ZOOM, Series I; 608

- Transcript
Thank you. Zoom, number 608, December 1st, 1977, WGBH-TV, Boston. Major funding for Zoom is provided by a grant from General Foods Corporation. Additional funding is provided by this station and by other public television stations, and by the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped. There's room for all
We're gonna sing and dance and have a ball Everybody's number one Everybody's having fun Everybody's writing the show So why don't you zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom Come on and zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom I'm Amy I'm John I'm Carolyn I'm Nicholas Who are you? What do you do? How are you? Let's hear from you. We need you. We're gonna zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom. Come on and zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom. Come on, give it a try We're gonna reach for the sky
You can help us to fly Hey, come on and zoom Come on and zoom, zoom Come on and zoom, zoom Come on and zoom, zoom Come on and zoom, zoom Dear Zoom, I have a barrel Put a book on your hand and blow up a balloon Good luck. Take your hand out of the book. Yeah, I'm kind of like a... Then do it. You can do it. I have a feeling you did it, you know.
You gotta paw up, you gotta play Hey, you gotta send them to Zoom Right away You gotta barrel, you gotta do Ooh, you gotta send them to Zoom We need you Something to tell us, something to ask Got a good goodie, got a good mask We looked in our mailbag for something to do But something was missing, something from you So go get some paper and something to write with The mailman will travel all through the night with your letter And then she'll deliver it here And we will meet it, and we will greet it, and we will read it with cheer Oh, one thing more, as if you can't guess That's send your new letter to the same old address That's Zoom, T-O-O-M, Box, 3-5-0 Boston, Mass, 0-2-1-3-4 Send it to Zoom! This is from Gene Hamilton Knock, knock. Who's there? Thistle. Thistle who?
Thistle will be a good knock-knock joke for Zoom. That's good. Dear Zoom, I am ten years old and I watch your show all the time. I love horses and I might get one. My sister teases me because I talk about horses a lot. Do you really like something and get teased about it? I love horses and lions. I love lions. I love lions. I love kittens. They're so cute. I get teased about listening to classical music. I like classical music and I listen to it. My brother always goes, why do you always dance in front of the record player? Go to college, continue your knowledge, be a person, smart and true.
for if they can make penicillin from moldy cheese, they can surely make something out of you. That is good. Who's it by? From Gisele Roth of Bronx, New York. Thanks. Dear Zoomers, what do you do when someone hurts your feelings? I go somewhere all to myself and I think about that person. I think about what the person said, and I sometimes cry. What do you do? Tanya Williams from Memphis, Tennessee. I do just about the same thing. Me too, I do almost the same thing. No, I go to my mom and talk it out because it makes me feel better. I walk away from them. Their feelings. When they hurt my feelings? I don't think anyone ever did. I get mad.
Cry. I walk away. Go home. I'll go tell my mother. Well, I sit by myself and cry a lot. Who is it? It's the paper boy I've come to collect. How much do I owe you? $2.50. $2.50? Right. Do you mind if I pay you in pennies? Of course not. Do you mind if I deliver your paper one page at a time? We've come up with some really neat toast goodies. Want to know how to make your own butter? Kosuke Hawashi of Forest Hills, New York told us how to do it. It's easy. All you need is a half a pint of heavy cream in a jar. Pour the heavy cream into the jar, a little spill, and cover it up.
Then you shake and shake and shake. Amy Gamble of Chevy Chase, Maryland, sent us a recipe for homemade peanut butter. Yes, it is. You need one cup of fresh peanuts, three tablespoons of corn oil, one teaspoon of salt, and a mortar and pestle. Put everything in the mortar and mash it up with a pestle. Look at that one, that's the butter juice. I don't know. It's still whipped cream. Amy Palvik of North Huntington, Pennsylvania showed us a quick way to make
orange marmalade. What you do is you mix two tablespoons of honey. How's it coming Nick? Good. Pretty good. One. Two. Then you mix one tablespoon of orange juice. I'm tired and one teaspoon of grated orange beer you mix it all up okay it's getting to It doesn't look like peanut butter. Yep. There's a lot of big peanut sick. That's pretty good. Now you spread it on warm toast.
Here. You must be tired, Carolyn. Are you tired? Yes. I wonder which is harder, pounding and gnashing and shaking. Shaking, shaking, shaking. Mmm, let's see. Mmm! That is great! This is good. I think that's about done. Where's the knife? Oh, it's super chunky. You have to use a spoon. Back. Should I? Want this for Nicholas?
I think I will. It's butter. Let's see. Really? It is. That is butter. Oh, it is. I'll pull the way out. Okay. There. Oh, that is... I didn't think it was going to come out to bed. Okay, here it goes. I didn't think it would work. Pass me some toast. Chunky, Nick, huh? Mmm. Isn't that good? That's good. Try to do a bite of this for a bite of that. Did you know that all the animals that went to Noah's Ark came in pairs? Yes, except the worms. They came in apples. When I was born, I was partially sighted.
