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most did it would remake of the john and i was the engineering and the books president did a salute and unless i do think it was he's done at the credibility of the president the bright soviets maybe once again from the fleet center in boston i'm jim webb and i welcome you to our special pbs newshour coverage of the third night at the democratic national convention has always weathered major events from the podium with analysis and commentary from mark shields and david brooks and historians michael beschloss richard norton smith and ellen fitzpatrick oman others this is john edwards an official ballot night at the convention when i've long before has the details of what lies ahead the savings plan believing again joanna course this is john edwards night but before that we're going to see a lot of different things divergent voices in the party are gathered together under one umbrella including al sharpton who
ran for president and bob graham ran for president the governor from laramie the senate applaud senator from florida also representative of the west and the midwest and a former governor bill richardson new mexico governor jennifer granholm michigan gordon ceo parade of past democratic nominees for president including michael dukakis from massachusetts of course was the nominee in nineteen eighty eight walter mondale was the nominee the nineteen eighty four and george mcgovern generals ordered a test of john kerry's franklin military affairs former joint chiefs chairman jon kalish has really and in general claudia kennedy and then of course the high point of the night will be hearing from the edwards family themselves his daughter kate his wife elizabeth and then the big speech of the night john edwards yeah they think when we read the podium in a moment for the national anthem will be sung by r and the recording artist brian mcknight and jazz players well tom ryan night night
there were caught on that drive her former mayor new york city it to see it in tennessee alone won't sell the data that that's what i know then it's a device
failed to be had oh we are you know in a way in a way they said no
and now syndicated columnist mark hughes and we're almost at the group's work that would you set the scene for to see the canadians obviously singing dry in that it is going to be john kerry's commander in chief john tesh chest gets really before may well have the joint chiefs of staff it is speaking announcing himself to be an old soldier but a new democrat and listing in that john kerry's army here tonight again those connections and he was seeing more of wanting john kerry is andrew jackson or ulysses grant's air whatever it is you know that he's the man who was tempered discipline by this top down with spirits a young man disqualifying him was a community that edwards edwards
has to move into the future and we really does last night's debate about the past and the door of the party i just the other thing i'd say is that it is all the amenities that the floor is not their jesse jackson in his speech about an hour ago saying let's bring the troops home standing ovation minister says just quote i think i saw three or four standing ovations are used to laugh the elites in the kerry edwards campaign is to the center even the center right and so that's an amazing tension but because they won when it hasn't caused any rupture in fact we on our teams they have this severe illness or later i'm talking about that very thing but mark is tyranny i received a warm glow from the morocco obama's speech last night still alive in the land the land of this convention the boston globe with a great job covering this campaign they are the only people in the country i think it took the local languages they can use these
various kennedy when the titanic sank the headline of the globe was hug man lost at sea so it involves at the local level but the country i think every place i talked to try and be on boston today beyond washington people were talking about barack obama and how he lightened up his voice and how he really in your judgment that gave it to the democrats and with the us it was great bridesmaids and so the obvious thing over thing about this speech as i heard people discussing the issues i think was the only speech where those acts of the substance in a conversation about conversations about his approach to multiculturalism the way he talks the role of ethic minorities within the country the way versus the way jesse jackson is to talk about the way you talk about faith old ones a sensitive issues which have a conversation about and e commerce search becomes a hard
act to follow tonight's closely what happens with ray suarez is whether historians now right and jim joining us again tonight a newshour regular as michael beschloss and richard norton smith who joined this week by alan fitzpatrick professor of american history at the university of new hampshire we know it's john edwards night but michael we've known it's going to be john edwards ny for about three weeks now why are the vice presidential nominee's know so early he didn't always happen that way usually happen on the third night of the convention and after a tough roll call about get nominated and exhausted say who is the vice president and that late at night that's how thomas eagleton was chosen by george mcgovern in nineteen seventy two the reading of eagleton was exactly one question asked by mcgovern press secretary frank mankiewicz time to have a skeleton so there was a time said no turned out later he had been hospitalized for psychiatric illness the government took him off the ticket so it's a slower
processed nineteen eighty eight george bush announced and well first day of the republican convention george bush the elder it soon emerged that well the national guard a gardener controversial circumstances ruined his convention that's why we heard about john edwards' early use of these things wouldn't happen what carrie earlier on you may remember was saying there i know the hat's announces nomination several months earlier he didn't do it because he wanted more time to find out exactly who would be the best person that they depend on the issues the climate also he won all these possible vice president and others to raise a lot of money richard doubled during the campaign john edwards' rejected the notion that he was quote unquote running for vice president but many candidates in that position run for president when they get offered the number two they've taken but not always well that's true i actually to pick up on what michael said after eagleton was dropped on the ticket a sentiment of a head of a string of r would be running mates including ted kennedy who turned him down
the old time champion however and this is a man named frank well because time enormously popular leading candidate for president i think it was the nomination was offered the vice presidency with more hardened said no footage of president harding died and then in nineteen twenty four he turned down the vice presidency after the convention nominated i did it again in nineteen twenty eight is not because he said he didn't agree with the platform on agriculture we did it for the best reasons principle but emily no it said some presidential cycles since his fortunes in the city wanted to be different is that yes he was showing himself to be modern i guess in this consideration of the candidate in sixty four lbj wade into the convention began and at that point was still leading hubert humphrey wondering whether he was going to be chosen and made a big show of bringing him to washington with other people on the airplane during the convention and when humphrey came into his office and lbj said you're the weiland
and humphrey was genuinely nice ditty thank you mr president and i tell the face of humor if you had now a month ago i was gonna take here too dumb to hold the offsets so this is a classic johnson yes essentially are your wife and he made a show of picking up a phone and so you're you know like you are blatantly vice president of the united states anti so those days are over the years seen kerry making a big deal about letting not he he'd be glad to drive because jim back to okay thank you think you're going to go a podium in a moment and there will be three street speeches and very little space in between the first speakers man name steve prozac was not a household name is eric running for the house of representatives in new jersey had
a very interesting story and i think i will not walk on his life he would tell his story almost at the very beginning enough to say that he is yet another democrat very long and up and then right after him is going to come up out sharpton as self when i mentioned a man who won the democratic nomination and then bob graham another candidate for the democratic nomination this year really nice state senator from florida not running for reelection because he chose not to when he decided to run for president a key member of the senate intelligence committee sharpton civil rights activist in new york and a minister and he does come to this they did come to this convention the twenty seven confirmed delegates a lot of the people who ran in that race i ran long races and incumbent ran the friendly of this incident in my i come out with any out any delegates will hear from him say prozac will it will be as i say will be the first one of the first speaker and chorus
says the bros at the point of the giveaways or story that is a whole marine who would interact and it is part of what they're what you were saying as kind of this military huge military themed tonight in addition to the john edward's of same as well so again someone coming not simply perspective of having served with john kerry thirty years ago in vietnam that somebody and now he's talking about the revised of the shortcomings of the existing policy interact and influence is john kerry presents an entertaining and interesting here is that the way that we have not mentioned and we'll talk about it later on is that the other piece of major business tonight we must not forget is the formal official nomination of john kerry and there will be a roll call of the states that will call will come after we have on all the
aerial support of the year eleven o'clock eastern time it and then it's all worked out those rural alabama and then it will immediately go to massachusetts and not the no vote in the states and and that'll take roughly half an hour or so within a lot obviously no mystery no drama to it but each state we'll get to you know say the palmetto state of the lone star state of the sunflower state to save them the odds in the bay state and i gather the you get the grand canyon state to get the land of enchantment so risky so that's the point says the theater that's the business orlean says i suppose i was a kid in the nineteen eighties it's ice ice ice nice to watch and you get to see the country and so it's a different sort of people you know six days are not quite as polished and it's just fun to see a very sort of marginal party in terms of
the race that he says his nurses station maybe my name is the robot and the father of a young daughter my wife and i are the children of immigrant parents of a business person who co founded a small investment banking firm and i am also proud to say i am a united states norway at the rank of lieutenant colonel and after the attacks of september eleven
and today i am running to represent my home state of new jersey and the united states congress if you told me eighteen months ago that i would end up addressing the democratic convention i would have said you're crazy you say a hunter when i was a republican but not a name all all over the world to help them
and their families i saw their struggles and their hardships i saw how their families cope with the limits that kept being extended and children were growing up without their moms and that's when i was deployed to the middle east i saw what our troops are facing their power or military is sold over extended that reserve duty last far longer than the soldiers had originally signed up for how hard it is for soldiers to complete their missions without the proper equipment to keep them safe i saw how hard it is for them to shoulder this burden alone without our allies and i saw how hard it is for soldiers to know while they wear their uniforms and drive the world looks at them with suspicion and so you're
half ago while back home i went to my local town hall and i switched parties i became a democrat as i didn't change my belief in what makes a patriot never change my belief in a national security policy that makes us truly saverin change and my beliefs that you always send americans into a war with honest purpose and plans for feasting changed what's changed with the direction of the republican party so i did the only honorable thing and i change parties and i became a democrat as i had never considered myself to be a very partisan person what the republican party left me behind and so i had no choice but to leave the
republican party behind but i am far from alone and i will be in the majority as it's not just democrats republicans and independents it's americans from all walks of life we believe that to keep america safe to defeat al qaeda we need both smart bombs and wise policy that america must be strong at home strong abroad and respected in the world john kerry understands this you learn that lesson the hard way as a lieutenant commander years old in the delta's of vietnam as president john kerry will honor their service and their sacrifice of our men and women in uniform it being the military strong
