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so Thank you. presentation of this program is made possible by a grant from general foods corporation by public television stations and by grants from the ford foundation and the corporation for public broadcasting Come on and zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom You gotta zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom
Everybody's doing it, everybody's doing it Everybody's having a fall, yeah So won't you zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom Come on and zoom, zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom I'm Edith I'm Luis. I'm Larry. My name's Danny. I'm Bernadette. I'm Leah. My name's Neil. Who are you? What do you do? How are you? Let's hear from you We need you We're gonna zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom Come on and zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom Come on, give it a try
We're gonna show you just why We're gonna teach you to fly high Come on and zoom Come on and jump, jump, come on and jump, come on and jump, come on and jump, come on and jump, come on and jump. Here's a doodle scented by Laura Bovard of Southgate, California. Can you guess what this is? What is it? It's a jack-in-a-box who laughed his head off. Yes. Yes, um, about number six, I think that area should be checked more often. Yeah, point two, too. Ring!
Hold on. Hello, doctor's office. Oh, thank you. They'll be sending a patient right over with the bula-bula. He'll have his x-rays with him. Doctor? Yes? I... Oh, son. We'll take a look at this later. Come here and see. Sit down. Come here. My, I think it is the bula-bula. No. It's zoom fever. Well, I don't know about that. It's, well, maybe it's zoomitis. this. No, it's a hole in the head. Well, let me test his reflexes. Let's take a look at the x-rays. Okay. X-rays. Yeah, x-rays. I just came to apply for a job. Oh, no. The Upside, upside, up. We really like to act out plays,
especially the ones that you've made up. So, if you've written a play, send it to us, and maybe we could do it on Zoom. Send it to Zoom, Box 350, Boston, Mass., 02134. Here's a doodle sent in by Kathy Hooker of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Can you guess what this is? What is it? It's a clown in a rowboat. I just came to apply for a job. That's right. Here's a doodle sent in by Susan Washiba of Peabody, Massachusetts. Can you guess what it is? What is it? It's a rabbit eating an ice cream cone. Would you like to learn how to make a horn from a hose?
Or a xylophone from some wood. Or even a plastic jar guitar. I forgot to blow my horn. I don't know. Thank you.
Oh, my God. I don't know.
Oh, my God. Let's go. Thank you.
Thank you. would you like the instructions on how to make a horn from a hose or a xylophone from some wood
or even a plastic jar guitar we'll send you a zip tie write zoom box 350 boston mass 02134 zoom resume after this message A-bo-da-beer. Mabai-ba-bas, tabai-babo, habas-abe, blabaks-bobot. Wabat-wab-balabai-da-boo. Abai-na-bo, abai-yaboo's-na-boo. Aba-babi, taba-babi, blabaks-bobat, rubi-mabu-fabar. Tshhh. And now back to Zoom. Here's a doo-doo sent in by Bobby Butcher of Nashville, Tennessee. Can you guess what it is?
What is it? It's a roll-away rainbow. O-B-O-T-B-O-W-O-B-O-N, Three-V-F-O-B-O. You got an idea sitting on the shelf? Send it to Zoom, send it to Zoom. A polo play that you wrote yourself? Send it to Zoom, send it to Zoom. A story or a riddle that no one can get? Or something for the bell that's a sure success? Well, you write it all down with your name and address. Cause you still gotta send it to Zoom.
Who? Y-Zoom, C-O-O-M, Fox, T-5-O. Boston best, oh, two, one, three, four, center to zoo. One, two, three. Smile. Remember you're the prettiest girl from the world. My name is Marielena Valenzuela. The dancer I'm going to show you is a jarabe tapatio. It comes from Jalisco and it's a place in Mexico. All these kids are from Missionville School and we learned this dance from Miss Guerrero and Mr. Hernandez. Stand where you dance. We do our dances all over Tucson and sometimes we come here to the Mission and do some performing. Bring it around like this and bring it to your hips and hold it right here. But where you held it before, when you're moving, keep it right there, bring it around and hold it like that.
