ZOOM, Series I; 212

- Transcript
. . . . . . . Thank you. Presentation of this program is made possible by a grant from General Foods Corporation, by public television stations, and by grants from the Ford Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Everybody's having a ball, yeah.
So won't you zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom. I'm on and zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom. I'm Laura. I'm Carson. I'm Kenny. My name's Ann. I'm David. My name's Nancy. Oh, I'm Jay. Fun and tasty! Who are you? What do you do? How are you? Let's hear from you! We need you! We're gonna zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom Come on and zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom Come on, give it a try Wait, we're gonna teach her to fly high
I wanna chung, I wanna chung chung I wanna chung, I wanna chung chung I wanna chung, I wanna chung chung I wanna chung, I wanna chung chung EX Zero Hey old man, wanna see me spell zoom with my hands? Sure, why not? Z-O-O-M. My eyes are going bad on me. Bye! Bye! Here's a game sent in by Kelly McCarthy of Manchester, New Hampshire.
See if you can figure out the rules as we play the Minister's Cat. The Minister's Cat is an amazing cat. The Minister's Cat is an aquatic cat. The Minister's Cat is an an enconty cat. The Minister's Cat is an awful cat. The Minister's Cat is an avocado cat. The Minister's Cat is an ace cat. The Minister's Cat is an animal cat. The Minister's Cat is an oochie cat. An oochie? An oochie, no! That's okay. No, it's not. It begins with O. I know. I said that's okay. That's not even a word. Using a mutiny, it begins with I. The minister's cat is a belligerent cat. The minister's cat is a bear-like cat. The minister's cat is a booming cat. The minister's cat is a balloon cat. The minister's cat is a bad cat. The minister's cat is a butterfly cat. The minister's cat is a bratty cat. The minister's cat is a beautiful cat. The minister's cat is a brown cat.
The minister's cat is a big cat. The minister's cat is a biology cat. The minister's cat is a blue cat. The minister's cat is a biologist cat. David said it again. He said biology and I said biologist. What's a C? I see. I see. I see. Jenny starts. Go. Oh, let's go. The minister's cat is a cocky cat. The minister's cat is a cat cat. The minister's cat is a concrete cat. The minister's cat is a coval cat. The minister's cat is a crazy cat. The minister's cat is a co- oh, no. D, cocky. No, cocky. A coffee? I was going to say kooky. All right, come on. I was going to say kooky. I see you. I see you. I have a good one. D? The Ministers' Cat is a drunk cat. A drunk cat. A drunk cat.
Me, me, me. We ate too many roses. The Ministers' Cat is an eggplant cat. The Ministers' Cat is an elephant cat. The Ministers' Cat is an embarrassing cat. The Ministers' Cat is an ecology cat. The Ministers cat is an ecky cat. The Ministers cat is an egg cat. The Ministers cat is an egg. Your cat. The Ministers cat is an eggy cat. The Ministers cat is an elephant cat. I said elephant! Oh, no. F? She said elephant. No, she said elephant. I said elephant. No, you said elephant. I was going to say that but... What are we on? F? Oh, my lord. No, you do. Yes, you do. Start. All right. The minister's cat is a freaky cat. The minister's cat is a fool young cat. The minister's cat is a funny cat. The minister's cat is a food cat. The minister's cat is a funny cat. You said that already. The winner. Doom, doom, doom, do-a-zoom-doo, do-a-zoom-doo, do-a-zoom-doo. Lots of kids wrote in ideas on how to make hand puppets, and I'm going to show you one
way to make them. All you need is some yarn, some tape, and a couple of magic markers. First, I'm going to draw the lips. I like mine dark. Now the eyes. Now the eyebrows. Now you need for some hair, some yarn and some tape, and you just stick that on. And that's all you have to do. You can make it laugh, and you can make funny faces with it, see? You can make it happy, sad.
Can you do that? Try it at home. Hi Charlie, ready to go for a ride? Dear Zoom, I have a sister Beth who has been riding Morgan horses since she was about five years old. Let me take this chain off your nose. Morgans, which came from New England, are the first American breed of horses. That's a good boy, Charlie. Oh, stop it. I think Beth would make a great Zoom guest. Sign, Grace Jackson. Your forelock looks like a mess. Let's make all your hair look like this. Okay, Terry, let's go.
When I train Charlie for a show, I have to work not only on how he performs, but also on how I handle him. So, the training period is really for both of us. Good boy. When I'm training Charlie to do a figure eight, I need to use my commands of my hands and my legs very accurately so that he knows how to do his circles. nice and round, and so they're usually about the same size. Good boy, very good. Easy. Easy. Boop. Very good. Boop. Close. With Charlie, I have to work on the stretching exercise
because when you're in a show and you line up and the judge comes to look at you. You want your horse to look his best. Good boy. Good boy, do a nice, easy jump. Okay, drop, good boy, drop. Easy. I feel proud about training Charlie because when he goes to a show and does well, even if he doesn't get a ribbon, as long as he pleases me, it does make me feel good because I think that I have done something to make him a good horse. After working with Charlie for an afternoon, I love just going up in the woods and letting
him go and galloping up the road. Sometimes Charlie and I are just in our own world because nobody's there and I can just sit back on him and let him take me for a ride. He's my friend because if I get mad or I want to talk something over with somebody but it's not something that I want to tell my sister or my parents or my friends or anything but I want to tell somebody that won't repeat it to anybody then I go out and I can talk to Charlie and I know he'll never tell anybody. Zoom will resume after this important message.