and ready to respond to any threats made bass john kerry will be a commander in chief will not hesitate for one use the military might of the united states to destroy the terrorists who threaten our way on why john kerry is the leader and this marine will probably follow john kerry had to battle john kerry has a plan to win the war on terror john kerry will strengthen our alliances and restore america's special place in the world and the nation to be admired rather than watch two john kerry will give our men and women who serve in uniform solid support instead of fall writer john kerry is someone who means what he say and john kerry will make sure that our veterans are still a lot more gratitude and appreciation of our nation and
my friends abroad is filled with professional soldiers patriotic reservists and guard members who long for a mission that is land and purposeful and are long past ready to be reunited with their families one of these men he's a friend of mine from new jersey looked after my wife and family while i was on active duty last year this man a veteran in his mid forties is now being sent straight into the battle zone iraq with no promise of returning home to his family before two thousand and six as my friend as woody into harm's way i read came i'd get in and look after his family something else to read about are stronger america are
united will and respected in the world if you want to support our troops if you want to help their families if you want to build a nation that is the envy of not an enemy of the world i ask you to join us tonight in this by now they joined mary the president of the united states ahead of my fellow americans this election is not about party labels were partisan bickering this election is about creating the america that we learned about in school the america that brought my immigrant parents to this store the america that i thought would have been an american or freedom as chairs an america where individual respected an american where anything is possible because each of us as the right to go as far as our minds can imagine and our hearts can drain let's build that america a favor a stronger
more respect than america let's make john kerry the next president of the united states via the vitamins vitamins rosa it's been issues before this it's been nice being
mr why not mine it to address the delegates here last friday and its parents and it's a lot of carrying president george moore's latest beats and in the states yet certain questions i always watson tonight i would like to answer your questions as the present this bill this i
wasn't around and gradually dr cabinet nominee will be at an end as we all hear two hundred and eighty two years after right here in boston we thought to us that there's the freedoms of america the first president that no revenues that will recognize love when you're black man from barbados made christmas and its body is about their lives and the mississippi freedom democratic party stand at the democratic convention in atlantic city fighting to reside wanting rights fall america and all democrats regardless of race on said there was very inspired by the days months and sal
was brought about the voting rights act of nineteen sixty eight forty years ago reverend jesse jackson the democratic national convention my waistband when last weekend's address at house and as citizens and questions i have probably had a night to say the audience was that is why and history is due in that giant that right the united states by the pasta pharmacies are not only divided
about what's the odds that maybe it's i loved and i am convinced that that man who's saying what they meet and me what they say i was often votes that i don't have one of this is there in the body politic of this dance that it behind the atlanta batter howell civil rights our civil liberties his body is but why does this is not just about winning this is about though is that when the drums on wednesday's fabric mason was found nation where a laugh
as a result of our unilateral fire in monday's we went from one president and a national support and solidarity on september twelve two thousand while standards it and hates it as waste that we have at night we can't survive in the wild wow so rapidly is plotting his opportunity to be a nightmare well that was at the fight against hunger busy we want to go at times of mass destruction when was not with the salt waste spent fuel hundred billion dollars at a time we had right at stake deficits and when it became clear that there were no weapons they exchanged
a while and said not only where because of other reasons about all you deny them as a naval fleet center with endangered but when you get outside you as we read about what is the danger and i said no about all we just need is fresh air i have just met you and we were having this may twenty three hours of flight with the prize that job also taught justice and sleeps this was a surprise what are weapons rights and satellites
and as frightening to play betty davis allen wellman rights and that's in the last since the red rats in this administration is in the white house in these next four years ah so this as do you deny that its odds was selected that got infected thought that's not about the law school a piece because there is no body
and that's the point that is now that was so innocent and doesn't gloss a distance traveled advantage in the lab was they can't afford a year ago every day the bathtub is that it does not seek to regulate your bills at the end of that rule what exactly you're right there
is a problem there is not the time when will raise doubt then the bad role as foul balls that might not be taken and the tents a piece but now is that was that the human rights workers fighting against slavery and the sudan right yeah aids in the south to open its this time and distance that was on that is one immigration policy while the state and is also welcoming jobs from mexico ad that must be one side a row that wealth long
miles to town and then try and that is now and they can sell when that be respected what's really inferior we counted nine wins no wind at them again as jazz one is certain to iraq to fight for america most of america is that after citizens bodies now to an adolescent stage show not the sad the unless it really is a drag outs of this that we would fight and rightfully so to get the right to vote that's
right the united states has been estimated at the plans african american votes than you know that's the last ten that the democratic idea to a us right west i do it is afterwards that was a topic that
video saudi ids interview best way out of that debt is that rivalries since we got on that before we went on a wide level and that the saudi ids we didn't get the video so we decided we'd rather disappointed ms bee the peaks boy it's because nobody knows
this month is brazil rays
is right watson gave because of it it was so bad about us so when the adult men stayed inside out so that they'll this vote is sacred cows won't give away fb is that was the day the piano for sale and as a lot of generations
that follow across the states that stand on inside released animated as though that john edwards is what was my great leaps like a bubble right now voter registration the right to live their lives my friends would you can the russians at a retirement by rig that led diet with that and that is also all's who had been a napkin stats and the south and that let them make ends meet i was raised was settled all layaway shortly sheriff justus pop stars as a domestic worker wanted men in ragged about the book and wrap the subways and the saturday of the day i would say probably as i walked into that soft way
that life is about that where you start out where you're going he's been the prime example the good lord didn't league wild across the stage would governors and senators have to be a drug dealer and they don't have to be a lot of the advice i don't stand out at all and they could run for president of the united states as you know
i live video out with their september eleven when there is a reason that you there's a little while clements it allows is a perennial right now in mosul and amanda and i said that's fine as it was dedicated to the victims of not as a lasagna laden he's i would play it and pigeon is the eyes and i was there that made top as you know but i don't want it as all those places that flap on her
majesty across race it in one sign up new program and drive since he was that sal gets a minute hormones yes a minute for the way it was saying about what he believed to be this rather than we love america that was what was so what we watch what we watch you know reverend al sharpton is forty nine years old he's been preaching since the age of four euros or david nicholls foreign
minister at the age of gin and there's no doubt about that as their mark this city as it is a phone and tightly orchestrated how sharp been just absolutely on his own life about this place a pretty descriptive of you has been to speak for six minutes unless i am a candidate who spoke for about twenty minutes and we've got to protect syria's like the appetizers for a city just went off and it was lamb were prepared with a reformer you off ok now another former candidate for the democratic presidential nomination bob graham senator from florida playoffs aaron is senator
graham enter the race late things considered at the beginning to be a very serious candidate we had the internet because your health may never be splitting last in the first round as fellow democrats thank you and i especially want to have that wonderful floridians one of the things you for granted me the honor and the privilege of serving you for almost four decades my family and i am so grateful to all of you for having given us a wonderful opportunity to share adventure in
public service because of you florida and america florida has made a difference to me i know that we are going to make a difference for joy i'm terri and john edwards and friends this time when the votes are counted we are going to make a huge difference in florida for america my fellow americans i would say you want to cast my ballot for john kerry and john and the preamble to the constitution of the united
states tells us that one of the most important responsibilities of government is to provide for the common defense friends i wonder as you think about this think about this it is then all over one thousand days one thousand days since terrorists attacked us on september eleventh and changed our nation one thousand days after pearl harbor america had landed its troops on the beaches of normandy and we were rolling to victory in world war two in the same amount of time in this new war on terror we have not yet secured to be today john kerry
and john edwards will arise in this new century we've seen the lives of a perilous new threats and yet we have not stopped we haven't even stood up to john kerry and john edwards will at a time when freedom loving people around the world are looking for leadership in the war against terror america has not parties to buy brands john kerry and john edwards well as governor of florida
i learned that the fbi and the cia they'll to communicate with state and local law enforcement agency is the very agencies mr gibbons against terrorism as florida senator i saw seaports where the greatest security was often little more than a chain link fence as a member of the senate intelligence committee i have seen the places in the world where the words biological weapons were manufactured and where but digital materials will largely unprotected and where the next generation of terrorists is being recruited as chairman of the senate intelligence committee i investigate the september eleventh fred and i saw how that tragedy should have been prevented
from all all of my service i come to this conclusion yes there are real threats but also brands there are real solutions just last week the nine eleven commission joined a series of previous emissions in making its recommendations for a major change in the way we fight the war on terror you of these recommendations are due most obvious but certainly one thousand days after september eleven not of those recommendations is in life the ideas are there it is the museum which has been missing
friends we know that north korea and iran have nuclear aspirations it's not nuclear weapons and yet only john kerry and john edwards have a plan a plan to keep the deadliest weapons from falling into the hands of the world's most dangerous thing we know that money is the terrorists and lifeline and yet it was john kerry long before september the eleven who had a plan to cut off their sources of terrorist funding we know brands that our bridges our tunnels our brains our buses our chemical plant our food water supplies are still vulnerable to attack and yet
only john kerry and john edwards are willing to make the investment to make us truly sing and friends we know a ripe did not attack the united states on september the eleventh it was osama been forgotten allocated that attack and that is why john kerry and john edwards will not all when the quays interact but they will carry the fight the war on terror where every obesity thought whether it's the houses of the middle east or the banks in europe