And don't forget to... The harabe tapatio is a very hard dance to learn because it has a lot of different steps. You guys, remember what Silvia said, that count your turn when you're behind the hat and then let go. I did! I did count your turn. And when you let go of the hat, don't give it to the boy, Okay, just take it out. And you're throwing your skirts this way and that way, and when you really throw it
high, it looks prettier, and you say, I look pretty, and you're there showing off and all this. The story to the dance is that the girl is really teasing around with the guy, but what she's really doing is flirting. When you flirt, you're doing with your eyes and with your smile. And what you're really doing with your skirt, you're throwing it high and you're throwing it this way and you're really showing yourself off. ¶¶
Los calzones de Agustín se los puso el chatulín. Los calzones de Agustín se los puso el chatulín. Here's a doodles huntin' by Nancy George of Akron, Ohio. Can you guess what this is? What is it? It's a flea jumping contest. It's time to roll out the barrel
And to find out what's inside today Okay, quiet, quiet Let me tell you what you have to do Listen, it says Okay, the idea is for the blindfolded partner To feed his partner pieces of popcorn One piece at a time With a spoon You cannot use your fingers If you guys drop a piece You have to find it without looking, okay? On your marks Get set Go! Oh! Uh... Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Beautiful. Mm-hmm. Right here? Right here, yeah. Hurry, hurry! Not too fast. No, no, you didn't get one. Yep, yep. No, you didn't get one. Oh, you dropped one. No, you dropped one. Hurry. Yeah, right there. Okay, uh... Yep, yep. Up, up, up. One more. That's better. Oh, no, come on. No! No!
Up here, up here. It's on the floor. No, it's not on the floor. It's delicious. Right there. Right there. Right there. Right there. No, you dropped it. Okay, okay. They won. They won. They won. They won. Oh, you guys. It's possible. It's not possible. It's not a big popcorn. It is popcorn. Me, me, me, me. We lost the land. Here is an idea sent in by Jennifer Marrett of Euclid, Ohio. And it's how to make a bird feeder. And I'm sure you're going to know how to make one. Here is an idea sent in by Jennifer Marrett of Euclid, Ohio. And it's how to make a bird seed. Here is an idea sent in by Jennifer Marrett of Euclid, Ohio. And it's how to make a bird feeder. And I'm sure you're going to know how to make one.
Here is an idea sent in by Jennifer Marrett of Euclid, Ohio. And it's how to make a bird feeder. What you need is some wire, bird seeds, a pine cone, and some peanut butter. Now, what you do is you take the wire and cut it. Here's one I've already done. You should have it about two feet or one foot and a half. Now, what you do is you take your wire and pine cone and take down to the wire and wrap it around. around. So it looks like this. Then you take your peanut butter and you rub it all around. So it looks like this.
Then you take your pine cone and you roll it around in the birdseeds. So it looks like this. And there you have it, your bird feeder. You can hang this on your porch or branch of a tree and watch the birds eat. The Worm, sent to you by Phaedra Harris of Chicago, Illinois. You are going to a costume party dressed up as a worm? I am a worm. You are a piece of spaghetti looking for a plate. I'm a worm. I know. You're a pink toothpaste looking for a dirty tooth. I'm a worm. You're a hunk of bubblegum looking for a shoe to stick on. I'm a worm! You're a snail, and you're going home. I'm going home. Well, why don't you go home? I can't. You're standing on my front door. What are you? Is that kind of worm?
Here's a doodle sent in by Larry Watchdog of New Jersey. Can you guess what it is? What is it? It's a cat chasing a mouse under a rug Michelle Alterio of Arlington, Mass. writes Dear Zoom, here is something to have a rap about What gets you really mad? And what do you do after you get mad? I can't stay mad at somebody. If, like, you know, somebody does something and something, and, like, my friends, when they get mad at me, they get mad, you know, when they don't talk to me. But when I get mad, I can't stay mad. I just, I can't... You've got to talk to them. You can't attend. I can't talk. I have to talk to them. That's what I do. When I get mad, I count to ten.
And, like, I go, one, two, three, four, like that. You know, when I get to ten, I go, like, one, two, three. You know, all the stuff like that. Well, you know when we joke around sometimes and we say, no, I'm not in a bad mood, you know? Oh, yeah. And I'm really not, but then, like, you can tell if I'm in a bad mood. Yeah, I know. And you can tell if I'm in a good mood. You too. Yeah. But sometimes, just for joking around, you know, But sometimes when I get mad, I just go. The thing that really lets it out is scream or I punch my pillow. When I get mad at my sister, oh, I got two. So when I get mad at all, I scream and yell. But then again, I don't, I don't, I used to hit a lot, you know. I used to go and hit my sister, but I just scream now. I used to have a bad habit of hitting my sister, but, you know, I don't like it, but I just have to let it out sooner or I'm going to burst. So I just run up in my room and I just let it all out till one day. I just keep holding it real back.
