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fb thank you again for being here i would now might think is the co chairman of the commission frank gehry captain parker good evening ladies and gentlemen on behalf of the commission on presidential debates and i join with jennifer allen welcome will hear this is the second of the three debates that the commissioner sponsoring in this election cycle first one of course being last week in hartford ct and vice presidential debate and weeks from tonight the final debate between the presidential candidates which would take place in san diego california a lot of work hard work that goes into putting on something like this and while certainly wanting to thank our staff which follow my will appropriate time we really want to expand our thanks to the people of the tampa bay area to the people of st petersburg some of whom you're going to be hearing from just a few years they've done a
remarkable job i guess to the position where you're going to be able to stay in this audience tonight but walking is to vet candidates put before the american people they're doing for the future of this nation so again i welcome you and now like the microphone over to my my dear friend and colleague who eight years ago it helped establish this at the former chairman of the democratic national committee spoke her questions very much gentlemen welcome to another great night for democracy let me say first a lot of people to thank you in this audience but there also some special people to thank you are on the stage and behind the scenes you met janet brown we didn't really have a chance to thank or the way he should be thanked the heat it's the one that really
first saw the kind of spirit that existed in this community and how do our color commissioned this is where we should come listen for tonight so the jet to set the most all of this commission and behind the scenes bob kasten with the governors to reject that the pope we dine tonight and a very important meeting to hear the issues debated between two young outstanding public servants to debate the issues of the day and get a sense of what the future will be like in the course of the campaign you hear a lot of that in a lot of different ways to deliver a message that the voters in nineteen ninety two told us that the debates with the single most important for education reform in the american democracy so about very proud of me continuing with our mission as the commission and frankly we are proud of our
decision to come here in the tampa bay area and a saint petersburg as we all that community is that we chose this is the first site for debate in this region in selecting sites you look for those regions or communities who have that collective so that can do spirit and who dated david of rising to the occasion to bring together the public and the private sector working in partnership to highlight the best assets and facets of of the city that is why we're here in st petersburg part of our choices and we're proud to be here and the people who made it possible that people work in partnership every day and you're about to hear a few reports from them before we get the minute that leading off in the public sector the chief executive of the city of st petersburg please welcome meg david fincher
thank you very much and welcome to st petersburg city of roughly twenty five thousand people along the shoreline and stay for a few things right now like changing image of us were a lot younger than you think three decades three decades it's the dark arts at all from the mid fifties to the thirties ross ornaments are america's as major league sports football we're talking with soccer in nineteen ninety eight think this verbal wants the newest member of the major league baseball the tampa bay devil rays they can't leave basketball plans nineteen ninety nines this year's host the final four and two the women's basketball crime
what so not a sports but also our cultural center and i know that you visited the city four years ago or your parents did to my thoughts are going into a dress shop here and taken out a lot of political lingo on a thin as the us in this year well since then another long time ago we have wonderful museums in the city and that revenue in after museum as opposed to the artifacts from russia egypt and right now alexander the great from greece were to say we're a city of surging neighborhoods city and state it's quite beautiful to the matter is the last four years we've landscape the city more than we have the last four decades i would like my response is that helps st petersburg host this event especially at and t but also like to thank the commission shows us and allowed us to receive hundreds of media and political people in
our city so that we could show off that we're very proud to be a host city now my characters through to another host universities and its president the peak to peak join their pitcher and also welcoming on youtube st peter's or into the west coast of florida our university hands added a valuable educational component to this debate as we haven't bought their faculty our students and our step in fact we had debate related class is going on now and all power five campuses just last saturday we hosted a statewide student forum in which all of the students from all of our nine state universities and twenty eight
community colleges are just updated i you can imagine what a fun event that was in me very much enjoy encouraging our students and listening to their advocacy for education at us that we are keenly aware are the issues in education that they sat as a community as a state and as a nation in just forty years the universe without market has graduated almost one hundred and fifty thousand students and we have grown to become the thirteenth largest university in this nation are students reflect a changing and that they're all there they were they're going to school longer they will change careers many times because of that i think it is our whole day education will continue to be a major component
