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Ladies and gentlemen and in the interest of time I shall be brief concise and to the point. If there is a point here is a message that we had prepared because of certain commitments that we had. I read it as it is an announcement on behalf of the Congress of Racial Equality. We extend this tribute to Mr Howard Baker. In recognition of her untiring efforts in the civil rights struggle. It is regrettable that this great occasion should occur the time when the bright people of America and the bright people of America mourns the tragic loss of a great and respected leader Dr. Martin Luther King. Now more than ever before. It is imperative that people of goodwill take their rightful place in our society and join in a common goal the freedom of all men. We had core are especially grateful for Mrs. Baker's personal contribution
to the work of our organization for her valuable consultation over the years and for her work with corps and for the attendance of in workshops in Atlanta and all voter registration in North Carolina in the south and as well swear. It was even considered group opinion of the Congress of Racial Equality and we as you have heard of The New York Times or it did organization we knew Mike Rupp. We do not know where we going but our membership has just doubled in the last three years. But. Not a group of people said that they wanted to do something for Ms Baker and it was a great debate that went on. They said we want to give Ms Baker address or have something that we know that she will put on and wow if we bought in the meantime a series of meetings and problems came up and
everybody went upon their way so they didnt say brother McKissic says Suppose you give Mrs. Baker $100. I say well you know if I give Ella $100 shes going boss to check. Turn it over to scam and its called right back into it. Just exactly what you don't want done but I'm going to do it. So I'm here for this very reason to preserve a gift of $100 on behalf so minute of poor people and the thing about this check is that it doesn't represent one contribution for one person. That's what makes us so great these days as we of course found that it's better to get 50 for every black person and how I'm going to get a thousand dollars for one. Wasn't that the value of the dollar keeps going up and De Gaulle peeps get why
Johnson keeps getting dumb. When the value of the dollar goes down and a hundred dollars of course is not really what it ought to be. But. This rep. Is that something or people you know all of them voluntarily put something together and it represents a whole lot of people and you about the person you know around here of our age. That. That can bring a rap Brown's doublet Carmichael Floyd McKissic and all of them crazy got to people of the society is afraid to get up. So this is a tribute to you and we are happy to be here. We want to give you this Jack and we're going to say well blast and we want your religion but may you be blessed by those gods that you used to be blessed by. A lot but one very short announcement and I'm not saying this just brand I don't get that idea. But I have with
me tonight for our five people from the south who are going to help me maintain order and especially the length of times people speak and I'm not going to introduce them but I have five Alabama state troopers here and of course and. I'm not going to give you an break in who will make a speech. Thank you. Thank you. I hope everybody will forgive me on this is something I practically never do I'm going to read my remarks tonight because the chairman has me utterly intimidated. That's the only way I can be sure of avoiding the death sentence he has condemned me to if I go over my time. It is my assignment tonight to pinch hit for one of the great women of our time. Mrs Rosa Parks whose courage more than a decade ago started a new movement. Obviously I can't really do that.
For no one could take her place. But she is very ill today and to her great regret could not come here from her present home in Detroit. She asked me to convey to those assembled some of her feelings about our guest of honor. Miss Ella Baker. Long before the world heard of Mrs. Parks the Montgomery Bus movement she was already working. Doing what was then a revolutionary act. Organizing an Endemol ACP branch in the cradle of the Confederacy. It was a time when there was no real movement. Only a few courageous pioneers working long and hard in the long drudgery that builds a movement attempting what must have seemed an impossible task. In the early 1940s. Mrs. Parks went out of the state of Alabama for the first
time to a regional NWA conference in Jacksonville Florida. And there she met Ella Baker in L.A. Mrs. Parks says today she found the renewed courage and the new inspiration to continue her work. From then on they were fast friends with Ellen helping her to find within herself the confidence and strength she needed to carry on. I tell the story because I think it illustrates the most important role that Ellen has played in the movement to revolutionize the south. For at least three generations for what Mrs. Parks says about Ella could be repeated by scores and scores of people. If we but knew all of their names and I've never sought credit for the work she did in fact she carefully avoided credit and acclaim. But she helped to build a movement. About the only thing people for many of
us as with Rosa Parks. She made it possible for us to attempt what seemed the impossible. I recall that I first met a lot in the early 50s when Carl was in prison arms addition charges for what we thought might be 15 years. The situation then looked pretty impossible. And I remember how well already a veteran of many struggles helped me to put it all in perspective helped me to analyze the situation correctly find the most effective and skillful way to fight and to believe in my own ability to do it. Ever since then whenever a particularly knotty problem has arisen I have wanted to talk to Ellen. Not that she always has a magic answer but I know she'll cut through the elements of the problem that don't matter. Raise the right questions and give me faith in my own ability to do the impossible. This is what she has meant to many of us in the movement. It is my Simon also tonight
to pay tribute to Ellen on behalf of the scamps but I can't really do that in words. The only fitting tribute to a woman who scorns and rhetoric without content is actually in a sense I think that the program that the sky is now carrying out is our best tribute to Ella for what we have attempted through the years to break the shackles of white racism and build a new movement. Many people have said it is impossible. Some people still say that although at least now more people see the necessity for it. But we do not let the threat of the impossibilities frighten us. And sometimes things begin to become possible. A year ago many people said and some still say that it is impossible to reach poor white people in this flower.
