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<v Narrator>This program is made possible in part by a grant from the Victoria <v Narrator>Foundation. <v Mauricio Gerson>Saludos y bienvenidos a Imagenes. Soy Mauricio Gerson. Soy anfitrion. <v Mauricio Gerson>In this program w'ell pay tribute to veterans of war. <v Mauricio Gerson>We'll highlight Hispanic veterans still active in the military.
<v Mauricio Gerson>We'll discuss issues affecting Vietnam veterans. <v Mauricio Gerson>And we'll share with you a touching story, the making of a hero. <v Commandant Alvarez>I was born in New York City of Puerto Rican parents. <v Commandant Alvarez>Mom was from San German and Dad was from Sabana Grande and <v Commandant Alvarez>grew up in New York City public school system. <v Commandant Alvarez>One day decided to find out about the Air Force I was about 19 and a half. <v Commandant Alvarez>And I just went down a Whitehull Street and said, I'm interested in <v Commandant Alvarez>speaking to someone about the Air Force.
<v Commandant Alvarez>And a very nice young man came up and said, See me? <v Commandant Alvarez>And the next thing I knew, I was raising my hand. <v Commandant Alvarez>I was sworn in. So been in the Air Force for over <v Commandant Alvarez>30 years. It's been good. <v Commandant Alvarez>Primarily, my job has been communications and maintenance. <v Commandant Alvarez>I spent quite a few years overseas and currently <v Commandant Alvarez>for the last nine years, I've been in professional military education for enlisted <v Commandant Alvarez>people. My job right now is commandant of the MAC <v Commandant Alvarez>NCO Academy. <v Commandant Alvarez>And that means that as commandant, I have the responsibility of <v Commandant Alvarez>the day to day operation of 120 students plus the faculty <v Commandant Alvarez>and staff here. We have a six week in residency school. <v Commandant Alvarez>We prepare them to see areas of greater responsibility. <v Commandant Alvarez>We are very heavy into leadership and management, communicative skills, <v Commandant Alvarez>military studies and political science. <v Commandant Alvarez>And it doesn't necessarily have to do with their job.
<v Commandant Alvarez>It's to make them better managers and leaders in the Air Force. <v Commandant Alvarez>The participation of Hispanics that we have in <v Commandant Alvarez>professional military education, as I see it, is not very high, <v Commandant Alvarez>is not very high at all. <v Commandant Alvarez>It's we have certainly Hispanic students that come through. <v Commandant Alvarez>And if we have let us say 3 percent of the Air Force population being Hispanic, <v Commandant Alvarez>we probably have 3 percent of students <v Commandant Alvarez>that come through that are Hispanic. <v Commandant Alvarez>But on the management side of the house, that is instructors, <v Commandant Alvarez>commandants as I see it, we don't have very many at all. <v Commandant Alvarez>As far as I know, I'm the only Hispanic commandant to have a school <v Commandant Alvarez>in the Air Force today. <v Commandant Alvarez>That doesn't say they should run out and get 3 or 4. <v Commandant Alvarez>But I think it puts it in perspective as to how rare that is. <v Commandant Alvarez>Commodities on our staff here have we have one other Hispanic doing <v Commandant Alvarez>a super job for us, a really smart fellow.
<v Commandant Alvarez>But as I go out to conferences and I travel extensively throughout the United States <v Commandant Alvarez>and overseas and I get into the conferences of the education business with that people, <v Commandant Alvarez>I just don't see that many Spanish folks <v Commandant Alvarez>out there. <v Mauricio Gerson>As a Hispanic what has been your experience in the military since you first started <v Mauricio Gerson>in the Air Force, you know, because of your looks, I'm sure that a lot of people wouldn't <v Mauricio Gerson>know, except maybe for the last name, that you might be of Hispanic heritage. <v Commandant Alvarez>Well, today it's no big deal, as <v Commandant Alvarez>it was perhaps in 1955 and '58. <v Commandant Alvarez>The Air Force I have to say, has been very good to me and to <v Commandant Alvarez>Hispanics in the sense that there's room for upward mobility <v Commandant Alvarez>based on your ability, rather on what you look likw or what your last name happens to be. <v Commandant Alvarez>The Air Force has encouraged me and everyone else it seems like from day one <v Commandant Alvarez>to get an education.