in a debatable issue in this campaign it does indeed it is it and we'll have much to do with the future strength of this nation and out is my great pleasure to introduce to the chairwoman of the pinellas county commission selling art good evening and welcome to see petersburg is beautiful bay front that are in pinellas county florida were delighted to be a part of this debate when we will hear certainly a lively discussions night by two thoughtful and articulate candidate in iowa's counties convention and visitors bureau is a rather unique one in that it is apart an armored now asking the government we are we have a wonderful and viable now as candie calm convention and visitors bureau and this
debate before has an excellent opportunity to expose a lot of people to this community not only that you that are here is i guess but our viewers as well so we hope that you will come back and visit as if you don't have time to stay right now our tourism marketing research shows that ninety percent of the people are very satisfied with their experience in pinellas county and would return so i hope that it will return they can stay around this time we're very proud of our county i personally know of no other part of the country in the united states where we have been named with the best three beaches i noted beach expert at the university of maryland and of course we have lots of cultural sporting and recreational events as mayor fischer has already alluded to but perhaps the most important reason for us to lobby involved in this as a part of a house committee is that we're pleased to be involved firsthand in the political process no other single event is
as important as our presidential election to be directly involved in this historic occasion he is indeed a once in a lifetime opportunity the eyes and ears of the entire nation on st petersburg tonight and of course our vice presidential candidate al gore and jack jack him and so on behalf of the board of canna commissioners and the citizens of pinellas county i walk into this debate and now i'd like to take the opportunity to win or do skew potash executive editor of the st petersburg times thank you and on rapoport is best newspaper welcome to st petersburg and the vice presidential debate tonight's debate between vice president gore and this represents a pair of historic
firsts this is the first time that a presidential debate has come to florida and this is the first time that a newspaper has led the effort to bring the presidential debates with community there are many groups who have contributed enormously to this ever but the project began in the newsroom the st petersburg times with a single question what would take to bring a presidential debate in this community well good journalism usually starts with good questions and we see a strong connection between our customer work and this debate tonight that may sound a bit old fashioned but we regarded newspapers has its institutions of democracy who's highest purpose is to give citizens the information they need to govern themselves and their communities they can i fall squarely within that tradition and we're very pleased to play such a prominent role in a hundred and forty years at the st petersburg
times there have been many problems including five pulitzer prizes tonight we mark another historic occasion as i mentioned many groups brought their tremendous resource to the airport and i especially want to recognize three of the aarp yet the corporation and northern trust bank al welcome he's co sponsors and we commend their commitment to a robust public but there is one other person to whom we owe a great debt of credit this evening a little guy in a bow tie named nelson poynter before he died in nineteen seventy eight mr porter owns the st petersburg times and he was committed to keep his newspaper independent and whatley oh the unique structure that he set up to preserve that independence endures to this day and without it our efforts to lead this debate ever would have been
unthinkable thank you must have one for your legacy of public service and journalistic excellence they guide us and inspire us today as we turn the stage or not the candidates we take great pride in the world that makes their present possible and we think that mr blatter would be very proud to thank you the pope and then the pain to
peek into print thank you and now asking of outstanding choices i like to actually to welcome the moderator of this debate is that jim lehrer now all everybody was gore was it were you do on a particular us now many of you will were in the audience and art lenny kaye thank you very much i knew there was the finest audience the
burden hammer president now how many of you want to be a part of it cellular and now i'm going to do it does make the same pitch and the same deal with you all that i met with them and that is it goes like this just a quick reminder about what this is all about this is not the candidates are not common here so i can show acting and clever and smart i am or have partisan and let you all can be they're coming here to talk about what matters in this election we are the privileged ones to be in the hall with them and lets go i will not
joe hackett clever i am a tribe if you will not show how latin partisan you know it's going to be hard i understand because most of you all here are parts are part of a political family about the personal family this is not the place to build trust billy bob voters there today and handed me the question say hon candidate a good precedent that's not that was weird a sellout if you and more noise there is the more disruptive it's good debate it's gonna walk on the main business okay and r and pace of his chair i've got momentum of bacteria that this chairs levels and i'll turn around and humiliate you stop and they think about how awful that we asked dr david i turn around and humiliated in front of everybody never known in your life
you're all watching iraq now this is serious business now there's a couple times when the applause is not only permitted its welcome and that's in a few minutes when they when the two candidates come out the kids could come out in the right eye for the order to come out on the side and oshea can't go to a podium when they come out that before we go on the air feel free to walk and then at the end feel free to walk but everything in between let's that that's not ok and out for all the obvious reasons of the harvard down there there's a harvard standard anatomy now we can do the st petersburg standard and right race it just a tiny bit more i don't know i have no complaints about art that i was delighted about that i've been told that somebody has a cellular phone there's work and terminal until you can hear it because what that does is there's an awful lot you can see an awful lot of
