ZOOM, Series I; Zoom, Series I Pilot

- Transcript
. . . . Transcription by CastingWords M-O-O-G B-O-O-M No, no, you're all wrong, you're all wrong It's O-O-M-O-S You've got to zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom Come on and zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom Everybody's doing it, everybody's moving it Everybody's having a ball, yeah So don't you zoom zoom zoom zoom
Come on and zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom I'm Joe I'm Nina I'm Kenny My name's Tracy I'm Tommy My name's Nancy My name's John How are you? How are you? What do you do? Let's hear from you We need you We're gonna zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom Come on, give it a try, we're gonna show you to spy, we're gonna teach you to fly high. Come on in two!
Oh, well, I can't win them all. Miss Mary, Mac, Mac, Mac, all dressed in black, black, black, with silver buttons, buttons, buttons, all down her back, back, back. She cannot read, read, read.
She cannot write, write, write. But she can't smoke, smoke, smoke. Her father's pipe, pipe, pipe. She asked her mother, mother, mother, full fifty cents, cents. Time to see the elephant, elephant. Trouble with a fence, fence, fence. Did you get that? No! Thabiz, abiz, abba bubby, dubba bubby. Abba lubang wubbage, thabet abiz, bubba rubby, abbe zubby, tubbu luburn. Yay, kids! Cha-cha-cha! Zoom! Good evening.
Each week at this time, Zoom dramatizes a play or story sent in by one of our viewers. This week we have riddles. by Miss Donna Moore, age nine of Weymouth, Massachusetts. The next day, Gladys called Miss Truitt. Miss Truitt's number was 238-3000. Hello, this is the Borrowinds residence. Hi, Joan, how would you like to hear a riddle? Said Gladys. Well, okay, but just for a few minutes. Said Miss Truitt. Who has gray hair and don't know her name? Said Gladys. Who? Replied Miss Truitt. You. Said Gladys. Me? Oh, well, now I'll give you a riddle. Who has grayish, blackish, whitish hair? Who? said Gladys. You and I don't have grayish, blackish, whitish hair. Goodbye, and that's for a fact. And she hung up. This is a very confusing story, but written with such intense, dramatic feeling
that we could not fail to bring it to you. That night, as Miss Truitt and John were going to bed Hon, said John in a rather mean voice Yes, said Miss Truitt Oh, Joan, I just got the phone bill and it's $491 Explain why you were on the phone Why, said John Well, Gladys was on the phone too, she said Who is Gladys? He said, Gladys Travers, the lady with the grayish, blackish, whitish hair. She said, Well, you just tell her to stay off la phone, said John. What does la mean? She asked. It means the in French, he said. But you're English, she said. So, said he. You may be confused as to why Miss Truett is living with Mr. John Berriens, But have no fear, they are legally married.
Before Mr. Behrens went to bed, he called Gladys. He called 995-3126. Hello, Felix Travis here. Who's speaking? Hello, Felix. This is John Behrens. Let me speak to Gladys. Yeah, Gladys here. Hello, Gladys. Give me $491. Well, I'll try. But why, said Gladys. Because you're a grayish, blackish, whitish-haired lady. Goodbye, he said. And then he went and put on his doggy pajamas. Incidentally, if you do notice a resemblance between myself and one of the characters in the play, well, it can't really be helped. The next morning, John went to the Travis house. hi felix hand over the money felix was gladys's husband i have the 400 and whatever money here
have it in good health said felix felix is this the next morning john went to the travis house hi felix hand over the money felix was gladys's husband i have the 400 and whatever money here have it in good health said felix felix is this money from monopoly said john of course it is said felix is this some kind of a joke said john no it is a riddle said felix the next day they They gave real money to the phone company and the whole thing was cleared up. The end. That was Riddles by Donna Moore. I hope you enjoyed our little show. If you have a play or story that you have written and would like to see dramatized by
our cast, please send it in to Zoom, Channel 2, Boston, 02134. And now, here's the weathery part for all you Abidabians out there, presenting in your native tongue. Hey, let's try Mary Mac like this. Okay. Oh, Mary Mac, Mac, Mac, all dressed in black, black, black, with silver buttons, buttons, but it's all down her back, back to back.
