ZOOM, Series I; 502

- Transcript
and by public television stations. Additional support is provided by unrestricted general program grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Ford Foundation. Come on and zoom this room for all We're gonna sing and dance and have our ball Everybody's having fun, everybody's number one Everybody's writing the show So why don't you zoom, zoom, zoom-a-zoom Come on and zoom-a-zoom-a-zoom I'm Chris I'm Jennifer I'm Ron I'm Acadio I'm Karen I'm the bell
I'm Nell Who are you? What do you do? How are you? Let's hear from you We need you Won't you zoom, zoom, zoom, I zoom Come on and zoom ah zoom ah zoom ah zoom I wanna give it a try We're gonna reach for the sky You can help us to fly high Come on and zoom Come on and zoom zoom Come on and zoom zoom Come on and zoom zoom Come on and zoom zoom Okay. From South Bend, Indiana, we got this letter that reads, Dear Zoom, my name is Mary Kintz, and I'm 15 years old. I don't know how old people who watch Zoom are, but I presume that it is for anybody who cares to watch it. I enjoy watching Zoom because you do the things I like to do. Do you kids have nicknames? My nickname is Mouse. Here's a letter from Sue Danielson.
She says, Dear Zoom, I have something to talk about. Nicknames. My nickname is Shortstop. I got this name at camp. I always wore a baseball cap. Please tell me what your nicknames are and how you got them. Your friend, Shortstop, from Carthage, New York. You have a nickname? Yeah. Mine is Angel. In Spanish, people get mixed up. um they can't say it and my first name is a cardium my other name is calin calin and junior here we have a zoom first zoom received a letter from zoom listen dear zoom i am a really loyal fan i'm five years old now and even though i don't know where i got it my nickname is zoom oh now i don't remember when or why they started calling me at your friend H. Todd Zoom Herman, Alasky, North Carolina. We have a letter here from Phoenix, Arizona,
and it's written by Nicole Worthington, and she says, I hope you stay on TV a long time, so when I get married, my children will also be able to see a show. Your fan, Nicole. Well, Ken Hardishimer of Auburn, Maine, took Zoom quite seriously when he wrote, Dear Zoom, you keep saying, don't forget your name and address. So that's what he sent. His name and address. Oh, shoot. That's me. That's funny. I like that one. How many envelopes send us to? A big one for Zoom. And a small one for you Put your name on the small one Your house and your street And your city and state Hey, that's neat But where's the stand? You almost forgot That's very important Yeah, thanks a lot The bigger one's easy You know what to do Stuff everything in it
And then rush it to To whom? To Zoom, C-double-O-M Block three-five-o 5, 6, 6, 0, 2, 1, 3, 4 Send us the instructions! Here's how you make a Zoom shirt dessert. Linda Stewart of Elmira, New York, send us the instructions. What you need is clear glass, two bowls, a ladle, strawberry, raspberry, or cherry-flavored gelatin. Any flavor's all right, as long as it's red. lemon gelatin, whipped cream. What you do is dissolve the gelatin according to the directions on the package. A big brother or sister can help you boil the water. Pour about an inch of the red gelatin in the glass. And put it in the refrigerator until it gels.
then put about an inch of the yellow gel in the glass until it gels repeat these steps until the glasses are full and then you have a dessert that looks like a zoom shirt matches huh if If you want, you can put whipped cream on top. Then, take your spoon and eat it. Oh, I wish I could fly.
I wish I could meet a wildflower. Hi, wildflower. Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop. I'm wild, honey. I'm wild. I wish I could meet a French giant. Oh, what good ice cream! Hello, French giant. Bonjour, petite amie. Comment allez-vous? Asseyez-vous, s'il vous plaît. I wish I could sweep like a fish. Oh, there's a sunfish, and of course, a starfish, an angelfish, and a doctorfish.
