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it's been the lower hudson river valley is only youth radio show dealing with lgbt q struggles triumphs lifestyles and favorite concept it's we don't have to be clear to be here are casting its production of westchester public radio the media's eight fm ninety point very last inning here and an anatomy dictates that were high and it initial broadcast of this edition about casting is airing on world aids day world aids day is observed every year around the world on december first the first observation was in nineteen eighty eight and is one of the most recognized international health days joining us to talk about world aids day and where we stand in the fight against the aide says while hines the corner of the comprehensive adolescent pregnancy prevention program and co chair of the youth outreach team at a planned parenthood hutson connick fighting for joining us today to be here we're also joined by santo brother giovanni chops program supervisor with aids
related community services substance for community health alliance for prevention and safety center thank you for joining us today we're going to talk about our world aids day when the aids outbreak first became really really public and not much was known how much do you think is known now awareness and understanding of what it had in its era has grown tremendously in the dna annulled after members you know when it was called a disease or gay cancer really due to a tremendous amount of misunderstanding about what it had in its really are set up i actually agree with one of jared foundation a basic understanding of what ej either strengthen it and how to prevent it how to treat it and i do a group one or one that were able to greater degree do you know what it was very little research is being done
i believe that cool anymore i'm a student in a school where in session of course is discussion about it it needs is a pretty common thing in even in you know family is in our area especially it's it's in topic that people are comfortable speaking about openly now but what was it like emotionally and socially to witness the chaos that was the first news of the outbreak of aids among the people you know people weren't able to
interview ignorance or lack of knowledge breeds fear and that goes for a lot of different things in and say when it invades first kind of came up around the united states and people didn't know you used a great word panic in cities another image cassatt don't know where this is coming from how it's possible to get some greeks and you can you get it is unlike the common cold there is a lot of just misunderstanding about what it was and how it's transmitted the beauty of increase your knowledge about eighty eight is knowing how it's transmitted and hiking decrease the likelihood that you will contract it then of course there's always more to be known by at least we have that basic education now how does this make you feel how does having an education system where talking about the tammy needs is openly discussed now
it is indeed power blue note that they're only for flu it's the transmitter inside the matter not only for flu would you like to tell us the four flutes that that'd be polite siemon that'll secretions and breast milk says you know that there are only four and you know that if you don't if you reduce or the limit or completely avoid exposure to those four floats a chance at getting it it is tremendously it's a reduced or you can reduce your risk of infection by knowing what the flipside and not interacting with them were using contraceptives to create barriers between is flitting about it seasons you know what they
were do the legal work we talk a lot about prevention and possible causes what are some things that you think the general public said definitely know about on prevention or puzzle causes or anything that that's necessary to know about the soviets are there things that you could do that oh put you at risk pretty tightly hugging someone will expose you to contract each at touching different things like that there are other low risk things the kissing you have to be an exterior my way of hay out finally kissing two icons blood or something like that and so they're different things that you can do that or like a low or no risk that don't involve on increasing likelihood of being exposed at them and the other thing of its assets now is that its navy is not
curable delegates attacks the body is that attacks the immune system and elicit immune systems like your body's little army keeping you safe from all kinds of infections called things like that like your immune system its ballistic kishi say and the way that apes compromise is that it is that it attacks the immune system so you're norman is now calling and so people who die from a distance or die from aids they die from the disease is that their bodies are now succumb to because they're immune systems compromised really preventable if you could if you reduce the you know if you just risk reduction and harm reduction technique use condoms used you won't be
there you are you should go speak to a medical professional or you're a possible exposure to few you can do we've highlighted a couple different methods of prevention but what are some of the basic ones that you know most regular people would have access to assets definitely reduces its not eliminates the chance that he'll become pride in our contract at eir h at things like that however if you don't abstain then they consider using contraceptives different there is to make sure that you eliminate or decrease greatly the risks of exposure to the fluids that carries it reducing the risk of really fluid from being
exchange from one thing you can do with your partner that allow for our bodily fluids this is about casting the lower hudson river valley is only you've run radio show dealing with lgbt q struggles triumphs lifestyles and fear contraceptives we don't have to be clear to be here we're talking the two lions and santo by giovanni about world aids day he's having an aids can be very hard topic for someone to now you know come to terms with but but even bring up in their life what are some things that you suggest that someone could possibly say to the doctor or even to their friends if they think that they might have it at an aids whoa whoa whoa whoa
do you have a great season and support to remember that new york state is a miner's rights state is not so that any teen and adult can receive medical service is testing things like that about and anyone besides their medical provider knowing helmets atlanta confidentiality issue no matter which medical writer you're saying really cannot divulge that information why is the approval process for someone going to get tested all you need to do the vomit all orgies can walk into our want to leave even though the end and you will be
