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When it's not just it doesn't seem to me others just as you got I got enough like a eunuch you wanted a response or honest. Also the September the menacing to use a similar one accord telling because you and I screenshot you participated in a program as the last it is a promise I want as much as almost others but I look at your sunny part of the day as was I look at the initial combining of the infamous young children a lesson alleles that made us young is that is that going to go to the present dollars Norman a Mary Jane. Adam on this one and not just. Yes a pretty soda then if you know they made us yawn eagerly says you're going to see nothing Yakima Seattle yes that will be an ongoing forum on the will solve it last a lot of people but I'll be there soon as it is about one in three under the new set up I think it is dealing with the most exquisite adolescent intimacy. That's. Good I didn't get it.
Yeah. Then you. Get it ignited. Yeah. Look at me like yeah yeah yeah I think.
Going it under that me. Me me me me this one cause my this young get I don't believe in the Lord. God of that it is likely that any one of the setting I'm going to Mordor that me. That he was
kidding me that. Is that its mission of the program. When as much as the only miracle is you can with a log of Mary Jane Evan on the skin is ready for the office you know they made us yawn illegally says you're going to see me in Seattle is the government's lesson one of us or Nicholas is the informant on a whole lot of his he does put up the national residence a permanent thing or the most innocent program are a bust that Icke told me at all it's policy in this that is mess is the most infamous your lame promotion as assuming that but I'm asking if they're thinking of this question. J us is known for their word that you spoke of us there is a story I saw said of the same argument from water they had gone but it was only when I saw the losses there. Yeah we want those as the young innocent and then I suppose you and your brother is going to start us
off. Is the balance that's your in get that mean forum I don't want Gonzales persona ski no wanna be about us want us even Superman in the back of a liberal nominees to the Wellness Thea. Is there is the zone but US personas put on us at the border and you thought I'd be an oblique of about us all receiving Superman in the. Is the group of the gross on us all going to last person is going to trust in him as what he think that is. In any modern US is bleak in but I want to see it in 73 and as it is a and we thought of the Rose Bowl the Evo or the guys that want to say. You gave way once I could have used you and the need to get by got apparently needed help and Supergirl no brains in bestowal but on grammar and the legalese as your own and watch and they see a thing about a bozo knows this is ideas but I
can provide so to see the answer continue by yes but I gotta go they really need a physical ball he had been the analyse the window you both of the exact example of that but I know you boys there possibly yes than they had of us got back in also our Center Seat in the Panamanian thing is the law fit better paper sometime in the US of A media you know the rest of this with members of Amelia but it don't know enough Amelia say Gabby's boys I wear them that are legally going to pull out a rose that this family had is of I mean any of the other. Is there as you scares me I'm bummed but out of the water want to swear so game by saw myself be known. That's what game is this yeah. Is this I realize that combining is doing their sport and I ain't lying it is the moment of the personas going on and it is the acid the impetus of your not least down there me obviously not in Washington D.C.
give up X amount I mean become a mean union those personas you know of young ages to subject us to his thought of yeah but a lot of us even put a man in the record I think is that most of Lambeau the last persona Skippy got him back within the a book. Let's be honest at the we don't get can provide us even so there's an enormous into such and those ask the FHA applicant about us to raise the pay them board is that a group acuity. There's the Minnesota assisted competent as they are one of them but the most infamous you're going to stay this is their new senior finace is just personas Yeah assembly Mughal of you see not be lovely to see on. I use Debian for my C on which is based on a set of me so yes in environments they're going to be you know that are extends your own impulses not just when are you at the low point to me that these godless Isaac will either list because you want to speculate. She's ill advised upward and such as Illinois. So it's been xian better going to. Going to land in the ME until they see where that is there is
a bleak and poor Gilliss scene or bleak and then through the glass only has to go on is the sea you got us there but are those poor I mean us your nearly Savile's already settles and in a class all the expense you on is the sink when they're going up because the last combat is in the current gay yeah went on to Castle for us at the bottom of the world are going to go he says possibly mean there is so communal prosody me and about us and the part about us but also as it is they are navvy and celebrate when you get ill that each of the applicant about us will receive in Superman and and I mean the in in there it will be a brick got about as soon as it is about a man and the possible blossom Benaud is in it is important that the key is there are going to last words of the applicable. John nothing will appear either. Nabil and I used to
be in a luxury that they said oh no this is your own. Then you got I want a persona on your godless literature. It is not I mean this style and manners then was to us in that it was the voters or examine other what is the balance the excess going and he gaily Oh is there Vermont a humanist in unless you don't get the union is a couple years personas is that police are as bad as it is likely as it is he did this he seemed so when he must have been asking I don't think I'll get cases I got but I bless OK I won them and they've been a happy guy. C C is a low nigga for my use when I deceive you I stay or nah. Oh no the sun is up for my minde the eel is one of the seal luminously Carbone again. He SAS not as I think that Mrs Miller but the the leverage of it I suppose but I was in the can but I I would just go see the scope of the ambit of a legal and then do this it
plasticky says oh not be a chain Court make that or Mosul is Amanda Knox's Mandos what we saw on the MBO or exactly who said what about what is so is is important to the Guinness persona. I want unless I got us other Basle than us than dummies. Because then I began the only economically gather board it gives us on his guess on a source on his list but I just don't see how you can know you're going to love racing but I want that I use and not for a manic burst up of this era I was a novice I was in theatre mad boys around on mother they were active past songs and stop us Lando the only guy who gave us a lot less evil is the better sell us in B B and we're going to see a lot of mean. There's the yap when I was coming and so if you don't balance my you do you mean the borderlands CB is not on that yakking on among a mic or about how you've been so I
could do better than others and some of us but I feel in selling the CNN operas because again a To Let me see. Get more just see these thank you both again one thing not the end in the middle is the bit that they will tell it you will be out of and muss is to get up out of your out it is those thing that misses most which I have on it is a lot of doubt but up at a better than one trauma. OK looks as well just get a job and they were mean to communities. I was big on them and it will do is the local of Michel's that because one does not save them with the MBO as they know I mean for sleep. But are you not be on the fast lane. But I you know I love because the on is simply meant this not because Im going to be in the ME notice but I you know I don't know because they're getting the most comical not because one though I don't mean to but I saw recipients of them brought up at the dollar last but I was a mess that I missed any of the
assignor is that I can provide a lot of CV in CA low enough for my kids the amount they need. So drive over the Value List the Lycee was a lose the I want to mean that window is this to happen and I see me and throw at them at the moment of the boy I saw you know say you have eyes so one knows that look I'm not even Superman and they simply mean there's enough because you don't want to start listening to us that an awful lot of you your money what are they all you know post that they watch in bonus. The morning mary jane of nuns would be sort of that as a peace you know they made us you only got the sense you want the money back to me when it's not just when I see the ghost is done and I'd. Have it gone. Then if I made it
for you. Yeah I get it. I mean one of the for the film. OK well you haven't seen me in a good thing yet the phenomena of the camera because in a law made a momentous QVC I think it was that failure for you know your own single the method of a canal I think and it will be good for you to fiddle faddle. OK me my you on the line you goes me and I go on it. See Is it is less mature than in simian.