communications going on around here so well somebody has different offers cellular phone if you have it's okay to have a deal how the other candidates will be out in a few minutes and then it said panama days young go and talk among yourselves help you use silence i was a man here for a few minutes and i'm ok and not up here you appear you to silence after the candidates come and apple the candidates commando be about a minute fifteen a little lesson that in about a minute or two and then head straight up nine o'clock and that were killed along the air in a minute fifteen after that i will say that evening for that camera and we're in business and at nine o'clock i was a quiet please do it on okay the jaw to prevent them to do which one of the right now going out of the vacuum and
i did
now to
pay a lot at no and then a minute thirty nine and remember it now while in
school near now about a minute fifteen after that i'm developing and we're in business on one minute and nine ce
is right let's you all of you all the un moment living room are you doing the police by
the police business berlin they've name from the might have a theater in the bay prawn center in st petersburg florida on july era of the news hour on pbs in nineteen ninety six vice presidential debate victory vice president al gore the democratic nominee and jack kemp the republican nominee this event is sponsored
by the commission on presidential debates the rules and format has drawn and agreed to by the two campaigns are on was almost identical to those of the presidential debate last sunday night in hartford it is nine minutes long the candidates are not permitted to question each other directly i will ask the questions were no limitations on the subject there will be a ninety second answer a sixty second bottle and a thirty second response to each question and with the help of some whites i will help the candidates abide by those the order for everything was determined by a coin toss there will be three minute closing statements but no opening statements shall we go now to the first question and the game so supporters of senator dole have expressed disappointment over his unwillingness in hartford sunday night to draw arsenal and ethical differences between
him and president while ninety seconds i can clear my throat jim bob dole and myself do not see al gore and bill clinton as we see them as our opponents as the greatest democracy in the world people are watching i want not this country but all over the world as to how this democracy can function with civility and respect decency integrity bob dole is one of those men is serving ice states and his public life is a public record he am one on the battlefield and he has worked with democrats republicans in my opinion it has been able to go after anyone where abraham lincoln put it best when he said you serve your party best by serving the nation's first and i can't think of a better way of serving his nation in nineteen ninety six and by like an old
president of the united states of america these issues are fully capable of being understood and reflected upon by the american people this is a democracy which we have the three is for us in the greatest first amendment rights in his treatment i bought and i respect that these issues will be airing they'll be aired with dignity and respect and that ultimately lead to the american people to make up their minds about close to be the leader of this country in the twenty first century thank you mr lehrer and i'd like to thank the people say here's byrd for being such wonderful hosts my family are very glad to be here and i would like to thank jack out for the answer that you just gave i think we have an opportunity tonight to have a positive debate about this country's future i'd like to start by offering new deal attacked if you won't use any football stories
i want tell any of my warm and humorous stories about forero for carbon dating i get it what i do i talk about tonight is bill clinton's was the plan for america's future we have a plan to balance the budget while protecting medicare medicaid education and the environment creating millions of new jobs including one million new jobs in america inner cities i'm excited about the chance to talk about this plan and even more excited about the chance to work on it if you the people of this country will give the bill clinton the privilege of doing so for four more years i really had only differences with the bill clinton president clinton and vice president gore foreign policy and domestic policy our foreign
policy is at their one confusing it is sending strong signals throughout the wrong people and we have learned over the years that weakness is provocative the domestic economy is not doing what it can do issa president waiver of our capacity but the lively we can do a lot better but the potential of the american people to lift themselves up and not at the lights controlled by the united states government in washington and vice president what do you see as the political philosophy their consulate general way between you and president clinton on the one hand but senator dole is the differences are very clear we have a positive plant based on three principles we will provide opportunity for all americans we insist on responsibility being accepted in turn by everyone and we want to strengthen our communities and their ability to support families and individuals in our common effort to create a bright future here's how we plan
to do that we have a balanced budget plan that has targeted tax cuts for middle income families we've already given tax cuts the fifty million of the hardest pressed working families in america are planned for the next four years features a one thousand five hundred dollars tax credit for the hope scholarship for tuition at community college junior college or college a ten thousand dollars tax deduction for college tuition for those who go further so that in essence no american family will ever be taxed on the money they spend for college tuition also tax relief for first time homebuyers tax inversion and for savings and help in paying health care expenses and a tax break actually the elimination of capital gains taxes on the on the profits from the sale of a home all of this is within a balanced budget plan which protects medicare medicaid
