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Oh. The. Presentation of this program is made possible by a grant from General Foods corporation by public television stations. And by grants from the Ford Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. At the. Time.
Why. He says from Nancy how would a desk Plaines Illinois. I'd like to see one of you take turns trying to do this stunt. Stand up spread both legs apart. Now. Try to touch the floor with him. Chris went to do this is the winner. I can do it.
At least if you. Let touch that David can do what he says. I know that you don't bend your legs yet I know I do not. Mean much. Is impossible. I don't want it when I'm in a wait a minute. Jim McNeil of district wide smile and sent in a play called The King with a terrible
temper. She says that instead of each person saying his lines the narrator should read the whole script. Every time a character hears his name mentioned he has to make his own special sound. We had a lot of fun trying it. Once upon a time many years ago there lived a king with a terrible temper. Now this came with the terrible temper I was very proud of his three daughters. The short fat daughter. Plant the tall daughter and the very beautiful daughter. But the king with a terrible temper was very unhappy because into his kingdom. Murgatroyd a horrible dragon. So. Long. Is a song the king with the terrible terrible dream that he would give in marriage any one of his three daughters.
The short fat daughter that like the tall thin daughter or the very beautiful daughter to any knight who would slay Murgatroyd. A horrible tragedy so far. Day after day the lights came on but all of them were even Troy. There are horrible tracking. Finally into the kingdom of the king with a terrible temper. For. A young prince. Oh. I am
horrible. See see. Then go to it. Cried the king with a terrible temper. Yeah. My trusty handsome young prince went forth. And slew my good. All of all good. Oh right. Do. You worry that he
took one look at the short fat daughter luck. Then took. One look at the very beautiful. I said no. The young prince and the very beautiful daughter. Married trustees. Let him move in and spend the rest of their lives. Hunting down and slaying. Sorry.
Do you have a play you if you haven't. Why not try sending it to us. Maybe we'll do it on. Tape. I'm. Not. Man. Man Clinton is something you can do with a lot of your friends. Crispin claimed as long as I have and there's John he's Chris's brother. Rush has been my friend for a long time in school. He's really good climb. Stu's my older brother. He's been playing for quite a while. My father knew a lot about mountain climbing and he's taught me everything I know.
He's climbed all the major peaks in the state of Washington. I would get up to sunrise ridge here and there in year a couple of times. It's almost straight up. Our goal today is to climb all the way up to the ridge above the snow. It's about a thousand feet from where we are now. OK guys. Let's roll but when you will you usually have three people throughout the night and to go to a party. Let's do it this way. Doing one for. Chris. Yeah. OK guys. He pulling in a rope. So if one person falls. If you were not screaming Stop it.
OK Chris I'll show you how to tie him in man. Still way. Ahead of time. Like you know. Now. That that cannot come on titles have it just after the ball is tied up during their good and secure. It's nice and tight. Just make sure that rope always stays nice and. OK. For up truck. I said like I said. OK guys we're going to go across now and let's just remember again you've done this lots of times before but if anybody falls. You know who it is you know your following don't look around just you know following yourself or rest position. It's. Very hard. People like spread apart people ex-parte apart. In people's crampons voices are like OK. Remember that.
Crampons or should have a second shoe that goes on the outside of your boot and it has spikes and it would be really hard to climb on steep snow or ice without crampons because if you didn't you would just lie there. Climbing is a lot of hard work and you need to be in good shape. Omarion you're even down in the lower elevations snow stays all year. All right running on snow. Better than on the rocks because. The rocks it's harder snow. You can just feel right. You got some good hand-hold down there for a good foot hold. I got you. Come on up. That's it.
That's it. Let's move on back on the way and let this bring Chris up now. OK. Oh. You're. Going to get a good strong lay on your. OK start crying. Right. How's it going. OK good.
Pitch. Man told. Me. To. Go. Where you are. Right up your up. OK. Guys we're just. On top. Already doing. Yesterday Well this. Year.
You know the winds change. From. The north now. Wasn't. It would be really great to go the top Marine year. My dad wants me to reach where mover should go. Because then it's who is something we're forward to. How do I be accomplishing something only be. Nice to hear. My. Story were they trying to do. Sure he could be with. Who. I want him. And it is a short letter and a little poem. Sure Mr Kreiner. Of the Bronx New York. And when she says
I have a poem calling me. Names are q names a fine nobody is a name like mine. A name is something that you want. And it's yours and yours alone. I'm sure a woman. How do you do. I'm pleased to meet you. Time to give you the letter. I was 10 years old. My birthday is September 22nd. And in all the ten years that I've been on. There have been a lot of things that I don't understand. For instance one of chickens like eggs that cats just have kittens right from the start. And after we learned how to read and write another Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Fourteen hundred and ninety two that we still have to go to school and learn even more. Some things really mix me up. From your number one fan magnets of neediness which is it's. Nice. This is my specialty for the night. OK. It is. A drawing spankie of
Massachusetts and it's gorgeous you have a color TV a love it. Really. That's fantastic speaking with you. That you love the way the Little Ice Age from Jamie. Yes. Which is the Lone Ranger take his garbage. I know to the dump to them to them. You know me you know. Yes
here's a story written in illustrated by Vinnie d of Brooklyn New York. It's called. Once upon a magical happy little fellow. We decided to live there. I think now this is my friend's song. Took a short and no time at all. He was. Now on the line. I must find my father and my young Wiley. How are you doing. One time you'll see how doing do you. Want to do. After he had greeted his friends he asked them if they wanted to take a walk in the park. Hey guys you want to take a walk in the pond haha.
Good. The circulation was his reality and refuse to show you kid. I know I'm. Crazy you know. Told him about them being cannibals the rumor that. He asked. You silly. Yeah yeah make mincemeat out of you. Yeah right. I'm not afraid of them. Wally said. That's the way you feel about it. Then I'll go by myself. Mike. What do you.
Say. Thank.
You. Plate. On. That. One. Right. Wing lie. Down.
With. Me. Say. That.
And said. This. Morning. That. They make a mistake. I do get. Paid. On it. Presentation of this program was made possible in part by a grant from General Foods corporation.
And by public television stations. With with.
ZOOM, Series I
Episode Number
Producing Organization
WGBH Educational Foundation
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Series Description
"ZOOM is a children's show comprised of weekly half-hour episodes which showed what youngsters do and think. Seven ZOOMers hosted each episdoe, and the cast changed over run of series. ZOOM premiered locally as ""Summer-Do"" in 1970, and premiered nationally in January 1972. ZOOMers played games, told jokes, riddles (called Fannee Doolees) and stories and did crafts projects...and invited ideas from their audience. The result was an avalanche of ZOOMmail - in the first season, over 200,000 letters. Additionally, the Ubbi Dubbi language was invented by ZOOM."
Media type
Moving Image
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Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Unit: Media Library and Archives
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 308368 (WGBH Barcode)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:00:30
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “ZOOM, Series I; 208,” 1972-00-00, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 5, 2024,
MLA: “ZOOM, Series I; 208.” 1972-00-00. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 5, 2024. <>.
APA: ZOOM, Series I; 208. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from