She cannot read, read, read. She cannot write, write, write. But she can smoke, smoke, smoke. Her mother's pie, pie, pie. She asked her mother, let's try it. You can't do it. Fifteen cents, cents, cents. To see the elephant, elephant, elephant. Down over the fence, fence, fence. She jumps so high, high, high, then it reaches the sky, sky, sky, and never came back, back, back, till the fortune's high, high, high. Let's do it again. Oh, Mary Mack, Mack, Mack, all dressed in black, black, black, with silver buttons, buttons, buttons, all down her back, back, back, back. She cannot read, read, read, she cannot write, write, back, but she can smoke, smoke, smoke, her daddy's fight, fight, fight. She asked her mother, mother, mother for fifty cents, cents, cents, cents, to see the elk, elk, elk, elk, elk, double the fence, fence, fence, we jumped so high, high, high, and reached the sky, strut, strut, and never came back,
flag, flag, till for July, July, July. Yay! Zoom will resume after this comic message. no you don't see many wild stallions anymore and even if he did run off three of your best mares he's one of the last of a wild and very singular breed come to where the flavor is come to marlboro country Oh, my God. And now, back to good ol' Zoom!
the car. Bring on the bacon and fill me up. Because it's supper. Sub, sub, sub it up. Jam. What's the worst possible food you could eat? My worst possible food I could think of is spaghetti. Parrish. Parrish. Liver. String beans. Mushrooms. Mushrooms. Steak. Liver. Beats. Pissu. Spinach. Egg salad sandwich. The worst possible food is spinach. If you hadn't eaten for months and you could eat anything you wanted what would you have? I would have roast pork. That's my favorite. A submarine. Chicken. Baked
lasagna. Tuna. A bologna salad. A lot of steak. Fried chicken. Pizza. Pizza. A hamburger. Tuna fish. Hamburger. Oh I think I'd have roast beef. If you had to choose between a spinach Eat a sandwich, octopus, frog's legs, caviar, tongue, or liver, what would you have? Spinach. Sprouty. Spinach. Spinach. Broccoli. Octopus. Frog legs. Spinach. A spinach sandwich. A spinach sandwich. Octopus. I'd have tongue. Describe mince pie. I don't know. I don't like it. No, I haven't. I don't know. I don't know. I can't really say what it is. Um, it has crust at the top and it sort of has, like, a mincey taste in it. The color of it is brown. What is the worst possible...
Oh, wintertime's nice with the ice and snow. I said, summertime's nice with the place to go. Bedtime. Overtime. Halftime, too. But you just can't hold a candle, too. Suppertime. Yes, it's suppertime. Oh, it's suppertime. Very best time of day. Boop, boop, be-doop, boop, be-doop, boop. Do you know when you walk through the woods you can make things to eat and drink out of trees and berries and bushes? For instance, like sassafras tea comes from a sassafras bush. You can recognize the soft frost tea by the four kinds of leaves that it has. One, the three leaves, they're just a bunch of three leaves.
The oval leaf, it looks exactly like an oval leaf. It's just a plain old oval. The three-pronged leaf, it has three prongs. The mitten leaf, it looks exactly like a mitten. The thumb is on the left, the finger's on the right. Now this one's big and it's all alone, so I want to leave it there so it can grow. If it's not a sassafras tea, at least you don't think so, don't dig it out, because it may not be a sassafras tea and you could get very sick. You know, it does smell a little bit like root beer.
It takes about 15 minutes to boil, and you can tell by it's done when it turns brown. If you want the recipe, send a postcard into Zoom on Channel 2, Boston. Summer, summer, summer time. Yuck.
When I go to the hospital and get these shots, all of a sudden, I say, Mom, help! Like, I see the doctor, like, taking a needle out of the drawer. Now this won't hurt a bit. This will hurt me more if it's you. That's what the doctor said. Now this won't hurt a bit. So he sharpens his needle. That's what I hate. And every time I go to the doctor now, I always ask the nurse, am I going to get a needle? I'm just scared of the doctors now, because every time I go in there, I say to the nurse, Am I going to get a needle? Am I going to get a needle? It matters what do you have. If you have something wrong with you, of course you're going to get a needle. I say, God, please don't make me have nothing wrong with me. I remember when I was in my... I know I don't remember, but... Tell us what you don't remember. In this thing about a year ago.
and it's really weird because i was semi-unconscious semi-conscious whatever it is and all i can see is is he all right yeah he's okay you sure yeah i'm sure that that the next thing i know is um i'm in this hospital and i can't move my arm and i go I feel this yuck on my face and the guy says don't touch your face and it's bleeding my face is bleeding I said I know he said there's gloss in your face he said and then I fainted again and it was it's really weird because when you fall down and you don't feel anything you know something's wrong I remember one time when I was something happened to me you know I was unconscious and then and then I wake up and he's my mother my father my sister my brother my brother my other brother over on the side
then I'm like this and he's just staring at me like what happened what happened and I'm like and they have big faces and long faces and skinny it's kind of weird one day in arts and crafts there were all these really bad fumes and like a spray paint and all the stuff and i fainted and all you can see is like i saw a whole bunch of cars on this colored highway and then you know you wake up and you can't for a minute you can't see and you look around you know and then everybody's staring at you and it's really frightening because you look up you know you're just waking up and you look up and all these faces come at you it's really weird again but usually like um when i when When I feel something strange in my back, when there's a pain, when I go to the doctor, I get so scared that it goes away. And that's happened to me so many times. I think that's cute. Then the doctor says, I don't see anything wrong with you. Five dollars, please.