provided for you reuse value received a preliminary results within twenty minutes and om only those who is so we're going to the very first step is knowing that anyone can contract at it doesn't matter if you're straight dave bisexual and somewhere between any sexual on that anyone can contract at ivy it does in to discriminate based on race ethnicity h anything like that so if you're wondering should you get tested with ap and your first one is you've had unprotected that star and all and horse with someone who's had a twenty eight you may have been exposed if you shared needles and again we think of needles remember ear piercing tattooing those are awesome
needles seven and the needles on have been shared are not clean you may be at risk if you had a departure for the needle or surgical an instrument or if you had a tent infected blood semen that's a secretions arrests milk an open wound or solar they may be at risk and so if you want it's going to test it either two different types these anonymous donors confidential testing our confidential testing would be that your name is attach or some other identifying information is attached your test but it's kept confidential anonymous testing is that your name no identifying information is attached to your casting and so that's did your identifying information is divorced from actual past singing go on for either on that hunter had hacked into comic never smells fan so we i go to different healthcare isn't were out in the community and at the testing is absolutely free intervention so it's you it's the health
educator and then a server ever medical staff as they are testing and given its heavy education information on and your results or your private medical information speaking of potential your mom and you know the result would be reported i'm joe and i will refute that information oh really
i'm willing to go we parted so what are some of the considerations that would lead someone to choose either a confidential or anonymous many people choose anonymous because they're scared of their frightful idea maybe from conflict within the home with your partner a power that we did not issue which normally the screen during testing and people are this is casting the lower hudson river valley is only you've run radio show dealing with lgbt q struggles triumphs
lifestyles and favor contraceptives we don't have to be clear to be here or talking with one heinz and santo brother giovanni about world aids day is there any issue with youth of teens mostly having access to contraceptives year the state is my insights into teams can have access to contraceptives if needed any kind of medical services the one thing that there is an exception to that hpv vaccine that sedition law is different from say getting employment which is the implant birth control or the teller things like that because the laws governing contraceptive he's no different from vaccine laws city wanted to be accelerated against hpv he would need parental consent if you want birth controls its own prescription he would not but as far as going to get tested either any restrictions for teens teens can receive a savvy testing without restriction and a deaf i
encourage kentucky medical provider and saying what services available and whether there's friction to you based on that and so once someone has contacted their medical provider or un decided to get tested what are some resources that they can use even locations where they can go to get tested our website is i don't need any value that p p h p for planned parenthood hudson book on it that work and does that we get there we can plug in your address and i'll tell you which health center is closest to you and also have a texting program and they can give you that serve the resources and if you text the word clinic to that number it'll give you every medical clinic in your original in a disciplined candidate every a medical clinic that senior region closest to where you're taxing for him butte b u r e lord
or would you do will be here we love westchester teens and if you happen to be listening to this program and you're not in westchester planned parenthood dot org is our umbrella organization to find a fella closest to you and other youth based around you'd focused resources on the national campaign to prevent teen pregnancy arm has state team dot org that's either on and tons of different other resources that are very focused towards issues and ideas and concerns of a related to you and we'll have all of these resources on our mind as the media teach dot org and our
casting every year world aids day has a theme and over the years the themes have gotten progressively later i guess you'd say an two dozen elements aim is getting to zero so i was wondering what does that mean for you and what do you think it means for the general population for me as an educator when i hear the phrase getting to zero i think of going into a classroom working at a health fair and i ask someone what are the four fluids that transmit each at the number of people who didn't know would be zero or f i asked someone what are the barriers that you encounter in trying to get life saving health care that you need on the number of barriers would be zero how what is your with it no longer and you eat it at that there's no more education and prevention i'm hot war movie
where everybody is you do even though the official world aids day for nies on december first every year people struggle with it it needs every day for many people it's a daily struggle so what can we do to raise awareness you're around or not only on summer first but but every day i would say the thing that you could do year round is keep yourself safe i definitely practice safer sex use contraceptives if you're having sex on end year round one of the ways that we can help contain the number of newly diagnosed cases of newly infected person's read that at a newly diagnosed cases of aids is by staying safe and practicing safer sex if you're such an actor some statistics show that the a's rate is actually growing because it's now seen as a manageable disease and not necessarily a death threat anymore what kind of you know the news
have you seen and known as a little girl who was much younger and and when i was in my teen years even the face of aids was someone who had the ample reason so the open sores liane very frail body just the idea that it was that if you contract at a chevy that did develop and eight someone said about devolved into aids he died that was the general understanding of what it had been eight sided with medications and treatment so things like that i will say they have on her dead among some communities and that and that some of the message sessions even weaker now skinner's is a teacher will hear insurgency yes sex no no it's not that since it is somewhat curable and so i would say that that has changed that maybe the town which is an education issue just making sure people are more educated about what it is how it spread and the fact that is not a curable own infection at the moment