or the seaports of florida or the firehouses of boston john kerry recognizes that victory in the war on terror will require all the resources of the united states and their delicate diplomatic economic intelligence and military today my friends rep running billboards for al qaeda are being erected on the main streets of the major cities of the middle east we need to work with we need to work with like minded people in the islamic world to tear down those recruited billboards and true believers while they're providing for the common defense is not
just a piece of rhetoric from one of our founding documents is the most solemn responsibility we entrust to our national leaders this is a war that demands resources and new idea but most of all most of all it is a war the demand for new leadership and when american says the question of who will provide that leadership it gently john kerry and john edwards will provide that leadership may well for our children for our grandchildren for our security for america and for the world we must not like john kerry as the next president of the united states of america and we will
sort of one of the nine people who sought the democratic nomination new year two thousand four word shields david brooks we will by the time this convention's over tomorrow we will overcome all ports including john kerry and john edwards but as usual david to have all the other all the losers addressing at a convention like this is well it's unusual that while some of the major ones are similar ones and the parties split the threat of bringing different wings of the party by letting that person speaking but their loyalty to the nominee how that sort of military style even during the campaign he would co ops from different parts of the party even a writer with a new look at the polls during the primary season the different sections of the party some clinics to be strong and one sect or another caribbean all her strength although across different parts of the party so that is one of the richest region historically
states have not even done is to try to apply for space anti exposure only to those who really dated amanda candidate challenge president george herbert walker bush and making it to a disastrous speech as far as bush's reelection campaigns and jesse jackson spoke to earlier i did in nineteen eighty eight michael dukakis came to that is pakistan and now that at ted ted kennedy's probably the valedictory of his career settling after his was that it in her nineteen eighty jimmy carter won the nomination kennedy carried the day and this is interesting because jerry didn't have to have to do a carol carol moseley braun picked up more important is turnout sharpen our beings yesterday joey ramone has opened in the senate spoke earlier the century and
john edwards is going to speak but there is a contingent to as we have been speaking about as the convention segment coming up soon about john kerry as commander in chief i'm margaret warner now gives us a bit of a preview of that issue thanks tam and for that i'm joined by retired general maryland peter was the air force chief of staff during the first gulf war he endorsed george w bush in the two thousand election but he's now supporting senator kerry senator kerrey's national security advisor rand beers national security council staffer in the reagan and first bush and clinton administrations he was president george w bush's appointee as a special assistant terrorism until last year welcome to you both gentlemen because we're going to see a parade of generals on the stage later tonight declaring there are support for john kerry you supported president bush's over seventy thousand employees carry now the administration has made a
hash of the national security issues almost from day one but especially the sloppiness and incompetence route it's been shown in a second but more than that i think many years of their impressions so mean as a guidance and then you it has been in the family's been shot at a lot not always miss doesn't have to be a better living through tryouts of karbala course there's a lot of that and you know as we just said mr bush a bush appointee and the ashes taken steps towards a senate hearing why it was a very easy decision like gentleman he got i became more more concerned about the way in which the administration was in fact dealing with iraq and afghanistan and homeland security and when i looked around there wasn't much are no doubt in my mind that john kerry because of his
combat experience in addition to his distinguished career i had the wherewithal to be a real contender in a time that the nation was under stress so yes the argument we hear from us at least a year they all three nights this week about a service that is that it's a huge part of their forties because the same time i didn't know that kelvin i was up in the central part of the country of course is in the navy and i was in the air force so to say but i also did not see a lot of the guys that are talking in washington today about courage and leadership and so john kerry's show that courage and show that leadership that does mean a lot more than the market is nice enough to get together with me and we have a lot of one on one time i talked to a guy it makes a lot of sense and i think they make a great image who are you speaking for a lot of either retiring active duty senior office it's a surprising
to historic groundswell in turn serve that a lot of people won't say anything about this they want that they're on active duty for sure but even the retired people reluctance to speak out but in private i speak for an awful lot of professional military so many years americans want us forces to keep him safe in his new post an eleven year iraq why do you think president bush is in fact still enjoys this huge gap for senator kerry in on that issue i think there are a number of americans who still have to learn and john kerry is i think that those who paid attention during the primary season were drawn to him and now it's time for the rest of america seem to be drawn to the scene you know what you want the same hand that makes them say he's a credible commander in chief i will be seen as safe or safer with him in the white house i think there's a very thoughtful guy who understands difficult problem and
understands how to solve them and they're going to see a lot of people line up behind my time deacon other and say this guy has my vote because i see in him a really credible commander in chief has been there and knows what it means to be in philadelphia this week the most effective it said i will and i can fight a more effective war on terror that president bush made the case that i make the six sixth place that all i think it's very straightforward the nine eleven commission said one of his major points that we needed to comprehend and for a comprehensive war and terrorism and we need a coalition allies to fight why after two years three years after nine eleven was this commission saying that we're still needed to have that kind of strategy with the president united states was executed correct strategy john kerry's talked about that strategy from the very first speech that he made on foreign policy of georgetown university in two thousand and three so i think it's pretty straightforward woods you'd say to help a wavering
friend the military men or otherwise who might say wow i'm just not sure he's going to be as tough as forceful and fighting terrorists you know i know that these are tough guys take some hard votes in the senate didn't know until i got quite so he really does have the courage in his convictions and principles at his politics that is surely one of the added the bombings last democratic president had was not a great relationship with senior military command to president harry i mean this is a personal conviction based on my own conversations with an impression that i believe that it will be not just a good commander in chief of the content to integrate immigrants would rather have a guy with this content of weeks i think you have to have both the courage that is demonstrated in so many ways and confidence in other words the
understanding that these are complicated issues recording sophisticated paul nelson says go out there and with just the conviction because the character would you say defines a great deal i think that it's a vision about how to do a complex problems and needs and encourages them a thank you thank you very much or margaret cho i bet you play that commander in chief issue is at the heart of this election campaign in many ways for a military people of a temporary plan that this is the main goal of this election but that's a traditionally a problem saying they are they're up to that level this story for some other general john shalikashvili and others and nine and ten and a few minutes you think it's gonna matter i mean that's what what what does serve with what has been the political experience with with former military officers
high ranking military officer who need to find a come out in the politics and endorse somebody well in nineteen eighty two gm was enormously important to build did not have the military experience when admiral william barber outside chairman joint chiefs of staff under president reagan and the west and that was that was an enormous credentials and spinach especially someone like general it is generally don't generally have endorsed president bush in two thousand and then those guns this is two thousand and four and i think that's when the city had taken a look at this business am pedaling anybody thought that's a credential that daisey says is important and helpful and also where there were big before he endorsed her it was to support howard dean that was part of governor governor dean and at the moment here in the booth before
wanna go to the floor where when i saw recently i did a quick interview with al sharpton speech i think they are getting to the air so that david anyway certainly i think the facilities fleets wasn't and i think that we will see also has a lot to talk about the events of war that we do you depart a considerably longer than was abetted by their convention on all of october and that i wanted to write it bespeaks when president obama's friday this point were down about african american voters of the recipients and they do that i was ever making president by name in the way that blacks will be less than a politically wise i
think we have as i said was the president have liked the answer was i think john kerry that's what was making as it landed during his now is the former governor of vermont howard dean do you really believe that john kerry no doubt they will john kerry essentially a nationalist he's the son of a diplomat is that time in europe he understands how important relationships with allies are some of his president had no understand what selma or should be done he'll be an actual model campaign originally based on balancing the budget having health insurance for him and i know the president is this an assailant or without telling us why i think we have to understand that whatever difference is i
had with john kerry and again for john edwards and so when they're in campaign a very small relative to the differences between all of us and george bush gentlemen the us or they now support you know one thing about it is that the gentleman from control integrity there's no way that he was once again simply because this was something you know he wanted to get something out of this cease which candidate john kerry be a much better president george bush but how we got there we are there right we got about thirty five thousand americans a commitment to the people of a rat right what is it that you heard john kerry say that he would do as president about the situation that make you hopeful that he will do the right thing john kerry's position my position or not very different than what they're willing to do and isn't enough it is george bush's position that george bush adopted john kerry's position after john kerry won the primaries opposition is the united nations is
that we ought to turn this into international aids patients and alienation virtually every ally that we've had over the last sixty years on our way into iraqi people are a lot of these new president will really have those kinds of relationships will be a little higher for in lethal mean you know that's a really similar service called what would you say to democrats for this convention and they supported you say forget all of that what get out of where they're really understand that you can't do that that's not a responsible thing to do i did not advocate that during the campaign what i advocate is really large reserves soon as possible after we are able to replace that firepower in that place it really it with iraqi police trained by us or nato or with
united nations and nato troops what about that david has said on this certain our coverage here democrats really lay out the unity there really is a news this is for lively the insurgency is made out of prison without kind of leadership so called foreign fighters but it was not present in iraq before carter the president's assertion that they are now an insurgency are loyal to saddam personally not so much to saddam but the idea of saddam hussein he's so fearless shiite take now to some extent we can i like this it was something that is at a speech yesterday
