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... ... ... ... ... ... ... We'll be right back. Everybody's groovin' it, everybody's havin' our ball, yeah. So won't you zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom? Come on and zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom. My name's Danny. I'm Edith. I'm Mike.
I'm Donna. I'm Timmy. My name's Lauren I'm Neil Who are you? What do you do? How are you? Let's hear from you We need you So won't you zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom Come on and zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom Zoom is made possible by grants from McDonald's Corporation
and McDonald's Restaurants Fund and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. A lot of you have written in asking to see some of your favorite Zoom segments again. Here are some of our favorites, too. It's time to roll out the barrel. Okay. I have a Zoom Barrel from Cindy Hanson of Eugene, Oregon. Here are some tongue twisters for you to try. See if you can do them ten times fast. Jonathan's jump rope, bad blood, good blood, and Miss Bixie's, Miss Bixie licked her mixed biscuits. Stevenson Jones in from Jonathan jumped on Jonathanさん over Jonathan's jumper Johnson's
jumper Jonathan jumper Jonathan jumper Johnson jumper Johnson jumper Jonathan heroicunta jump Johnstone Johnston's jumper what'sces one two and three number two bad blood good blood기에 Blood blood, blood blood... That's nice for Bab. One two and three. Miss Bixie licked her mixed biscuits. Miss Bixie licked... Miss Bixie licked her mixed... Bix- miss Bixie licked her mixed biscuits, Miss Bixie licked her mixed biscuits. I'll say it slower. Miss Bixie licked her mixed biscuits.
All right, now fast. Miss Bixie licked, Miss Bixie licked her mixed biscuits. Miss Bixie licked her mixed biscuits. You can't say it. Nancy, I'm the third one. Miss Bixie licked her mixed biscuits. Miss Bixie licked her Miss Biscuits. Miss Bixie. That's two. That's three. Miss Bixie licked her mixed biscuits. Miss Bixie. I like to mix fish things. That's right. That's just weird. No, go on Dave. Which one? 1-2-3? 1. OK. Jonathan's Jump Rope. Simple. Jonathan's Jump Rope, Jonathan's Jump Rope, Jonathan's Jump Rope, Jonathan's Jump Rope,
Jonathan's Jump Rope, Jonathan's Jump Rope, Jonathan's Jump Rope, Jonathan's Jump Rope, Jonathan's Jump Rope, Jonathan's Jump Rope, Jonathan's Jump Rope, Jonathan's Jump Rope, Whoo! Sally the Salamander and Norman the Newt, by Ernesto Boas of Bronx, New York. Once, there were two masses of eggs just laid by a female newt and a female salamander. The salamanders did not like the newts, and they always had wars. The eggs developed very slowly. It took about a month for them to develop. Finally, they hatched, and one girl salamander started to play tag with a boy newt. The salamander's name was Sally. She really liked him. The newt's name was Norman. He really liked her.
A few years passed, and they both grew little tiny legs. Now they could climb right onto the land and really have fun. They could play hide-and-seek beyond the trees. A few more years passed, and they decided they wanted to get married. So, Norman asked his father, who was king of all the newts, Dad, can I get married with Sally the Salamander? What? After Norman asked, his father fell into a rage. When Sally asked her father, who was king of all the newts, Well, can I, Pop? No, they are worst enemies. Sally's father would not even consider the marriage. Since they couldn't get married by asking, they decided to elope. They made plans for one night after all the pond animals would be asleep. Come on, let's go now. And on their way, they went. About a year later, Norman's father was swimming. He sighted four salamanders playing with four newts. And he said to himself,
Hmm, these must be the children of my son Norman and his wife. Hmm, why should newts fight so much with salamanders? If those children can live peacefully together, then so can we. And from that time on, the newts and the salamanders never fought again. The end. This is a piece of string, and I'm going to teach you how to do Cat's Cradle. First, you take the string, put it on your thumb, and over on your pinky, on your left-hand side. your left hand side, then you put it over your pinky and you do the same over here.
Then you take your pointer and put it underneath that and pull. Then you do the same with this. Then you drop your thumbs, bring this one over, like that. Then you drop the pinkies. Then you go over with the pinkies, you go over one, under one. Then you let go with the thumbs and you have cat's whiskies. Then you take your thumbs again and this time you go over two and under one and you do the same. Then you take the left string and you put it over the thumb. Then you take this one and put it over there. So you get a little triangle over here. Then you do the same over here. Then you stick your pointer inside the triangles
and then you pull and you have Jacob's Ladder. Then you take this string and then you pull. And you have witch's hat. Then, you take your pinkies, take your pinkies, and put it like this, then turn it upside down, and you have teacups and saucers. if you want a zoom card that tells you how to do cat's cradle then send us a stamp self-addressed envelope a stamp self-addressed envelope is an envelope with a stamp your name and address on it and we'll send you a zoom card that tells you how to do cat's cradle All right, let's cut these.