OK OK. Luna's persona us why don't I for one of us use their phone services personas gantries they get Gumby Al-Ahly or year and that I don't want us meet us our guns out on Apples assassin seen fit to live in Simi and thought OK Laskin all comes out on a common sight on one of them is that an opera star this was a cameo as a lot of his he doesn't go we are not in those and I don't call us for it just they know that the assign us is like a Guinness was OK. I says when I want to speak I'm going to lay all of your most into this. Like this you see on is the eve of I don't gamble but has even seen me and by the lawmaker that granted an opinion fitter than in see me and does know these boys don't get him point give it just possible is to the CBO it will be a no. Because he saw
the set as you see on the sign yes I'm physically by arm and said it was possible Mika. See you're good at is that a young couple of years. Barlow spoke some of these on us in bones as far as the McComb own Miss was this man of the Nativity Why don't you know I don't know if you know they mean us you only play one bad game on us in the post by to extend there is a blast will you not us I'm going to blow the whistle is blown again. This is was suppose at the Nepean Sather would've Aggy been a single minute and think why is it gave us even the better man in the CIA you have on this CD in public about us. Yeah almost un-American it was known that nothin again that Barack Obama is in of I mean instead of Iraq. OK I have got to see so yeah this but I think when you as a Gestapo startle a lot of us even to put money in the if you says enough it or they are hosting one in a separate opponent doesn't
Amiga communicant on a single uses are you this a couple us with NEA but I think I'm going to get the unique use of very easily read English. And the Occulus is thousand euros less classicist than when they inform us opponent but many of us who many thought use is this you've been in classes. But again if the single message is then up a bit on the glasses even about on the same. When is who this is you get him in a said Morris even the better man in the pointless to this who Eva as theirs is than a gaseous one has not yet seen a ghost is that he lied. Then. The long moment obvious Bono the log a computer.
Group of us. OK you supported the other so make up because it gives you an extensive recommend. Not OK so you stop when we see nice ALAP where they must extend there but I guess you look at their house. Back when the Miami Heat to go is the one the other 16 Sunni's top of the news is puzzling and we have all those THIS IS THE up with a topic I was there but I solicit interval money. See See See. Better now Mr. Jan that the gander gave us a couple receiving so they will remember the moment that you're not even Superman in the US by islamic of us at the New Caprica yet the money coming in the
damages that is in the permanent the bottom of this but I may go this way this bit but I've made this one most business in December. But I'm going on to extend but this is the program I want as much Islams have undergone a married man this will be sorta love you know the media's unity rally says you're going to visit us in Seattle. But I've been there to receive in Superman and demands of the modern Apostles you can LOL I'm not going to register. He.
Has. Been. In some time before coupled with money coming
in. And no matter what you. Put up with.
Me. Then it becomes a program I would as much as they were miracle his domicile and the Mary Jane on this super resort of all of us you know they made us unilaterally says you're going to Seattle. Yeah he just popped in to dismiss everyone in the ghetto you need to put a lot of students but a man in the East there's been a steady em on the stairs and with great force.
Again this is the time of the console lassie. It was not going away and that was for moms is that when all of that up of this endless went over that if you want to know where they are then got upon a set of issues that is most on these posters receive even a symptom and then not a sponsor this month the new skin for models. This is going to the most infamous you know if the youtube or wireless thus they have these you know the this is a group of a whole program other than the import of the personas gazed on yes what I said in September a yes the game in BSA and asked us to process about our lives in better management in the last quarter and that what does the sellers are getting as well when it is the seller is such diverse there Ricky seat those in Siberia. When many more equal they will minimal Lavy say a persona in this is that the name on in the mini in the last week or laid there like
if you know much English so have at least plead. Yes he would almost over it will be I'm going to stop some meals just as much as those almost pointless us leave us it isn't that on that it's going to Britain which is holiness. Is the government within. Yes even though this is a sign you see is are getting bonuses. Can provide is that if you see people going to Ghana is the only square not one where the Knesset and the response that you know we've seen at least with Muslims when examined. But every author knows so I've got so yeah is there a high school diploma or that I mean I don't see who is the second not it. Yes they are G-d or not high school diplomatic are only gravel mostly imposes this to comparison but now the moment is this Will we see anything. But there is that into this that is what that is is
gay are you see. When a community you know so you have other cavil over the idea. Examine what a young better problem as I see it. He said look I'm PC no yelling for me. They'll probably know they made us your own political compass you know this is the possibly the gay see as the next I mean stillness and say you know can one be the sin is that the CEOs they are going to have anything less see is green or even a yellow. Gail B they use in English is you know go or not back you not give us this study or whatever will be that you is the easy sack just made but is it getting sucked out of the way we Couric pass will be a sport I know Michael of the US because the last boss that imposes yakin is so young.
Is this autumn or the bus I like Sammy. Yeah you're going to be seen young noised this there Liz. So let's be the masses Dame. Allow what I is. We're not even most but I do us a list for suck at them they don't want us in the studio. Glad I'm going home and I've been in they didn't want us. We're so the emotion of the Pulis is political is deport the sorriest them. But if it was your mother says the moment that was the needless button on this but a Seattle us when you went to see the ghosts then I got it. This is where they all are or how lucky but I used to live anyway. OK it is a lot of this event at the border. OK if you have
a temporary resident. OK is it the vents in the CMB. OK this is the Siena. Me go limp with I don't extend C on or C nor upward up we got in the the extern C on been honestly they don't know if we seen. C only that is the easiest almost the most OK. Norm Norm. Since you and you know whether or not because you won back in the CMB stop it we need you but as we receive in Superman in the butt it's going to be seen. See see what the Nicky. But I thought because the on either list on grass is there. When I was
on the. Scene I said OK. OK.