education and the environment janice economy is over taxed over regulated to make people suing each other's to most litigation our education is not up to the standards of the american family and american people want their children and they're clearly the welfare system is a disgrace to our judeo christian principles is not the values of the poor should be called into question the values of the welfare system from washington and that it prevents people climbing out of poverty our biggest debate with his administration on domestic policy is that they think were marvelous capacity that we've raised our potential and that to a nap percent growth is enough for america frankly that's just not good enough for this country we cannot just run the clock out on the twentieth century clearly we need to lower the tax rates across the board working to save invest in i know my friend allison jazz this trickle down economics well now it has trickled on economics as van would
see young entrepreneur owns a restaurant or it has tripled and he said he would hire sixty more people if we cut the gambling debt i talk about are positive agenda for the future of a moment ago that your racial question was about the contrast the plan from senator dole mr camp is a risky five hundred and fifty billion dollars tax scheme that actually raises taxes oh nine million of the hardest press working families would blow a hole in the deficit caused much deeper cuts in medicare medicaid education and the environment and not are coming off track raising interest rates mortgage rates and car payments we stop that plan before we will stop it again we want a positive plan for growth and more jobs but to come back to the political philosophy question you think there's a basic philosophy philosophy difference between the two tickets or is it about specific with both of you have talked about well it's a perfect example bob dole and
i want to cut the tax rates across the board on each and every american working saving investing and they can race in america all well as created and all the royalties generated why risk taking entrepreneur whose tax rate on capital market is way too high it's too high on the family and it's particularly july on working men and women the average family in america the median level of income probably is spending twenty five twenty six percent of their income sent to the federal government as more than shelter loaded clothing and energy this is not right has gone up in los angeles my parents were one working family one of breadwinner for family all that was necessary now if a woman want to go to work or memoirs that were you not be their choice not the joys of that wasn't easy establishment bill clinton president and al gore suggest that don't give us a tax but
only if we do exactly what they want us to do that is an america that social engineering the tax code should reflect our values and a judeo christian sects at work onstage integrity conference property and investment and savings should be rewarded in vaudeville and jack kemp are not only to cut the tax rates across the board in florida kept intact i'll be glad to talk about all that later as a non the time were to repeal the eighty three year old girl and replace a seventy nine words or flatter fairer simpler code and that is going to rein in the twenty first century this a risky tax he would blow a hole in the deficit you don't have to take my work or of time newsweek and us news and more reports businessweek eighty three percent of hundreds of economists and random survey just recently also it would blow a hole in the deficit there's another feature that i would like to hear mr can't speak about just before he joined the senator joe on the
ticket he said that the plant the part of the plan that raises taxes on nine million of the hardest working families in america was and continental that means it's wrong and it should happen i agree it is still part of the plan we believe that taxes should not be increased on those families we have a plan that cut taxes on middle income families with a balanced budget plan on nominating the deficit and protecting medicare medicaid education and the environment every time this country in the twentieth century as cut tax rates across the board revenues went up the economy grow and i am surprised at this point in his career that vice president gore and the president cannot understand it you get more revenue from a bigger pot and clearly creating more jobs reduces the social welfare tr and where it makes more opportunity for capital to be invested in our inner cities
right meow we shouldn't just tinker with a cap and tax was eliminated in the inner cities of america to put capital to work and make democratic capitalism and jobs available in our inner cities united states as vice president shared federal government affirmative action programs can continue yes president clinton address this issue when he said mend it don't end diversity is a great strength in america look around the world at other places where they have not paid attention to the necessity of promoting harmony between different ethnic racial and religious and cultural groups we ought to be very proud in our country as most americans are that we've made tremendous progress or we ought to recognize that we have more were or to do now and the first thing that we're trying to do is to create a million new jobs in the inner cities of this country with tax credits for employers who hire people who are now unemployed we are
seeking to have vigorous enforcement of the laws that or discrimination now i want to congratulate them mr camp for being a lonely voice in the republican party over the years on this question it is it is with some sadness that i refer to the fact that the day after he joined sen goals that he announced that he was changing his position and was your thereafter going to adopt senator paul's position that you and all affirmative action that's not good for our country go in and i believe but the united states of america rightist days ahead and we will see them even brighter if we promote diversity and harmony among all our people jim my position on affirmative action has been cleared ever since i left the professional football career for congress in nineteen seventy and some people think that that planted years earlier that i retired in nineteen