And then just one day and bam. No, you cry. That's better. Who cries? I know a girl. No, it isn't. That's a way of letting your feelings out. I don't think so. Well, if you're kind of tough and you don't like to cry, well, when more people like to cry, The best thing for all of us is to go read a book. Here's a doodle sent in by Jeannie Scalepi, who didn't give her address, and she also didn't give us the answer to the doodle. So can you guess what it is? What do you think it is? It's a ghost with a... It's hot. Is it a polar bear in a cave with two rocks? It's a man who's got two eyes and curly hair. Is it a girl ghost? I know. It's a ghost on roller skates. It's two raisins jump.
Jump rope, something jump. Yeah, two raisins playing jump rope. Four raisins playing jump rope. I like Edith's four. Two raisins jump rope. That was Lois. Okay. This doodle is two raisins jumping chimp-poop. We've always thought whether or not we should be taught to New dance. Now it's too late. We're up to date. We know we're great. New dance. We'll teach you right now. You're learning it how. Here is the drag. See how it goes. Down on the hills. Up on the toes. That's the way to do the varsity drag. Ah, yeah!
Hotter than light, newer than new Mean hair than mean, blue or the blue Dance as much applause as wave in the flag You can pass many a class Whether you're dumb or wise If you all answer the call When you're professor glad Everybody down on the heels, up on the toes Stay up to school, learn how it goes Everybody do the velocity track Try it slowly, first Here is the drag, see how it goes Down on the heels, up on the toes That's the way to do the varsity drag Can't be honest, but it's Smaller than hot, newer than new Meaner than mean, newer than blue It's as much applause as wave in the flag Hit it, man! You can pass many a class Whether you're done or what
If you all answer the call When your professor cries Down on the heels, up on the toes Stay after school, learn how it goes Everybody to the varsity track! Let's do it! Here is the drag, see how it goes Down on the hills, up on the toes
That's the way to do the varsity drag Hotter than hot, newer than new Meaner than me, bluer than blue Get that scratch up for the main event You can pass many a class When are you dumb or wise? If you all answer the call Will your professor cry? Everybody down on the heels Up on the toes Stay out from school Not out of the toes Everybody do the varsity trend Down on the heels Up on the toes Everybody do the varsity trend Why don't you not do or do? you got an idea sitting on the shelf send it to zoom
send it to zoom a polo play that you wrote yourself send it to zoom send it to zoom a story or a riddle that no one can get or something for the bell that's your success well you write it all down with your name and address cause you still gotta send it to zoom who? why zoom c-o-o-m box three five o Boston, Max, 0-2-1-3-4 Set us to Zoom! We're gonna Zoom, Zoom, Zoom-a-Zoom Come on and Zoom-a-Zoom-a-Zoom-a-Zoom Come on, give it a try We're gonna show you just why We're gonna teach you to fly high Come on and Zoom, come on and Zoom-a-Zoom Come on and jump, come on and jump, jump, come on and jump, come on and jump, jump, come on and jump, come on and jump, come on and jump, come on and jump, come on and jump. Presentation of this program was made possible in part by a grant from General Foods Corporation and by public television stations.
Thank you.
ZOOM, Series I
Episode Number
Producing Organization
WGBH Educational Foundation
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Series Description
"ZOOM is a children's show comprised of weekly half-hour episodes which showed what youngsters do and think. Seven ZOOMers hosted each episdoe, and the cast changed over run of series. ZOOM premiered locally as ""Summer-Do"" in 1970, and premiered nationally in January 1972. ZOOMers played games, told jokes, riddles (called Fannee Doolees) and stories and did crafts projects...and invited ideas from their audience. The result was an avalanche of ZOOMmail - in the first season, over 200,000 letters. Additionally, the Ubbi Dubbi language was invented by ZOOM."
Media type
Moving Image
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Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Unit: Media Library and Archives
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 112483 (WGBH Barcode)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Copy: Access
Duration: 00:29:08
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Chicago: “ZOOM, Series I; 227,” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 14, 2025,
MLA: “ZOOM, Series I; 227.” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 14, 2025. <>.
APA: ZOOM, Series I; 227. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from