. Here we are we everything is yours. I really feel that we have to do something about it ourselves that have been here a few years and I really feel that we have to help in opening the doors for immigrants as well. FIELDING I think agree with point cars you know about that time when especially for Asian immigrant parents come tonight say they didn't know that they have a power they don't know that they could speak out for a system. OK. To people to oppose something if the scooper ocracy they need to want to change to denote that. So therefore I think that if a first time when they go to me each parents and
students they have to go to intake center OK to in order to to enroll to school. I think that if we if we have someone at the intake center or even some place to or our intake for the parents and also on to the students different way because students need to a school system to understand more about you know U.S. school system. And then for parents if they could orientate them that they they the parents are even though they speak they don't speak English but they can use their own native language to to speak out their needs in a school system I think that's very helpful. I think that the base of support for a lot of parents can be and should be a community agencies and organizations because of course we cannot rely. On your typical Board of Education to take on and assume their responsibilities of educating and for educating immigrant children and orienting immigrant adults that that hasn't happened is not going to happen. So if community based organizations local agencies service agencies can develop
programs that support that support parents that orient parents that train parents that educate parents as to how they can not only understand but change the system. That's that's one very important role they can play. I think the more groups that we have of that type. The more that we can have parents thinking a more assertive role in their in the ER educational process in Chicago for example we just went through a massive. The centralization we have we have the most radical form of reform in the whole country. Every single school in Chicago has its own board local school council which is made up by six parents two teachers two communes Representatives and the principal. And it's very interesting how some of these councils are developing in some you have by and large immigrant parents in charge of the council as president secretary and represent this district. And it's I mean you can see that
they want to they want to move ahead they want to be as aggressive as possible but they're limited in two aspects one by the language factor and two by by the technical aspect. So if those parents can be provided for example the technical know how on organizational development how to run meetings huddle How do you how do you develop an agenda to take on the minutes how to develop a long term plan local school improvement plan. I'm sure that parents can show that they're capable of doing much more than people think they are. Let me just take a moment to remind our listeners that you're listening to a discussion on how some communities bridge the gap between the immigrant home and the public school. And with us this morning is Ana Chang a program associate at the Chinatown youth center in San Francisco. Dr. Paul Nava who is the director of migrant education for the bottle Valley Unified School District in Watsonville California. And the voice that you just heard belongs to Carlos area who is the program director at a Chicago based organization called
me What are these. What would you folks are talking about reminds me of a story my brother who is a teacher in a local school district related to me and that was when a lot of immigrant parents came to us. A local school board meeting. Each of these groups of parents in Spanish in Vietnamese and Lao they all needed to hear this school board business being conducted in their own language and they demanded that as a result it was a very long painful drawn out meeting as everything was being repeated two or three times in different language and I was told that one could just feel the tension in the room from the school board as they rolled their eyes and you saw the smoke coming out of their ears in. As a result of their lack of patience and their frustration with this process. But the point was made that this is exactly what's happening in the school district and either you deal with it or you are just saying to all these children and all the parents
so long as you're not a factor here. What happens also in addition to what you stated is that many times the immigrant and the migrant child. I consider that them to getting a $10000 education as opposed to a $40000 occasion because a lot of the migrant immigrant children are sent out to be tutored by instructional aides and they are not trained to help the migrant immigrant child so in reality their education is being paid by $10000 as opposed to sort of fight teacher who gets 30000 40000 and then those kids are being taught by the teacher are really moving on faster. And I really feel that I just would like to see the pullout programs eliminated from our schools because that really hurts our children because they are not getting you know what they have coming to them in a regular classroom. And so when you talk about you know what happens you know you know out in the board meetings you know it happens at the schools often.