have to fight for his freedom party which i just was so we could flesh out essentially in your speech but never never again will be as will we be ashamed to call ourselves democrats what you mean by that when when we're people shame them and what happened i think the democrats in this country listeners are meant not many russians thousand this understood the lessons of bill clinton's presidency they thought the bill collector and won the presidency because he moved to maryland became accommodations bill clinton within president as is most talented talented person that we've seen in the white house since franklin roosevelt made an aggressive sprang up thing that the way to win elections and the democrats really like republicans who became a shame to be democrats and millions on sibby and i know i think the way you win is the way that kind of thing in georgia laid off the talks about a moral politics or poorly jonathan karl rove and ralph reed discovered long before we did the way to elections energize the daylights an airbase that's what the track swing voters worried with energy and ideas we'd been bankrupt and ideas for quite a while because we were so
busy trying to trying to behave like republicans might play devil's advocate with you governor you're talking about making this steve right up right at the top that the democrats or democratic party is a liberal party a party of liberals were you know you cannot become president i probably would try to rehabilitate the word liberal that was not highlights emily this is jim not one republican presidents nelson was in thirty four years in this country the only present nelson was a lesser evil is out called the liberal any i am maybe i'm not a live bass but fiscal discipline for twelve years and my attitude is it takes a literal about unpleasant laurie we need one in the white house as the word bother you one of these different things successfully i think on the center's blesses those it would tell me a little more liberal about budgets and productively in some instances and i that had a ratings from the national rifle association i also have universal health insurance for every single
job or virtually every single job my state we've got jobless rate by forty three percent as we invest in early childhood and we actually were the first eight hundred and eighty that may be a liberal i don't hear people to decide themselves when i am fiscally conservative socially progressive live all that really my guest ron ron john carroll is it's howard dean's convention might be john kerry's nomination it has a lot of hours a lot of anti war feeling is a lot of people to energize galvanized by your candidacy you call part john kerry joe lieberman and john edwards what she likes about ferguson as well what now why should why should those people who support you who believe that visit fervently and activist so many good some disappointed that the war was wrong that the democrats have caved why should they believe john kerry really means it that he's just not going to do this to win the white house well i don't believe that john kerry doesn't
know john kerry says they were like you know well for john kerry is i believe i believe he'll be a good president a much better president george bush otherwise it would really wreck my credibility with all the people who supported me if i just became another politician dorset other that that's not why the difference between john kerry george bush's enormous and i think a lot of it is true that a lot of folks down here are sympathizers or with my point of view and many of them are delegates week we have on a slayer known as always ruin your resume in illinois and many were carried it was watered down to the less vigilant into that so it stops oh my god it's in a monastery that was done at my point in this contentious world during those delegates donna karan would grow and i want it really only chance america has made progress against some serious conversations with john kerry originally believed about of reckoning we'll do our own and other other things that really bother you might have heard that a lot of very serious conversation john kerry i don't think the republicans i've been in politics isn't like him
forced myself to some unusual mice probably not be doing privately i would come by for someone like john kerry it is intellectually curious and very thoughtful yeah i think he's deeply committed on issues like the environment i think is an internationalist which i am may has won a senate will an international says what that means we believe that nations are interdependent the poll were going along philosophy of the bush administration's a throwback only to the twentieth century with the nineteenth century and we've got to an extraordinary world with your hand in order to maintain the influence of the united states we need to be independent we have lost influence chiodo for example is about to be reached by the russians no one he'll aside ever thought that feel to go into effect the united states' intention that's about to happen or i was alienated so many people and among other things they decide to go on about the world's business without us as a very dangerous thing to long term power the united states or would you say to say vice president cheney or somebody would say wait a minute there aren't there may be times that
come when the united states we in other words the president advice for the whatever the government united states decides the interests of the united states are in such jeopardy we keep it the restaurant owners we must act for some of course we're going to defend ourselves second of all those times oddly enough on the anti war candidate i supported the first gulf war i support afghanistan and this president eisenhower in flint snyder invention by the end the cause of the interventions by the incomes of over you the intervention in bosnia was you remember europeans did not act that shameful a cell was in their backyard genocide is being committed and a president united states and american troops finally europeans followed i'm not saying that the united states ought to be that we ought not to be the leader we have lost our moral leadership in the world because of george bush's unilateral action it is not that can act unilaterally serving out of a sense of the market but it's much better to begin as clinton did in the case of bosnia kosovo the dialogue with european so that they
understand in a whopper of way we believe action is essential and that in a crisis such as a genocidal crisis in kosovo or in a situation like afghanistan where government harboring people over three thousand americans that we will in fact win and you don't do well carry that doesn't really care about this so i thought i don't have a general sense yes at last december saying is it turns out that accurately captures about this and not make americans safer job now i mean any regrets and he knows that the biggest regret i mean if you're attacked by lieberman by carried by others the democrats by the white house amid focusing on our writers on the truth when i have to say that very low water once said i'd rather be right than president inaugurates time it flew really that they're thank you very much for joining us and we go back to the podium now with the delegates are about to hear from jennifer granholm
the governor of michigan we're in america that information here i am and we're going to go the governor everybody knows is the chairman of the convention he's been very visible and within his own son who just finished his speech and governor granholm of michigan on the podium governor granholm is a rising star in the democratic party in fact governor richardson himself and scalded called her the future of the party thought it could someday be a presidential candidate vermin somebody pointed out the mourning in canada in british columbia canada and is not eligible to run president xi began us citizen age twenty one as she was
the attorney general of michigan before being elected governor at harvard law school where she got incredibly high approval ratings in her estate over sixty percent governor dean is still here you know what the thing that if they have to have approval ratings like that units are actually get no question about its inventor well as shiite she has done an extraordinary judge she came in after twelve years in the conservative republican michigan were looking for a change she got lucky in some ways you got a little bit of an economic basket she has an extraordinary charismatic politician to come out it's byzantine
michigan delegation and yelling at synagogue saw as you know two hundred and thirty one years ago boston was abuzz with rumblings of rebellion that imagine yourself there after heated citizen meetings at faneuil hall and on a dark and icy december night paul revere samuel adams and many others even three
hundred and forty two cases of e splashing into the boston harbor filing as high as these suits and that's the boston tea party was routed by patriots were becoming sleeps in this dream of democracy that average families mattered as much as he was laurence and governors like to say i'm not fierce lover of the american ideals of freedom and opportunity as though the patriots who started it all here in boston lead us here and now launched the rebellion to choose a new president i'm very you know that there is a freedom trail that runs outside of this
convention hall that winds you through a historic stops of the american revolution and then there's a freedom in america that never stops that freedom trail as run through a depression where a president who was unable to stand did america from its means that freedom trail has taken us through war or a generation of young man stared down tyranny and came home to build the great american middle class that american freedom trail has taken us to a new frontier where younger residents called our nation's service and so many answers and so many of you still answer that call and how that freedom trail runs right back here through boston where we are here to
nominate a man who knows that the freedom trail is greatest opportunities yet lively for us we are here to nominate john kerry to be the next president of the united states but the most important thoroughfares of the americans failed to freedom are the loans that leads to economic strength and prosperity but for too many across this country it seems that we have lost our way we need a new leader and a new direction and i know i know sometimes it's hard for a man to stop and ask for directions a person at the wheel
refuses to ask for directions belts and it's time for a new driver americans are working harder and more productively than ever before and yet now we face a serious prospect that for the first time in our history our children will fare worse than their parents throughout the midwest newspapers blared headlines state leads factory jobs in north carolina are textile jobs in dallas and denver in des moines or technology jobs in the last four years we have lost two point seven million manufacturing jobs two point seven million and the jobs that are so called recovery is creating fourteen thousand dollars less than the jobs that were losing in the ten
american families are getting dumplings leads well in romney's down expenses are up the health of our nation is falling well health care bills are rising for those without a college education are on the decline college tuition is on the rise of workers have less time to get away from the job are spending more money for filling up the tank more and more people after work two jobs just to replace the good job that they lost the bottom line is that americans are being nuts we just answered a bothersome others who have worked loyally for a company for decades who are fiercely patriotic who are supporting our troops who are proudly flying the american flag outside their homes who cried when the twin towers crumbled those workers are now reading the papers and wondering when is my job going to china
when is my job's going to mexico or to india and my next and who is standing up for me john kerry will stand up for the small business owners who have more of their lives in fear that business that employs so many of our people who will stand out for those business owners who live there employees like family and who are being at the prospect of either offering lousy health plans are laying people off and one thing he did that way let me be clear we want change we want lots of trade with other countries robust trade it but we want it
to be fair trade and john kerry will fight to enforce our trade agreements he will be an impassioned advancing our exports as defending our stores with the new president tenacious lee committed to american opportunity we can get american businesses what they desperately need which is a chance the planet there global playing field and with that the nation's president reagan give citizens what they desperately need good jobs governor of michigan ours is a
state that is driven by hard work and innovation teenagers who felt about harmonies in detroit basements know motown and created america's soundtrack janssens states where vets and seabirds in school notebooks are today engineering the next generation of american cars our energy and our ideas down their outlet in great businesses that produce those jobs and what's true for michigan is through all across america jobs in dignity to our people and strength to our nation john kerry sees that john kerry seas but the americans who are squeezed are the same americans who are bursting with patriotism the same americans who are ready to conquer this country's latest challenges and john