Then all of a sudden, I climbed up the hill and ran down and tripped over a rock. And then when I woke up, my head, like, everything started turning around. And I said, what happened? it was like this everything everything turn around I was like no one time when I was little I was over one of my friends I was in let me see what happened I saw this cat was up on the banister this was on the third floor it was up on the banister and the banister was real small so I ran to get the cat and I tripped over the banister and fell all the way down I kept my leg here all the way down didn't feel a thing but when I got up when that blood comes that's what I hate that's what I hate when you're walking down all of a sudden you're walking and you see something that happens real sad and then you're walking all of a sudden a teardrop one, two, three
two It began in March and it ended in May, I can tell you the hour, I can tell you the day, I can tell you how long it's been since he went away, so Lord please send him back in Today, today I know he once loved me I know he once cared Cause if he didn't love me He never would have dared But now I think about him And I really don't care Because he wasn't aware
Of the love I bear His love I wear He was my lover He was my friend He said he'd stay with me Until the end But now that he's gone And left me alone I'll think about him every night At home, I'm all alone It began in March And it ended in May I can tell you the hour I can tell you the day I can tell you how long it's been
Since he went away So Lord, please send him back to me Today, right away Miss Mary Mary Mac, mac, mac, all dressed in black, black, black with silver buttons, buttons, buttons all down her back, back, back. She cannot read, read, read. She cannot write, write, write much. She can't smoke, smoke, smoke. Her daughter's pipe, pipe, pipe.
She asked her mother, mother, mother, for fifty cents, cents, time to see the elephant, elephant, trouble with a fence, fence fence. Did you get that? Zaboom! And now back to Zoom. Noah, there's gonna be a bloody, bloody Lord said to Noah, there's gonna be a bloody, bloody Get your children out of the muddy, muddy children of the Lord So Noah, he built them, he built them an arky, arky Noah, he built them, he built them an arky, arky Built it out of every parky, parky children of the Lord
So rise and shine, and give God your glory, glory, rise and shine, and give God your glory, glory, rise and shine, and give God your glory, glory, children of the Lord. The animals, they came in, they came in, by choosy-toosy animals, they came in, they came in, by choosy-toosy elephants, that kind of doozy-doozy children of the Lord. It rained and poured, but forty daisy-daisy rained and poured But forty daisy-daisy told those animals Nearly crazy, crazy children of the Lord So rise and shine, and give God your glory, glory Rise and shine, and give God your glory, glory Rise and shine and give God your glory, glory, children of the Lord.
The sun came out and dried up, the landy, landy sun came out and dried up, the landy, landy. Everything was bright and dandy, dandy, children of the Lord. So rise and shine, and give God your glory, glory, rise and shine, and give God your glory, glory, rise and shine, and give God your glory, glory, children, oh, good Lord. We're gonna zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom Come on and zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom Come on, give it a try We're gonna show you just why We're gonna speed you to fly high Come on and zoom, come on and zoom
Come on and zoom, come on and zoom, come on and zoom. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Zoom! No good, huh?
- Series
- ZOOM, Series I
- Program
- Zoom, Series I Pilot
- Producing Organization
- WGBH Educational Foundation
- Contributing Organization
- WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
- cpb-aacip/15-547pvzxn
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/15-547pvzxn).
- Description
- Description
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:28:34
- Credits
Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Unit: Children's Programming (STS)
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 21437 (WGBH Barcode)
Format: Betacam
Generation: Master
Identifier: cpb-aacip-15-547pvzxn.mpeg2.mxf (mediainfo)
Format: application/mxf
Generation: Mezzanine
Duration: 00:28:34
Identifier: cpb-aacip-15-547pvzxn.h264.mov (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:28:34
Identifier: cpb-aacip-15-547pvzxn.j2k.mxf (mediainfo)
Format: application/mxf
Generation: Preservation Master
Duration: 00:28:33
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “ZOOM, Series I; Zoom, Series I Pilot,” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 25, 2025, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-15-547pvzxn.
- MLA: “ZOOM, Series I; Zoom, Series I Pilot.” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 25, 2025. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-15-547pvzxn>.
- APA: ZOOM, Series I; Zoom, Series I Pilot. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-15-547pvzxn