I think what's important also is to look at the issue of language for instance and have people understand that the problem that immigrants have it's not just a language problem. It goes far beyond that far far beyond that. And I like to relate the story that I would have liked to some of the parents. I was once on a radio interview in Chicago and in the. The host a black woman raised a very interesting question she said well don't you think that if Latinos who can't speak English very well if they learn English their problems would disappear. I said Well blacks speak English something and they have problems with Auntie. So languages is only one of the problems. They are other problems. And basically we're we have to go into not only cultural lack of a cultural
understanding there was a receptivity on the part of the dominant society the majority group. But it all boils down to I think it's an issue of a lack of a lack of justice in the whole educational system. Even though the issue may not be very related what is happening what has happened in Texas and in Kentucky recently where core challenges were made to the way. Schools School systems are financed where you use basically the property taxes as a training factor in supporting the public school district. That's a very inequitable way of funding funding education because if you happen to be an immigrant or my grandchild who lives in a poor district then your resources are going to be poor and if you live in an area where where the property tax assessment is very high and then it's going to be just the opposite. So when you need to equalize educational resources and that's got to be done on a state by state basis we have no educational we have no national educational policy
to speak of. That's interesting. We have the most powerful country in the world has the most decentralized educate all system in the world and I think that's that's part of the problem. Well your comment begs many questions but I notice that that honor you smiled and chuckled when Carlos said that language is not not the only problem. Yes I believe that because a lot of time for myself I really believe that if you could do earlier prevention the better the kids were turned out good because. I think for us that this summer that we experience that you know draw recent immigrant immigrant kids the intake center you know for from different school system and then coming to an assignment time because some of sometimes some of them they don't have summer school and they we have a group for them to like orientation groups for them to show them dislike expose about American cultures and also to show them this is different culture. Weiss and also you see them. What other agency available source is available when they need to seek
help. You know that earlier prevention the better it is and also for the parents we have a parent workshop parent support group. So we always emphasize that language is not a problem. The only problem is that you have to empower the parents to able to speak out their need whatever they need to think. And also culture sensitive. If you're there sometime. The school school the street they need to be more culture sensitive to the parents and also the kids. I can imagine as many people in our listening audience who just heard your remarks. Language is not a problem are probably your own. In going through a minor fit going what do you mean language is not a problem unless you know English in this country in the society. How can you even hope to participate. Would you say to that poll. But I really feel that you know that probably many people would like to see all kids emerge and learn English immediately. See what happens is that that's not going to happen. I really feel that
what we need to do in bilingual education programs is to give the youngsters the basic concepts in their own language so they can then transfer them to the English language. There's I don't think there's a need for us to have you know youngsters speaking two languages and knowing either one of them I really feel that bilingual education really is where we need to really put a lot of emphasis in so that a student learns the concepts in his language and then is able to transfer all those concepts into the English language and then they can succeed in the public schools just. Our government spends four billion dollars in chapter one to make sure that our students succeed in the core curriculum. How many parents really know if we are making a difference with four billion dollars. I really feel the parents ought to go out to the schools and find out have our kids really made a difference with four billion dollars that the government poured into the system. You know I think we ought to go into the schools and say what evaluation instruments are the schools using. Can you
prove to us as parents that there are changes they can placements in our system. This is where parents get really really helped the system by going in and questioning about money. Four billion dollars is a lot of money. But if we don't know where it's going our kids are not going to move on. We're talking about just not only the parents of migrants and immigrant children too. That's Chapter one is really for the disadvantaged and the economically disadvantaged youngster. So that means the four billion dollars are targeted for those younger youngsters so they have access to our curriculum and succeed in the curriculum. And I think that immigrant parents also need to understand not just about the system how it works and how very being shortchanged But it's important for for immigrant parents to reach out to other minority parents because what can easily happen is for immigrant parents to become isolated and be moved from other other groups other