Now back to Zoom. Johnny Polk of Brooklyn, New York, sent us a story in verse about a girl and her boyfriend. It's called Late Date. Poor little Mildred sat in her chair, waiting for her boyfriend pulling on her hair. Oh, where, oh, where is Tommy? It's the third time he didn't come. He's probably out with another girl while I stay bored at home. All these nights while standing me up,
he's having the time of his life. By the time I get through to him, he'll probably have a wife. Not far from there in another house is Mildred's boyfriend, Tommy Mouse. Where is Mildred? She's late again. My anger's getting worse. If she doesn't come in a few more minutes, I'm going to start to curse. But before my anger makes me fall, I think I'll give her a little call. While Tommy's having a ball, I think I'll give him a little call. Busy, busy, what'll I do? Busy, busy, I can't get through. A busy signal, that sign is bad. Now I'm getting really mad. He's probably calling a girl with a real nice name. By the time I get through to him, he'll be framed. So Mildred's talking to another boy.
That really makes me mad. When I see her, her shape will be real sad. So Mildred's boyfriend, Tommy Mouse, set off to go to Mildred's house. Hello, hello, who's knocking at my door? It's me, Tommy. You've made me very sore. Come in, come in. What took you so long? I thought you were coming for me, but now I see I'm wrong. Weren't you supposed to come for me? Isn't that true? I don't know a bit about that, but I'm going to the movies. Would you like to come along, too? Of course, dear Tommy. I do, I do, I do. That's our little story. The two of them left friends. We're out of time and out of rhymes, so I guess this is the end. If you have a story or play you'd like to see on TV, write Zoom, Box 350,
Boston, Mass. 02134. Can you do this? It's called Step Through the Stick. First, you put your leg around your arm like this without letting go of the stick. Put the stick around your back like this. Then take your legs out. You should end up like this. It's not as easy as it looks. Try it at home. Aqua City by Catherine Artisan of Rehoboth, Massachusetts. It was 1986. Although man had been fighting pollution for many years, it had finally become so great that he was forced to take refuge beneath the sea. There he built vast and beautiful cities. These underwater, or aqua cities, had huge bubble-shaped domes to keep oxygen in. The air was pumped from the surface
through a filter to keep out the pollution. The people inside were colored a glowing aqua blue. To get from house to house, we ride on conveyor belts. And when you're hungry, you can get a three-course meal at the automatic food center with the push of your finger. And at night, when you're sleepy, you go to bed on soft rubbery plastic. filled with heated water and dyed nice, restful colors. And here's the pitch. TVs are huge screens that cover the wall. And at school, all the books have mini-stereo records inside that give you all the help you need. Less work for the teachers, see? Today's lesson begins on page 33. Telephones are made of clear plastic with small glass screens. Now you can see the person you're talking to.
Hello? The playground is high above the houses on a huge platform. And it's the most beautiful part of the city. There's artificial grass all over that people and animals can eat. And there are atomic swings. And nuclear slides. And little air coffees to fly on. And a glass barrel filled with melted chocolate to drink. Mmm. In the middle of the playground, right under the big globes hanging from the dome, there are glass fountains sparkling with goldfish. And there are museums. And libraries. And art galleries. Aquacities kept in touch with each other through special devices on the outside of the domes. The sound waves from the code tapper of a city were recorded on tape to be cracked by
the people who sent news around the city. The big news of 1986 was that an explosion had cracked in other cities. People screamed as polluted air and seawater poured into their The rescue team set up a drainage system for the broken pipe just in time and pumped out all the water that came through. They evacuated all the people from the city. Soon they had the leak under control, but it was a long time before anyone could return to the ruined city. A tiny computer helped scientists solve problems like that, but they hadn't yet solved the problem of pollution itself. By 1986, they still thought they needed a few hundred years more. But in the meantime, Aqua City was a big step forward. That's what Catherine thought the world would look like in 1986.
How do you think it would look? Write Zoom and tell us. . . . . . . Thank you. Today's Zoom Barrel idea comes from Lynn Wilson of Winder, Georgia, who says, here's a game called Cracker Whistle.
Each person gets four crackers, stuffs them into his mouth all at once, and eats them. Then you try to whistle. Whoever whistles first wins. Okay, Dave and I are going to try this. and to find out what's inside today. I've got to see this. Oh, this is going to be funny. Don't stop. I can't whistle this. Don't laugh. You can't laugh. Hold it. I have to practice my whistling. Hold it. Don't make me laugh. You're pretty good. All the way from Georgia. Of course there was fun. I'll count one, two, three. One, two, three. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Come on. Come on, whistle, Chasley. Come on. Come on, Dave. Come on. Come on, chew. She's winning. She's winning. Come on, Dave. Come on, Dave, chew. Come on, Dave.