But today Bob and daddy's owner who are here tonight and their coworkers in the Deep South are doing exactly that. Beginning to win more white southerners away from the dead end philosophy of racism and organize them around economic and political programs that have meaning for their lives in the mountain areas of the South. According to some people are so beaten down by the system that they can't be organized. But today our state is helping them to organize and drawing on the example of the black people in this country helping the people in the mountains to see that they can control their own lives. A few years ago people said it was impossible to build and organize an anti-war movement. But today we're doing it. Today many people say it is impossible to stop the coming of a police state in this country but through our civil liberties program we are fighting police state tactics wherever they rear their ugly heads whether it be Rap Brown in jail for making a speech. Black students framed in
Knoxville Tennessee as is now going on draft resisters in prison and lawyers and so on. And if it is truly impossible to avoid a police state in this country this will not have stopped us from trying. This is our program to attempt the impossible and to make it possible. As our guest of honor has inspired people to do them through the years this is our living tribute to Ms. Elevator. Thank you. And. Thank. You. I'm just a word about some of the organizing on our project and later on we'll get to the project with caramel
but I'd like to say just give you a brief board of some of the things that we're doing. And I have been back in the south for about a year now. We're living in New Orleans and we have purchased a large house a great big house in which we are converted into an educational center. We have one workshop there one large workshop with 30 people. The delta of Mississippi Sunflower County and county Sunflower County as you know is James County 30 people most of them live. We had three black people and the rest of these people are white. Very few of us realize that this could occur down and began to attempt it. We thought that it could be done but we didn't know. But this is happening and
we're working with about 20 200 to 25. White and black workers in Laurel Mississippi we've had several meetings up there and they've come down to meet with us in New Orleans. I was in the home working on the day of Martin Luther King's funeral and it was an interesting reaction because this is a white Mississippian. We've known for about a year and we've been working with. And he told me that he really understood something. He said I was supposed to mow the lawn today and I have very large lawns up there and he's got he's got two or three acres cleared and his wife had told him. He said he hadn't gotten to it because he'd been watching the television all day. He said that he really cried. And broke down and
cried when they loaded the casket on that wagon. And he said something very simple really. He said that's when I really knew that he was our people and we were his kind of people. So these are some of the things that we're beginning to find in the south working with white people and black people together. So we're pressing on. We have a workshop with about a hundred people at the most. But there will also be black workers from that area. There are many things happening now and they grow out of what has gone before and many of us who are with us from very early days. We still believe that we are all together. And I think this gathering tonight is the most most telling
example the most proof that anyone would want that we have a damn strong movement going now. And I think it's because of the work of people like Ella Baker in years and years past and people like our next speaker Stokely Carmichael. Much to all. Of them. Good evening. The political statements of all going to the station will be delivered by the chairman of the Rap Brown. Listen to. The political statements of our organizations are usually given by the chairman whose brother wraparound he's here tonight. I am not yet. Are.
You on. Each. At It and. I am not you know for a political reason I am here for a personal reason. And I debated this coming because I was afraid I would be asked to speak. I speak publicly on political issues. I do not speak publicly on personal issues. I have come to pay tribute to myself and Baker and not only for what she's done for me and what she's done to thousands and millions of people whom she will never know will never be able to touch her own who will never be able to say thank you. And that is why I'm here. That is all I can say at. Iraq.