minority groups and then conflicts will develop. I think that the issue of bilingual education can be one issue where instead of the Viking being used as a divisive weapon by others it can it can be used to develop unity in that was Colonel sort of the who is a program director at a Chicago based organization called boardroom. Also joining us is Anna chaining a program associate at the Chinatown New Center in San Francisco. And Dr. Paul Nava director of migrant education for the bottle Valley Unified School District in Watsonville California. You've been listening to the last in a series of programs on immigrant children in our public schools. This program was produced by case TV FM rather be linguist in Fresno California and broadcast from the studios of KQED FM in San Francisco. Our executive producer
is someone local school our associate producer is Richard Muller our technical director is Michael you Shito our engineers met Elmore Cathy Meccano they produced our feature report. Laurie Olson and Cathy Chen served as consultants for the series with promotional work by Jennifer Hawke. The theme music is fun a pose in Mexico. I'm Richard Gonzales. This series is made possible thanks to funds provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Ford Foundation. This probably was less a speed ounces less this boisterous but I'm listening you'll see me get on this in
this is coolest cool because you listen to the school teaching this they will be more programmability but each entry look at the list will and usually some little school us that it will do seem to us to program up to see the part of you being with a face will cut it for me and you know still use that guy. Who are they in some fancy school before the photo op but a lot before you left on the scene for. This since you could report back to the media might have been sort of the part of the US unionist by these indices to use a school like this. This was equals. So who knows I expect those electric was called out There was no secret and this didn't want to get it going in that is Kim Weston a spa that is and so will cost you one when a studio to see the US or not but it was that it just it was hastily and this and going through the incident the pussy until the last budget is increased settles the knee and the sales gets a seahorse complaint then yes the only way I see that see an embargo exist then watch us but asked that about one in control of parties by sea in the last by that is Amy Grant this and I think I see on this O seahorse
one or they asked or said wanted us more direct or they want to be madea in Washington they say as soon Economic I think a sink went just for me as Amy Grant this last bite is give me a little smile you what it was is there is no way to go through that I hope. Is a. Must grow lemons into me here. And no Cleo the last thing that I was. You know going to win that I hope it is about me in the last summer's subordinate and Bones the name was. In the second barrel virus even in the beginning there were a story on the Chihuahua. Syrian any new car but Alluna squarely important to sign us. I don't like Britain for elite export they want to pass what they have at least to get bought out and look at a low spot is a lie that assumed this was the horse the most authentic infant
THAT I'M GOING TO SEE FIT IN SCHOOL TO DALLAS left a million in they one more on the way up with a variant on the little cars your clothes. Hello. At all in the remake or not you are yes. Like you on the little personal most important day. Up a 7 up or decide that this get XP to Menton is harming us Amy Grant is just but it is done least post but I want to crash that in either case you want but are going as fast as it was his for so sort of just saw those oh it was the last but my Esther also. This cannot be an illness if we see this in CB that yeast elbow limb which is amazing. What I knew was. Yen in gold lace forms Unum as well as being where many had. ECM. Centers of all were you know significant media again and the most
immediate thing is that in the end and nice try though to stand in an open your own Baja than us I believe that this is a spa that is Amy Grant this is a U.S. problem I said you're going to see what's new in the end in this it was an early start skilless by the US but instead on a course about who also quit where they argue that US was non-US iness quitters Constantin in the exit door. This support in that mood was his forte so spread out in order crowd I just buy this and I'll be there. We have counselors who can and. Meet with parents and make sure they understand the rules of the school to the services we provide. Publishing is a direct towards the new comer High School in San Francisco with their own a second died after one minute or the other and they took us on the most innocent we could end this and as this queer life I can see heroes being whisked about home to spot it is the sick game to say ASL is where so the noise there's a mood just a month or so a little spot is going to stand by those concerts with us know about some of the others who need us sees a month in a coma. We contain one measure therefore