Oh, I wish I could fly. welcome to zoom views and weather today's top story comes from oakbrook illinois megan gilligan sent us a poem about happiness happiness is to have fun happiness is to run run run happiness to have a stool happiness is to have a pool happiness to have your own room happiness to look at the moon Jennifer and Benjamin David from Fort Pierce Florida wants to hear what the zoomers views on happiness are so we talked about it things that make me happy is when like when we go to gymnastics since I'm in gymnastics that when I do a lot of things and my friends do it with me and so it's like it makes me happy that people like to
watch and everything and I like to go to competition and everything. One of the things that makes me happy is when I get good report cards and my mother says that she's really proud of me and everything. When I get bad report cards it's something else. When I get good report cards it's all good. I love to play around with the animals a lot and because you know I love the And I don't know, I like furry animals, like I have a cat, a little furry cat, and a dog, and I have a parakeet, and I like to play around with the dog and the cat. I can't play around with the parakeet, but I don't know, the dog and the cat, you know, they just listen to you and everything, especially my dog. And I don't know, they're just a really good companion, like when you don't have a friend to play with or anything, when they're all away or something. and that's just like me like my mother and everybody leave me in the house I be scared I don't have nobody in the house with me one I'm sitting I'm sitting down yeah noise I got scared so I get scared so I got and I let the dogs
in the house things that make me happier like my house I used to go in my like my backyard or you know someplace where there's a field in nature and you know someplace that it's really big that I can run around and you know just be by myself and you know like what God made for me I think of that all the natures and everything like we also asked zoom viewers around the country whether they could tell us what makes them happy when I'm around people that I like a lot you know we do something fun someone talks about me that's like nice being with animals happy when I meet new people and when I'm with my friends food sports my skateboard being free to be what I want to be and being able to do what I want to do. When I do something and I know that it's right. When I can have a new friend. When someone
tells me mostly happy things. If I go somewhere special. When people like me. And that's today's Zoom Views and Weather. What's happening in your town? Send your letter to Zoom, Box 350, Boston, in mass, 02134. Ah, it's another beautiful day in the life of me. BB Bumpers. I own the world's largest collection of everything in the world. But my favorite collection is of my bugles. And how are you today, my little bugles? and he is my favorite oh my goodness help police help help i can rob oh no robbery help help oh police what's the problem buddy my name's not buddy it's bumpers i own the world's largest
collection of everything in the world and my prize bugle's missing you must help me find it Okay, Betty, okay, relax. We'll start a complete investigation. Now, let's see. When did you notice that your buckle was missing? Not buckle, bugle. I noticed it right before I called you, of course. Has anything unusual or suspicious happened around here lately? Let's see. Why, yes, something very unusual happened. And what was that? Well, my gardener was cutting the lawn with the lawnmower when he left a cup of gasoline in the garage. And my little cat, Fifi, fell in the cup and drank the gasoline. Right after that, she started howling and running around the yard. And then she tried to climb a tree, but she only got halfway up it and then fell straight to the ground. And she didn't move. I see. Was she dead?
No, just out of gas. You're right. That is unusual. Let's get that gardener in here. Gardener! I'm the gardener. Aha. Now tell us, what do you know about Mr. Buggy's Bugles? Bumpers, bumpers. Okay, okay. What do you know about Mr. Buggy's Bumpers? Not Buggy's Bumpers! Bumpers Bugles! Bumpers Bugles! All right, all right. What do you know about Mr. Buggy's Bump... Mr. Bumpers Bugles? Why nothing at all? But as Mr. Bumper's got it, I can tell you all about his begonias. Begonias? Beautious, bright, rugged, blooming begonias. Beautious, bright, blooming begonias? Beautious, bright, rugged, blooming begonias. Well, I grow begonias myself, but mine are rugged. Officer, officer, please! My missing bugle!
Ah, yes. Well, this man seems innocent to me. Right. Have you seen anything or anybody around here lately who might have stolen Mr. Bumpy's bugler? Oh, well, the only person I saw come in here was the chauffeur. The chauffeur. The chauffeur. Where's the chauffeur? Chauffeur. Oh, my bugle, my, my, my prize. bugle. So you're the thief. Well, we've caught you. Thief, thief, I didn't steal it. I needed it for my job. Job? What possible use could have shown far half of a bugle? The car needed a tune-up. Mmm, it tastes good. You can decorate a plain shirt with any kind of design that you want to.
You can buy the shirt, or you can recycle an old T-shirt and dye it. Just follow the directions in the back of the package. Then, look around the house for some nifty things that you can use, like studs and beads and ribbon and scraps of material, embroidery thread, buttons, safety pins, waterproof pins, and things like that. And you can also buy decals and material to iron onto the shirts. Notion stores have lots of funny things that can look great in your design. You have to put on things that won't fall off when you put them in the washing machine. And also, be sure to have an adult around when you use the iron or the die. It's best to draw your design before you start. Then you can follow the lines. Now, I like animals, so I put a big tiger decal on the front of my shirt, and also I put on a fake pocket. We've worked really hard in our shirts. I like robots, that's why I put a robot on mine, and I put some pins and some studs on it, star studs, and I made a tracing of a heart and an apple.
I put a sun on my shirt because at that time it was really hot, but I started making it and I had no idea what to put on it. So I just made a circle and put some stars on it to show the beams out. And on the back, I put the opposite, the moon. And I put my name and underlined it. This is my shirt, and on the top it says the Wiz on it. And that's my nickname that I call myself. I have Zoom coming down because I'm on the show. And I'm going to embroider that. and on the side I'm gonna have a tennis racket and a gymnastic person here since I do gymnastics and tennis. On the front of my t-shirt I wrote the word l'chaim which in Hebrew it means to life and I wrote that because I really like the expression and on the back I'm gonna write well has nothing on it now but I'm gonna write to life in English so that everyone will know what l'chaim means.
I guess I did a monster and a professor and I did it all by hand because I like to you know to do things with my hand and make a lot of like sort of like a lot of work for myself and making little things to a big thing. I put on motorcycles on my shirt because I like motorcycles and I have a dirt bike a dirt bike in the back and I have it going up the hill with some dirt and I put studs on it because I like starry designs. Zoom has some new friends in England. Here's a film showing what Alexandra, Janina and Fiona do at their home in Merseyside. I am Alexandra Pulaski.