Do you want me to mark it, sir? Yeah. Push it down a little. Let's put the grooves in. Don't throw my hand. I won't. Should I put these up further like that? Line them up so the groove is just outside the diamond. Hi. that's square okay okay let's time up make a tight knot but don't break the string
all right let's lace up the edges all right lace up the bottom one here Okay, let's trim these. Okay, this one's done. One down, three to go. Turn around.
See how it looks. Anytime, Seth. Okay, release. Go, Seth! Hooray! Look out, here it comes. If you want to make a kite like this, write to Zoom and they'll send you instructions on how to make it. Dawn Maines of Seattle, Washington writes,
Dear Zoom, would you show the old Zoom show where Bernadette and Anne did that you got a kick, open, side-to-side thing? I forgot how to do it and I would like to remember. Please show me how to do it. Kick Open, Side by Side You gotta kick open, side by side You gotta kick open Turn around, touch the ground Side by side You gotta kick open, side by side You gotta kick open Touch your nose, touch your heel Side by side, you gotta kick open Turn around, touch the ground, touch your nose Oopsie! I forgot one. BATE MÁGICO AZUL El bate mágico azul. Yo lo escribí. Una vez había un muchacho pobre. Las palomas lo querían a él porque él era bueno. Él se llama Hector. Un día por la mañana, el amigo de él le preguntó
si él quería jugar pelota. Ok, pero nosotros no tenemos un bate. Yo busco una tabla. Nosotros podemos usarlo como un bate. Ellos buscaron una tabla. Después ellos caminaron y caminaron hasta que ellos llegaron. En la hierba encontraron un bate azul, muy bonito. Entonces ellos lo cogieron. Después Hector y Bobby dijeron, queremos una basquetbol. Y una vez ellos tenían una basquetbol. Después ellos pusieron el bate en la hierba. Después, ellos querían un tocadico, pero no vino. El bate azul era solamente mágico cuando ellos lo tenían en la mano. El bate mágico azul. Kick, open, side by side, you got a kick. Open, side by side, you got a kick. Open, turn around, touch the ground.
Side by side, you got a kick. Open, side by side, you got a kick. Open, touch your nose, touch your heel, side by side You gotta kick Open, side by side You gotta kick Open, turn around, touch the ground Touch your nose, touch your heel, side by side You gotta kick Open, side by side Ah, ah! a lot of you have written in and told us that you like to do gymnastics so we have a film about a girl who is a gymnast there are a number of events in gymnastics there's bars being and vaulting.
How are your hands feeling, Jason? When you do bars, you need to protect your hands. And I use gloves that a doctor would put on a cut or something. You just wrap it around your two fingers to protect your hands so that the friction of the bars won't rip your skin. And then I put chalk on my hands so I won't slip. When I'm on bars, I just think about to keep going and not to have any swings in between. And I think about just to make every movement precise. You really have to think about what you're going to do. I like doing bars because I like the swinging movement. Sometimes it's a funny feeling to know that you're going through the year and you're just about to hit something and twist right around it. I like the balance beam because it's slow and graceful. When I'm on the beam, I can express things that I can't say in words, like the movement
of my body, the way I want it to go. It sort of makes me feel beautiful and graceful, and it really makes me feel good. Vaulting is my favorite event because I like to run. It really feels like you're flying through the air. Okay, let's stretch forward first, alright?
Sometimes in the afternoon, get to school where I'll teach younger kids gymnastics. I like teaching people the same sport that I like to do so much because I work on it so hard, and I like to see other people enjoy it, too. And remember to push in the shoulders. If you don't push in your shoulders, you're just going to go right on the floor. You're just going to collapse. What I want to do with gymnastics is first I want to go into the Olympics. If I make it, I want to win a medal for the United States, but that's kind of up in the air right now. Push. That's good. That was better. Try it again. Most of all, I think I'd like to coach and teach because I like teaching a lot. Gymnastics gives me a little self-confidence, and it gives you a feeling that you can do something, and that you're worth something, and that you're just not another person.
try to do something about pollution yeah what can you do about pollution though stop all the factories yeah stop the fact okay say you stop the factories people will be out of work you'd I have a line of people in the unemployment office about a mob. No, not stop, not stop them. What do you do about it? Make them, make them like, like, um. Not as much oil. No, no. I mean, not stop the factories and not stop the men from working and not stop that, not stop the production making all the stuff, but stop the way they're doing it, stop making the, um. Okay. How would you involve it then? You'd get a machine, right? A machine. To stop, to stop the pollution, right? Just get the machine out of nowhere, right?
