What's New; 418; Journey into Nutrition

- Transcript
What's new 69, A-02677, journey into nutrition, recording date 947D, program length 29 minutes. In, and out, and round about, here, there, and everywhere.
What's new? Hi. Two of our recent what's new adventures were about a young fellow who had the enviable job of Batboy for the New York Yankees and the second young man who was a member of the championship Indiana University swimming team. Both stories were about the committed and disciplined life each of them led, but each was also about the necessary conditioning and diet that each had to follow closely to succeed in his chosen athletic career. At that time, we talked about the four basic food groups, which have since been described to me as hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, and leftovers. Described to me not necessarily by someone who was unusually healthy, but by someone who liked hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, and leftovers. As a matter of fact, they didn't really like leftovers, and were probably big fans of what they called the three basic food groups, the aforementioned hamburgers, hot dogs, and pizzas. I was working on the real list of the four basic food groups. A friend of mine said I left out two of the most important groups, specifically Coca-Cola and French fries, which would have made either five or six groups, all of which were still ignoring the actual four basic food groups.
Actually, the four basic food groups are the milk, meat, vegetable fruit, and bread cereal groups, and are represented by these familiar foods. Cheese and milk are both in the milk group. Fish and meat are together in the meat group, which includes, interestingly, eggs and peanut butter. Vegetables and fruits are vegetables and fruits, and in the bread cereal group are such things as bread and cereal. The idea of utilizing our knowledge about the four basic food groups is to plan our diet so that we include or have included for us, the proper amounts from each group to make up a balanced diet. Today, we are undertaking a dietary experiment of worldwide significance by trying to concoct the perfect dietary dish that includes all the proper foods and proper proportions, and we have decided that pizza might be the answer. So, while we watch today's What's New Adventure in Good Eating and Good Living, I'll call Archie Palegos, International Pizzeria, and Rollerig.
If you like guessing games, you'll like our school. Today, the teacher is testing our fifth grade class. Can any of you guess what you're eating? Well, it tastes like some kind of meat dish. Kyla, I don't know what it is, but I like it. How about you, Jess? It tastes like some kind of hamburger. Well, why don't we take off our blindfolds and see what you're eating? Did we eat all of it? Well, you each had something different, but each of you ate a food that has protein in it. Whoever thought you could study a country through its food habits.
Our teacher says we may differ in our tastes, but all people are alike in relying on the same nutrients. Meets like these are a source of protein all around the world. Everybody needs protein. Each country has its own ways of meeting its food needs, but there are five kinds of nutrients we all need. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates provide the calories, the energy for breathing, walking, talking, and listening to your teacher. This term, we're studying about the different customs and cultures, different parts of the world. In the Nines, Josh, you and Kyla are studying about Latin America and Mexico. And Nancy and Peter in our class are studying about Greece.
Jesse and Dory are studying about Far East, and that is China. Stores selling food for many countries surround our school. Shoppers come from far away to buy their meats, vegetables, and fruits in our neighborhood. We're going to set up action committees and have you scout the neighborhoods around the school to see what our neighbors from different ethnic backgrounds are eating. Then after you've seen the different kinds of foods that they make, we can do a few of the meals ourselves. The big test is going to be when we invite our relatives and families and see if they'll eat our cooking. Wherever man lives, he must satisfy his need from four or more basic food groups. And the fun of it is the different ways in which he prepares these foods.
We're lucky to have something else in our neighborhood, street festivals, where we can see some of these barren foods prepared before our noses. We all start with a simple relationship to food. We need food for growth, for energy, and for repairing body cells and tissues. But the need for this food will vary at different times and places in your lives. The pediatric clinic of a nearby hospital is the place to begin if you want to understand how improper nutrition can lead to ill health. Our guide is Dr. Elizabeth Mundes.
