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What if I am with you. If I switch on the pad the NEA and in the end they know point and wave it in your argument. And that's not just is those things you don't hear this with this you probably got about your guy they know it when I respond oh well we don't do better than you know this in the pushing they seem go law in
beat them up and be done with high school. So program when US not is the miracle list but I've got enough good news this morning for it with the Atlas is there. Is that in most of them don't normally bully got a voice now think it is so it is the bodies gather the usual sing windows when I'm here it is going to be a that. So when reporters in Libya I want a special nationality because you know what is it. Yeah but it got all of this tells you need of Betelgeuse when dreaming to note the End up we see that this immediacy is that what you're going to program the one as much as that in Mosul Lundergan Francisco and Silas go to the other program. For me yes and this is the YWCA because this government is not just one as not just mean for example to let us win the game if you're going to get a program of the bands you get one of the had been most PC and the most good book and also a lot of differences get you to see the big you know low I know but he's
done a lot of the neatest and I should like to go there to see if he sees the honest ones he's got is that he knows how to drive. But he meant I meant thing then we drive our home Sudan which as we hit is the. Ghana St. Lucie does Eunice Ghana style I will solace this room I do you know get the loss of family out of the mosque get in and get them to show us that they need when I need when I get to. He took Indian implement I mean to kill someone. Their goal is about a lot of us emotional night is they'll know who to look enormous import authentic our data is that there's a substandard minority interest agenda quadric I'm merely the level of it not curiously no Muslim creator scale up their last bit of sourness or somebody a long way to not be any literature they will be I don't know how long they get the needle castles. So on that read this thing they look at the headers golden girl panel somebody spittle
siapa Saddam. This unknown man made a book you have a slim ass you could use a little A C is this that this is going to help us out. Always good I think that unless he does you know as well the soonest bus until they fit in discusses But again either you know like us I want to spend time with this but I see one of them got on the loose no ID no but up I that long like oh man like us I was near sustaining fer most so you know it's going to cost us not to want to push you on that on a still level headed CMP is like you know you have a gas savvy conniving now don't know I was a long time B and there to see and get them to put a city on in No I you know sobbing so grown up of so I give even the look in the end all you look and not look you see on most of us in this one as well the users do is the blade to us seeing
them thereby allowed us sort of assess that you have used on their loss on this globe and I'm clear that I'm all the wrong places going to go and godless. Listen I'm a dualist and not be out of malice Rasul look at Sam nor stump unsoundness of momentos look at stop us on the locust and I stand up will save him. And dizzily is the sense he's got. Is it about I was telling you notice though that Washington only knew about the two most US of London as was done it was played just good lookers would say the most even the policia Gussy now that she is no longer part of Babel no Santa. So yeah going in MIA will not do I live in the castle. Gus was a CNN Political Update alone and I said good luck to you Les
again this is fantasy while our LA ladies sing. Guess they're going to be at our purpose when I see him looking and saying illegal lover scene all look the same I want to see him look at you in a silly fellow but then I want to link DNA gather star one more look. Just underscored the end of the year guy on the stand played on police yeah they see the X-Gene as Lebanese want to see why you had a lot of sauna. Star will be on the lot our bets on our BL son in law for Mike to say I got up on the lawn but I see him looking like us our civic DNA gather start onor lot or all of last season so I guess was on the say it was I was none of those they mind you can I guess was it possible to get to the scandal list honesty and again recall here not to learn as why they had solos
they don't just stop the mid to give but they don't most do in Gaza see the drama. When I know that the whole thing but I think that in a leg assist you look at whether to say it but I see him do it again. I'm this is a struggle stand in like absolute Annele not in him or the morbid sentences CFB And so yeah the crowd look wouldn't be in point to sound the same on all the US up with a quinsy whether you like a lot of the in the game nor whether broadly every mob sing meant to scare the organist. He gets that but he didn't then go out there because it went up a lot but he met on this get of that get all the sea level many of us can understand I only asked sequencing if the organ gets hit by the bus that is in court today.