kerry is not bringing his hands over what has been lost but is instead bringing bold plans for what can be gained he's got a specific health plan to make health care a portable for all businesses and two weeks and now you're twenty seven million more americans including angry so i only in america affordable healthcare my brands a medical part of the prescription for what ails our economy and it's kind of a restriction and not there although it's important is just a piece of john kerry's plan to help our businesses compete in the global world under his leadership with his land we will create sanda million new jobs in the next four years and million new jobs and the next morning there is
my friends we must demand a leader who will be its fiercely patriotic about our economic security as about our physical security and that leaders name is john kerry didn't ask this leader driven super bowl both economic breakthroughs that rely on the horizon on the floor a series of the twenty first century leader with imagination and brilliance and an urgency to invest in the house in our future and our infrastructure and our emerging technologies and in our children if isis leader was impatient to support research and science and creativity and entrepreneurs america starts and whites didn't ask john kerry asked jan hammer at this new england patriots knows that america responds
to challenge the greatness under his leadership americans won't just walk the net reagan's diary our workers and our businesses or i'll find out who are outpacing any country on the map now president clinton's great speech the other night made me think about our revolutionary beginnings of just how much those times like right now people here that they were still nurturing credible dreams full of possibilities in a new and united's country such in science demanded courageous leadership that won critical moments paul revere rose and he too said
send me for the past twelve months john kerry areas like paul revere has been waking up america piling on support announcing a new dawn in the american they are you ready to answer that all our neighbors that make the campaign trail our freedom trail and let us rail hauled away and harriet i'm mark and david i'm always interested in how somebody like jennifer brandel
considered a person of great great potential great future stand for the convention has now make a speech and i'm not sure whether the audience can tell or not while the folks on the floor were milling about nobody was nobody but she didn't have everybody was but now let's go back to the podium where michael dukakis walter mondale and george mcgovern former democratic presidential nominees were going to be a party nominees delegates and alternates on the status out all the year nineteen seventy two nominee george mcgovern from the state of minnesota former senator vice president of the united states nineteen eighty four now and a vice president walter mondale he's been an idea
that's been for michael dukakis walter mondale and george mcgovern what else do they have in common besides having lost the election that they were at which they were running for president for three of the all three of them have various successful marriages rather remarkable when george mcgovern and his wife of sixty years i saw this after the rage is all the auto industry for a house and then to see him walk by people in the it's a nineteen seventy two forty nine states raised to
one fritz mondale lost forty nine the one to work to awaken in it before then michael dukakis was probably the toughest one because the convention in nineteen eighty eight with a lead over george bush carried only ten of the fifty states so monitoring of the only carried twelve states so the democrats were really dug out on nineteen eighty jimmy carter was devolving i don't like his restoration victory in nineteen eighty two when he wanted to make a point howard what howard dean said about the people's business that misrepresent what the man stood for if you take those three gentlemen we were just talking that they represented in most people's minds a liberal the liberal wing of the other democratic party becomes bill clinton decides finally when now howard dean said that's not right yeah i would respectfully disagree again i think they have the party saw itself many people saw as too liberal and open the senate isn't a democrat for populist and he was there in the part of the center on social issues
on symbols like school uniforms on defense issues on trade issues there's a whole series of issues that came to the center and it was not about mobilizing the base it was that common sentiment and that was the way electricity and tony blair world now this morning the two parties the pervasiveness all the energizing the base with this is not a base convention i think al sharpton speech and remains the most remarkable moments of farmers went off script away from the package for it and we'd talk from his heart and wrote this place to the rafters and that's the weakness when you go to the center you lose some of that uncertainty bill clinton give good time he's a lot of on a lot of travelers an interesting adult really was hard to many people many different things and this is a man who's simultaneously endorse curfews in midnight basketball now thats that that's a little different
than twenty died and it's just a face and politically effective okay thank you and let we're going to take a short break down and we'll be back with our live coverage of the two thousand four democratic convention and just he says asking questions the
curse became the peak of the power to pick the colors we can when you remove the height of the status of
a ring of line with what you have is the most important news of the day good at not jim lehrer on the newshour tonight the newshour with jim lehrer week nights only on pbs are there has been and we're pbs are back with the democrats in boston will be arraigned hearing soon from retired general john shalikashvili of course john edwards with me now and always are syndicated columnist mark shields and new york times columnist david brock wanna go first now to this is of course as i said many of john edwards and this is john edwards a night and bottomless going out what i want elaine marshall
is twenty years they were there to nine professionally and adversaries in a lawsuit many many years ago and my husband and time have known each other and then i've known jon and watched as herrera or professional our friends and colleagues and it's no surprise at all he's often said that introduced him to be married only eight young well he's very leaves us with a little bit of seasoning goes a long way it's a very very quick learners a very intuitive and so he's got the maturity and the feel for the ball and now they hurt and understanding them and then the regime to carry a remedy for its new america's deadliest with david that he's become famous for
what you're talking about that some americans felt about that people talk about that when he has always talked about education being the great equalizer or leveling the playing field has talked about opportunity he's talked about the haves and the have nots i think the name of two americas involved during the camp i mean in particular the underlying foundation and there are eighty five well everybody in north carolina would answer that yes we are very pleased with where years and indeed there is a sense as i travel the state of north carolina in particular unhappiness and need for change a desire for change and somebody who grew up in a small town took advantage of public education and it's risen to some of the highest levels in america the american dream somebody coming from a senator south carolina rob is north carolina if they can do it that's how are all of us
will be allowed to be because he's got such energy he's got such ability to connect with people people all races across the northeast the community as it were in a not a race war as an artist or an engine helping us look back at conventions and campaigns this week are michael beschloss richard norton smith and professor lynn it's been a short time this convention will hear from john edwards and you don't have listen to a john edwards belong to hear that he was the son of a mill worker and grew up in a small town is running on biography is pretty traditional part about things that are
often are very proud yeah it is elements so you know i think it's hard and it's hard because you know this is what's happened in the past for instance john kennedy ran in nineteen sixty was forty two years old youngest ever to when people said her two younger to experience didn't know much about him and his backers say doesn't matter is a warrior and he said for years the service united states at war for the last ten years in the house and senate that helps the other thing is that when you're someone as little known even to this day the public
as john edwards and helps to fill it by saying this is a guy who did a wonderful thing for themself out on mill a small town really achieving success of the american dream that's a wonderful revolver people who might otherwise a psychiatrist national experience business seventy five years is the senate a different level that i don't think it's so i think it's a relatively rich desirable ones what's going on is a biography about what we just we just saw this is the creation of the political consultant says that every candidate has to have a story a narrative to connect with voters who they think is interested in an agenda it is partitions
that was sixty it's basically a railroad lawyer for years that didn't sell his family said his estate rolls chicken up with rails against both teams were likened by then was a little bit embarrassed because he had been on the business since he was a very young man but it gave lincoln a romance to set babies not only just a railroad lawyer but someone who's honest and spent three years in salem who called himself up as i'm sure we'll hear maybe this evening someone will say john edwards is the rags to riches story has a very compelling one in the story of america and what's interesting is that this is their rags to political accomplishments story reaches part generally gets left out of the jimmy carter portrayed himself as a simple peanut farmer from georgia rather than an actor business man who is there to million dollar family business but it's a
compelling story but what a different bill clinton until the democratic convention tonight in it to clinton's pollsters found that many americans thought that clinton had come from a rich family attended oxford the night of his nomination there was that film done by his friends tom watson's that will restore the man from hope with grownup defended his mother against his alcoholic stepfather gave him the legend about them a lot is the word that's what american politics are and the different moving in the direction of it's not about ideas about the issues we want that point i think the last three days we've heard a lot touchy feely have a fuzzy feel good spirits for the two candidates is going to be nominee this week there are only about nine years apart we've heard so much about john kerry's vietnam news service and john edwards is the first candidate for national office too young for vietnam on really from two different generations
of things so really i mean you're not i don't think struck by that age difference so much and i think one of the things that balances is the story here is the military service they're carrying you know its repeated and i also wouldn't want to focus on it is class and social backgrounds so we're talking about two sides of a powerful story here is the story of a vietnam veteran and also the story of social mobility which i think is more in an american election that's the reality and america and it's one that's because too many people i don't think they are from two generations but i think they are being presented as if they're from two generations three <unk> one you get two it's a very shrewd attempt to project complimentary to different images and we will see that that sometimes it works john f kennedy really exploited that fact evolved what eisenhower
fields president of american history and administration a lot of people perceive the audience will bring all these young voters with it it didn't work for reasons having nothing to do with willie cycle turns quickly i can help obama last night heard the broad obama in a way john edwards and what i don't get back to you thank you very much ray as sir richard was talking about that these two men were not really of the ugly a lot about the jet that generation their friends both mark and david said i disagree what you disagree with the regents said they really have to listen john john kerry's class of nineteen sixty six which was a different periods different timing was formed by different experiences to sample experience in the vietnam war and his exposure to draft the military draft experts up until nineteen sixty six three out of four college graduates jim