It's hard for children to get the right amount of foods at the right time, and they don't really know it, and they have all kinds of problems that come up. It's just as bad to get too much food as it is to have not enough. Do you ever think of that? What do you mean by all the eating? Over eating? Well, sometimes children will have too many calories and they become overweight, and we have a lot of that, with all kinds of age groups. Does that mean that you really can't eat much of anything? No, you should eat the right amount of the certain kinds of foods, and you know what you're going to be doing, because I hear you're going to be studying different cultural groups back at school. I want you to keep an eye out if you see how different cultural groups get certain kinds of foods, you know, because they don't all drink milk. Now we're going to find out how the countries we're studying satisfied their food requirements. Not only with one meal, but all the food they need for a complete day of proper nutrition.
We're going to give you an assignment to do, and that assignment is going to be for you to do a complete meal of the country you're studying. But before you do that, you're going to have to do a little research work. Our class forms into groups of 2s and 3s and heads for the outdoor markets. You can touch and you don't have to buy, as long as you don't upset things. The owners enjoy telling you the names. tubers, dry root vegetables, yaka, nyami, okra, zucchini. These vegetables come in all colors and shapes. At one stand, we examine cucumbers. Across the street, there are tropical fruits like plantains related to bananas, boxes full of sweet potatoes and other vegetables.
Garlic has a peculiar smell of its own. And of course, there's dried fish, it's important to millions of people. Some of us go to Chinatown next. These stores contain an amazing variety of meats, fruits, and vegetables. The ducks are so tempting you can see why there are favorite food of the Chinese. Some of the meats are strange looking. A popular Chinese green vegetable is bok choy. We'll buy some to take back to school, along with bean sprouts. I like some bean sprouts, please.
And some soy beans. And I think we need a few more dry vegetables, yeah. In many of the stores, we find beans in many different shapes and colors. They are easy to grow, easy to store, and a good source of vegetable protein. In middle eastern countries like Greece, olives, olive oil, grape leaves, and cheeses are good examples of home grown foods. This is a grape leaf. How much are the grape leaves, sir? 55 cents a pound. I think we'll have some olives, too. You can often recognize a country by the shape, size, and taste of its bread. After visiting the stores assigned to us, we go back to school.
Now that we're experts, we conduct some tests of our own. I bet you don't know what this is. It looks like a cucumber. No, it's a zucchini. I want to be next. I want to be next. All right, I bet you don't know what this is. No, that's easy. It's a banana. No, I know, I know. What? Right. I bet you don't know what this one is. Oh, I know that. That's just an oversized grapefruit. No, it's an ugly. What about me? I bet you don't know what this is. It's a potato. No, it's a ginger. All right, smart, Alan. If you're so smart, why don't you know what this is? I don't know. It's an auker.
Oh. Some of our classmates put their knowledge to work on posters. What can you try? Others prepare a class loose paper. What are you calling the loose paper? Good news about food. When are we getting into addition now? Probably next week. Everybody helps with our project. But sometimes there are questions. How do you spell nutrition? I'll find it for you. Here we go. N-U-T-R-I-T-I-O-N. I'll give you the definite. One.
Food nourishment. Two. A series of processes by which food is used in the body. Our research even includes the proper feeding of the school's pets. Everyone has encouraged to read labels. Crude protein, medium. Crude fat, medium. Crude fiber, maximum. Dry matter, medium. Moisture, maximum. I know. Let's give him some hamburger. Okay. Common foods like bread and milk are good objects for study. Enriched bread replaces vitamins which may be lacking in some breads. Milk is fortified with vitamin D.
Each class prepares posters and decorations of the culture it is studying. The fourth grade knows why beans are important in the diet of Latin American countries. Beans can be kept indefinitely without refrigeration, but beans should be supplemented by other protein foods for adequate nutrition. Another important food in Latin America is tortillas.
Corn meal is soaked with lime water overnight in making the dough for tortillas. The lime water is a source of calcium for people who don't ordinarily drink much milk. Tacos are made with corn meal flour too. The stuffing provides some protein since it contains beans with chopped beef and seasoning. And it's delicious. Another mainstay of the diet in tropical countries is plantin. Plantin is eaten every day in some form by millions of Latin Americans and also by people of some African countries.