Let's got this law began I can see you that they were going to hit so and so not only think going Seeger on say a horse but a sauna is that probably should not happen. When I get a star to sing and dance is something more than once lost is what kills most can see in you that will get me just look at prelim eyes in a source is a little CSA plenty wild unfair to my career and almost going to think of what my sis do you're going to guess that's persona's Kristanna stepping up inside of a scan this could be the way it was in this the matrimonial bureau like I chipped only recall my last course us recall muscle beach a bit on I mean no one has said where can be ad nowhere salamis Knoppix on about 7 so you know like when I figured that this day the salamis billboard gave out can be either stop if son siesta system here. Lucky area someone had knowledge I said than you knew but that it was when I was there that it was with us but it won't
just be virus gave us this was the gays are going to know it but I want to represent their local stuff but the gun the better on a look at a pretty rattle me not talking to labels but it would be an almost no is to get used to your mother. Surely your body that only one assumes what is a lie and is supposed to say. It's not like it but I said release as it is you know goes on as the human body thank you but when got up and she's going to do one doesn't believe all you could tell us was there's a you know I'm an infamous young Siska inform us you look at c as a couple in need in All Stars when he was so very live your Lincecum you know what I mean as you know the C of C into the thoughts I mean as soon as that's when you are suffering. They were not for my word that I have you in C I still mystical you know God willing to senior policy in the last hours when he was little less than human also that you are indeed single policy until the second I
mean get the last CD or they last but when asked the same out than in Guinea by us is C not us. Borderless post all this poster or put it on you know companion. Let me love you Lindsay. Said a big thing in us. You need US units who do to us. Then there is the greatest sin in ambient is on the I'm each of your lanes Yeah it's a new mascot who has been in a sea of Bamiyan and social that is the view impulse is the got someone to affect though I think that the elephant media members and other media. Is there evidence this guy is that they were going to just sing us but they going to not as he has to let out of the last I want to elaborate on of the getting the seat OK yes to going to not going to get that but the Biffin are going to not going to stop so be it. You know the C S is the some of the same looking I'm a pretty white kilometers more important
killers of Quincy in LA you that is a good song but it is I mean is that even a spot of land. I've a scale are going to go to Houston also within mass obviously similar. They're wasting my. Yeah I still need to start looking at what I have. Yeah give it a listen but also come with it maybe put you on one of us one of em Tana. Don't my living and only stayed on the river Assoc. wonder said I gave it all means most. Get almost inside the law meaning more you must look to stop us and accept us a particular obvious no. Man each of Morehead is going to think words and look and possible. He will hear this. Otherwise that they get the love loss last beardless got about us but even in this bitterness. I see the serious one last course US Middle C
I are you are you that is simple CVA earth is the important thing in going so years to you that is simple civil law must import ban thing is simple civil again by a homebody see is thier own but in obedience I give a list. I'll go mine. Or Ill know where they were then. Them it there thing is the former. Is there still more that care to listen in so you know there's a clear Chiquita. Better I mean who are the models of either we're not going to give it give CII. This is too Franziska. This offer is any good or dozens of reasons. It's all noise but it's a perilous boat full of sports and what is not to say they want to see us but I recently saw a Kissimmee hoarding
on the on the standard that you just do not have I mean what I want to see you can see in the meanwhile courser been sundered the only other cumbia to look at these are skills going in for me they are going to see them in the Siena exacto. Not that obvious. Lol I was going to spend on looking miles north where I live there go on up of sourness of the killers are seen on a subway look a stop a sandal. Did you know not get out there get on is one up at a Sonic one me Who is when yellow they me I'm on my own whispered fairy the doors most system was no photos means most no system was a gentleman to us get those yes and when to go and get a trial or more than that then over until I hand there skinless put us by allowing us to get DNA seahorse go in and more their support then we'll see. Most obvious given us the power of the fae media itis only support of their last Armenia's But
Duncan saw those day that Leo know I've you know castles on the level where it is about I'd say yeah yeah law must get with it on my door my boss or their hard law survive so I can laugh I mean yeah this in the Although in sentimental except they other kill appear young or you know get a bit of it don't look yonder stubble. You know so I mean yeah it is yeah. Going on a little you know a small yellow slimy idea scared in a sense you know. Oh yeah yeah. There's no good is there hard law. Give us a great series who free and all. I'm going to tell each of these in levels that I can I will ban you know that have seen noises so it's a lot more details again and I was the only one of those who had a stand in korean so they get by on a little bit I said. You'll see who was getting just dancing. SS Get be unsigned given us that scene by their sisters.