Most. Of us. OK. The most bitter was the most in the motherland you get that has made us.
Islam is learning just not ave you know the law. OK. Reza says they look at his house and wonder what meaning the second one is in an M.O. if you will is in any of these easier better understand unless you know what that other stuff. Rather the SE is is there got the name bin Saeed of money and all of the scene and I know my way is the best. You know ways that the sea was done by subtle be honest misuse thought or the need of money and the use of wind up in the middle C was the person and the loss of the ENDA influence assist you in a way is that a human and what is that is they'll be enemies you know to deliver notice in the middle of their lives one of the law
is single so don't worry. Quatro Sinko see it the same course ace. Want them you know what is the most obvious though the noise or the ammonia as the less that is the main idea. The locked out of the king's about a mask walked out of the bin the calmest upon a lap out of the bottom of the asylum most of us quite a lot. Not of the years the US is tracking the system works at the last part of the celebrity media but up all there is this but a yes that into the Liffey side apart at the end they'll have it up in their last scene is there but this is a we're not you know with a normal system but the overtime game. Oh no you don't know how through his innocent play Alabama is they're not they're lovable also we see in this and those is the logo under the long run shows but barely as much as or than a sick man in Australia will last me because it was a star though so
she was all of us have a look at them which is why I was I guess I will ask what I was in Mosul where they used to think we made the Ice Palace Theatre. They depend even though they look at the whole guess is the thing I was going to have a new nose open about Imus but oh don't be so nothing will look better so now look at the knee and this and this. Gonna miss almost the nanos wasa personas you know what I you know must I must rest so. No this does become a forward a lot of PC thought but they never see the Superman and the one is on is because he knows this is the goal of this document than the US out of the zone info isn't even simpler is Solomin the law because you don't own a fourth of what a PDA. Nice young man to see so as to examine Maybe then you'll get a bone in your spine your label here is mostly Promissary alas but allowed us to make orally is it going through your
exam in the AIDS or they'll see that in those is not the inning get it be the ilex salmon in the list but I want to see the CA don't elect them in the eights quantum ECL main goal in Bose's magic illegal bait Oseola cuz one last point not think you will examine the 8 so I mean yes it is examined is up on the examine OK so is this is there a check us out of the resort. I mean they will not put the lot of us Amanda cannot because they don't set up a mark that is lost. Last I was up on a legal interest than will be seen. Well now they are going to go to Africa. OK. Even when I go in a print of a Congress that can move us most of us air Iraqi CTL they see the stars and he lives in this community who I want to form a skip with us
as the first little better localised ghetto is the seed of the north so they think I'm in the orders or not the initially promised quail they were back at the needle is to see on the glass you're not going to beat that up and go we are not locked in the palace gate because you were nervous. Yes they are too violent because you're going to meet us you want in those this is the owner of this a quarter misses but I'm not going to the city on Monday night's sleep. Author gays see most US Open this evil in this. Well up in the end though is the little about our Governor Scott in the US in those are the ones with the Easter Bunny comment there with the old system really that thing that the as much so it is very impressive is really I
think at first they get on the local markets that we see years in development in the Veldt is such and other less yes but it honestly is they list the list goes on in those own dollars got OWN have all spent on us. Is there enough for media in those are still squatting the songs they sing live I mean I can on up become a park employee for not I mean get a single gavel and also cost about ourselves our media no less a gear that thing that it's almost the end of what in the world that was you know when to pull off a million or be an intimate and IMO when it's not us. You know you see. OK. When a premium in glasses the better the news
day. You look like one Ari. OK OK OK. Meet this baby Lisa because you know they meet us the on e as the media goes give them even a basic course right. No no not you know that bit then ok work it out in process so already the Camorra CV in the pit of the ok bed or they can maybe see if they want to see even the bit of money is the bottom without a bust and that the almost all chill us is there but I do doubles but a
lender at least about RACV sort of sit in separate money they get in there as there is is I go more to an already gone over that you just won. Oh no this is your own unique is that indeed the one main event that is this you stay there see the US are set aside in a calm us we're already going to be missing one us in that number without it also if you can one of us had to go his letter because he has been dishonest that I meet there in the last in the US is up is because your own is tan matter is some process on the step in his advanced course all do this leave us up because of us books where the NIA whenever somebody can will report us report about another me as you want. It is all Mandela's but I was going to see this when I'm really going to get is that they already are there but if it into their media their last AP test units can then I've asked this. But as an example.
And when you see the saddle on that I must pull along and say OK. One is not used for and I don't want to have it
I don't know what I can only get to see them get them but I know they're not going to want to see the end that they import on it was there not by the applicant but US who said among us needs to back it up we got about 1 out of mana. Yess this boy is the host of a deep in the. Right. You know the last thing on the list because I think they look funny because he when I put up with that I left but so the enemy will get I know at least the latter gather the how I see it when the owner is 60 and then board part of the mental the list is this pull them out of the mental department of state. OK in bonuses they are you not see at the court that
gave us all bought a gun and while men think that ice as we said is going to this is called the metal in my home in a moment. And one meant the but I love the foot in this by Iesus in and won the game the last person ask a point in that this that by East says those who need us to get on your side is that is that what I said. Equal in the USA Yanna is that is the norm or is that call that a recess in those US Sierra. OK. Don't know why I didn't see even its buoyancy. Not because the owners Equinox their will or is the but on proxy minute in those there will be have either been in the vehicle most done in going to Alderman offices than in that analysts are because the owners lesser standard CV and the less persistent. This is I you know is is there I thought they would he hasn't been feeling OK. I
got there what he has a bit of an incipient you know skill. Well gays in the U.S. as I've stood up in the east 6:00 is there but if it means that they would yes be in los estados be honest the Guinn is the gate that I was and I knew when I was not seeing us there. Are you aware that. You this young you know we should be on board you know. Well you know.
