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WikiVidi nice to find Uylian.
I'm surprised to hear M super, as one of those special wives, visit them, demo of another THAT's Tony Tammy Quil prints a daughter who has two The United States will cease all implementation of the nonbinding Paris Accord. The United States will see all implementation of the nonbinding Paris Accord. to the or the
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Thank you very much. As much barrel percent,
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And so, especially when we were traveling service, we had every 11,000 women in the solar route. Sometimes we go to the Illinois Center that takes care of all the services, and we have around presentations. apart from what you said earlier and what.
Thank you.
... The in the future."
Wait, not really. Well, I think that the West Coast is the worst standard following it again. Today we are going to have a new program in New York City in Opland, California. When I was at the Ford Foundation, the Open Society Foundation, the Evelyn and Walter has Jr. Fund, the James Irvine Foundation, the California Endowment, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. This program is an all- Want to say that they are not yet for the arter of San Diego City, and are theoe de roca st enjoyed. However, the school works in stores at least on the local the city's
This video is going onto the super you can't remember how much information in other words, and you can think of for a very metric I'm going to see you all in the next video. I'm going to see you all in the next video. I'm going to see you all in the next video. See you all in the next video.
Línea Abierta
Episode Number
The Paris Agreement: What’s Next
Producing Organization
Radio Bilingue
Contributing Organization
WQED (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
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Episode Description
Disclaimer: The following description was created before the live broadcast aired and thus may not accurately reflect the content of the actual broadcast.
Episode Description
As Trump withdraws from the Paris Climate Agreement, California, New York and Washington announced they are building an alliance to uphold the agreements, take aggressive action on climate change and continue cutting emissions. California Gov. Brown is taking a leadership role on climate change, leading a growing international coalition of governments, visiting China and signing clean-tech agreements. And in defiance against Trump, Hawaii became the first state to pass a law supporting the Paris accord. Analysts comment these and other developments. Guests: Alexa Kleysteuber, Deputy Secretary for Border and Intergovernmental Relations, California EPA, Sacramento, CA,; Carolina Herrera, Latin America Advoacate, International Program, NRDC, Washington, D.C.,; Eileen Truax, Member and ex-miembra del junta, NAHJ, Los Angeles, CA,
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Producing Organization: Radio Bilingue
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-d857f7b8b7d (Filename)
Format: Betacam: SP
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Chicago: “Línea Abierta; 8089; The Paris Agreement: What’s Next,” 2017-06-15, WQED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 3, 2024,
MLA: “Línea Abierta; 8089; The Paris Agreement: What’s Next.” 2017-06-15. WQED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 3, 2024. <>.
APA: Línea Abierta; 8089; The Paris Agreement: What’s Next. Boston, MA: WQED, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from