At this point I would like to say that part of the work in the last few days in the last few weeks has been agitation as much agitation as we possibly could raise around the imprisonment of wraparound. And I would like to say that we did our best and we don't know if it had any effect or not on his release. But the organization at the task and I would like for rap to stand up and I would like for rap to come up and say just a word to rap. Could you do that. The old. To
Owen I'd like to. I'd like to to inform you that while rap was in jail he fasted and the I think you've fasted for over 30 days and this had a tremendous effect on the people in New Orleans and many of you probably don't know but with a little organizing effort we were able to circulate a petition in New Orleans Louisiana only among white people and it was signed by a hundred and fourteen citizens of New Orleans Louisiana. I give you up. Thanks a lot really knew it. You have to excuse me. First of all I like to say every organization and individual who did anything on my behalf I'm trying to get me out of jail. And I'm really out by a mistake.
I'm not supposed to be out. But in terms of people all across the country people who are pressed and people who are fighting against oppression in this country the battle is yet to come. The real confrontation has not been for oppressed people black people in this country oppressed white people poor Mexicans American Indians Japanese Americans are beginning to recognize that the fight against racist white America and it is a fight against race is white America is yet to come. So in paying tribute to one of the freedom fighters one of the real freedom fighters in this country. And I'd like to say thank you not only to Miss Baker but everyone who's here and all the freedom fighters who died in the streets of New York Detroit and who have been dying in this country all along. Thank you. Or I'd like to. And
introducing the next speaker letter from another freedom fighter who is a member of the staff who worked Appalachian volunteer for three years and finally understood that poverty programs and the government programs were not solving the problems of the people and they were not allowed to organize as they should. This is a person who realized that if he was going to do any significant organizing in the United States and the problems of the people he had one of the issues facing us today the war in Vietnam when he took a stand on that he lost his occupation was fired from the Appalachian volunteers. He was later drafted. And sent to jail for five years. Hours from a letter from jail.
Today marks a day in the county jail. It's not really as bad as I thought it would be a third day and we were well received by the other prisoners. I've got him. Discussions with fellow prisoners about such things as black power King's death the Vietnam War and the lack of justice in the federal courts. They all liked it when I told them you were out picketing for all of the prisoners who couldn't raise money that would about empty this place. The federal ban was same like a hotel compared to this jail. We wonder when and where we will be transferred spirits are high we're all right. Tell our enemies to be aware our friends to organize. The open. Joe was very lucky and that he is a native of Kentucky and felt very much at home in the mountains he felt that's where he should be organizing.
But when a matter of principle he when he was faced with that he had to go to jail. But he's lucky that he has a wife like Karen Malloy who is continuing the work and will be going to Pike County and eastern Kentucky to continue the organizing there and I'd like for her to tell you just a word about that here and thank I'm continuing my work in the mountains as we all must continue. We are fighting the streamlined battle as we did last summer which in gray we have what is known as the marble Folk School fashion of the Highlander film school and also saw all sorts of small battles going on all the time. And we must let no man turn us around and when Joe is free he will join all of us who are working in the mountains. Continue this fight for freedom and democracy. One of your responsibilities is to help free Joe to launch a protest against a system that would jam a man that believes that all human beings should be allowed to live and to live a decent life. Joe
read a statement when he was sentenced and it was not just written for the court but they didn't really care but was addressed to the people of the United States. And I'd like to read it. This was April 8 1968. I stand before you today for refusing to kill for refusing to partake in the violent march of history which will eventually if not stopped and us all. It is ironic that us stand here today in these trying times. Speaking for peace and nonviolence as a country burned down around us from the flames of hatred and violence. America seems bent upon doing itself and. I find an intolerable hypocrisy in the words of our president in the last few days in the DTA causes to happen. America shall not be ruled by the bullet. And yet America should rule the world with bombs and bullets. Men of peace are called upon to use nonviolent methods in dealing with our internal crises. And yet our government relies
soley on violence to protect her so-called interests and impose our will around the world. We shall reap what we sow as the myth of nonviolence are jailed and murdered. This is the policy which I will have no part of. I have chosen the truth of nonviolence as my way of life. What has gone on in this court of law and what you do to me today shall not deter me from that truth. I accept this bitter cup because I love this country. Like Socrates I had my chance to flee the wrath of the law but chose to face it head on with my will in the hope that I may change it. What I have done will someday be praised as a true patriotic act and someday men will learn to live in peace and love until that day. You can weave mind body and shackle my bones but you can't touch what I think in my head. I shall always remain free and we shall overcome. Thank you. AA. Serenely.