See the bottom. Almost all meet God and we will see gossip. This is put on the ticket the end is what it was. Yeah ok ok. When I was watching studios today. We
give up the body without it is going I was going to lose them that's not a very I win. The more I see them the better man in the Guinness and they're all saying it's OK. See a star your Couric that in. In LA game one the one of us on a yacht the any of us even the pin money. Yes that lever the last thing that I knew was that young mostly Little Ricky any capacity put is examined. OK so in the reviews there was a keeper. Yeah. Smaller than most
because the on but accused of NEA. But again very very I don't know but a second favorite of the line Uganda. But I've been in a ceremonious But of course there are suspects on us. There are so many kinds. OK so CNBC ended as well because you're not eat the last seat than to say they favor the YEP OPERATOR Yes the least the better at than the less that ammonia. So what I mean. What you see is is this they and I and all of the senior lot almost got together the last bit o the EU the BBC in the battle is the host of the ECB in sync with the news in those as you know steadily getting
them they're never going to. I don't think that innocence either can look at the past and not move within in their lab residents of mine and theirs as you have seen you see me. I mean you can almost hear the psyche and one of the telephone is on a lot of single quadrille been killed and he will also look to see what don't win and where they settle settle. I see of the school he says Burning be the dollar and the persona is the genie in the mirror lab is even Superman and they see very early on when of course is one of the last wave this week or is this The Exorcist received indifferent anybody is good seeing it on school so the last three star news groups those that post article Morrissey in the temple. They are established they own. Gotta go my your is on the
cell phone said Oh man. The family in the US. What I saw on evil you and me so the we're all going to need to order them to start up with other losses those are news posting when you see one. I don't know that I got to clean up in those gotta go. Gotta go my Yorkies can say that on the felonious in those AC is that this guy but accused this guy going to process so that us even to put a man in the demo when he's not just sitting as they went on not just. OK.
Noise than the lassie on the end is too real. Cues they can provide us with us again. In both cases this enormous wonder though is do it with X in there. You stand up with us. Is this us we have an America. Seeing. The CMB has become the symbol of the middle this
young man in the middle in another land the young woman in the south may equal in one go. See them. Yeah. This and the many can get pretty soon on the battle not the one extended it but me so but I thought I had disappointed the VC.
Or is he going to put money in the normal. Why is there a lot of people in this. Than other animals. When I see the ghost is done and I do. Better close with a bit of
the possible of the gunnel. OK in both this is not about us. Even the bit of money think you know says they also need those influences. Still it is the idea that been in this is because but as an American but a bit of an ascetic thing in the main thing is they've got us a sort of NEA. I see an enormous scene the scene asleep does seem better than a mother think when they see the audience when this is no less a
give up the ending us the steps. That the US is what it will be or not. The more I see the independent the Althing like what all this all this is that what is gained by animal feces. When I was a bit of an indie when diagnosed but Arriba used to be sick in assisting when they see us in those US not to see people. OK status I would say you know it would be as you know West are human and mysterious. Islam is
just not. Haven't you just not in Yakima. Is there a lot of that is the look wattle single see if they want them. Okay so they've been a stay but I've spoken these boys but I've been a Yakima the Muslim one has given up the name in the line you kinda go in this way the invader always does that but the C but it is a ceremony. Monday
normal to the will to see it you see. Yet you know sing when they see it is to sing when they see it the yellow salute. Okay but on this is they don't obviously not but already what is almost in the. Good as it was they want to say they got this that an IDE organ can talk. That will work. Back ok program. The whole company there. Yes OK. I must say my promotion of the scene and they say they're not even Superman in the US than the CMB this they on you.
OK OK. Bono the longer able to see the NCAA there's a lot that is they're not and they say so but a source even Superman in OK and then never rises. And of course the whole thing happened at the United program is the game is going to give us the ceiling of the lesson again the miracle in colas and what was that I could almost there this is just posed by anal than last but I'm going to study the acoustic circus OK in your mouth but others sing on your sister you know ideas via skin opera mothers don't leave them in unison the other except you know you study but a multi-point stone obviously. You know if you know that is his problem not just not North.
Geez you know what goes into this is going to stir the young the Muslim Brothers Ian and visit all those interesting didn't get a list of them up what it was it was in the middle of the level they love what little single seat they wanted to do something for your ladies that is when the going is honest the ministers want to be there must be on the moon and that's what others does either get in a bus and we would have a program. Let's look.
When as much as it doesn't seem to me how this is the other guy thing I got a knife you want to be
spun or where is that I say this it emitted the universe into move into you but this is about and what I want is not you but of other than a ghost is yours when you put it he has been one of us is this program known as not just about what I said to Miss Eunice doesn't even know simply as a man. Luna's have yet miss him presented us even without us nor that I know that I must be an adamant the money will be a mad open with us when it is the most is that I must not take on the one but his personas members that call me your model. When evil sport without the host of Just an enemy. When he was in the just by the side of money guy I don't like you. Yes but I was in a moment is going to get the meanest thing you know is again morphine knows that I'm over this that all of the good will but I'm going to the museums the bloody got to be done with this which I had got going with the main idea is what is that going to.
Be. Thank you.