served in the military john edwards came two different background actually true became a different time was over the day he did face i would love to have the time for richard jury but her remark you don't have time now because we're about to go to the podium where retired lieutenant general claudia kennedy the first woman the army to become a three star general he is about to introduce retired general john shalikashvili former chairman joint chiefs of staff general kennedy herself very interesting life story she was the first woman ever ever promoted the three star general in the army she was in the army for thirty years so much of that in the fields of intelligence and crick crick college aid she was deputy chief of staff for intelligence he retired from the military in the year two thousand ninety nine nine she wrote a sexual harassment charge against another general who was about to be elevated to army inspector general those those charges were substantiated that led to another general return it and now she's introducing
john shalikashvili at this democratic national convention is a former general so i mean can really also has an interesting story in the public and the us who are sixteen seventeen peoria illinois jaffe in nineteen fifty eight scariest first came to this enormous energy of democracy in action when i do have stayed here as a political thicket rather i'm here as an old soldier and a new democrat because i believe strongly
that john kerry john edwards on the right choice for american security and the right choice for america and the dangers terrorists attack all year low and they continue to strike around the world and the greatest danger before us is that these terrorists will somehow get their hands on weapons of mass destruction and if that were not enough some nations continue to threaten regional stability what pursuing their own nuclear ambitions which second all of us what's artist campaign john kerry has shown time and again that he understands these dangers and at least fully prepared for the challenges ahead
he notes that the june it's a platoon the most significantly strengthened protection bureau and it must not be again allow ourselves to be distracted from the relentless pursuit of these terrorists at this very moment as we need here thousands upon thousands of our brave troops are deployed in afghanistan and in iraq in a protracted and bloody struggle still of the us army applauded around the world upholding the cause of freedom and representing what is the very best about america
and you know john kerry was the flowers worn these worldwide military deployments these is the oldest writing our military and particularly our army and that unless you're free sharply increase the size of the army and restructure it a new capabilities needed in this new war against terrorism we'll be returning to the days of the army and john kerry has also made it crystal clear that no matter how strongly might be success in the war on terror well in bringing peace and stability to afghanistan and to iraq will likely include acts unless we bring friends and allies thought was i thought what if i put a long hard work of
reconstruction we must do this not because we need some bodies approval when the act to protect our security but because we are more affected than friends and allies stand by al assad has yet to share the risks and the opportunities there is absolutely no doubt that capable allies and strong alliances of today more important dollars security than ever before i i am no stranger to war before i was ten years old i had lived through the brutal occupation of poland the country of my birth and the total destruction of my hometown in the nineteen
forty four saw years later like john kerry and so many other young americans i participated in a very different kind of the war in a rice paddies in the jungles of vietnam and still later at the end of a desert storm when saddam hussein with unbelievable brutality turned against the shorts i was asked to lead an international operation stop the dying and the misery and the return home some seven hundred thousand kurds and what was left of the villages and helps i i know moral law and the story with others like john kerry
and believe that we must go to war only only when all other efforts to restore the result of a threat to us and only then only then we're going to war becomes absolutely necessary then going to go with a force all its use force the size of a novel without a comprehensive plan for how to secure the peace when the military well
on the bright side of america mr colbert from its earliest states has been a land of congress opportunity and economical and nobody around the world this is the america at the charts you an idea and that we defend and that is the amount that john kerry really the piano as a private in basic training i've always been enormously proud to be an american soldier in my eyes the truth when owning my eyes there's no i have a title and for thirty nine years i had the great privilege to serve in the company of such year olds ordinary men and when was selfless service and
courage and love of country if they just extraordinary nation of art in places in places like abu in kandahar includes three others now writing their own page the glorious history of american fighting men and women they thought and they lead into many alumni and all they ever asked in return was that really that well
trained for the tasks and it work properly and give him enough men and material so no matter what they will always have a novel or get the job done and to protect themselves and their bodies and the only other thing they ask is that when we send them into harm's way we take care of the families here back home the pedestal un high as so incredibly blessed down men and women such as these law prepared to lay down their lives for that month and so
from here in boston were the first patrons stood up for free in it as do as americans as democrats as modern day patriots i ask you to stand up for our troops and get another rousing round of applause at the polls by this evening he was actually believe that no one but the more resolute in defending america
the one pursuing terrorists then john kerry and that no one would be more still in bringing allies back to our site but i tell you john kerry cannot do it alone you here tonight and all those things you represent have to be equally committed to give you a total supporter john kerry and john edwards and how you have to give them that support and legit here tonight so that they can ensure that our own forces remain the strongest the best lead the best trained and the best that the world i believe and john kerry
as a young man he did this conference call to service when the country a policy because he commanded in combat they did so with bravery and great distinction and so you know some experience tremendous responsibility to his troops and so he stands with our troops and with their families and that is why i am standing with john kerry i think fifty years ago was drafted into the army and they end up in the top man michael beschloss what does history tell us about how politics and generals ministers in the case of the first president george washington who was a rather famous general and the wage in missouri but woven into our dna that generals make good presidents although not many generals have a presence but at least military to
see our heroes on san juan hill what eisenhower who was drafted to become president in nineteen fifty two when it becomes a sort of a shorthand for two things and patriotism and that's one reason why parties always want to be possible a candidate with a war record another thing is that more democratic since the time of george mcgovern in nineteen seventy two for whatever reason the democrats have been accused of being soft on national defense and a strong record like john kerry's elves mcgovern when he ran in nineteen seventy two and i remember that jim went to see lyndon johnson on the ranch during the summer of seventy two and johnson said any uprising where you worked in george clooney's bombing missions over europe wide it emphasizes mcgovern never did talk today says teacher i have to stand up
for the democrats and the troops in the field the brave men and women of america there are things that policymakers and the direction of that war in washington and that is a political vulnerability for the democrats i think going into this decision from the right on this issue richard norton smith picking up and going backwards on what michael said is the democratic party primo govern was it still always say not always saying but predominantly seen as a kind of a nonmilitary non national security party no effect on the country you think of franklin
roosevelt of the great reward to remember harry truman was a man who since declared it was harry truman who committed this nation audience to a struggle against communism first to contain it and north korea and over time we have gone on to lead to the extinction of communism so this is a relatively recent development certainly out in the late sixties going on vietnam on the mcgovern candidacy and subsequent democrats have the problem this is an attempt to neutralize that lingering perception to just keep in mind the real limitations as well from a military background at the polls if heroic service in uniform was enough elected president bob dylan the finishing his second term and of a failure to wear urine their country's uniform colors of a liability bill clinton would not be dedicating his presidential library this fall alumni ellen fitzpatrick what would you have it that i mean i think one of the interesting aspects of this is the lab that there often
is between oh lord and the election of a president who in a sense was produced by that war we certainly i'd have the example of dwight eisenhower who didn't immediately be cut was elected president immediately if years go by revolutionary war produced george washington the civil war produced by grant and the vietnam war wars of the late twentieth century korea and vietnam at night yet produced a prisoner and yet of the vietnam war was a tremendously important we're going to now we're going to feature speaker this evening for a few inches below a vice presidential nominee john edwards this is a family affair his wife elizabeth will interviews and she's about to be introduced to the convention by their twenty two year old daughter kate that's in
it i can tell you that i'm proud style that's the people that made our home a place to see people who makes served our country as a land of opportunity and possibility my data is the next vice president a plane flies my mom elizabeth laird jackson eventually they retired now a young woman about to announce the real world have one bottom and i can win the white house is my mother's well done all right it's a ten phenomenon has really done it all says when a star la scene and pta member a successful attorney i think it's a public servants and an insular and above all a mother who's always there for us
the pen i have because of the ways he lets them with a strike of inspires the currents could carry time with a kind of like it's our front door opened and her family and friends close and the optimism that keeps her joints to my father at the heart and as i made it easier to look at the heard in the world and the challenges around us simply turn away but we raised our parents really differently is my mom and my dad and that's my point they're built for exploring the possibilities and see whether my mom's favorite on their belt believe that further stories reachable from here my mom sees got so it's your home and watch our hearts and silk join my father and
bring hope to america and see if the next second lady of the ninth day for the sea rather than a k in addition her mother kate is twenty two years old who just graduated from princeton with a degree in political economics now funding her mother elizabeth kate graduated high school a pledge to play soccer basketball and salt fall into the most viable players senior year of high school and softball now this is her mother elizabeth edwards plays the daughter of a career navy pilot patients met in law school at the rick perry robert edwards john and i have been truly blessed with a beautiful and strong family and
request to by you our great democratic family you have no idea how great you all look right here right here for jargon from eight we started last january criss crossing america talking that halbert determination invasion and optimism we can end the injustice of two americans and this january it's then again when we move to great friends to great americans john kerry and teresa heinz kerry into sixteen hundred the prison here at well over tyranny and tragedy and she will be the most generous first lady in history of this country i am so honored the family
as john kerry within the navy and fell with my father it was traveling around the world living on navy bases but i always knew i was home when i saw the american fly like time hearing my father thought this tension like john kerry he was decorated risking his life and her service much rather have another thing in common with john kerry and with so many of the uniformed men and women across this country and around the world he has the right stuff it's been right laughing only to serve its community he was the driving force behind to after school centers that meet the needs of young people he was santa claus to needy families and when that wasn't enough to an entire inner city child care center you know even those dashing in a santa suit