This banana-like plant can be boiled, baked, or fried in oil. Dried codfish is an example of how fish is preserved in many countries for its protein value. Our poster from Guatemala shows the three food groups that make up an ideal diet everywhere. Animal products, vegetable and food products, grain and cereal products. And now onto Chinese foods. The newt of the value of food depends a great deal upon how it's prepared. The Chinese are very good about saving all the nutrients and value as they prepare their food. Look at this rice, for instance. They cook it in a very little bit of water. And when it's finished, all the water has been absorbed into the rice so that they don't have any to throw away. None of the food value is thrown away.
Now this is true of the way they cook their vegetables. See this beautiful green of the green pepper. When they cook their vegetables, they don't cook them very long. And they cook them in a very little bit of water so that when the vegetables are finished, the water has all been absorbed into the vegetables. And all the good food value is also there. You know, sometimes when we cook our vegetables, we cook them in too much water. And then there's water left over and we throw that water away. But not the Chinese. We'll see as we cook that they will have most of the food value right in the food, in the fried rice. All right, now I'm going to start breaking the eggs and beating them. Well, you stir it around, I think it will. See how nice and fluffy it's getting? All right, you keep stirring it as I put the egg in so we get all mixed around very well.
Good. Our teacher wants to make clear that protein foods like eggs cook better at low temperatures. The Chinese enjoy endless variety, fresh bean sprouts, dried mushrooms, are all sources of vitamins. Here are bok choy, coal rabbi, cellophane noodles, and exotic vegetables like snow peas. The Chinese wave cooking makes this food pleasing to the eye and the appetite. Across the world is Greece. The mother's a part of the main meal that Greeks make. And it's made with chopped meat and rice, eggs, and herbs. And they make it sometimes with cabbage and sometimes with grape leaves. We're making it with grape leaves today.
You have to separate the grape leaves. Be careful so that they don't rip and put it on the wrong side. Do you see the wrong side? The stem is stemming. Make sure it's all flattened out. And then take about a spoonful or as much as you think should go in the middle. Not too fat, not too skinny. Plop it in the middle. And then make sure that the meat can't seep out from any place. Fold it. And then that part. Fold it. Almost try to angular them all the time. And then slowly roll it. Now, let's put it in the pan. Okay. Oh, I made a different kind of a shape. That's pretty good. Oil, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Make a tasty salad in Greece and in other countries.
Raw vegetables like dandelion greens, escarot, chickpea and romaine lettuce. Also, provide vitamins and minerals. If you're drinking milk, Greeks use goat's cheese or yogurt with bread to make a nourishing breakfast. Sometimes they have feta cheese. Fresh bread has a taste that no factory can imitate. In the middle east are largely dried fruit.
The art of drying fruit is an ancient one. Here are figs, dates, raisins, dried apples, pears, and prunes. All store easily and indefinitely. This food might also look like a dessert, but it isn't. It's soybean curd, a source of calcium for the Chinese, a milk substitute. These are finger cookies, a popular Chinese snack. Everyone wants to try some. They have a pleasant smell and we like their taste. Cookies, pastries, tartsome cakes, sugarcoded almonds, halva and fruits are enjoyed after a meal by people everywhere. We share our snacks with Dr. Mundis and patients in the children's ward at the hospital.
I'm so glad you all could come here today and bring some of your snacks and specialty foods to share with the children here at the hospital. Let's see what we have. Amy, what do you have here? Let's see. Where did they come from? From Greece? Aren't they pretty though? They're really nice and dry. Do you want to try one, Judy? What's that? You know what it is? It's an apple. And Kyle, what about you? Let's see what you have from China. Cookies. Now, why don't you give Jessica one? You want one of those, honey? And you want one, Mark? I think they call those finger cookies. But they hold them up and let's see what they have. It's interesting as you study all these different cultures that everyone in the world has their own special foods that they have sometimes for special times at the end of the meal that are kind of sweet and taste real good. And what we like to have people think about is perhaps having snacks be part of the total day and add things that have extra special nutrients in them like some of the dried fruits. And fresh fruits like oranges or apples.