The thief. Is the mission of the program when as much as the oil where the system was pretty good
but you member of the committee. Your mother when he got his when he was born but the who is still going to sort of cinemas I go to hear your thoughts and what a cyber Monday I use them was spot on with the minutes and here is a good movie but I guess personas Gagas what primitive is this thing is going to be the day your mother or me going to when he was born to the WHO's door he said that he said that there is the is the committee that I don't know because the story is when I stay as I say set them a dojo myself and NATO they stay on you know and that got me into Nazi Opera last emergency I was on the gate below the house. May go to that influence and is it by use of video motion which is what but they were told only that is guess who the CLEC alum allies let's call it an assist those who are now in and that's how the Linus in the sky Minos put on the kid again on the bus how about of that list and I was going to block us that i hate us. And Don says
it's the same for them all but I thought that they had a lot of those whose problem was I want to pull the most. I said I'll go with the less I'm going to get tossed and I wanna Ben-Dor want to hold those with us but on this. Either that or they ass hell of it I'll go looking I thought but on the color what I thought is better than one of these it will be able to hop on the go get another me go and check them and we had my hand in bonuses but he's not well you don't know. Thank you that but as a body will get a little but I'm only lucky he has a name which of a six I had asked in the body of that and don't say you know. So you and all those and those I don't know then go out of you know no no that you thought your novel but I would have probably got me what you tell us who don't know who to hear you what amendments will as he gave brisk wind only I was in the editing in Leo and the. But are they going to love I mean and that's what I used to post about but I don't want a handout I get with a movie
theater with the almost as and. The problem with that in the same way I have been able to stand this gases they were taught us but on another thought has been asking me how Anthony illness but instead they asked us doesn't you know when it's just we don't want to go this is a walk I would indeed. So you went out and I don't want your hand to give you know are that the Aussie But I mean I want to know who damn was but when my little boy you say you know this I won't know so you're one of those who believe does he know but that yeah yeah came a Washington and those who were going to be in the UAE in the last game has a lot of the money unless like I have given you know I had been wanting to go you haven't had a busy morning as there is only morning of those it's like them Andy and doesn't cancel out the place and most of it was a good idea but as you and the other was helium and a lot of the Panthers I just gave you and me what and to buy us and bosses with whom Bureau gave I thought that had a lot is to put a lot of that that I was able to come of those items are going to allow and hold that as an up what about us I mean that but I
mean he got us going when he can know about the A.L. proposal gives us it a little but up with a lot of those as problem with the last one if any and most got all spit of the this and maybe could have put on a ski runs we've got a lot of it was what I said on this three laws. I am put off by hand this whole analysis all those years but I don't have it and they put that I will put a policy in but I don't fully see esle who is yelling about it. Let's keep them going to protect under all that's a lot of muscle but an eye as a look as I said I want to look at it and guess again they're going to and does a sale I mean I see end up but if you look at it about a little that and those is but it's one up of event let me look at you not allow an agent cannot carry as he will in a day and they can look in the US with that. But all of that is because this was on the allies of course are you so obvious all of us on the Google sign you know up in us but went to sleep and we just put together there you will see and they made it and they were that you mean we didn't was I was because at the end it all but I want to give you a yeah I was just
going to quote I'm not a model for a lot of a lot of let alone as I was and got me when the only way to get the needle What are you saying is the most innocent by you ever see the end that I want to say yes and I know that I hit on knowing that only he can know it and you know ways but if he didn't kill it but didn't you notice that I had a you know being that only he can pull it later developed like as American as I want to see as this guest that wore the CAIB Moai that it was the needle but I confess. That you don't want to see anything it's only that I as he led me into was just like going to the me he quit and bones in me going to last place you look as if I mean little with Aisleyne Lilliput again I don't know you don't like I'm going to go said a little boy looking the devil you know what I thought it was going to lose that can last cause us because they see in the
ingame you'll be all that up if only you could see it and what a model of that militant young couple says I'm a hotel because I don't get a model if you want to get in the hole just one of what almost the global I mean no bones are most NFL fans animals and can also you know I'm going to ask which I don't. Yes because he was Monday to look at the platypus that is he knows what the style and I think it is he went on that I would make is a good many Gussie on the lot and when I was younger than Iam with him and I was up but he only goes up with the cycle yet I'm not going to visit the Navy SEAL and I don't have what I do if you will but up what that has to be seen. But it does heat up will equal is that I just won the most as a ball you go and see me at them and then political beset by the mess in the Keys look which at most a sci comic and honestly you have another and don't have going to allow them on the butt of that as in that though they see in the game and then they can just get a yellow must be getting on this get by the animals. You mean I mean when we had a moment doesn't want us to see him but at us we see an honest guess that we're going to hold those going home to live like that almost was us but I
don't want to but that honestly put it out I let out a boy just as typical Emma look while in most HLA MANDAWUY hospital with a title yet but I'm gaining in the least what I do but I think is how we look. Yes dental Benghazi even though none of the comedic one is in the middle to get down to one in the community. When will commit this compressed report on supporters on this woman's on the going to press event they will be submissive then secular with the little girl is it time to see who can cause a problem is when you see you know just almost done though as serious said on the side of our on the little I must OS that only condemns go look at the mass and the water just coming. Just better known as the men to stand behind the ball boys. But I may go. I thought is oh yeah KBC and
then we're going temple gazing at the analysts you know let's get on the net Oh yeah but then this give you you understand blood and the like and the youngest Daniela's get that on less and less L.A. are you on the go to hell better missile. So I suppose that this is about this. How you look at our No no not yet the country had a Net a Porter that still he see no signal is that one of the Netiquette Parian was none of the monitor missing young princes are eat up with using a yeah. Len I want a better mystery Nala been the nettle horse still opinion I don't want to get a look only Let's get to that yes event against a lowly gallon or the lazy and Matheson on a bus. You know praising lip I don't press you hear a chance to see in dollars as they won't know it up I'll get to eat away said he'll come by you know beyond in the LET is not be the basis he does this was a little less hinting Yes they did you know. Yeah you know extrapolate Yes. Yeah said young losses that it was much as a lot of this is us that I had the yes your
old man is gone this then was what the. Was slow me down to only you on the net or slow me down to one another and there was present I can muster only gonna come a legitimizing that oh he was not the lisp radion nearly Nettles you know killers I mean a salve on which all the love is gone not a must watch as the other is gone. God is and rental of Amelia. You don't then you know is the back seat and I was going to sort of start their own persona get Amanda is there any guy I know but at the level he loves cornerstone of it then it will get there now Stan is the president I mean I certainly get the yellow dog I see the net about a hell of us that young boys but as a young 3 and I live second out on other yeah as things is the end of the last year I met a young person known obviously all on the list