<v Commandant Alvarez>They have various programs. <v Commandant Alvarez>I availed myself what they call tuition assistance, where they pay 75 percent of the <v Commandant Alvarez>tuition. I put in 25 percent. <v Commandant Alvarez>And I've been fortunate enough to get both a bachelor's degree and <v Commandant Alvarez>a master's degree while in the Air Force <v Commandant Alvarez>and encouraged the whole time I was doing it by the senior leadership. <v Commandant Alvarez>?inaudible? well when do you graduate? <v student>Couple of weeks. <v Commandant Alvarez>Next week. <v student>Right. <v Commandant Alvarez>All right. okay I'll try to make it to graduation, alright? <v student>Thank you. <v Commandant Alvarez>Have a good day, my friend. <v student>You, too. <v Commandant Alvarez>I feel very gratified of being Spanish, I'm very proud of my heritage. <v Commandant Alvarez>And in the home, we had Spanish and las costumbres, <v Commandant Alvarez>Latino. And because of that, I believe that <v Commandant Alvarez>it has afforded me the opportunity that when I went overseas <v Commandant Alvarez>and had to live on the economy with other cultures, <v Commandant Alvarez>that that has certainly helped back and forth.
<v Commandant Alvarez>When you live in a Spanish community, <v Commandant Alvarez>you're very sensitive and respect the rights and <v Commandant Alvarez>the ideas of others. And I think that has held me in good stead. <v Commandant Alvarez>Being overseas and getting to meet people that are a little different than me <v Commandant Alvarez>think differently from me. And I think that's helped. <v Mauricio Gerson>What can we expect from you in the future, I know that you'll be retiring soon? <v Commandant Alvarez>Well, I certainly hope to be able to transfer my <v Commandant Alvarez>experience that I have as a manager <v Commandant Alvarez>into the civilian sector. <v Commandant Alvarez>And I would like to continue to get into training. <v Commandant Alvarez>Some sort of training or perhaps even to teach. <v Mauricio Gerson>We visited the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard where we talked to Sergeant Luis Munoz <v Mauricio Gerson>of the U.S. Marine Corps. <v Mauricio Gerson>Where are you from originally? <v Luis Munoz>Ponce, Puerto Rico. And New York City.
<v Mauricio Gerson>How did you get involved with the Marine Corps? <v Luis Munoz>Well, back in New York, when I was turned 17 years old, my friends were <v Luis Munoz>joining the Marines. So I followed behind them and I joined at 17 and <v Luis Munoz>a half. I was in the Marine Corps 5, 5 and a half years when <v Luis Munoz>the problems in Vietnam broke out. <v Luis Munoz>And when they first broke out, I was in Okinawa. <v Luis Munoz>So one of the first Marines that went over there and I <v Luis Munoz>spent 6 months and I came back to the states and <v Luis Munoz>went back for another tour in 1966, at which time <v Luis Munoz>I was wounded and medevaced, went back to the states. <v Luis Munoz>And I came back for about a couple of years and went back again in 1969 <v Luis Munoz>and when I went back in '69 I went back as an interrogator translator, <v Luis Munoz>which is humorous for a Spanish P.O.W. <v Luis Munoz>interrogator in Vietnam, it's kind of hard. <v Luis Munoz>But we handled it OK.
<v Luis Munoz>But one problem that I saw is that we during Vietnam, <v Luis Munoz>the Marine Corps, the Army and ?inaudible? They drafted. <v Luis Munoz>So we had a lot of Hispanics in Puerto Rico who were in the Marine Corps <v Luis Munoz>in a, quote, American atmosphere, English speaking, who didn't <v Luis Munoz>speak any English at all, which was a problem. <v Luis Munoz>So I always ended up a lot of times interpreting for them well, whatever <v Luis Munoz>problems they would have with their company, either disciplinary or personal <v Luis Munoz>problems. So that bothered me because, you know, you always felt that, you know, if <v Luis Munoz>you're going to go out fighting a war and it's bad enough, you fight a war and not even <v Luis Munoz>be able to speak English. <v Luis Munoz>But, you know, they adjusted we had some a lot of them that were killed that I know <v Luis Munoz>of. But that would be the big problem. <v Luis Munoz>Well, I mean, there's always humor. You know, I think my humorous point was when, <v Luis Munoz>being Puerto Rican, you know, in trigueno they would thought I <v Luis Munoz>was the biggest Vietnamese in Vietnam. The color didn't make a difference. <v Luis Munoz>You know, you had to survive.