When I was in the sixth grade, I got hit with a ball, and that's when I first lost my sight. When I first went blind, it was kind of scary, but, you know, I kind of got used to it. I used to get mad sometimes, but other times, you know, something I probably have to live with, so I probably can't do too much about it except for be careful. First, let's start with Pacific Division. Los Angeles has 40 wins and 24 losses. Being blind, you know, I don't expect myself to be able to do everything. Detroit, 38. Sometimes it takes me a little longer to do things. Like, if we get an assignment for homework, I have to braille mine and then type it so the teacher can read it. Indiana, 30 and 29. Okay. yeah there probably will be something that i always probably need somebody to help me with you know i'm not gonna be perfect division the last team atlanta 26 and 39
if i know i can't do something i won't even try it if i think i could give it a good chance at it but if i feel i can't give it you know any competition i won't even mess with What do you do for that first one, Dan? I got four and a half. I got five. Not positive. Yeah, that's fine. Forty one point. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh. So six. Zero, zero, zero. I'll bet you. Oh, let me see. Seven and a half. Hell no, babe. This is bad stuff. Two and a half. Okay. Okay. Okay, all right. Let me show you. Let me show you. First one is 37. 37 and 33, right? That's four. You owe me a quarter. Well, that's $8.45, girl. You're going to pay her. Hey, but look, just think, all them tests, I hope you got A's on. Ain't that good enough?
At school, just about everybody knows me. I'm pretty sure everybody does. Nobody at school has ever made me feel different, because, you know, they'd be amazed at different things that I do that they didn't think I could do. This is a model of landforms. And this set has about 12 different... Archibald is a resource teacher. She's mostly like somebody who's there to help me with other subjects and to teach me different things. How about this up here? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. How is that? This is one? Uh-huh. It's a golf, too. Let's see. What do you think that is? That's probably a lake. Uh-huh. And what's the lake in the middle of? An island. Right. And, uh, let's see. There's a whole chain of mountains that goes all the way down. Uh-huh.
Do you want to find a chain of mountains in California? Go up to the globe? She's not strict, but she don't let me get away with nothing. You could say that. see this would probably be it that's right that's right and can you find a mountain range in california uh let me see mountain oh yeah right here that's the mountain range where we took our backpack trip do you remember the name of those mountains sierra nevada uh-huh that's and lake tahoe is is a lake in the sierra nevada mountains so this is san francisco bay right in here right Up a little higher, right about there. So my house is probably somewhere right up in here. You can't quite see your house on this globe. That's just a small part. It's California. When I was young, we used to live at the end of the bus line. And bus drivers would tell me different things, how to catch the bus, how to pick a seat. Now I ride the bus by myself most of the time. Sometimes I think people talk to me just because I can't see and not because, you know, I'm just me. But I figure, you know, they're interested in me.
And so I go ahead and talk to them even if I don't feel like it. I've enjoyed speaking with you. Okay, you take it easy. Yeah. Okay. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. There's any weather because there's no good weather Oh, baby Oh, baby I'd like to I'd like to be with you I'd like to be with you I'd like to be with you Oh, yeah, yeah When I do stuff, you know, I figure I got to take the chance,
because if I really want to do it, I'm going to try to do it. When I'm on my skates, you know, it feels good, because I know I'm doing something that I've taught myself to do, so it makes me feel good. You know, being able to do stuff with other kids and not be left behind and have to have somebody with me all the time. I know I'm going to hurt myself, but, you know, I'm not nervous. I hope for the best. These are books written in Braille. Braille is a system of raised dots used by the blind for reading and writing. To read Braille, you use one of both hands, moving them from left to right over the raised dots. If you would like to know what Braille feels like, send for this Braille Alphabet Zoom card. Write Zoom. That's Zoom, T-O-O-M, Box 3, 5-O, Boston, Mets, O-2-1-3-4, send it to Zoom! Doctor, my ear keeps ringing. What shall I do?
Hmm. Get an unlisted ear. Oh. This is a masking tape vase, and I'm going to show you how to make one. Now, before you start, if you want to, you can put some newspaper down to cover the surface you're going to work on, if you don't want to spill anything on it. Okay? Now, you start out with a clean glass bottle. And you tear small pieces of masking tape off. It's better if you tear them. Because they don't look as good cut. And you start putting them on the bottle, okay? And overlapping the pieces. And making sure they're smooth and they're in all the grooves. Make sure it's pressed down tight.