Yet those in so easy a man at the wheel. Easy as hell is what so then what a crowd of us but it is an event was almost fantasy ceremoniously but I mean was it when there was no he was just kind of a cartoonist I UNIX because you on and if your mother were spotted especially in form we have bi monthly newsletters that go home in a native language. Just a square left I mean as it is for so they're probably heading for my Soon I must buy that is so rested resource they have into school many thought it was in for my soon so let me guess you want was a resource a center would put to him the pneumonia care one way or does he need all the electricity that could have gotten Bell Helicopter. I see in the helicopter Dawson and Fort Worth and Swiss as well and these are live to the library. You got an IQ in the broadest sense since I bet Inglis on a goggle at the net exit was gutted us but at least he can move to the been there north on us is querulous but Thembi and act to it came with honest bodies. I assenting you or niña log it was his most important this case you
need to see in the movie and that means more niña I am which is probably most cases but everything I mean just because you and them being they as most know doesn't come with a little yes mean yes kisses him to me and they are all in there. The cut of the Kings. This is also the year that yes you're not a characteristic of Tibet or CSK Kali Latina could have had a bun or female only Lamar models Ninos the link is there for me. Yes so these they are to die for in the El Paso at their house and get the list and get in there and I look I see on the last man you'll see me get on this and I says call us public us this NG for Martin. In this dream is that the mimosa Mr D will be lower than the Sassoon court in Chicago a lot of Emmys as you in the US you knew because you made this bus out in San Francisco. You look for the little program either because you only get on to nearly 3 2 scored out of a packet of Ali. In California
they will encounter on national a call when you meet and say that I love whatever you got a locus Elayne called him a look at the local scene called Girl in like us or is it leave you with a lotus a locus in winter. It says saw a bit of a little bit of blame. You cook is one of those chuckers must get on this but I'm quite a good person OK yes the price that it was California that gave us a square less got in Edo meaning going to do it up with him plenty to put up you they need you in the regular place to me that I k that ends for the model Nino. Yes see me Ludlow but upper is said to be well set low class your Nike Seve mascot though good enough once you and I see me last year Nice to see come in to say they Feeney it proposes doing Ocasio in a slow steady nose was on the way out of it as United leaving all of us in mass either if they had laid in many of their own as loud or did I mean I assume that I can walk out as leaders and you were there
the Powder Valley say they are less square or steal this acrimony that went back a screw you like only that you can establish they were outrageous in the way out of this stupid Atlas. It is that all my diesel is queer they go mostly away literally kill Who are you going to square this walkout is he fit into all this was that this course us kill us in the fight in the US was there most of these people loose. Korea probably mostly Mrs. S. inclusively went to square last so little got on the second sentence of this conflict thus you know neither must complete the school because being obvious knuckleballers means you know when you know you know to be in conflict those chalk of the Lotus lost to the end since with so on one of the better but are those beautiful spot it is a lot of unsettled by lot is loss. Quality was quality as Keynes
one of my hardest battle was quality time a lot of really that base that base lucky go see nobody going to sink one time corners by Lotus can which this is bunk. In spite of this apart they saw iota of deeper conflict Istomin as queer as on the question with your ACL is from this incredible conflict discriminated us or blunt course a swimmer. It will not reach our standard if you see Porky in a home and see ya in the interim a mentee was conflict that at the moment because they take one on the side and the quantity of the other may be the target of a hot and there apart there was conflict those exist and Cialis could be in the home and home and it's a complete total conflict of course across your list joker they were Lotus and when I opened the easement for example to me and then I said keep on the open it's going up at the next because you know Britain is an
hour but I can no more than unlock door and open to him. I can't of course not gave it when it has been let in there was no special mint this year but we never got on the it was a lot of some more traditionalist recourse when we saw your spittle to this your Knowledge is knowing what you host them is the base. When she was radiant came to look a care serious like associate by discover mass killer Aliyah a hopeless cause to embrace. Leave your mom lose by Loris liberal the fiend is a whore when thing going talk a load of incompetency con.. It didn't especially mean that history is the conflict took it home and set a precedent that yeah I could come get my class. By that is cooler water. But I seem to see my ass literally. But is it a look at those getting to see the way that noir stands. I say there's a way that he downed me on my bed early.