Right. Now I would like to introduce to you a person who we're going to reduce the guest of honor the very well-qualified historian and movement Chronicle or Professor of Boston University and author of the new abolitionists. Howard Zinn. To annul this isn't going to be a long introduction because I think the most useful thing I can do is not to stand between you and Ella Baker for very long. I do want to say that. I think I was somewhere on the streets of Atlanta.
I think it was somewhere in the nineteen fifty eight fifty nine that I first met Ella Baker and was one of just a passing meeting and somehow I just was with her for five to ten minutes and yet I felt after that meeting thinking about it that I'd been in the presence of a remarkable person with enormous strength and passion and hidden wells of wisdom. And then I saw her and 1961 in Albany Georgia at the time of the mass demonstrations there and all sorts of things were going on out in the street and people being arrested and Bob Zelnick was hanging around somewhere coming out of jail and other people some of them right here in this room. And in the little church in Albany back in the in the in the dark in the back room
there was a line of people who had just come out of jail. Black men and women all the me they were sitting and there the seated table was Ella Baker. And while all this hoopla and demonstrative action was going on out in the street Ella Baker was sitting at his table talking one by one to these people who'd gotten out of jail to find out what they needed that they need some clothes had they lost their jobs who was taking care of their kids. They need a doctor. And it seems to me that over the years that I've known her what has really impressed me was that on the one hand she was always doing the nitty gritty down in the earth work that other people were not doing while all sorts of rhetoric was going on all sorts of grandstanding was going on that's what she was doing working with people and talking to people and organizing people. And yet at the same time she
always had. A vision an intellectual reach an understanding of what lay beyond today and beyond tomorrow what lay beyond the immediate advance. She always was looking through the things that was occupying people at the moment thinking of the kind of world I think that she and the rest of us thought we were working for a world without war without racism without power in which people could live together as human beings women to live together. And then I felt very honored when she and I were both serving together on the executive committee of this snake. Those first few crazy years of snake.
And she's had a long and remarkable career in the south where she was born in the north where she is traveled and worked among all sorts of people. I listened before as some of the messages said that she is one of them. The most consequential and yet it's one of the least honored people in America and I thought to myself that perhaps this is because we are accepting the growing definition of what honor is if Honor is medals and headlines and plaques and invitations to the White House well that somebody is defamation of Ana.
And if Honor is the love that people have for you and a foreigner is the work that people do in a cause that you dedicated your life to then Ella Baker is one of the most honored people in America. It's only rarely in one's lifetime that you come across somebody that you consider a truly great person. And that's the feeling I've always had about Ella Baker and a great privilege to know her. It's a great privilege to introduce her to you now. Here she is in. Atlanta. Ira Mr. Chairman and friends. I don't know if I can recall a point in my lifetime that I have been as near speechless as
I am tonight. I had said that I had great difficulty trying to put down something to say not only because of tonight's occasion but because I suppose like many people who have lived a long while who have seen a lot of change take place and who still want to see where we're going. I am among those who are finding it pretty difficult to talk these days in the first place. And tonight I am finding it even more difficult because I must admit.
I had not responded to this occasion in the way that apparently other people have responded. Maybe I am at fault but when a man asked me if the dinner this year might be built around me I said yes without any hesitation because I agreed with one other statement she made namely that of course this has elements of using you. But if you're like me you do not object to being used for a good cause. And as far as I was concerned this was it because irrespective of whatever else could take place tonight. To me the most important reason for being here was for some people who did not
know about skim to learn about it who are. And for all those of us who have billable involved in its work to gain new life and new dedication to its support. Now maybe I was wrong in taking this position. Maybe I should have let my ego find some satisfaction in the fact that quote I was being honored. But I must admit to you I have always found it very difficult to play that role because in my estimation. One must do what one's conscience bit him do. And from no one except yourself expect applause. I have been introduced in various ways in my life. I've had the introductions.