i.e. is there going to be stolen but I'm in a sad place Agassi not at this particular moment that I don't now must other than their style of art doesn't understand when the call a pistola sell a home theater. They want to let them know it was for accidental meant the loss of his legacy as a star and he learned how to never really get no play as another hint that you're not a report on say Silat a button us up with another it and make another person another nihilist which lets me just a minute. But he said only to the utmost this is they don't know must see that he and I lost persona so last almost unless you know them and I mean this arc in the meanest That is he honest. The last one I will know. Very sad. The energy of her own of going to jail for your loss. Yet I must pass it's like I'll never love a million but again
so young I'll just wear a longer apart the leg but I asked. Incidentally I never you see you want to get a not a good idea. So even familiar send your toy down as was done the last dance was a little less than the net. So as it is that is good news is the new when I get my own the one of the artist's disappointing release is the line in going down the list of that in Camino there is this is that instead honestly he don't get it and I said I'll go look you see donate Ari when you say that was I looked up a sandal on the show on the second set of program of him because this then I wanted this was printed. Either was come stand up ill distemper sandal. CSC is the most open and he was put on the game to get real about up against some of the game but it gave almost in this digital book yam was silence hello but the LS stand the game and it was quite disappointing as you well knew he had when he got no I mean going to Ghana demos this time was saying going back to one of those will be adamant about
going to see this but what I see on it is that I can say yes and then listen to what I see on the campus I'll last a book at the end with them enough that I didn't stand when the enemy does that each month and then when I got up I mean it's within you but at least we don't put them up for you out of that you believe that we had I'll give you don't know we're not going to do it. Lol we had to get them in the hospital and then imma hold it as. But it's not I mean there's a man dowsers going to last you on this but in the hospitals you know most of that but I don't know that about me I don't I mean nucular thousand the US you know we don't meet up with not to get them out and you're going to say you know you're in the middle of that put together because he had a bottle yet. But again the tension we just see Misty as you honest I mean you go you had to know a movie star that he can watch it's obvious that they actually don't know what you say you're going to get that edge so menacing May he go. But look what you go you don't know so you really are a lot of Monaco to put us in this thing that when they go let go and I said a lot of book even looking in which at the end
so I know the persona but it was it is just minus as he is going to humility so many you know that I'm OK this is this something that you're going to talk with nobody but I want us I love it I love it when I go looking so I said What of that. Nepal has had a lot but it was put on the masses and I don't and I think that's I mean as he saying it again just had a cycle of what I see on the bus and then when you want to see analysis and thought of that better place skin messages you know you had an open mic in there which on the bottom but that you had a hand there I handed him he will get what he and me gotta put against him is but it was not important to the supermodel was almost an idea you want to one of the most of what I want to put on a vessel this headline you know. But. Let's get to get to your my cousin but I would support that line you know the I was the ideal because it is such a let me Muslim a necessity speed in the middle and it's going to succeed in this they may go home they have a lot of that just
didn't get I am a vehicle that it does them I know how you might have a bit of a home I think I don't really have a letter but I don't do that or you know not too much but it's human nature they forgave Ahmed a lot of alcohol they want to see and I'm not particular but id he talked up a thanks a lot of Philippi then I let him go off by a bonus all the way. Leave us as they go but I got his answer and I think the netto the laser company has been at the what I mean and I want to know So Governor you say why but on up as on Iraq was either going to get across I can as another you know well it got blown up on us. Well it is always a low you know like I said last month or so let me hope it is the product of some US have only go out in the middle. Yes it goes to Brown. When I used to go to him and I had them be important to me and the import and the zest in the hotel but I'm going to be lower than at the end of the thing I was hanging out economy and only get out you know that then you know you have the money and the Miami police officer had gone with my high and then I want to fight them and the other and then you know
and then I mean they you know look I mean this is here in the state patrol of Iraqi This is when you notice this is about our coming north isn't that innocent but really there's a hand in the game played out at the best of luck and I don't know what that could be anyone how they're going to hunt bezels youve been there tell us how you in the militia. Yes the mothers Yeah I dont know why they gotta point opinion by just got bought out by that sort of fellow but because they got into those that he does something and in the midst again as you know in that book in the US but I had a feeling that I you haven't had a boat. Yes that went you know I mean what you can be able to help with the young. Yeah I mean we try L.A. yeah but it's a good thing I mean that a lot of us than think of gays because they must be because I'm going to say you want to give your make I'm not going to jeopardize your own
lit up when I thought that I know what I want is going to stop being you know that each woman I guess I want to get if you're in that field but honest but up while they're in a hole where the boat was coming how does get out but I make of you that love I mean yes I mean it I was a little money that they call you that but are you going to be that about what you want to see when we get over that. You celebrate a lot of these a number of but I think you know the weather went up when I got out of the US and it was not what is where what do you look at holes you must have among the most proposed it was yeah I mean yes and this is this is the last one. But basically yeah and I was on the ground but I don't know no matter how determined they were that yes they know it wasn't going to be as a conduit not only know almost but out of the almost no almost like an animal you end up as yeah as you said this bug you said about a couple now.
He's at the ivy that you know me in because I didn't although saying that and yes he said you know it was here that I will handle this. This is bit on Talk of the bad gas well they used to say Want to someone you know does a lot but I don't think as Yangon Brandel but because you know others but I don't have any of that you know the No. But as you know one woman hello at this and does want a video that I saw last quote idea that yes I'm the head of cattle. But the lamentable cannot gambit but that I mean they read what is not but one of the last thought I'm going to stand I don't know. You seem to see in them but again you know that you know they might have even love their muscles when you're 90 years and those elements and ideas there somebody's love there must be so to loss the most I hand this hope but I look at them but I wonder why you gotta In those years but on a recent Gallup poll we have something of a hanami of SS that Wheeler was a little bit about how to win here and the whole to look at what I said because the point you knew it and
I say you put in the book is young but it is so I get out though is that by local TMZ it will see that I mean is that his question was this is this Superman a one as much as the Muslim land. My family got your mother when he was bored and thought the host but most of them are about so much because he told the Muslims this guy says but it's not going to solve this. Him and. Me.
Thank you. I. Think you must put this through.
Are you telling me. They need. Me.
That's. OK.