No, because we could do it. If we really try, we could all do it. But we don't try. Also, you know what we do? Everybody says, let's get, let's stop pollution. Yeah, but nobody knows how to. But when they're saying that, okay, let's stop pollution, then they throw a can on it. Yeah. Everybody in, like, not the whole world, but everybody, should just go out and do something to stop pollution. If they want to live on. Where do you put it, though? You know where the garbage can takes it? And guys come, take the garbage can, put it in their truck, and they take it away to some big place and just throw it all there. All the rats come, it stinks up the whole place. Yeah, like in the dumps, the good stuff. Yeah, but they put dirt over it so you can get the grass. But you know what's so good, like making stuff out? I've watched your TV show. Yeah, what's that word for it where they make stuff over and over again? Yeah, recycling. Recycling. And in the dumps, you can take stuff that are still good and make stuff out of it. What about sound pollution? It's sort of like a pollution because when we went to Winthrop Beach one time, we went
down the street and we looked across at the airport and there's like this peninsula where the planes, they go right over the houses, really, you know, close. And just imagine the people in the middle of the night, you know, like a plane takes off every two or three minutes here you go okay let's stop pollution let's do this on commercials let's do this on signs let's stop pollution i just wish everybody would just get into the sentence let's stop instead of keep saying it let's just um pitch in and go do it yeah everybody says it but no one ever does it if you were the president i do i'd i'd say something i'd say everybody you know, get up and stop pollution. I just, I really would. But would everybody listen? One, two, three, four. Tandy Bears, Tandy Bears, let's look around. Tandy Bears, Tandy Bears, turn around. Tandy Bears, Tandy Bears, go upstairs.
Tandy Bears, Tandy Bears, say your prayers. Tandy Bears, Tandy Bears, turn out the light. Tandy Bears, Tandy Bears, say good night. One, two, three, four Down in the valley where the green grass grows There sat Nancy as pretty as the rose She sang, she sang, she sang so sweet Along came a love with you and slept through all your feet How many kisses did you get that week? Count up the kisses that you got that week One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight for 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19! That's I'm truck! I'm truck! I'm truck!'
I'm truck! Get's! lie! It'sasive! 써! ... Little girl singing Not last night but the night before Jump back baby, jump back Twenty-four robbers at my door Jump back baby, jump back I got up to let'm in Jump back, baby, jump back Hit him on the head with a rolling pin Jump back, baby, jump back Then I picked up my frying pan Jump back, baby, jump back You should have seen the way those robbers ran Jump back, baby, jump back Said one went east and one went west Jump back, baby, jump back And one flew over the cuckoo's nets Jump back, baby, jump back We'll be right back.
Flip, flip, flip-flip. Flip, flip, love, flip-light flow. Flip, fly, flow vista, vista. Cumba lara, cumba lara, cumba lara. Cumba lara, cumba lara, cumba lara vista. Non, non, non, non, athe vista. Non, non, non, none, non, te vista. Mini, mini, ex de mini, uha u ha. Unha, mini, ex de mini, sal mini, uha o. Non, non, no, no, nata vista. Non, non, non, no, nata vista. Cumba lara, cumba lara, cumba lara. Bumbala Vista Well, that's the show.
If you'd like to see your favorite Zoom segments again, write and tell us. We're gonna Zoom, Zoom, Zoom-a-Zoom Come on and Zoom-a, Zoom-a, Zoom-a-Zoom Everybody's doing it, everybody's proving it Everybody's having our fault, yeah So won't you zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom Come on and zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom My name's Danny I'm Edith I'm Mike I'm Donna I'm Timmy My name's Lauren I'm Neil Come on, give it a try We're gonna show you just why We're gonna teach you to fight, hide
I'm on and zoom, I'm on and zoom, I'm on and zoom, I'm on and zoom, I'm on and zoom Zoom is made possible by grants from McDonald's Corporation and McDonald's Restaurants Fund and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Thank you.
ZOOM, Series I
Episode Number
Producing Organization
WGBH Educational Foundation
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Series Description
"ZOOM is a children's show comprised of weekly half-hour episodes which showed what youngsters do and think. Seven ZOOMers hosted each episdoe, and the cast changed over run of series. ZOOM premiered locally as ""Summer-Do"" in 1970, and premiered nationally in January 1972. ZOOMers played games, told jokes, riddles (called Fannee Doolees) and stories and did crafts projects...and invited ideas from their audience. The result was an avalanche of ZOOMmail - in the first season, over 200,000 letters. Additionally, the Ubbi Dubbi language was invented by ZOOM."
Zoom, #318
Media type
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Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Unit: Children's Programming (STS)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 273378 (WGBH Barcode)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Copy: Access
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “ZOOM, Series I; 318,” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 28, 2025,
MLA: “ZOOM, Series I; 318.” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 28, 2025. <>.
APA: ZOOM, Series I; 318. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from