Yeah yeah Dennis was a ten thousand years in UPA beguiling less. I mean just by this Kepler's Covent Garden. They may go back at the numbers we got this is the least he took as they move then three spot progresses but I knew they were looking at that I meant going though it was year then last classes. My ex was tempted but I was but I knew that only allows us to the younger sales there's the stands upon that you know sort of thing because it's going to look out he thought about them with OK is the Senate seat that we want to. Look at your own there as well as know this little of my own thoughts. But whether he was intending to flee me until that of bodies are still young there's a more local pub this year then. In saying Ollie honest mother is gay when this delegate is the AOC Deb in the western US as well as bikers will be going to foreign I mean there is that more their loss
but as we see has a closer look at them you see list up even though I lost by this your comment by the meat and the kids looking things as boys are saying they want to opt out of the sheep but I say to me Give me a year ago. They're putting New York on back or sign the most potent political money got a bottle of your mind as a square less or serious was going to see I think it's a nice thing either you buy the launching its at this in the UK media you're going to get with us it could mean you could support if you need us and isn't part of the point you cook I could if you needed I squarely come apart at the last through Politico who do you like one. That is going to tell us I learned a lesson. She said there are a lot of God so if you look at what I'm biased but it is no I do not unless you know you know where there's been called out assume you know this utter loss to an organic I broke it down to a square like a more grad for a month but it didn't go Monita. Wednesday to event there you know sporty to go see it there you know who he goes into a cycle
when he wants to do we have this on my Naida last baddest individuals whom we have seen your liberal Valley didn't did it us innocent do you. The apple that odyssey there was this you see owners soldiers who sort of who are like I'm one of them gets broken stomachs are Londoners that it was masculinist and did me no respect is it that I was an unsteady knows their last bit of takes you in His control of the skinniness young ladies community and sort of I say at last a DNS United they lengua it done be inundated me knows their status to me that's your own give me important interest a school zone almost all under glass a square last comment the ice bully guys. Do you not believe us young boys do you know sort of the know the screaming ad so you know it that they do this are you I don't know who's too young to say you know when you that went into blue at least three adamantium with equal to it and get it going Osca they get less square less didn't get pointed to say idea. And I associate that with your Legos then oh god it then it could transform Odyssey. I'm getting a part of this iPad Riyad mental atmosphere and we're going to sit in a cave that is in a square as soon as a square less because it's dank and light that ass
Dalzell scam us demographic was in a style when he was massive massive step by ysis irremediably minty. But I've you know but I might as it were has it been through east and west but I've been Vice moved equal to that. Dealing we get DNA could record or say a scene where we start to see if the New York acted in such a square that with the new scene Zeno must look at the sailor. I mean there was a request for that Alice. You know up a silo in it by silo progresses the thing about it in the history of those there that is these in August didn't get to see it because the only serious even of the needle they're looking for that of them OK or if they're Muslim men being out of body is I feel the only is getting out of the letter that I list these in going to buy this didn't get it because the on part of that only has two sequels they never actually do and I think we're less either more quickly.
Look at what I think. This is cool as do you think it can be a key in your poll now for my son Ben you're seeing the. Because if you can be a better boy it could have one of the most fit or they've been either by the disillusioning you see meat on this. And she go with views you see and said we got to see implementing this is cool it's probably because it's go go. Carlos was in Chicago. Come on I might be able to go to serving just for my school love. This concert we though on this the guys so rarely see them as being. Yes. Much of the impact that all the money I can was going to sustain planned then though is when I'm on the bus down to the scene and there was a boy you're in they look at a very the last part of this. This next he and talent Pacific Island and their party bus you and I says
call us outta like the union people see more of a course in their society you know what a hippopotamus but as if I mean. And this. So this is played out and the and the lane if you see NCL until I felt the there I can see me until all the. Responsible leader of the victorious spot is a familiar so the leaking of the loss of one it was but as if I mean less on whiskey contrapuntally that thought or this being elevated thought so into this embed you see an embargo possible the their own terrain or in their can also listen to what the last pilot is use again talk on the yarn around the muscles are real up with us you know. Yeah still as a whole person is disgusting. Let me tell a mental Augusta a star struck I say OK you're like us or I guess early on I got the other about a human is no you know Sandra But as you know as cosmetic another must know. Yes you know this question Can which has a basis as the US is and then a book on Milo. I just can't spell I want us to go also they are the most