<v Luis Munoz>And so, you know, blood is blood is red and that make a different specialty <v Luis Munoz>out there. <v Mauricio Gerson>What are your current duties? <v Luis Munoz>Right now? I'm I work for the naval shipyard as a supervisor, <v Luis Munoz>employee relations specialists. <v Mauricio Gerson>What is the benefit of having somebody like you in that specific job in personnel and <v Mauricio Gerson>recruiting? <v Luis Munoz>I'm aware of the different programs available to veterans. <v Luis Munoz>And especially in supply. I know what areas were short as far as Hispanic representation. <v Luis Munoz>So being aware of these things, I can make sure that when we get <v Luis Munoz>applications that we consider the Hispanics, <v Luis Munoz>especially veterans. <v Mauricio Gerson>If there was a message you wanted to convey to the youth, those who are 17 <v Mauricio Gerson>year old like you, were 23 years ago, what would that message be? <v Luis Munoz>That I hope to have someone who would first tell them to stay in school, okay. <v Luis Munoz>Get your high school diploma. <v Luis Munoz>And if you want to go in the service, then join. <v Luis Munoz>But go with the idea that you want to make something of yourself.
<v Luis Munoz>Don't go just because your friends are going. <v Luis Munoz>Go because of the opportunity to learn something. <v Luis Munoz>There's a lot of areas, a lot of fields available both to men and women now. <v Luis Munoz>So go with the understanding that, you know, I want to make something myself and whatever <v Luis Munoz>happens will happen. <v Mauricio Gerson>What is the advantage of joining the military service? <v Sergeant Gonzalez>Well, a lot of people you've got different reasons. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>A lot of does have to do with the situation in the outside job wise. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>Other people come in because there are certain benefits that you acquire when you're in <v Sergeant Gonzalez>the service. One, you serve the country, you also get your reimbursement <v Sergeant Gonzalez>on the benefits side. A lot of them come in to enhance their civilian education while <v Sergeant Gonzalez>in service. At the same time, you do have the experience and you've got the training <v Sergeant Gonzalez>in certain fields that you can utilize in the outside. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>So it's the rarest of reasons, but a lot of them do come in because it's an opportunity <v Sergeant Gonzalez>to enhance the civilian education. <v Mauricio Gerson>And what made you turn into the military? <v Sergeant Gonzalez>Well, initially I was drafted in the old days and I decided to stay <v Sergeant Gonzalez>then because I liked the military and looked at it as an opportunity to enhance my
<v Sergeant Gonzalez>education at the time. And I enjoy being in here. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>So to me, it was something that I really sort of grew up in my blood. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>So I'm here and I've been in for the last 18 years. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>The Hispanics have always been ready <v Sergeant Gonzalez>to go and have done the ultimate sacrifice in defense of the nation. <v Mauricio Gerson>The first marine to die in Lebanon was a Puerto Rican from Rochester, New York. <v Mauricio Gerson>How do you feel about that? <v Sergeant Gonzalez>Well, I'm quite sure that did happen in Lebanon, and I'm quite sure it also happened in <v Sergeant Gonzalez>Korea. And to me, as a Hispanic, as a soldier, it makes me feel <v Sergeant Gonzalez>proud of him. Will always remember was when I went to Vietnam. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>When you're in combat, for reasons unknown to was, you know, we get <v Sergeant Gonzalez>close to what people with our friends. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>And it's really painful lots of times, you know, emotionally when a friend of yours <v Sergeant Gonzalez>goes out to the field and says, I'll see you later and the unit returns and
<v Sergeant Gonzalez>you look for your friend and our friend is not there. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>They either have been injured or killed. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>It is something that takes a while to overcome, you know, and you make some good <v Sergeant Gonzalez>friends in combat, because that's when you realize that no matter where you're from, what <v Sergeant Gonzalez>you look like, how much you depend from the man next to you. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>In this case, I would say the person, too, in the world, you know, because we're here, we <v Sergeant Gonzalez>need each other. And that's been an experience that even though it's passed <v Sergeant Gonzalez>so long, you know, I still have flashbacks on it. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>And I remember a lot of those who died responding to the call of duty. <v Mauricio Gerson>Although the proportion of Hispanics in the military is parallel to their representation <v Mauricio Gerson>in the U.S. population, their rate of achievement is greater than their numbers, <v Mauricio Gerson>as reflected by the high proportion of medals that the Army has awarded to Hispanics. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>Since the establishment of the award of the Medal of Honor there <v Sergeant Gonzalez>have been 37 that I know of Hispanics have received, which <v Sergeant Gonzalez>is the highest medal you receive in the nation.