Maybe I should be a little bit historical or reminisce a bit. I remember when I travel for the end of a lazy period in the early forties and throughout the South I was weighing in about 40 pounds less than I am weighing now and I was 27 years younger and on many occasions when I arrived in a place because they the people had been accustom to seeing what we used to refer to as facetiously and the dead and the bosom the ladies. And here I appeared with neither be dating at all not too much be both I mean. It was pretty difficult for some of the persons who had to introduce me to find a sense of security in presenting the speaker. And so what they usually would say after some words that maybe could be said about anybody they
said. And here we have our national officer. And this of course meant that they said to him Don't blame me if I'm all right. It's a national office. At center. But in 59 I went down to help them in an effort to break through barriers to voter registration and Caddo Parish Louisiana. And among the things that we were doing of course was getting around to various sections of the community to try to get people to understand how they would have to what they would have to do in order to qualify to register and to get them to come out to attempt to register. And on one occasion after we had been around a while and my habits my work habits had become know one of the dear brother who introduced me after and yes the sister to say I asked is it
now if the sister will give us a number on the pile and then we will have a few words from the old workhorse. Was what I was supposed to represent. Now I remember those instances and I remember the power of hundreds of other instances when I had the privilege of thinking at least that I could spoke what people were thinking in their hearts. I remember one occasion in the height of a I guess World War that war that was being fought in the 40s. I spoke at Age Church in Tampa Florida and there were all a couple of hundred people hundreds to bout 200 people present. And we were recruiting and they Sepi memberships. And out of that group we got about 80 that morning.
And one sister got up and said afterwards she said I'm joining because I know what this woman is saying what she is saying in a mother can understand. Now I was on the other. But at least I was glad to know that in attempting to communicate I head communicating with people in terms of their understanding and in terms of their drug use. A lot of nice things have been said about me tonight but I said that my main concern for being here was because this was an occasion to call attention again to the work that Skip is doing. You've heard it said that this is the 30th anniversary of its existence. And I know of no organization that can measure its effectiveness in
terms it can measure its effectiveness more of actively in terms of the repressions that have been is that it and its stand up and support than just get scared. As Ann has indicated or at least my meeting with and Carl came at the time when they had been to huge the number of things so Dishan among them because they had bought or bought a house or bought a house and sold it to a negro veteran who had been able to buy a home out of the ghetto and the house as it was then. I think borough bombed I believe and with veterans and Cora were accused of having done it themselves. And I met them. I had then was strictly a civil rights worker. You know in
the civil rights movement there was not much difference made or distinction made between civil rights and civil liberties. In fact we may not have welt too well upon civil liberties in those days and after meeting and Carl one of the things that became very clear was that. Those of us who were engaged especially young people at that time were engaged in the nonviolent movement had not understood that the very laws that were being used against them like freedom like opposition to assembly alike exorbitant and unusual bail these were things that had to do with the civil libertarian aspects of a struggle that they knew very little on.
What Planck's to AND BRAEDEN especially those who had not known. Came out of the movement. I think at least in the phone and I trust are now convinced that the struggle has to take on a job of effort in the direction of combating the ballet shoes of the civil liberties that we claim to have as a result of being a part of the American system. I have often felt that the marches were just to a large extent outlets for people finding expression in the assuage their sense of guilt orally. I did away with any further need for involvement by becoming a part of the march. Their losses are a myth no doubt they are a necessary part of dramatizing the situation.
But why march to Washington. Why not march to Long Island. Why not march to West Chester. Why not march to the slums of New Jersey. Why not march to Harlem New Bedford Stuyvesant. Not in terms of a physical March but in terms of recognizing that what is happening in these places in terms of poverty is a responsibility that has to be dealt with by those who are not impoverished. In other words those of us who have money have got to speak to those who are in power in a way that they understand which is through the ballot through your pressure and truly
can determine a nation that something has to be done. Poverty War. We are pretty well on the way to at least dealing with the question of war. But beyond the question of the Vietnam War is the larger question of what kind of foreign policy does the Vietnam War represent. And what kind of foreign policy will there be after the Vietnam War. Does it represent as has been indicated in some of the things that we have writ that our government has reached the point. That it thinks in terms of being the policeman for the rest of the world against what they call
the threat of communism or is it truthfully said as some of us think. That it is the representation of those who are in power. Taking a position against the inherent right of people to seek their own self-determination in the ways that they think are best suited to their problems. Does this represent a kind of foreign policy that you and I as citizens of this country want to see follow. If so that's one thing. But if not what is our responsibility. Where does our responsibility begin and where does it in. When we come to the question of racism this is the ticklish one.