Can it get blown it up inside. Yes look it up I thought it going to go most ironic they are just business as a bit of fun of our service was nice you get it you're almost at the end their voice the niña Yes they're grounding you somebody you go you're lost I will be on the gift for my life. Are you that you consider the promise of whether you were going to does this in the prison is the reason I say that I think is when it goes on or might it take it when the body this is the I mean didn't the one of these in other I think were going to say to you guys I'll see them in by the Hans is there going to be a yappy insecticide or not of mine. Exactly this is Duke is so David they've been saddler mother when no one though is the you know model is the U.S. government they're going to be on though I mean you know get them being any more simpler for me like a little there is than it is today and I think than don't launch one has to say is done impotent in my recall no say your avi still or Lucy her song will go.
Love mothers. They don't know the catalyst bosal except I guess to stop us on the heels Yeah. Selous I support my view that for my normal filling my only secure star located Yanna whether it be new that nearly come about that I will hide again back with that I still see cause no loud noise when anyone killed by the way. Been looking to get one inch up inside intifadah must step up and wish to buy the ice to see us get ammo skills to see who'll see Guinness I've read that you wonder why Minho is so not a sponsor Lee there where they gonna buy that it was he goes with the good to be done as there's news to others which is a lot and yet most in your body. You better not be done was I going to minister in a lady he says is this going off going to the gay and he says he does that I say you know I mean I went up to you my when I call my lady. Family I think I wouldn't comment that you sort of assess
that and understand or cheer when I want to keep it up and see Scott is the one which was just as when you're going to get a look at then I know you're single. Why don't we settle settle. Why don't you think it was just the most of Londonistan which he had been CPO so many put a good look at tennis you know doesn't present analogous to the list of the Watchtower that yes I know say there is going to be another you would hardly knew about centers but in just over a story he is doing enough Amelia that any law that says this building understand I'm sure they get them is them is the most equal they get you I you that. But alas for media's import it is there. You the but I mean what I see dossier on your innocuous to the sea they could get is proposed to do this. Is this about our laws that we need to Manti. So you know that there are little chrysalis I used but I could see an almighty monument or sing for your girl you see it as you
see them be and I will scare you though you know. Yes this film is just coming out experience Thank you. And also indirectly as the fit and the class envy that. So on I made again as you love your hack you get a man that you're looking not on your soul. Look a story the sea end OK is lolly in style so needles DNA get respect that law. They go nowhere they money in this case stand doxy gavel is sort of alley so you know I reviewed in style for needles they name whiskey except that Lovelace I can withstand greeters noise model there they go north there are more here not sound like glass. They all they are puppets on is link. Yes yes if you know largest bet than indoors doing this with less consequences is the consequence is that by their own there. So when a woman is good the last serial there gather castle you see have you store them with those.
The billionaire don't know a lot of silly sellers will occur with no support and up inside Gilels new sustainable over half of this the market embers that are going to be along with some of the early call. So is obvious obviously your comment there you go. Mohit is on there and I wonder if you BIOS is going to get go see the law medicine or law medicine nomic you saw and been there. You all must get a disappointing end up inside game with people in this gym. So that obviated sure they will be better so no money people I wonder where they go on the supply they have a lot of eagerness to gain those and you're going to see them a little bit of a knocking and I meant a bit of that dollar but so no money is the money gotten all seem to need to side if you think I meant in this room. Is the muscle in the ones you haven't got a center has that has
begun though this with them you say. So the importance of this has got to see their own little doll's thoughts on going to his death by the gun though is the game head or long but I have a system in his old pal that means one would be as you saw it's the only formerly they Akiva list now in Washington you see Ivy stoning for their care skills near San Siro will be particular with that the phantom all of that up by life. See under the Get this they get a menace in that they get serious you only get to get that one handle feel if someone had been younger he has an opinion though. So obviously he is too scared to settle Thank you. What will able to get them help if that's to seahorse the river there's the money they'll savvey Stuckey empathizes. IMO Here it is again. No except that look is that the sandal list up on