I'm going to like you. Yes. It's time to switch on the Superman II when it's much easier. One
member of the committee and I don't mean we gonna come to think on this a lot of money soon I want to study that. Most gun bills that I correspond with at this do I'm going to correspondence to the ME then use this and can screw this to any of this because it's the most any of us stand there was a little bonus but I see and I mean again I think also you know the cause of that he almost got a funny has was like that in spite of the gladdest dosshouse but honestly this time one of the one hand I mean it that what I see on you know single does dialogue with some of the main thing I mean they must and they will get a full minute here they went on No no no no they put a lot of in the bed all day long but I didn't mean that you know minus us you know what I got a peaceful he said but I see into this. And if you know someone that I'm not so I would on this on the Mississippi but as I was once going to this thought of any to see on that list said good
looking lad I'm with a lad but all of them important to sit on his hand as he bellboy you the lad can't give it up but I've bought it so you need somebody you buy Munis Austen's of us who had in cus come up with the enables me what is this. He stammered this time and I we stood by me or see him on though US scientists in the US up but as you enter that I mean when I say that you can hold the families who got you into it it doesn't really have a lot of Dennis gets out of the seven but I big that a little less for it was in the room and I was you know it was a little off when there's a lot of benefit but I would have been all but I thought it was you and I'm glad I didn't think about Iowa and the little we had him up was cooking with gas a lot of the NIT on this up but as he was yelling at it then is no new going on those either because he ended up at his scale what I did out of it then is he with a G Kendall inlet of oneness. Better yet but at the moment they had a lot of business they said Uncle load us a little but I think the in
Yemen bit oh you know it put us on the levees and though I know it's a glass of it opens and listen that body don't look at them in a slap and build this up but they say it is basically my only tool to put on the police he has yet I mean good but as a gate. Given that I thought he was young but this is one of them has hit on my little dot is he and me will go along with the police. No but hope is going to name a lot if you didn't see it because it's up in the lab where nobody has yet listen up at all. When his community at Google is a bit warmer and when the lake it when living in the Potomac asked him I said Oh I think that's a well that's a popular but I will as young as yet but only must go in to see them what then do you put a gala but on the look in the sea and it's up when I'm up at you know the inn because you don't then you're going to put on better ways to spoil it. Yes we're on the whole phone up and that'll put whoever you know as he is so the point of political yet another couple if he has a point to gays but I I really am and I thought I would not
let me ask you about a lot of quote The ghost was going on was gone the lost loved all of us most grim in my list though isn't it. That's on this one is the middle is he was complicit lesson handed but it was a point of that of the element that was cut as a glance at the embassy in the seeing going blah blah blah and the list this day was going Liane. Is this not knowing the Who doesn't like him and like I you know much but I like I don't buy that. And doesn't look at it well then maybe saddles got a little but oh yeah you had us get the help I've got up there the meek will the only gear well given in the end but a couple of big boss I also must be in with a list of the would you want to go out to you but I am you know but I stood by you know it is a it was let me get though they didn't get that I know that all that about the Philistine and say well now you say opens out of sync gave us but on balance is unless you have that up look at what I had to give always that was my media. But again that is
so they will know me but I must my own eyes and I will be one of the better milk bulls heads and look but I'm not going to be going to be gone we won then it was going to him and what is not just because they thought and I can't get into it as well. That in a fair market and you're right on time here. I know that is what I think I think when time came for me I don't. Then again I don't like and they haven't seen them and they get even with it when they can get right to call them cannot the idea that I'm like them and they don't want them. Back and angry babbling and going on the fan but I think pattern template but that you thought that it can only happen to them
badly so it was on the media was on the. Table and not by her. They love her and I fear I tell them that it would come when I try to get their turn that happened years ago when feminine want to come up and I am I go on and on. But there you have employed by having some fun on the family. And then you think it's ok ok I think I've got one of them he better look like a plant. When you look at how many yen everybody had learned we had the mentality and mentor the mastermind of a finite level of pan-European any second young man cannot say what is now my local mention that I put up about a bit of publicity also somebody within the system.
Yeah if you're a couple you came when I got my car for you. I see you again I have thought that I'm going to say you know because if that is a couple who discusses it in his day and we want to get his records. When I see this comment I thought I'd seen it all that I saw him they say is let's get to let me go St. Louis have him we can we say you believe he has only a month and I thought of Buddha which is God is going let's let it hit us on the waiting list and he will support you what is hoped to put on the screen with a little bit of that good looking well and I could have put it a look at the inn get even then I think in those his thoughts but as long as I don't that'll get a bit on I just get a little bit like I don't want to be human not about that.
Yes I guess that was almost like a volley when it was a part of a comment that was about the worst loss loss policy Elihu Celestin but it was on a level they've been good so I'm going to love guys he lets you know it. So I'm going to love them OK it is also I'm going in yes this implementable because I'm being used as one of those that lost when going to bed was almost seven years sinusitis so. So that the cup was a kind of Muslim medal as a millisecond then that oh. Yes but also the most perilous like saying your telling yourself first and is alone at a guess than this. Second there was an arrow you know when I must Grail must must look at this is that this is what on the stand this guy. I mean if yes then you know by me. Where would you be in income when the seers heard about this day yeah yeah yeah I suppose he would let them enter no better see of your own as grand
in another as I was took in this discussion is what OK when other Thank you don't know how to put on me go is that honest. He had thank you list. You know so all of this good in America says that this out by this guy is this is it was the season as long as you know that me and my niece and they do it look and I'll tell them was again by using the law book you know what I meant was very minimal do you know what I mean like indicative am I that you like you must be able to not see them listed on the like you fellows will get them out of the bottle. But I mean it almost under but I notice that you must. But I thought I am going to be and I am a spy program when as much as the ghost is that in my chest. But to get
that kind of thing. There you go. But. Yeah. Yes. I will. You might want to watch.
I think you know if you want to see my school and this is one of the guys are good. Donald is at the meeting and he thought but I'm not here and I know it but I'm going to look him up. Just listen to me with a man band with him to somebody's going to look at it look
at the DNA of people he was when I was a little but I don't know he said but I don't want to. Nor did I know one of them went in order to cement a bucket of ice. The thought of the book a minute I thought what this I mean what if he said Look at that moment of which I mean if there
was it would you want me to say here as young as I got to say Give me a phone book and you have some money and you know this you have a lot of this if you don't you don't get this you do it. Whether he has it up as you know he will have the time and in the end I said I will begin to matter because Emma Stone is not America in the photos. So they're not so into the actual money.
You know a lot of good in my domicile not gotto when they know it's the most agree yet another member of a specific I mean to say I know what I'm doing you know are best when as it is this I don't look at a whole new look at the film as a good evil spirit giving it up because I knew a lot of the look at the photos. What do you get a Muslim just because he has a couple who saw this was going to have a million or so minutes filming and don't vote. You know because they have a disease that gives us a new idea because they don't know when to
go on and am not going to keep positive. So mental is a September blues and they're going to have to stand I don't know and I don't know what I stuck to the God of the book in which I can give up on the mic and what I want I mean I look at it and I say you know look at us and you want to give us up without them really honestly you know
it doesn't even want to get seen having someone in it. But when I went to get him was the more I said I literally got the mind of you look at him. Who had some of the most. Yes I mean
we see that you get him because you must get him you know to my home to my house. So not as an Iraqi and I think it is you know you're going to you're going to want to have an I went on a look at the morning of us if you want to last a minute on my own a gun. Only the enemy does you cover the
people to listen to him. Yep it is the bane of your voice with us amount of use that in a hopeless commendable must be of the thought of look at them. But then look at us and told them I'm only going to have a minute after they don't thank you for my questioning look at me when they say it is a good use so that each of those look at does he want to see a lot
because you know I mustn't make was a space in school. My mom was out of the loop on a persona when we were going to want to play nice if I stand. As much as he's going to some of the commanders based on us that your mother when he was pulled up in one of them was that the thought of going nuts when I want to thank you those make you look like the way they sit us here because you know this is biased but his persona has CNAME to his but I still mean looking up lesson seen that thinking that instead of that are going on but I give it to him most was one of those I am a smidgen of what I have been in the hospital he can develop I guess and who knew that he must mean that in the India full of vendors.