now it'll probably take you longer to do it than this but when you finally finish take a wet rag and dip it in some shoe polish any color it doesn't matter okay now spread it over the bottle Anywhere that there's tape You can use paint too But if you do, make sure you use an oil base or acrylic paint Because watercolors won't stick to the tape This is a sort of messy thing to do it. It's nice when it's finished. Now, when you finish covering it, take a dry rag, you buff it up. Make sure you do this before the polish thoroughly dries, or you'll have a
hard time. So you want to smooth out all the polish. Now, you can put some flowers in it. Zoom is looking for games! Shoulder to shoulder. Do you and your friends have a game you like to play? Head to head to head to head to head to head. Send the rules to Zoom. Box 350, Boston at 02134. Send it to Zoom. What do a straw and penny have in common? The straw and penny race. All you have to do is get a straw and a penny and carry the penny from the starting line
to the finish line by sucking it up through the straw like this. Go! Come on, come on! Come on, Amy! Come on, Amy! I'm going to win! Come on, come on! Come on, come on! Carolyn! Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! Come on, come on, come on, come on! Dear Zoom, do you ever feel like running away? I do. Like when your mom or dad gets mad at you and doesn't talk to you. Why don't you have a rap about it? From Dana Morris, Highland, Indiana. Well, sometimes when I argue, you know, sometimes I get, like, mad, you know, then I go to my van and sometimes I feel like running away.
I know. Sometimes I take a walk, you know. Yeah, to get out of your system. Yeah. Then I go back home. Sometimes I jog around. I used to think that I used to want to run away because when I get in trouble or everything and every time I would get in trouble and I get punished for it, then I come out and do something else bad, I get punished for it, I used to pretend I was packing my clothes and I get in trouble for doing that too for trying to run away. Then I thought where was I going to go because if I went on the bus they wouldn't let me get on probably and they probably take it back home i couldn't go with my aunt's because she take me back home so it's really sometimes when you run away you don't really know where you're gonna go you think that you just better to stay home that's what mostly discourages people about running away you see where am i gonna go if i go to my friend's house they'll call my their mother will call my mother and say oh your son is here and all that stuff so yeah
I made plans with my best friend once who lived right near me at this back staircase where I could hide it's it okay you're gonna have to supply me with food okay I'll only spend about a week and so I was all ready to go there but But I didn't, because I couldn't find a blanket. If I do something bad, like if I was sent to some place and I stayed out too long, I'd be thinking, oh, I better not go back home. Everybody will be mad at me. I better run away and stuff like that. But then I get to thinking, what am I going to run away to? What am I going to run away with? So I just go on home and face the consequences. or you get really mad at your family like and you know you decide to run away but then you start thinking like what if i never come back i'll never see my family again what if something
happens yeah i'll never see my family again what if they move yeah We all depend on someone, else depends on you, everybody needs everybody giving, I need you to need me. You do too. A mirror needs reflection. Light needs night to shine. Everybody needs everybody giving. I need you to need me. You do too. Shoemaker makes the shoe. Shoo, it's the dancer, dancer does her thing Till the song the singer sings
People clap their hands to the beat, the rhythm ring And we all live together, yes, we all live together We all depend on someone Someone else depends on you Everybody needs everybody giving I need you to meet me You do too The lumberjacks fell the trees They go to the lumber mill Paper from the mill makes a hundred thousand things Birthday cards and books, and you know the postman rings And we need all your letters, yes we need all your letters We all depend on someone, someone else depends on you
Everybody needs everybody givin', I need you to need me, you do too. And we need all your letters, yes we need all your letters We all depend on someone, someone else depends on you Everybody needs, everybody give in I need you to meet me You do too Everybody knows, everybody writes the show You've got us the right to
We need you Send us what you want to We need you We need you Come on and zoom, zoom, zooma, zoom Come on and zoom, zooma, zooma, zoom Come on, give it a try We're gonna reach for the sky You can help us to fly high Come on and zoom, come on and zoom, zoom Come on and zoom, zoom Come on and zoom, zoom Come on and zoom, zoom Come on and zoom, zoom Come on and zoom, come on and zoom major funding for zoom has been provided by a grant from general foods corporation additional
funding has been provided by this station and by other public television stations and by the bureau of education for the handicapped For more information, visit www.fema.org
- Series
- ZOOM, Series I
- Episode Number
- 608
- Producing Organization
- WGBH Educational Foundation
- Contributing Organization
- WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
- cpb-aacip/15-3331zpbq
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/15-3331zpbq).
- Description
- Description
- #608 Zoom Rebroadcast Master from 2"
- Genres
- Children’s
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:29:55
- Credits
Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Unit: Children's Programming (STS)
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: P05609 (WGBH File Number)
Format: Betacam
Generation: Copy: Access
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “ZOOM, Series I; 608,” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 9, 2025, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-15-3331zpbq.
- MLA: “ZOOM, Series I; 608.” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 9, 2025. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-15-3331zpbq>.
- APA: ZOOM, Series I; 608. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-15-3331zpbq