And they have a lot of natural sweetness in them. And do you know how they eat them in the tropics? For snacks? Does anybody know? Kyle, did you know? Yeah, well, I didn't come in half. I put a little square in them and then put it up to your mouth and squeeze it. Hey, what is that? What is that? That's an orange. That's an orange. Yeah, smell it. Did it smell good too? Wow, that's really good. But I think we have to remember that all the things we have in between add to what we have every day. Sometimes you take a cake with milk and that makes a good snack because you've added some good, nutritious food with kind of a sweet food that adds calories. So you still need calories, you know, sometimes children who don't get enough to eat and enough calories don't grow fast enough and they're not really healthy. Then I think sometimes we find that children will eat so many snacks that they just don't eat food. Did you know that sweets keep spoil your appetite and keep you from eating regular food so that we kind of watch that children don't have sweets between meals. They should have them really at the end of the meal.
So snacks can be very, very important but we have to be kind of selective about them. Now it's time to put our heads together and combine everything we've learned into one big poster. This poster tells you how people in many parts of the world satisfy their nutritional needs. The foods they choose and the way they prepare them tell you a great deal about the way people live today and have lived in the past. A poster like this helps you to see and respect the differences between people. The foods of China, Greece, Latin America and the United States, they look and taste differently but all have the same nutrients we need for growth, energy and health. The poster reminds us of something else, breakfast. Our seven-year-olds are studying breakfast around the world because too many young children are not getting adequate breakfast.
Breakfast should contain a combination of protein, fats, carbohydrates and fruits. Various combinations are possible. Nobody can be at his best without one such combination each day. This may be the most important meal in the day for young people. Once you see how food nutrients reinforce each other, you can balance them into nourishing meals for other times of the day. Now that we know all this, our class prepares a super dish. What's all the mixing about? Simple. We're making an international hammer. Well, let's analyze the contents.
Some of them will be in the kitchen with China. Some of them will be in the kitchen I know. Some of them will be in the kitchen with China. Strong enough to open joy. In the kitchen you feed five, till I know. Feed five, till I know. Feed five, till I know. Carbanoel Angel. As you saw, a herald-man-tail ink production, which rivals in its own glorious splendor. This four basic food group pizza, fresh out of the oven of Archipelago's International Pizza Rea. A scant two blocks from here via Archie's wing-footed pizza messengers. Included, and not only the traditional cheese, sausage, and mushrooms, but also from around the world, feta cheese, halva, okra, plantin, Mediterranean jelly beans, and other health-giving foods from the four basic groups. I wish you good eating from now until next time. Until then, this has all been for saying so long.
The name of this program, as always, is what's new? So next time we'll find out even more about the world we're in, and the bigger world that's in us. This is National Educational Television.
- Series
- What's New
- Episode Number
- 418
- Episode
- Journey into Nutrition
- Contributing Organization
- Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
- cpb-aacip/512-k649p2x51q
- NOLA Code
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/512-k649p2x51q).
- Description
- Episode Description
- What's New visits the Little Red Schoolhouse in New York City's Greenwich Village for a "Journey into Nutrition." Cameras follow the young students in the classroom as they learn about the nutritional value of food. They learn how various ethnic groups cook and the nutritional needs these exotic foods fulfill. The children visit surrounding ethnic communities such as Chinatown and cook some foreign foods such as Greek stuffed grape leaves. This film is made possible by a grant from the Nutrition Foundation. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
- Series Description
- What's New is a children's series that ran from 1961-1973. The early seasons typically consist of multiple segments, each from an ongoing series on a specific topic. Each segment was produced by a separate educational broadcasting station, and the linkage between the segments was produced by WHYY and hosted by Al Binford. In episodes from later seasons the format varies more, with many episodes focusing on one story or topic throughout the entire 30 minutes. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
- Broadcast Date
- 1970-10-00
- Asset type
- Episode
- Genres
- Children’s
- Topics
- Health
- Food and Cooking
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:30:05
- Credits
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2308962-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “What's New; 418; Journey into Nutrition,” 1970-10-00, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 26, 2025, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-512-k649p2x51q.
- MLA: “What's New; 418; Journey into Nutrition.” 1970-10-00. Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 26, 2025. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-512-k649p2x51q>.
- APA: What's New; 418; Journey into Nutrition. Boston, MA: Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-512-k649p2x51q