<v Sergeant Gonzalez>Compared to it you know, not only that one, there's been a lot of other <v Sergeant Gonzalez>commendations and Hispanics are always been up in the top ones. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>You know, with the decorations and awards I have received. <v Sergeant Gonzalez>So for the amount of people I and if you look at the percentage wise, it is <v Sergeant Gonzalez>among the highest one to have received, the highest honor on the medal, United States. <v Mauricio Gerson>Next, we'll discuss with Hispanic Vietnam veterans the consequence of participating <v Mauricio Gerson>in a very unpopular war. <v Sergeant Rod>See, I'm going to hate that war until the day I die <v Sergeant Rod>because it may be here, man. My best friends cry. <v Sergeant Rod>I heard him say, Hey, Sergeant Rod this guy is dead. <v Sergeant Rod>You know, that was quite a price that he had to pay, <v Sergeant Rod>not to be able to see that next day. <v Sergeant Rod>He paid that price still. But what did he buy?
<v Sergeant Rod>He bought all of our lives by losing his. <v Sergeant Rod>But who gives a god damn what a soldier gives? <v Sergeant Rod>Maybe his wife for his sons, but they're just about <v Sergeant Rod>the only ones. <v Mauricio Gerson>[speaking Spanish]
<v Angel Quinonez>[speaking Spanish] <v Speaker 1>[speaking Spanish]
<v Sergeant Rod>I have a wife, I have 3 children, and this is my <v Sergeant Rod>second marriage. <v Sergeant Rod>My first one failed because of the Vietnam War. <v Sergeant Rod>Why take prescription drugs <v Sergeant Rod>to know me? <v Sergeant Rod>I um I also drink. <v Sergeant Rod>A lot of people say excessively, but <v Sergeant Rod>I drink to a point where I feel comfortable. <v Sergeant Rod>In other words, I can, at least for one day, <v Sergeant Rod>forget what I was thinking about yesterday. <v Carlos Mendez>My job is to reach out to these individuals <v Carlos Mendez>and bring them in because usually they
<v Carlos Mendez>prefer to talk to another Hispanic <v Carlos Mendez>because of the cultural and a language. <v Carlos Mendez>They prefer to express themselves in Spanish, some of them <v Carlos Mendez>the majority. And they feel like like you was talking about the machismo. <v Carlos Mendez>You know, they, you know, like they're macho, you know, like <v Carlos Mendez>most of the Hispanics in Vietnam have the most medal <v Carlos Mendez>of honors cause of the machismo. <v Carlos Mendez>And they they love the war. <v Carlos Mendez>A lot of Hispanics don't go to the V.A. <v Carlos Mendez>for psychotherapy or come to the center because they feel <v Carlos Mendez>they could do it within the family. <v Speaker 1>[speaking Spanish] <v Speaker 2>[speaking Spanish]
<v Speaker 1>[speaking Spanish] <v Carlos Mendez>There should be more Hispanics within the V.A. <v Carlos Mendez>system to address the needs of the <v Carlos Mendez>Hispanic population.
<v Carlos Mendez>And you know, we're working on it probably in the future. <v Carlos Mendez>You know, they have other Hispanics <v Carlos Mendez>because there's a lot of Hispanics within New Jersey. <v Carlos Mendez>They are in dire need of readjustment counseling. <v Mauricio Gerson>On May 7, 1984, New Jersey State Trooper Carlos Negron
<v Mauricio Gerson>offered assistance to the driver of a disabled van on the New Jersey Turnpike. <v Mauricio Gerson>He was gunned down without warning. <v Mauricio Gerson>He didn't know that both occupants of that vehicle had long criminal records. <v Mauricio Gerson>He died doing what he loved most, helping others. <v Mauricio Gerson>Every time a policeman is killed, it sends shockwaves through the ranks of the <v Mauricio Gerson>men in blue. In this day, some fictional heroes, glamor and fame. <v Mauricio Gerson>It is refreshing to know that there are communities that still recognize the values <v Mauricio Gerson>of our real life hero. <v Douglas Palmer>It's not only an Hispanic hero, but he's an American hero. <v Douglas Palmer>Not only was he a state trooper, that's the end of the story. <v Douglas Palmer>But there's so much in between that. <v Douglas Palmer>There is the point that he always was helping out his family, that he was <v Douglas Palmer>working in the community and community related projects, and that he had and <v Douglas Palmer>desire a strong desire to be a trooper.