you see get a stop I want to get a guest as my head is just an excuse to bring it up inside the lobby meniscus quit there and grow up almost there but I don't think years look at us saw it was neither. Soon as you have said you know so you know supporting a soprano not been sad enough for Michael to stop almost you know I mean your parents and they know they're listening as well I can understand a single mile there's an analogous almost getting go to here and good enough for them and so you know. Soon on the list of good must mean so I mean to not have you been gone get one assume upon the great battle you had rather I mean Mama look at your Beetle. Me my mommy sick of throwing him a bone worth that never had me hold my farrier never one time I seen a fellow medic on a stomach head see along by the Illinois needle. They get is the most and if the suit will get to let her put it
best this in busy she'd know it's the most honest this it does you're on board again to be asked this. So on Dorothy fit in discourse as I give the last response of Iraq almost aka see under their gear see a banner for the market. Gone when I catch it. Let's get a brass or I'll go you will learn a lot of product and tons of sales then it consequence you have brought in Milosevic in a sport promise you we're going to lose New Year's us and I'll go mine. You know give it consequences but I Gail's know why and I get this year there's a lot I miss or say when I go to that goal medical nobody any other thing go is that your minor child absent a knock you don't believe it or you. Don't consequences but I was the ONLY So I said got a lot of Possibly that is you see this one as a consequence of that saying you're below sea ice is from Daniel in northern India that consequence Yes. Not in the room nor a
very evil bit of that size is there going to be in sync is not a matter of my Levy that's going about. Do you know that only a handful of you know here. When somebody can sue money though it. But they may have gone myself because this is the market Hovan to so much to mourn your IQ sort of awesome we rank honesty. That off the more they Sammie thought they were the only Horde to rock you will sign your scorn and got the one up out of them are going to steal me so where. He motors no sale exact occupy Go for someone here but of Safeway was sued by that remark on some assumed llama there. See in this way get out there. Normally I dream of a commute the last way than I like 80 year old B of A frame
we then Nessus but us are grounded by a stomach a particular look at Basra going to still so much as it is done again in meal that gives them his thing and I mean US thing and good mothers think and me Stas in England a glass handle from media as their level of their look to say or else get in get that one at this time at the end of my last course US Salem us to consider how close you know you look at this Quinta may hold LESKIE is the most I would eat that then that I was going to say sign user that do work in it there. And go get another star there Washington. But there may he go. You see supermodel you know more I mean other people more we want to show you that you do the e-mails we're going to see a scale see the needle sick when you go going to a limb a little below me going there's a lot of pain. What I've you know
look at your aunt and it is scary. Stunned on this their own will get in and allow you that I. Soon all of the SAS that saw a law been son Daniel of the cells not the element that they are less a spit on first give a cumbia. Granted I want to sign yours I'm suspect I see a stomach bug report. Lawyers by the U.S. House. You could do this in the US is icky. Look we didn't Indian though is it. More heroin up in a sauna. And if the guys with guns are on the lam we can put up with a little bit I mean is there any guess it I look in upon it I do not see on you know my spin side of the back and yet is it is see they say always win a book and gag I will do any good analysis given to Amanda by a camera but them in the eye that brung in next unison is they say oh yes why is it gay gay.
The boy did have a need for him to go into into drug alcohol in their lives than can see holes the Millis Lisboa have been is the buddy and I think they are you that they don't think wrong group of their own but it's me he gonna spring to buy the gun this new suit I see honest Moyers Levante is Winter Center they really study a lot of it I will hit you while you love along but I know your mother is a good CD for that it was a no brainer that I will be in. When you gonna. Be.
Him. In the. Good night.
The most important the signor to receive in law you that they were not going to Hannah. I was looking at some we get put on the seat. Dorothy and impacting where they expect to get an expression. There are those that you keep those on Numbers know your Somebody is no. So when I want to kiss yes the tsunami of thunder they say yeah I guess they're going to end there. But that's but I see I've seen
this in there. Where did they see what you see in to me and broadcast. See no I going to Gus join in and matrimonial is simple save me. Where then. Thank you. Working with them they want to.
Be rather good. I don't know you know. OK OK. You look at it but it is funny. But then then I didn't say that.
There was. No one the only thing I could. Look at that night. OK. But it's the
Middle East to look at the model at this point though you'd look a study fanboy or a villa on the green. But look
here you see and there they see. Yeah. But that it is the most you seem to know. I mean this guy knows. Look at the man. But then they look astonished. CNN will be on something.
When you say. A. Senior on the response I'm going to stop us on that but then I'm with. You.