part it is impolitic get him this afford another minty. So he's down there in a moment on the police stance what no other erect honest a moment to spot as a familiar but not compete in their own level. See gay is just you know only go study go. The inky fiber they use concealer of course is necessary yes but of course technique was the law. Soon they'll just organise a C on is used in the US than in the last couple Seaton and leave it as a copper to him. Low income looks yonder on your knees and this hour we're going to have the one thing they want to the earliest that make us little Tommy and last but if I mean if you think in the several years I believe there is analytic us poor. The other can you put a man in tennis than other masculine instead of one last technique was not conceal not only on their call system of Parliament 30 of your like hour long on Islam and their massive U.S. and possibly
see no assiduous complained their quality was pretty much in a square last quarter him people will ask Will another muscle of media so you know I like only that but look at. Let's call it the norm. Instrumental the lack of money that you know is a part of their local money that year in their stores can be a squirrel fall apart if you pursue him or so you are part of it was your little Paladin you don't mind because I mean that is something which just bothers me about this. Look in a speech in Chicago our standing position as a leader does go but it is a familiar. And this book is basically one down the most a book as Mrs. X. He answers the rituals and so on pretty interesting as a consequence. Alice seemed so very much unless you are going to say you want to I want to spend your column that other thought that I was if you think he has a lot on your own as a lemon There are very there no quote of the war Robert's Rules of Order. It's all go bust. That is something that experience
was minus our I was one of the even the most left part of the posse on going that up or you're the last we're going to see honest people because but as if Amelia with an intended look at the real impact of abuse is the fed into you but it was by that is it for me this is what we thought we look at where we were that we owe me a queer the worst day on the program of dealing with this that I support the Emperor that is there. I mean the thought is lowkey CNN if I hadn't had Minister Lord is going to save us minorities political My minister I thought of that as a part of the way actually thought I had on my use of that classic and I believe it was put in I suppose the Shawnees example of the way I look at the pasar is they will and will not and we're going to spot that is if they can't decide that Emma. Well the problem was that only a low spot various
robots equal but only a good part of that more than the one I said Leave that is imposing Ya-Bon as I've had a couple as they have the soonest. York OK anti-government but I think that's the reason why Ducasse yawn but I was bothered by like a ghost thing and spiders in Chicago didn't actually go in total data but it Pato problem up there to go to someone who they could not put up with it was a settler that those is the hero. You know it's that most of the static I go to hotels this time was in Toronto. I lost by their custody that yeah well mental silly that is my therapist but I thought about it but are those bottles by this or have one there as well I got a lot of the Europe was here what do you want to see them if we look at you saw you got a list but it is the formulas who
squanders my stories here means that a lot has been her vilely good looks and the more I see Steve I start getting went in the Casey and this tells you stay in though and when you know I get the earliest looked at after all of this evidence is going to when I persona. OK we know. What's unreal about a valley on you made your man is the last mistress messy by ye ye into the NAB are lost by that is they come o said lead that is the law Cynthia must by the end of it out again. It was impressed on up like the guy was you know he was lenient. He knows he was a member I said Auburn and both of them was there last August when my sister was like that. You'll see who's given out of Badri is my is what I'm given and don't as the most elite yet badly I just want to go to my as little seahorse. The more recently they were the impress that although yes the CIF with on the epistle is their program I am
paddle and will be under the father is a loss he who was immature much wider is seen as a POW those and has a square left in front of him as a brothers one defiantly us equal moved over a spread of about almost bothers me Granted one of them as a people. For his daughter's bed the bookcase goes by that he'll easily do a lot of people you look at his domicile on and headed out to where penitent they remain as they were then then he says here in the US a square arsonist also means look as dumb as you and Chicago look a psychologist could read and want to paddle value crocus and point to an important day when that are you. BMB an important interview knows that blended in for dementia Goggle is get bored pretty made obvious lost by a disk in north to L.A. seeking comment. Dingaan it means more that actually what that buy less missiles detect the U.S.'s goal of this new way of us mass by the sea but the US bias gets on so you are also getting in the comment box isn't going to be an important report. Inning goon also look bad and by this year 262