<v Douglas Palmer>And I found out later that he had he had enrolled as <v Douglas Palmer>a trooper the first time. <v Douglas Palmer>And anyone that wanted to be a state trooper and went through the testing, <v Douglas Palmer>the physical requirements as well, know how strenuous it is. <v Douglas Palmer>And Carlos went through it. <v Douglas Palmer>And the first time he he dropped out, he was feigning and having these kind of problems <v Douglas Palmer>and many people would quit. <v Douglas Palmer>I know many people that would quit and use as an excuse. <v Douglas Palmer>But what he did was he did the extreme. <v Douglas Palmer>He went to the Marine Corps and got his training and built himself up. <v Douglas Palmer>And then after he was discharged, honorably, came back and tried it again. <v Douglas Palmer>And I think that's important. I think our young people, not only just Hispanics, <v Douglas Palmer>but Blacks, whites, Asians as well, can learn a lesson from that. <v Mauricio Gerson>To repay Carlos Negron's dedication to the community, a group of individuals in Trenton <v Mauricio Gerson>is gathering at different functions to raise money for a park in his memory. <v Arthur J. Holland>Well I think it's very appropriate that the entire community participate, and especially
<v Arthur J. Holland>I as mayor. Carlos Negron everybody <v Arthur J. Holland>is agreed was an exemplary young person. <v Arthur J. Holland>He made it the hard way. <v Arthur J. Holland>It was a very difficult road that he had to make his way on. <v Arthur J. Holland>And it's just tragic that he was there <v Arthur J. Holland>and we believe on his way up the line of duty, he <v Arthur J. Holland>he lost his life. But to young people and especially to Hispanics, <v Arthur J. Holland>and particularly for Puerto Ricans he stands as someone who's <v Arthur J. Holland>demonstrated that you can if you are well motivated and work <v Arthur J. Holland>hard achieve your goal. <v Speaker 3>I met Carlos in the State Police Academy. <v Speaker 3>We both went through the '98 state police class and we were bunkmates <v Speaker 3>in the same room. We went through rigorous training together. <v Speaker 3>And I was just explaining about Carlos.
<v Speaker 3>He was just such a go getter. <v Speaker 3>He wanted the job. He wanted to be a trooper in a worst way. <v Speaker 3>And he studied hard. We studied together on weekends and he wanted to he <v Speaker 3>was amazing. He was just totally amazing person. <v Speaker 3>A great friend and a good trooper. <v Mauricio Gerson>Although Carlos Negron died a tragic death, he is remembered by his friends <v Mauricio Gerson>for his good deeds and determination. <v Mauricio Gerson>These values have also been exemplified by his fellow officers, especially <v Mauricio Gerson>by the Hispanics who admired him for not quitting. <v Ismael Rivera>?inaudible? state police make it a career. <v Ismael Rivera>It's a good career. It's a good organization, a professional organization. <v Ismael Rivera>And I'm proud to be a trooper. <v Ismael Rivera>It's a shame you know what happened to him. <v Ismael Rivera>It's just one of the things that that's part of your job. <v Ismael Rivera>You know, the men in blue. You know, we are a target. <v Ismael Rivera>You know, you start we stop someone. <v Ismael Rivera>They know who we are, but we don't know who they are, you know. <v Ismael Rivera>So. <v Ismael Rivera>I think, you know, he was a proud trooper and a good cop.
<v Pedro Medina>He was the first Hispanic to become a state trooper. <v Pedro Medina>And as a Hispanic Puerto Rican myself, he gives me so much pride and I feel <v Pedro Medina>so good, okay, to see that he was able to accomplish the ?inaudible? <v Pedro Medina>Than a youth going to look at ook up to him say look I want to be like him. <v Pedro Medina>I want to make like him. And I'm sure that he'she is and he was and will <v Pedro Medina>be a role model for our youth. <v Mauricio Gerson>This vacant lot will be turned into a recreationaland memorial park for Carlos Negron. <v Mauricio Gerson>It will be a lasting reminder of a young ?inaudible? <v Mauricio Gerson>who gave his time and love to children, the community and his family. <v Mauricio Gerson>Just a few blocks away is the house where Carlos' dreams began. <v Mauricio Gerson>His mother still grieves the loss of her beloved son, who conquered the obstacles <v Mauricio Gerson>of life to reach his goal. <v Mauricio Gerson>He leaves behind many memories of a boy who was once called the all-American <v Mauricio Gerson>Hispanic. But most of all, he leaves a family that refuses to let his <v Mauricio Gerson>memory fade away.