Saying. I was told that the mouse would be important is that if they need them less gaseous. I merely get by someone is not using out on me. Now but I think you get all that I am now. I see Doris when I was not
saying merry scene. When the Muppets when I know you're going to leave us was a little middle telephone he called me and that's when all the while he was even in lighting. You're just there is a God as I was careless as he is because his base is a curious was no metal Telefonica has their fancies kind of thought of the moment though even it was when I look at this but on the walls they look at that look again when it's not just when it's not. And it's not yours again. See as that really is an essay one that one is not just.
I am paranoid Naki one as not just. One as not is not not whimsical shyness again was a lot of what on earth standard of when younger I think that is present in as a company that may benefit again than it was then a persona is a good one as it were Donna's thinking is why not just as an assay being here as a list. OK.
Not like going north
on no noise looking to knock you down one noise. Yeah you know you can upload em up but iOS is not limited and I got you there are one of them and I thought that. OK.
Yeah. I mean. I mean look at this you know thing. I mean yeah it is lined up and then. You
say. Going to. Him. Oh it's my own moment always Democrats in order. If someone had my said what type of sauna you must be other then any of them. If you were no longer part of the
consequence Yes. OK. Oh I see. Yeah you know somebody focused on when I got all the order there now though.
You know I want to head up. If you don't like you I would be yelling money. And all. You see I didn't. Except on. Me here on you not get I think you annoy Sammy what Again not at all. I mean I you know I own doth mother sing and I'm enough on my middle C. Factor or not.
some of the beckoned to you that I could hear from and see if I don't see this simply look to be honest man up and up in all noise noise. If anyone can your minimus stand it. To stop a sandal you need to go down. Yes and we thought on not winning one almost going back years look at the Bassa Graham we pretty volatile. You know normally we got back when you get the more we thought about the
other day or so you know or like when you know up broken or sobbing. Why except that it's not but it's gonna look us up a sandal Not that I learned was the huddle. Because you see I grew balls there by the house gossip where that one that I'm getting in. Saying. The same thing.
But I think when I come back you're going to photo has been watching. If nobody had them with I am. Three more.
Negative about us to see how is that going to get inside dunamis more
than twice in the poem we see cause. Not only want to sit there but on the one also who end up on a lot more. They must be and so I want to since i meant i want to cumbia important than to stand on ground as whether they were yellow sea horses get on this is what I was seeing the last scene. Yes but I knew that in a forum. You know I would when scientists like you know they see. Guess you don't want to yeah.
Except not only that there is no running soon to see a rally in level so see it. Yes.
Is that Francisco is there one solace is that there are going to move the show in the central ground
there must buttress the master London. Yeah Prince is going to study are you do second offense the planning got to sink in and does this is the result what I value most and which is in euro and then a capacity when a notion and I think if you don't if you got it starts to squish on the gardenia in the in the new point and when your humor alone last minute those masses get on a single minute of my skin for a minute of my dream of right as you know has once been under the law when it's not. When it's not yes when it's not just. When it's not just when it's not just.
Medicine again. Look at the bus and this is. What they did with those colorless Kajal by the lovely Was it because I was a loss of a bottle is the reason I was there was what I was alluding me and don't study this I'm assisted as even though those videos be in. The. Media is the ghetto you know secede Wilma's it is really a man. Who must be needa be addresses got the dole Most estate Do we want to stay in Madison you're going to say most Guinness I know I'm on the ball game as anybody knows Mrs. Behrens is going to play you know you got a little consistent things want to know what's going to cause some of this which I look as we go to Paris the senior and any further get an instant fan to on your. But at the end the cyclone in monthly morn you'll see has nothing in support of this to see cause it
isn't with a little soon or so who's going to stick it out a book at the Warrior course. Except that really he knows everybody here on the Q1 are not going to give in and I saw for the Guinness a book though there is no going to see that this is love and we stick that bit on see if someone can see it then you them us on not only to put on a mask on it but I'm going to get into this or got to say so many got going we were poor then no one will see it this year that then we have a saying. Why do we seeing the series. When it goes on we're going to we're going to I'm no scientist I'll be the undoing as a distal of NEA is that you saying this group are going to personas Ghana's tell you money when nobody Motors even as their mothers as they know up in a kiddie Emilie's get to we must them has been that if you go you go not going to stay on as a kid and get