But and then I can see it is that I'm going to other than what I see on a set of bliss but he meant to be in the school so bully quirky but at the end a handy list on ourselves you know I guess I can plan a study for them on this 9/11 because I've been going to miss them when it's not just what I like because they stand and I know you put it out but I wanted to fight it. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Him but I am but I am the man and then I own them I'm here. And then around him am a better man. Yeah right.
Damn man. I mean anybody that got a lot of like an eye out I don't buy that I am not at that time. And up and down like at that time that you know. That can come out again and put up a lot of them. And yet again I'm not yet. But I think that leave them out of the game. And I don't but I don't but I have my own but you know. But I'm in enough but I don't
mean yeah I. Haven't met yet I don't like it but I had I found out anyway even if I have that do you get it and didn't put it on but I like it. Ever thought and I thought yeah I've got enough doubt it not mine. Let them know that and put them in but anything in their mind I want to happen that you know what I mean by that. Any doubt that I get that that's what I want to say but the whole thing but I thought that it had it coming. And that back at
10am on Sunday met online and they and I'm back but my point is that get out my life then I am not that Betty on the planet but the only animal that glad I like him. I noted on the bottom of that dam. But they don't love me you know that but then let it out and that love not out of it that they are not members of the model does you know I asked the name without my mouth go out of me and I don't want to get by when others use them when it's not just when I notice that I didn't mention any damage around anything and I think that if it any you know I wouldn't have guessed that I had simply let it
go. Yet again if I met it don't mean that I can't think of any kind on any given point in time. OK well you can get on with it. Thank you. I mean that I am not mad that I haven't already done it and I am going to get economic calamity if we don't get one of them at the moment. I mean don't get AM gallium I look at me you know I mean I mean I think of them but I you know I don't know that that will get better in
my fucking hell already I'm out our arms around them and I'm not going to I'm going to yell at them and a good one and then I'm going to get mad I'm going to end it. Don't ever get up and down and down. I am on a bet on that happening in a moment. And when and if you don't think that he damn well better
than me. I don't want that. But I am not going to be in the moment. Again I'm going to meet them and maybe they will get them. I don't mind that company and they're going about it and yet I'm going to Washington are for them but I don't want any one don't care about money. But then it went on economic events I mean I don't remember anything but I'm better than I and I live in America. Coming in in a minute I don't care which
I mean I'm back home. I don't reckon I'm better than I am in number and I think that I'm gonna come back. Manage that money. Not me not monitor my that not damage every minute. Don't I mean look you think in there and here we can say something of mine and haven't yet had a point and then it immediately can tell you anything you want my money back. You don't have any effect. OK nothing that means there are claims any sort of the charges that he had or I can't point a finger at me and I don't get your point. I mean
you're going to be limiting me an opinion so that only a little but fundamentally you know what I think that limit writing and why they don't get to make it any better I think you know what got me. I mean something that I don't want a human level rattle rattle when I'm going to be on the record I mean I remember when it began but I'm not going to buy it and then actually Gaddis is better to let you know when you want to get both out now you know. Yeah but not when I got it. Honestly do you think you don't get any money money money you know running from and I believe that I'm going to be getting it right when it's not you but I'm not doing that and I know you'll probably have a much better place for going to war but if you've got a lot of program like.
Why don't you want it. I callate you let us have a magical way that I've come out of the mind of and I could anyway. Will he be I mean oh golly but I don't honestly know maybe I don't mind but I'm going to buy you want I'm not I don't know if he would have it all out I'm you know I did when I did for all your money that I could see I got you got it I'm down on my horn I don't know if I don't get odd but I think that I'm well I'm not out on this get on and I'm and I'm how I don't know my way and I want my man is a when all he wanted one he got I think I'm going away when I look at you know our upland an RV. Although I didn't get I want I get I want I would want her as your own I get it from I give it up about what I can but I down to get a better look at what I'm you know again either give me a day if I can about it I'm with you when you
and your might want anyone and everyone who were even up on the funnyman we've only got about a bit of ivy don't let me only going by what I've wanted one ever done I don't want to look at Jeannie you don't got it I don't know if you would ever get arcade get all of it went away. Do you want out but I can't say that I'm good at case I don't know myself and which is going to some of the Mean I mean I don't know that program I could get him to tell your mother that is which on this business you don't buy the gardenia. But I'm going to get the money when it's not just like this then and I'd. Go there even if I am a fool.
Buenas Noches
Mexicanos unidos por un trato justo
Contributing Organization
KDNA (Granger, Washington)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-199-16pzgpx7).
Series Description
Buenas Noches is a public affairs talk show which focuses mainly on issues directly affecting the Latinx community in Washington State.
Broadcast Date
Talk Show
Public Affairs
Spanish Language
Mexicanos unidos por un trato justo; KDNA
Media type
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: Madrigal, Baltazar
: Jaimes, Crispin
: Morfin, Ezequiel
: Rangel, Hector
Guest: Hernández, Mary Jane
Guest: Madrigal, Baltazar
Guest: Rangel, Hector
Guest: Morfin, Ezequiel
Interviewer: Jaimes, Crispin
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-2c6d3a7bf4a (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Original
Duration: 01:00:00
Identifier: cpb-aacip-a4ff8269c0d (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Original
Duration: 01:00:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Buenas Noches; Mexicanos unidos por un trato justo,” 1990-09-13, KDNA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 20, 2024,
MLA: “Buenas Noches; Mexicanos unidos por un trato justo.” 1990-09-13. KDNA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 20, 2024. <>.
APA: Buenas Noches; Mexicanos unidos por un trato justo. Boston, MA: KDNA, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from