what are some of the them or against the modern burdens of living with that is it people living with dignity side effects from medications they're rigorous medication schedule that they had to be very careful that it needs the truly righteous who plays to your private information with their sexual partners the raid in which a giant egos at ten year in the great job cleaning up for people with a chevy but people with age it normally will die from complications this is a casting were talking that lines and santo art giovanni about world aids day how my someone bring up a chevy with a
partner will dane open contempt your loved ones your partner's but if you feel of bell it would be or would be harmful to you london then they should probably hold off and wait and maybe find you know another way that i would be helpful tip how her partner may be can you help people at a call center
and center when you're talking about on pulling off what specifically were you talking about holding off on doing if you're going to hold off from telling a partner then you would want to hold off from her until you told them they would have full knowledge of and if someone was comfortable enough to share this information with a partner what should the response be from the partner would have some appropriate things um that the partners should should say or do i think that an appropriate response would be that they would ask for more information that they may want to go to the next question but with the question you do i said oh
what are some things that people may not know about it having its star if you'd like to prevent getting or spreading aids at you sit and stare person i'd answer her platinum you might think who richard first items of blood on them but for example toothbrushes honeydew never brush your teeth a little bit too hard and then you actually had blood like and we spin out toothpaste whenever we're to pass could actually have blood in its he's sincere person items up one and speaking to the press is brian and send that arm you can contract is it if you have contact with any of the four fluids that transmitted through booms are open source for example if you brush your teeth very hard or floss very deeply and you have tears and your elms that's also an open wound or sort funds and other things that people often don't know about spreading only protecting a chevy is that you can contract at it through oral sex and sometimes when people say sexy
think it's very hard on a sexist and fragile sex penis him at the diner but oral sex also and spreads its heavy as well one of the things that we speak to our clients about is if they're going to recruit an oral bacteria no barrier that anyone to refrain from brushing their teeth for using any type oh sure we reduce the risk of it what are some myths surrounding it i mean it's time that it's at an aids can be cured and that is indeed the ipad contract is it from using someone else's color here where sometimes people are afraid to touch and given everything again it's not the
two percent spreading it's one of the four fluids blood being so few comb your hair or pressure here with something at some levity was in fact with it at his use of our contract at that's another and that even if you kill someone with this ad that you too will contract it that's in that fund says are tons of things that people didn't know which is i think a tear comprehensive sex education we've been talking about aids and world aids day with one finds court nader of the comprehensive allison pregnancy prevention program and co chair of the youth outreach committee at planned parenthood but in the country and santo party of money jobs program supervisor with aids related community services the people for joining us for having me that's it for this edition about casting the lower hudson river valley is on the youth and radio show dealing with lgbt q struggles triumphs like styles and favorite concept is we don't have to be clear to be here if you're having trouble whether it's at home at
school or just with yourself call the charter hotline at eight six six forty eight eight seven three eight six or visit or trevor project is an organization dedicated to lgbt youth suicide prevention again the number is eight six six for eight eight seven three eight six being different isn't a reason to hate or hurt yourself a passing is a production of west chester public radio w t f h f and ninety point three arson in new york and on the net media age dot org for more information on this program analysts the resources including the trevor project suicide hotline is that aspect of media age dot org and click on outcast i'm addie thanks for joining us it's
The importance of World AIDS Day
Producing Organization
Media for the Public Good, Inc. / OutCasting Media
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Media for the Public Good, Inc. / OutCasting Media (Westchester County, New York)
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Episode Description
On this edition of OutCasting, we observe and discuss the importance of World AIDS Day, December 1. Joining us are Twanna Hines, the coordinator of the Comprehensive of Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program and co-chair of the Youth Outreach Committee at Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic, and Santo Barbagiovanni, CHAPS program supervisor with ARCS — AIDS-Related Community Services.
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LGBTQ youth
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Copyright Hudson Valley Community Radio, Inc.
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Guest: Marc Sophos
Producing Organization: Media for the Public Good, Inc. / OutCasting Media
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Media for the Public Good, Inc. / OutCasting Media
Identifier: cpb-aacip-a7c47f6562c (Filename)
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Chicago: “OutCasting; The importance of World AIDS Day,” 2011-12-01, Media for the Public Good, Inc. / OutCasting Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 4, 2025,
MLA: “OutCasting; The importance of World AIDS Day.” 2011-12-01. Media for the Public Good, Inc. / OutCasting Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 4, 2025. <>.
APA: OutCasting; The importance of World AIDS Day. Boston, MA: Media for the Public Good, Inc. / OutCasting Media, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from