in human activities did what so many americans to giving up her weekends and evenings to coach young people and basketball and soccer and his church of urban ministries in his prayer groups and for twenty years in his work fighting for those who could not fight for themselves it never mattered probably opponent it never mattered how entrenched the interest of the cause was just and his voice was needed he was there announcers the great state of north in many ways using his intellect and his eloquence his flock to improve our health care choices and to protect our environment and he called attention to the threat of terrorism before september eleventh
and our primary the smartest toughest sweetest man i will celebrate twenty seven years of marriage the way we always do at twenty four seven it's not really it's been kind of the reason that i'm here i married him because he was the single most optimistic person but i have ever known you know that was a brighter day head even as he spoke the floors and blackmail as a high school student email if you work hard enough he could be the first in his family to go to college he knew that he get out of work and can't tell anybody i have lawyers to find justice and he continued that might be more suited for registered
with one simple goal to make the opportunities that america available to all americans we deserve leaders who allow their faith and morals for our faith and moral or draws closer together not drive us farther apart we deserve leaders to meet her life and fight for our bus my rock my love and your next vice president crystal clear now john edwards of north carolina many with warnings remained really read it were any more than senator south carolina at fifty one years old this is just now finishing his first term united states senator ran for the senate in nineteen ninety eight for your
letters following some medical malpractice cases the edwards family will now be introduced to carry families have a little more timely interviews you've been david you've traveled a lot with it he always suspected to let this is amanda gm may disagree over the last thirty years it's going to get
in the way just how many employers would you carry it with everybody you know we rented and so the story is the ceo of the yuan would say as for the men to live there and their children as well reported that they didn't they have four children a mother father who does not want to live in a player mistaking
that was for their firstborn way he died in nineteen ninety six to sixteen you got in an accident and still wears today as simply an endlessly sorry that we go jonathan and so i feel like a man that love my life at my side both of us have been blessed with or extraordinary children way gay you were for all the mclaren fact we are having such extraordinary power myself and my family at this debate about why how great was theresa heinz a
peek laws the pudong me that i carry in my family responsibility opportunity for everybody utah that there's dignity and honor and a hard day's work you job always look out for our neighbors had never laid down any body and treat everybody with respect those of the it's
been to pay elixir as bleak all the talk about our next president for those who want to know without a leader until they all had taken back about thirty years when john kerry graduate from college we volunteer for military service volunteer economy had not volunteered at work when the most dangerous cities in vietnam as a result he was willing to get on record as a bow yet a question about what he's made up just been re minutes with them in his art
with him dan stay with him now they thought was released later they saw him reach into the river paul one of his men to safety inside his life they saw him in the heat of battle make a decision in a split second to turning around driving through an enemy position and chase down the enemy to say this or decisive strong is this not what we need at the mandarin the crew we're we hear a lot of talk about bags where i come from you don't get somebody they will have to use that word the political way judge the values that their lab doing so when a man volunteers to serve his country a man volunteers and
puts his life online land brothers that's a man who represents rail american values it's business the american people say they make america stronger at all and more respected in the world john is a man who knows the difference between writing law he wants to serve new york offices fell and that is why we must and we will elect the next it's been in the last few months john's been traveling around the country talking about this positive optimistic vision for america talking about this plant in
this country in the right direction what we say relentless negative attacks in his jaw so so in the weeks ahead we know what's coming now more negative attacks artists as they are doing all they can he thanked the campaign for the highest office in the land down the lowest possible run with this is where you come and between now and november the the american people you can reject his tired old politics of the past and instead i am i am here tonight very simple reason because i love
my country and i have every reason to love my country i had grown up in the bright light that i grew up in a small town in rural north carolina place paul robinson my father he worked in mailer's life and i still read them were deadly the men and women who work in that mill with him and seance on their land their hair salon that greece on the places they work hard and it's not the little money away so today kids grandkids and have a better life but they just liked the autoworkers the office workers the teachers and the shopkeepers on my states all across this country my mother had a number of jobs she worked at the post office and she and i thought it could have health care she own role small business to refinish carter to help pay for my education i have had set incredible opportunities in my life i was blessed to be the first person in my family to be able to go to college i worked my way great and i had opportunities beyond my wildest and the
heart of this campaign your campaign campaign is the bank's europe all americans at exactly the same catalogue ms bisbee i have spent my life fighting for the kind of people that i grew up with or two decades i stood with kids and families against big hmo some big insurance companies when i got to the senate after all those same fights against a washington lobbyist and the pauses like the patients though writes i stand here tonight ready to work with you a jaunt to make america stronger and we have much work today because the truth is we still live in a country where there are two different americas
one one for all those people who have lived the american dream and don't have to worry and another for most americans everybody else we struggle to make ends meet every single day it doesn't have to be that way we can build one america we can build one america where we no longer have to have healthcare systems what their families to get the best health care money can buy one for everybody else rationale by insurance companies drug companies major most native americans have no health coverage at all it doesn't have to be that way we have a plan that we have a level overall americans the same health care that a senator a week to get the tax breaks to help you pay for your health care and when where in office we will sign a real places will rise in the law we
said no the public school systems in this country want the muslim communities and one for everybody else none of the school in the quality of a child's education to be careful about where they live with you lots of the community they live and it doesn't have to be that way we can build one school system that works for all markets gives them a chance to do what they're capable of going i will reform our schools and raise standards we get our schools the resources that they may we can provide incentives put our best teachers in the subjects in the places where we've made him the most and we can ensure that three million children i was a place to go when they leave school in the afternoon we get this together john kerry about the way that we should have two different economies in this country one for people are set for life they know they get it when it's going to be
just fine and they won for most people live paycheck to paycheck yawning may explain this to be do you you know exactly what i'm talking about they say that in my game at every brand new bag is to pay bills you know what happens if something goes wrong the other child gets sick the financial problem the layout of the family go run out the killer and when that happens was the first thing that goes your dreams it doesn't have to be that way we can straighten and lift up your family your agenda is our agenda so many instances that bars we can create good paying jobs in this country and yet we're going to get rid of tax that accompanies who are outsourcing your job this real investment on the future and the
technology and innovation to ensure that america's days ahead of the competition and women do this because john understand the job was about more than they care about dignity and self respect hard work should be valued in this country so we're going to reward we're not just well we don't want to give me some specifics to help pay for your health care and health care reform it's a couple thousand dollars on premiums will help cover the rising cost of childcare with attacks up to a thousand dollars so that you didn't have a place to go when your work that their safety and well taken care of your job as your job to be the first in your family we're going to give you a tax on four thousand dollars
everyone was thinking one day well i wanted a hunger for now to be very clear about this we're going to keep and protect the tax cuts for ninety eight percent of americans and ninety eight percent were the role that we have a role that the tax cuts for the wealthiest americans we're gonna close as many as we did also there's nothing about thirty million americans live in poverty every day and here's why we
shouldn't just talk about what do something about the millions of americans who live in poverty because of his role we have a responsibility in a country of our wealth than our prosperity we have children going to get hungry we have children who don't have a place to keep them warm we have millions of americans who work full time every day to support their families working for minimum wage still live in poverty its role these are bearded women and their families it's been the peninsula that's one one candidate when
johnson white house because we raise the minimum wage would have a finished job on welfare reform and we had a great arrangement paying jobs to the places where we made him the most about doing all those things were gonna say no or abhor any american working full time and living in poverty not a christian three guys talk about a lot about really thought about why we need to be a one america because i like many of you i
saw plus what having to marriage decision having to america's ended our country that was very young us all the ugly face of segregation discrimination i saw young african american kids being sent out there is in movie theaters i saw white only silence owned restaurant doors and let encounters i feel such an enormous personal responsibility when it comes to issues of race and equality civil rights and other discussions about where audiences we ought to talk about race and equality and civil rights activity that question listeners
at this truth is though it's not an outlaw what all of this law is for our children our grandchildren to be the first generations that wrote the americans no longer divided by race we must build one america we must be won america's drawing united or another very important reason because we are or none of us will ever forget where we were on september eleven we all share the same
terrible images the towers falling in new york the pentagon and flying small ring feel that's a way we share a profound sadness for the nearly three thousand lives were lost and as a member of the senate intelligence committee i know that we have to do more to fight the war on terrorism and keep the american people safe we can do that we're approaching the third anniversary of september eleventh and what gang activity when we're in office it will take three years to get the reforms and when john a surprise we will listen to the wisdom of the september eleventh commission we will lead a strong alliances will safeguard to secure weapons of mass destruction will strengthen our homeland security to protect our
ports protect our chemical plant as support our firefighters police officers to be in place we will always always use our mail very much to keep the american people safe and weight john that we will have one clear unmistakable message or alpine in these terrorists you cannot run you cannot hire we will destroy you it's been about fighting a war and he knows what our brave men and women avoid the right now in another way the war in iraq the human cost and the extraordinary heroism of this war this around since it's around this in our cities in our