speaking isn't what I said I know where you're at in Chicago. DN individual US bias in the comment valves in the event this they want that. Buy a suit represent panties but US West or represent on this and as Mrs. did it the USS Cole that is also look at us in the rather than a square at the morgue at Attica. But it isn't a square law school yet the anti-democratic he had added. Get out that I said on louder last biogas in the wedding. Really laws in the old moon do we look at what is going to be more grass you look at Chicago's main port then Dennis's and Diogu moon PP-ASEL me anymore I see as aggressive Democrats here you go get them in porn you'll drop onto sort of the masochist I mean look at the sea on its own you do that you gotta go get it done we've got IMO $6 cn do in 30 minutes but also sadly supporting a suit. My your democracy my you report to me up at a party see bad document that was put to him. When they didn't i was he didn't vote no but it don't sustain a musket ball there. Their scene or not your spittle
says Silas or that of course you saw him for a particular battle values many important innocent do you. But get plenty else and do it again soon. But how to proceed locked while Sosia that hit out of its Korean anti-democratic. Or But I thought that this him but I don't associate on way or leave it out of order. Don't they lost by other standards give it a meaning even the last company I stand. Let's get out there they didn't mean in a listing of this was he who was now unless you know I mean look at Stan where again we import something. And he will pursue an element in the soup to me is more so wonderful that is important I mean Father the Son and the liquor so you only come in to see if you concentrate on your mood look at least a little because you know you know you want to blow while the little Christiane is on the sea where they in contrast will combust on this little piece was one of the scores because I want to sort those who were lost by this but there was a the catalytic
a better quality I want to give it largely the other less quote less than also known of a seed like an English Carrier IQ at our house the school house the state house in the White House will need Ellis Ellis in the school is one of the Nikkei if you got to see little question or stuff once you're on the No. So if you can mass in our house look at passing your guard on me who gave us the lottery when you're on the Mall the subpoena the school house. Yeah they like us are real. You know by the last Congress didn't get anything that I was a local money that you know most I got ya Tony really the classic is like I someone normal said like I said this to plan it then you know since you were there too and they're nicer now that it just minus Internacional is you're going to see me into Internet United an important one and is there yet and I somewhere there's been as you know only a separable point be made obvious that I see on Internet you know little that it was a name you didn't respect last year and his temper at the heels was that it was a dozen years in the 90s there was quite a system as I've learned there's a lot of followers a computer operators a lot
of things as you on the fence I got a few more people drill mate then San Fransisco when I sold the most beloved because you knew you had been part of vitally important that they will see your photos. I said Congress led by his biggest goals then was better than most in Essex where less by several people in the airport there was a bully less well if I look at a company that were that good last told us was it no thought was that there was a bit less than what I look at it is their life but I must own every smallest with the most beloved little going so soon put on by whom a quarter inch to go. When I was part of Chico almost you know the one thing I cannot afford to lose members are like many of the men is but I almost told the women who are getting camels to put on the support that I salute even support dandle
support with which I Say Not As you know this but once on a step I mean up or your little part of the all those bodies know another mother. Little problem I would assume you dump in Packer Valley California a commuter plane is a little guy says you in the US you need to go soon with equal to really maintain some fancy school yards in your capital city the other organs as you can put on by a recorder in Chicago which. Is the full program I love but it changed already years Quilla will be maybe soon the last idiot of you for me can mean you see me get on this NG This is queer less politesse less serious from the production the guys record of me but I do believe in Fresno California. This illness is to use a cuckoo a day in San Fransisco. Total of these unique places Richard Gonzales the Dakota take me call Michael Your she then. I think all this will need those she loves so called. My dear Martin you got the McNally put look at a live report back as they form the.
Story also in the march in that blood on chemical suit dunt is the mystique assumed the promise you mistyped that it will be Jennifer Hawke. It is therefore not bias in Maciek will usually improve the brick it will be will some little school is the serious evil possibly in part of the US your cell phone was a local reporter soon but a lot before you left on the scene for.
Immigrant Children
Contributing Organization
Radio Bilingue (Fresno, California)
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Immigrant Children in Public schools
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Radio Bilingue
Identifier: cpb-aacip-790f4be075c (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00
Radio Bilingue
Identifier: cpb-aacip-c180c8da23d (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00
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Chicago: “Immigrant Children,” Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 6, 2024,
MLA: “Immigrant Children.” Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 6, 2024. <>.
APA: Immigrant Children. Boston, MA: Radio Bilingue, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from