I started hopping because I couldn't afford to go horse riding. and outside I saw someone riding a space hopper and I thought how nice it would be if I had one. About a year after, I discovered a space hopper box, which was a present from our mum. Then our mum let us have this stock room, which we used as a good stable, and then we acquired some halters and rugs. We also have sweat rugs, which we made out of old pieces of curtain, so our hoppers wouldn't sweat too much after their round if they did too much show jumping. When you get a hopper first you find that your hopper is too hard to ride just yet so you have to soften the rubber and get it broken in properly so it will do whatever you ask him to do and then you get it used to a saddle. and bridle and how to catch it and after that you may start on the training this
is a dressage walk and this is a trot in dressage sitting top now this is trotting on two tracks. And half passes. And this is countering. I'm changing legs. Switch on the music, Fiona. Alright. Thank you.
Come on, Fiona. Come on, get him, Stephanie. Come on, Stephanie. What a fall. She kicked that. Naughty safety. He's not doing well today, are you? What the hell are you gaffling out the ring?
You're gonna. Wait a sec. Don't move yet. I've got to fix up the job. Hurry up. Watch out. Keep the charm steady. Uh-oh. That'll be coming up. Oh, wow. Nearly landed in the water. She was awful at that. Come on, let's see who's first.
I'll wait for my rosette. Thanks. Here you are. Thank you. Thanks, Fiona. Alexandra and Fiona wrote to us, Dear Zoom, we are very pleased that the film about our hobby is being shown in America. We are still interested in space hoppers and are teaching our new school friends the art of hopper riding. They are very interested and show good promise. We are starting a home for hoppers, and we already have 13, including our own nine. Alex has written some books, including Sylvia and the Bouncing Brigade and A Hopper to School. Janina and Fiona have also written some books of their own, too.
Well, good luck to you Zoomers in America. Our very best wishes. Good luck to you two with your hoppers and your books. Never grow up, never grow up. Not me. Not I. Not me. Not me. I won't grow up. I won't grow up. I don't want to wear a tie. I don't want to wear a tie. In serious expression. In serious expression. In the middle of July. In the middle of July.
And if it means I must prepare to shoulder burdens with a worried ear, I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up Not me, not I, not me, so there Never gonna be a man, I won't like to see somebody try And make me anyone who wants to try And make me turn into a man, catch me if you can I won't grow up, I won't grow up Not a penny will I pinch, not a penny will I pinch, I will never grow a mustache, I will never grow a mustache, or a fraction of an inch, or a fraction of an inch, cause growing up is awfuler, than all the awful things that ever were, I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up, no sir, not I, not me, so there, everybody repeat after me, I won't grow up, I won't grow up, I will never even try
I don't want to be a lady I would absolutely die We won't grow up We will never grow a day We will stay kids forever No matter what they say And if you join us you will be Full of youth and joy and liberty We'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up Not us, not we, not you, not me, not I, so there So there F agradecer. F 쪽 loco. Boing, boing, boing, boing, boing.
Boing, boing, boing. Boing, boing, boing. Boing, boing, boing. Boing, boing, boing, boing, boing, boing. We need you, won't you zoom, zoom, zoom, ma, zoom. Come on and zoom, ma, zoom, ma, zoom. I'm gonna give it a try. We're gonna reach for the sky. You can help us to fly. Hey, come on and zoom, come on and zoom, zoom, zoom. Come on and zoom, come on and zoom, zoom. Major funding for Zoom is provided by a grant from General Foods Corporation and by public
television stations. Additional support is provided by unrestricted general program grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Ford Foundation.
- Series
- ZOOM, Series I
- Episode Number
- 502
- Producing Organization
- WGBH Educational Foundation
- Contributing Organization
- WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
- cpb-aacip/15-17qnkk4c
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/15-17qnkk4c).
- Description
- Series Description
- "ZOOM is a children's show comprised of weekly half-hour episodes which showed what youngsters do and think. Seven ZOOMers hosted each episdoe, and the cast changed over run of series. ZOOM premiered locally as ""Summer-Do"" in 1970, and premiered nationally in January 1972. ZOOMers played games, told jokes, riddles (called Fannee Doolees) and stories and did crafts projects...and invited ideas from their audience. The result was an avalanche of ZOOMmail - in the first season, over 200,000 letters. Additionally, the Ubbi Dubbi language was invented by ZOOM."
- Genres
- Children’s
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:28:44
- Credits
Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Unit: Children's Programming (STS)
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: P02847 (WGBH File Number)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Copy: Access
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “ZOOM, Series I; 502,” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 25, 2025, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-15-17qnkk4c.
- MLA: “ZOOM, Series I; 502.” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 25, 2025. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-15-17qnkk4c>.
- APA: ZOOM, Series I; 502. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-15-17qnkk4c