<v Jennie Negron>You know, I was determined to do something. <v Jennie Negron>So several letters were written to the mayor asking him would <v Jennie Negron>he consider doing something in memory of my brother. <v Jennie Negron>A meeting was set up and the mayor decided that the best thing to do was to have <v Jennie Negron>a park. Due o the city budget, not only provide the land. <v Jennie Negron>So therefore, we have to come [up with] the money. <v Jennie Negron>So what we're going to do is we're going to have several fundraising events to raise the <v Jennie Negron>money. And of course ?inaudible? <v Jennie Negron>contributions. True it's a high road being that we come from situation <v Jennie Negron>where many [people don't] have that type of money. <v Jennie Negron>Our parents come from a poor background so therefore we have to struggle. <v Mrs. Negron>[speaking Spanish] <v Mrs. Negron> <v Narrator>This program was made possible by a grant from the Victoria
<v Narrator>Foundation.
Episode Number
No. 1307
Vietnam Veterans
Producing Organization
New Jersey Network (Firm)
Contributing Organization
New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
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Episode Description
This video is part 3 of 3 in a programming series about different aspects of the Hispanic community. This segment highlights Hispanic Vietnam Veterans, and includes appearances by Commandant Alvarez, Luis Munoz, Sergeant Gonzalez, Sergeant Rod, Angel Quinonez, Carlos Mendez, Douglas Palmer, Arthur J. Holland, Ismael Rivera, Pedro Medina, and reporter Mauricio Gerson. Additional appearances includes Jennie Negron and Mrs. Negron, sister and mother to the late Carlos Negron, respectively. Dialogue occurs both in English and Spanish.
Series Description
"Images/Imagenes, public television's longest-running Hispanic affairs series, presents a cross-cultural panorama of issues and highlights of direct importance to the Hispanic community and the nation as a whole. In the following three programs you will be able to see the series' versatility. Teenage Drunk Driving examines the problem of teenage drinking and driving with Hector Del Valle, a paraplegic victim of drinking and driving at the age of 17; Frank Acocella, a national crusader; and Stevie Wonder, famous singer whose recent video has brought much attention this important subject. Also in this program is a visit to the Newark Community School of the Arts to see the wonderful work that is being done by a dance instructor in one of Newark, N.J.'s poorest neighborhoods. Finally, we'll visit a juvenile rehab. center to show the various educational opportunities being made available to youngsters making a U-turn in life. Tribute to Puerto Rico focuses on the [strife] of agricultural workers in N.J., most of [whom] are from Puerto Rico. We follow them from their arrival in New Jersey to the N.J. State Assembly as we see the passage of a bill that exempts them from the [recently] established requirements for unemployment [eligibility.] Also, we'll showcase a New York musical theatre group, Repertorio Espanol (Spanish Repertory), and [its] musical extravaganza of [Puerto] Rican songs and composers. To finish this program, we'll profile Puerto Rican [artisan Fernando] Navarrete and his creative works with wood.Vietnam Veterans takes a look at [Hispanics] in the [Armed Forces] and their major contributions in the military; we'll also listen to the sad stories of Vietnam vets and focus on a local hero, a N.J. State Trooper. "THE PEABODY AWARD IS A MERIT AWARD FOR GOOD WORK AND DEDICATION. WE HAVE DONE BOTH."--1985 Peabody Awards entry form.
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Producing Organization: New Jersey Network (Firm)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
New Jersey Network
Identifier: cpb-aacip-6be1e47dcd7 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Dub
Duration: 00:29:00
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-862813f2b65 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 00:30:00
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Chicago: “Images/Imagenes; No. 1307; Vietnam Veterans,” 1985-11-09, New Jersey Network, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 22, 2024,
MLA: “Images/Imagenes; No. 1307; Vietnam Veterans.” 1985-11-09. New Jersey Network, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 22, 2024. <>.
APA: Images/Imagenes; No. 1307; Vietnam Veterans. Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from