It has been saying it and we must give credit where credit is due. The first to perhaps other this where those who are no not birds will receive the snake people when they first said that we are in a racist culture a racist society that is dominated by a racist philosophy and an exploitation that to a large extent is based on racism. It wasn't heard and now that it has been say it and perhaps to some extent document it perhaps by the report of the president's report on urban the. But what is it. Verbal disorder since we call them rebellions. Somebody calls them riots in the president's report refers to them as urban disorders. This report
comes out and says that we are. Tending towards becoming two sides one black one white. Separate and Unequal. Now the report hasn't said a thing that hasn't been said before over and over and over again. But the great tragedy here is that it wasn't heard. It was sent each time there was a protest against racial segregation it was said each time that people like Stokely Carmichael got his head beaten because he was trying to resist the racists and specs of the Southern society. And then we were much more eager for the fight against racism because of what it was over there. It was in the south.
We could always point the finger but when it began when it began to explode at our Berber doorstep. What do we do. We get afraid and we get fearful and it's understandable. It's understandable that you can be afraid of this or. But that is not enough to be afraid. There is a need to understand the reason for all of this order. Not an outbreak has taken place. But what there weren't so factors that had a taint for years and years and it helped to create a climate create a hate free clue create the suppressed anger. That made it necessary in the minds of the people who gave vent to it the way they did to do what they did. This you say is condoning the rioters. It is not. It is an effort to say to
people who say they will say they would like to do something to save our country. It is never to say to you and to me that we must understand what takes place all the riot at the riot level is a reflection of a lot of things that have not been on the surface before and that have been festering like a low sore. And what happens with the old store when it festers frequently it infects the entire body and we are now at that stage I'm afraid. One of the things about the question of racism that at least in talking to people. The question that frequently has come up recently with me is well we are not guilty personally course you're
not. I don't know that there's anybody in this room has carried on a campaign of racism per se but I doubt that there's anybody in this room who has not at some point been guilty of supporting a race's culture. And we must search ourselves to find out how we have been guilty not for the sake of just wallowing in our guilt but for the say all facing the fact that the future of our culture our country depends not so much on what black people do as it does depend on what white people do. This is a hard lesson for some of us that the choice as to whether or not.
We will rid the country of racism is a choice that white America has to make. But you say that when blacks call for separatism they are guilty of racism in reverse. How many times have you listened when the separatism is echoed what's behind the call for separatism. There are many things to say but in my estimation there are times when the most radical makes the statement that you can't expect anything from whitey. What he is really saying is show me. He is begging to be shown. Now how can you do it. I don't know. I wish I
knew how you could show but one thing is certain you can't wait sit back and wait and say well if the blacks. Aren't going to work with me I don't want to be bothered with them and I don't want to interfere with their. Receiving. And if someone asked me Well what can I do. I have only one answer. You have to do some things in terms of what you believe and in terms of your own conviction. And if you're not going to be able to be motivated by your own conviction and not wait for blacked to tell you where to move. Then we are doomed. I can assure you I didn't intend this but I listened to what was being said it and I listen
to what was not said when Stokely and Rep appeared before you. I know there was a great deal of perhaps apprehension as to whether or not things would turn up all right. I even understand I understand that the hotel had raised questions of the possibility of riots. And I think what took place in connection with the rep's appearance in Maryland might be something of a lesson he has been in jail for a long number of weeks and it was all started because of his appearance in Maryland Cambridge Maryland. And you remember it was said the story was to the effect that Rap Brown appeared spoke.