Chew. Come on, Chasley. Come on, don't let me laugh. Come on, chew, chew. Nope. Come on, Dave. Come on. Tracy got it, Tracy got it. Tracy wins. Tracy wins the crumbs. do you ever get lonely we all do Timmy does sometimes and he told us about it when my cat got killed I felt only for about a week because you know I love that I saw the cat and I picked it out when it was really little. I picked it out my mother says if it's a boy it can keep it so luckily it was and so I kept it
I had it for about a year and then a car hit its head and fractured its skull. You playful kitty. My mother brought it to the hospital and when she took it inside it was dead. I just ran upstairs and started crying. I got a lot of attention, but I still was lonely inside about my cat, and I felt like I didn't have any friends anymore because I liked that cat, but I got another cat that looked exactly like it except it didn't have a brown nose. do you have feelings you'd like to share with us write zoom and tell us about them
how the frog got his jump by andrew slater of western mass the elephant invited a frog to the tea potty the frog said what time the elephant said At 3 o'clock, the frog said, Okay. So the frog comes. The elephant said, You have a couple of minutes early. The frog asked, Am I the only one coming? The elephant said, Yes. So then they go into the living room, and they had some tea. Just as the frog gets up, the elephant accidentally steps on him, and the frog went up in the air. The frog says, Do it again. So the elephant did it again, and then the frog went up in the air again. Then the frog tried it by himself, and it worked. And that's how the frog got his jump.
Who is Fanny Dooley? F-A-N-W-E-D-O-L-W F-A-N-W-E-D-O-L-W Once to be funny, Fanny Dooley replied, There's something about me that I cannot hide. I hate to read, but I love a good book. I hate to paint, but it's fun to cook. I hate colors, but I do love green. I hate centers, but love things in between. Gully, gee, fanny, dooley When are you gonna tell us who your baby be? Won't you give us a clue? Tell us what do we do, what do we do To find out who you be?
F-A-N-N-Double-E-D-double-O-L-double-D F-A-N-N-Double-E-D-double-O-L-double-D I hate to learn, but I think schools are groovy. Well, our tunes are a ball, but I can't stand a movie. I'm a friend to both rabbits and bunnies. In those papers, all I read are the funnies. But weather's a drag, but I really dig summer. Don't like to sing, but oh boy, I'm a hummer. Golly, T-Penny-Tooley When you gonna tell us who you're B-V-V Won't you give us a clue? Tell us what do we do? What do we do to find out who you'll be? F-A-N-N-E-D-O-L-W-E F-A-N-N-E-D-O-L-W-E
F-A-L-N-W-D-O-L-W. F-A-L-N-W-D-O-L-W. F-A-L-N-W-D-O-L-W. F-A-L-N-W-D-O-L. Good reason there is for this rhyme of a rhyme. And if you don't know what I mean by this time, listen not to the words that are in the telling. Hurry and take a quick look Look at the spelling F-A-A-N-W-E-D-O-L-W F-A-N-W-E-D-O-L-W F-A-N-W-E-D-O-L-W Say you wake up in the middle of the night You got an idea that's out of sight So you jump out of bed, look around your room You're gonna write it all down
And send it to Zoom Or say you've just seen something on this show, or someone cool you've just got to know. Write it all down, don't make a mess, and don't forget your name and address. Include a stamp so he can drop you a card, then dip your note in the bucket of lies. David doesn't know what he's talking about. You put it in an envelope without a doubt. Take your type, write a pencil or pen, and if you make a mistake, you've got to do it again. Right, so C-double-o-n, Fox 3-5-0, Boston, that's O-Z-1-3-4. We're gonna zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom. Come on and zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom. Come on, give it a try. We're gonna show you the sky. We're gonna teach you the flight. Presentation of this program was made possible in part by a grant from General Foods Corporation
and by public television stations. Thank you.
- Series
- ZOOM, Series I
- Episode Number
- 212
- Producing Organization
- WGBH Educational Foundation
- Contributing Organization
- WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
- cpb-aacip/15-90dv4h7v
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/15-90dv4h7v).
- Description
- Series Description
- "ZOOM is a children's show comprised of weekly half-hour episodes which showed what youngsters do and think. Seven ZOOMers hosted each episdoe, and the cast changed over run of series. ZOOM premiered locally as ""Summer-Do"" in 1970, and premiered nationally in January 1972. ZOOMers played games, told jokes, riddles (called Fannee Doolees) and stories and did crafts projects...and invited ideas from their audience. The result was an avalanche of ZOOMmail - in the first season, over 200,000 letters. Additionally, the Ubbi Dubbi language was invented by ZOOM."
- Date
- 1972-00-00
- Genres
- Children’s
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:29:32
- Credits
Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Unit: Media Library and Archives
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 308366 (WGBH Barcode)
Format: Digital Betacam
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:00:30
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “ZOOM, Series I; 212,” 1972-00-00, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 25, 2025, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-15-90dv4h7v.
- MLA: “ZOOM, Series I; 212.” 1972-00-00. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 25, 2025. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-15-90dv4h7v>.
- APA: ZOOM, Series I; 212. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-15-90dv4h7v