towns and will win this war because of the strength and courage of our own people some of our friends and neighbors they sell their last images and buy something your last get asked that a collusion somewhat their uniform for the last time when it went out and say do you know men and women used to take care of themselves they now tell others to see them through the day they need a mother father shoot her husband price their hair there was song the stars and stripes wafer they a war hero was made for them they are the best and the brightest and they will never be left behind it's blue and they deserve a president who understands it still understands it on the bus parks a level what they've gone
through what they've given what they've given up for the country versus the real test of patriotism is how we treat them in women who have put their lives on the line to protect our values have twenty six million veterans in this country will not have to wonder when they're in office somewhere and offers whether they'll have held here next week or next year and we will take care of them because they don't take care they are right now is that its military stretched thin got more than eight hundred and forty thousand troops in iraq almost twenty thousand in afghanistan i visited the men and women there were crying as they try to give that country how to walk all those brave men and women john
put his life on the lines are and he knows that when authorities given to president much is expected in return that's why we will strengthen and modernize our military will double our special forces we will invest in the new appointment and technologies so that our military remains the best weapon the best care in the world just like our military stronger there might be sure that we can defeat any enemy in this new world a week it does this allow we have got to restore our respect in the world it is now and straightens and leads our lives as we get made it helps iraq we can assure that iraq's neighbors like syria iraq don't stand in the way of a democratic iraq we get
help iraq's economy by getting other countries to forgive their enormous debt and participate in the reconstruction we can do this for the iraq people we can do and are also and we will get this john rock a new president will bring the world to our siding with a stable rauh a real chance for freedom and peace in the middle east including a safe and secure israel and johnny not bring the world together right now we're going to work together to fight the most dangerous that we have the possibility of terrorists getting their hands on a chemical biological or nuclear weapon without that ability to store we can work with other nations to secure stockpile of the world's most dangerous weapons inside thorpe was extraordinarily dangerous material which could finish the job and secure the loose nukes in russia we can close the loophole in the nuclear nonproliferation treaty allows rogue nations access to the tools they need to develop these weapons that so we can address the new threats we face that's how we can keep you safe
and that's how we can restore america's respect around the world and together we will ensure that the image of america the image all of us will america's great shining like this beacon of freedom democracy and human rights at the world looks like there is always late it's been in the movie that every child every family in america will be safer and more secure if they grow up in a world where america is once again looked up to and respected that is the world we can create together tonight tonight as we celebrate in this fall somewhere in america a mother sits at her kitchen table she can't sleep
because she wore chic entire bales she's working hard trying to pay a rare find a favorite beards but you just can't get your didn't used to be that way in her house for husbands pollack in the dark now has been in iraq for over year i thought he was going to come home last month window is just a longer she thinks she's a lot but tonight in this hall and in your calls you know what she's got a lot of friends a piece by it has an opportunity and an equal chance to her door where they're like america stronger now so that she can get it it will make america respected in the world again
so that we can worry i'm all an american soldiers killed at war in iraq where this war on terrorism along so when your journal some not us about overweight work the late shift you tell her focus on the way says it still be a good idea you don't they'll vote is all to live when your parents' car to take their medicines going to the route that they keep up you tell them and when you met rebels pieces of dollars worked hard and she was to get a college you tell her why and when you saw a dollar he's serving his country heroically in iraq
when you wake up and you're sitting at the kitchen table with a fierce and you're talking about the great possibilities in america your kids should know that johnny napoli to our poll that tomorrow can be better than today like all of us have learned what lessons in my life to the most important are the first there will always be hard i could struggle we can make people live with the second is the people of good and strong will it make a difference was a sad lesson the others inspired we are americans and we choose to be inspired we choose hope over despair possibilities over problems optimism over cynicism we choose to do what's right even when those around us and say you can't do that we'd used to be inspired the gals we know we can do
better because this is america where everything is still possible over a period of a lady is that we said never let down any body we are live people out we don't believe in terry people apart we believe and bring him to gather what legal a wobbly visit the family you're born into and the color skin and our hair should never control your destiny join us admiral and three senator john edwards carolina
speaking as the almost nominate democratic party for vice president though it happened tomorrow john kerry later this evening will be officially nominated as a presidential nominee mark shields and david brooks are here in a primary john edwards is being run by his family he introduced her mother in law that's a mclaren was said to get more than the edwards joined the precarious worrisome times carries
you could see that very well that is a very great america to pay for what your first impressions griffin i certainly significant for john edwards he has a minimum of two thousand it was not as a game than russia speech i thought at times it was affected most effective as we did cause slowdowns and he spoke as he does so movingly about wright's sermons especially especially
when he talked about his part about the people who work hard and get ahead and move our country forward work it is still a party that long i think that's the sort of the message of this year when he delivered most effectively i think it was a good speech but it was a john edwards best of our kitchen table well so if you read this that it was this message that you know there were several messages
obviously i'm speaking with the thing being john edwards message he delivered during the campaign on the song another word for his own nomination or is he incorporated john kerry doesn't reveal servers of various very insulated <unk> said that that's sort of the weakness of the next night unfurls its citizens than the word government what would you agree with david that this is a kind of john edwards john kerry entire iowa just an answer to a lot
of john and i's in places that they were not members of a different generation for example when i did a little message the
gas it's bad i'm renee montagne that's right
at the rally for months now what i thought about it but building an america that is stronger at home and respected in the world about the religious creating a real demand for health care provided millions of evil energy independent and most importantly it starred on display tonight with a parade of generals and admirals and support john kerry as commander of the contrary to make security a priority they
tell people with heart and where he was elated a really bad about telling people about john kerry who we are where you come from and what he believes in aurora colorado and an army with a week on the good thing you are involved in you know what i will literally going to bring that method of building a stronger america and every one of you when we heard everywhere are for you but we are told when you were asking in what mine was answering the business of the convention is not over tonight they are now going to start to roll call for the official nominating process of the selection of john kerry as the party nominee in the year two thousand for four presidents based plant is that alabama of course is the first ad will immediately pass massachusetts in massachusetts of course john kerry's statement again and then it will go through the roll call
and it at the moment it would start with and we won't we will go to that and that at the beginning of that in the meantime a rapid clear with our votes from closing thoughts on the need for mark shields david brooks and michael beschloss and ellen fitzpatrick michael woody year olds and not worry about tonight obviously a line of john edwards over with little july without charge and then you know talking about the last couple of days and both on air and often don't know whether this convention were very absent was how sharper than i was a big departure from that i think it was going to be on for about six minutes and that was the text of his favorite a one in one long diversion a very even attack on the bush administration went further left most prestigious record this week so i guess the answer there is that everyone just one person does something like that it does get a lot of attention
but more important obviously worried for months alone i wanna get john kerry i liked it was that some of our centers like mainly involved in washington from rich families wouldn't be able to understand working people john edwards did what vice presidents do these days late so in a way that i might one rhetorical point you make sure the boat i think i don't know what it was wittingly or unwittingly he from two recent vice presidential speeches oh my goodness now warren's in ninety two dick cheney able people in two thousand who said that what was on the way but help is on the way a lawyer whether that was conscious or not but the other thing was about or very successfully tracked down say about george bush the older and then well it's time for them to go the audience chanted along with her very effective then i thought was going on they're about to start the year
are you ready to nominate the next president of the united states i think that yes we will now begin the roll call with the two thousand and four democratic national convention in alabama thank you every delegation david you know as they
do massive he says a massachusetts you have one hundred and twenty one votes madam secretary my name is jim carrey i'm here with my sister diana we know that when it is on the longing there's nobody we want by our side we're at our brother the people of massachusetts we probably one and mrs higgins the roll call it will take an hour ago or so
to go through all the states that is alice from on by the way these presiding over this is the sect jerry of the democratic party tend to be the wife of jack gerard longtime political reporter for the baltimore sun still acting writing know either in yawn he also appeared on television as on the front of all of us who do journalism kind of things in washington are let's go back to her up to where we were a richard norton smith oh you heard what michael had to say about that what tonight was all about what you think of that body that happen and they surprised i was more impressed with the speech that either read mark or david press because i haven't heard him as often i was in the speech in a lot of ways this was classic democratic populism in line with fdr's forgotten man four years ago when weird al gore talk about the people versus the powerful
and john edwards has a different formula for that it's to americans but it's very interesting he knows the difference between indignation and anger and he has this very impressive capacity to a level of damning indictment against those he is criticizing and yet so that the language almost reagan asked about optimism about hope about the future it's it's it's a very very present performance not let it get him to succeed across the long haul it presupposes that there is a critical mass of undecided voters who by you know the argument the classic populist argument that there are two americas and the millions of americans are in fact being victimized by the powerful he did not take you years ago venus see if it works is for they were due to napa convince the majority of the people of that day that it exists we don't think that things i'm not sure they do here and even heat tonight for example he was probably going to last
ninety eight percent of the end of the bush tax fb
The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
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Democratic National Convention
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Duration: 01:00:00;00
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Chicago: “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,” 2004-07-28, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 12, 2024,
MLA: “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.” 2004-07-28. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 12, 2024. <>.
APA: The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from