into the dole north is the mission and I will I'm going to get it when we put it on the side entrance is going to look at someone I don't know they want only you know if we meant that the utmost acknowledgement that if you say they will respect that box you know it was true and of course when you said talk yes but I leave you I think he's got more if we give you happiness. Yes called really good better quick your persona. So he goes or stays it mustn't this and the spelling we have is the difficult route in his play goes along with the more you think nobody gave him one thing laid on the no sleep where they would get up a song and I said we would be saying. Look at me for this but accounting when I presented you know that if you're going to bet I want to style some low my ass book or laundry or the dinner last month in one you say won't ban on more I looked at a ok receipt musts or vice versa this is the wild and I
mean that you're not going to get respect that it's a lot of cinema no. And it's a promise. Narcissists effect that they're going for the new again but Ikea stuff in Washington is STEM we go to a silly they need and oh yeah. Los Gatos that is this is that I mean is my own oh yeah yeah noir side of the cave I never see you there you're not going to hit up with a nine you know yeah Wasikowska the sink when you see that cause it seems I mean I've been so innocent reported that part of it is this is going to never brought that all of this but there is this is within seeing it was receiving the news that God brought a young. Yes could we not knowing this is almost you know what I liked in the Overlook you know look at he said I want to with us you know we had our lane or you are not respected by us so what are ya they're going to think it going to give it respect don't that me and her son oh my no.
We know of course as soon as president literally he won but the window is the money under the Gay Super limit. Simply that he is not going to sing and dance is good or you're callous Yglesias laterally you need to fit in the skin or the then the bunnies and eggs you know said I went to a women's group was going Oh see you supporter said she was then the king you know I am glad to see less yes in us He spoke to spawn all spiffy had broken most that might be a fairy. But I had a spinal. So whether it's a political many got out I was put in one of those crappy lot you'll see at the set then oversees all CPs are not going to side I group all Hispano is the estate of Paul and I why do we see a parliament that was supposedly cannot in a Muslim group really here on. I guess a lot of support I want that and I why do we see. But I mean think of what I mean are you have
any I'm looking also said like us. So when the media is difference it's going to this is there about who said I put that Mino program OK we're going to do the most actual stuff you know if it was in a soldier's Kangas when he's oh is there I'm not as bad as they promise you any of these you know that to sort of because of this you know like me that it will there will not a big deal too because my sense is your most devout is as they are we want to see a better world than most I don't know what they live for no gays in the middle do your soul don't ask what their Or she'll see it they see it they know the seas are quite you don't really want a lot of media whether it is the amount of the program I mean Greece's conferences go on Silas thought then I must say. GONZALES I see. Going to spend a lot of musk on his big conference he's gonna get in nothing. If there was this done on the net then my own fears and their seminar you may encounter. Don't listen to the winter bottle in their cheese skins and Norton I choose haven't either and I could have felt like a
J.C. Penney's. I mean I'm all the yucky mug and I must win and I've been on top of the exact I'll be one of those is still a lot of us but I don't have any LESS THAN I SHOULD to manas The people who do that yes. It won't but almost always have a new book a sequel the healer vs. the I mean I think you think it is that you know you look at does this you know you them in a new US or use them in about the sound of some of those things going on before nobody's even get it is all the verses that will win the debate because they're my is the people go zone of law broken also or you better see is more real enough to call me that it was going to Les I was almost got this I got the molecule there that Iran is this sort of window and those pesky Party movement as much as the US is put on there is now going to notice and is that order Condi as you know us.
Buenas Noches
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KDNA (Granger, Washington)
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Buenas Noches is a public affairs talk show which focuses mainly on issues directly affecting the Latinx community in Washington State.
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Spanish Language
Mujer; KDNA
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: Gonzalez, Francisca
: Gutierrez, Ninfa R.
Guest: González, Francisca
Interviewer: Gutiérrez, Ninfa
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-54599fbf120 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Original
Duration: 01:00:00
Identifier: cpb-aacip-ac0c18bd9b1 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Original
Duration: 01:00:00
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Chicago: “Buenas Noches; Mujer,” 1988-10-02, KDNA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 20, 2024,
MLA: “Buenas Noches; Mujer.” 1988-10-02. KDNA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 20, 2024. <>.
APA: Buenas Noches; Mujer. Boston, MA: KDNA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from