It was followed by a riot. Maybe most of us know all the details but some of us may not. I'm going to just read a couple of lines if I can find a way to see it. From a newspaper or from a newspaper clipping that deals with the question of the Cambridge riots before I read this let me say this represents a rip report that was prepared by a team of social scientists headed by adopt the Robert Shallow assistant deputy director for research at the National Institute of Mental Health. And it was prepared for. As part of the urban move with the study all the urban disorders. But it wasn't included in there. We have some other
documentation of it but this will serve the purpose. To the extent that we encouraged anybody to engage in precipitous or disorderly acts this city officials are clearly the ones he influence most. Indeed the existence of a riot existed for the most part in the minds of city officials and to the extent that negro dis Bartels occurred. It can best be interpreted as a response to actions of the city officials. Brown was more a catalyst of white fears then of Negro and Titan is the disturbance more a product of white expectations than Negro
initiative. The 24 year old Negro leader was indicted on charges of inciting to arson and riot. But I think the report points out that the school took the burning at the school took place about four hours after he had been shot in the arm by a deputy. And after he had left and that the people in the community really came out and tried to help put out the school plays. But there is the possibility that the chief of police had decided that he was ready for a ride and so help him. There had to be one of those of us who are not ready for the burden.
Will go down to our city holes go down to our mayors and to our governors and even to our federal government and question why. So much artillery is being bought and Stanton stopped to deal with people who are fighting against an oppression of our repressive system that they have become victim to the voice of those who believe that life is more sacred than property must be heard no and no other. Thank you. Thank you. Adam. Cohen. And that has to do with the whole question of repressive action. I think it was this week that the 25th anniversary of the Warsaw gathering was the Warsaw Ghetto the resistance
in the Warsaw Ghetto took place 25 years ago. Someone has said that those who failed to remember history may live to experience this story. What I am suggesting is that the trend towards repressive measures against those who are resisting the wall those who are resisting. The races repressions those who are resisting the poverty that they endure. Those who are challenging the system more and more of the repression is stepped up in terms of what. Eliminating those people in one way all the other containing Rap Brown was sent to jail not
because he had been tried and found guilty of a crime but because this was an easy he was an easy target. And if we take the position that sure I don't believe in that kind of imprisonment. But you must remember what he said. Then we are not really understanding that the real issue is repression. Not repression for whom but repression against anyone who violates or who is exercising what we say are our constitutional rights of freedom of speech.
Tribute to Ella Baker
Producing Organization
WBAI Radio (New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
Pacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, California)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/28-125q814w5v).
Episode Description
The Southern Conference Education Fund (SCEF) annual dinner held in Louisville honored Ella Baker, who has worked for many years behind the scenes in the civil rights movement. Speakers Anne Braden, Bob Zellner, Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, Karen Mulloy, and Howard Zinn, and emcee Floyd McKissick speak about Baker's contribution to the civil rights movement. Ella Baker speaks for the last portion of the broadcast about the importance of SCEF and the need to link the struggles for civil rights and civil liberties, ending poverty, and ending the Vietnam War. She stated that as a society we need to ask what is behind a number of current concerns: the war, urban rioting, black separatism, the recent arrest of Brown on charges of arson and inciting a riot in Cambridge, Maryland, and the trend toward repressive actions against those resisting war, racist repressions, poverty, and those exercising freedom of speech. For information on Ella Baker, see J. Todd Moye, Ella Baker: Community Organizer of the Civil Rights Movement (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013).
Broadcast Date
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Event Coverage
Social Issues
Race and Ethnicity
Public Affairs
Southern Conference Educational Fund; African Americans--Civil rights--History
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Producing Organization: WBAI Radio (New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Carmichael, Stokely
Speaker: Brown, H. Rap
Speaker: Zellner, Robert
Speaker: Mulloy, Karen
Speaker: Braden, Anne
Speaker: Baker, Ella, 1903-1986
Speaker: McKissick, Floyd B.
Speaker: Zinn, Howard
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: 20860_D01 (Pacifica Radio Archives)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Pacifica Radio Archives
Identifier: PRA_AAPP_BB3142_Tribute_to_Ella_Baker (Filename)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 0:59:38
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Tribute to Ella Baker,” 1968-07-20, Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 25, 2025,
MLA: “Tribute to Ella Baker.” 1968-07-20. Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 25, 2025. <>.
APA: Tribute to Ella Baker. Boston, MA: Pacifica Radio Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from