seventy my life has been dedicated to equality of opportunity and our democracy should provide that naughty quality of reward affirmative action should be predicated upon me not the quality of the reward not equality about the quote isn't always been against the american ideal we should promote diversity and we should do it the way bob always been talking about the new civil rights agenda based upon expanding access to credit capitol job opportunities educational joyce in our inner cities younger been moderate can't get the type of education she wants her child and ultimately it's like the ownership and entrepreneurship from public housing residents in dc some gardens and what's los angeles people and oh and that's what abraham lincoln believed when people want something of a stake in the american dream that is affirmative action in america with all due respect
i do not believe that abraham lincoln would have adopted bob dole's position in all affirmative action there's a specific measures on the ballot in california it was embodied in legislation introduced by senator dole to apply to the whole nation mr jim campaigned against them spoke against it wrote letters against it with the california to fight against it and now has endorsed it i don't think it's a minor matter i think this is one of the most important challenges that our country has to face in the future and i hope that you can will try to persuade senator dole two about mr trump's position instead of the other where one of the what is repossessed lightning rules what are you reading we have a serious problem there were really deal on this country has yet to
deal with the type of inclusion our policies is so i'm very important for americans white and why do and christian immigrant and native born to sit down and talk and listen begin to understand what it's like to come from a different perspective our country is out as the kerner commission report suggested a number of years ago was being split but they say between white and why i think this is like him not so much the white black although that's still a very serious problem we really have two economies are general economy our national economy are mainstream mainstream economy is democratic is based on incentives a small d l it's capitalism and incentives for working and saving a testing and producing end of families on the things that really lead to progress of that ladder that we call the american dream which is really universal and four julian urban america and
i was glad to hear the vice president talk a little bit about it there they've abandoned inner cities there's a socialist economy is no private housing is mostly public housing you're told where to go to school were taught what to buy with food stamps it as a welfare system that is more like a third world socialist country and what we would expect from the world's greatest democratic free enterprise system that must change it will under bob dole and jack kemp former what i said just a moment ago if it were not so he would have told the problems between races in america must be addressed the good news is we're making progress we've seen a half million new jobs created in the last four years we've seen the unemployment rate come down dramatically we've seen the african american unemployment rate go below double digits for that
first time in twenty five years and it stayed below for twenty five months in a row we had empowerment zones and enterprise community one hundred and five of them in communities all across the united states of america me tell you a story that joanne crowder in detroit she was on welfare for eight years until the empowerment zone was created there she just got a job in the new business that that launched its enterprise right and that empowerment zone we wanted to do that for millions more all across the country well with all due respect him nine empowerment zones a few little tinkering with tax credits around the country for inner cities los angeles after the riots did not even get an empowerment zone believe it or not is just unconscionable america to let one so central in east la out progress of black enterprise magazine said the single greatest deterrent to
black advancement is a lack of access to capital credit and ownership that will change we will bring line every city in the united states where there's unemployment and welfare and we will eliminate the gap again that's eliminate the tax on the wealthy mother to take a job that is the answer you're our ship and entrepreneurship to low income people based on maybe not the color of their skin as vice president if reelected what would what could we look forward to in the way of an inner city policy or second the second term before i answered that specific question let me say that we did put an empowerment zone in south central los angeles is in the form of the largest community development financial institution ever created in the united states or in any other country it is creating jobs in south central los angeles right now the congress passed a law an enterprise zone after the los angeles riots five years ago it was vetoed by the prior administration now your questions we
have a specific plan to create one million new jobs in the inner cities of america with tax credit for employers who hire people coming off welfare as we pass welfare reform now we promised to end welfare as we know it and we are implementing this new legislation we have moved one point nine million people off of the welfare rolls and into good jobs in the last four years our new plan is to have one million more jobs in the inner cities but that's not all we are also implementing the plan to put one hundred thousand community police officers in our cities we've already got twenty thousand out there we're ahead of our six year schedule is that either a year in st petersburg already on the beach he may run into one album leaving this auditorium tonight st petersburg is safer because of this urban agenda that were filed but we want the focus to be on millions more jobs and we're very optimistic
that it's gonna happen for years and there's no enterprise so there are empowerment zones but yet they were built when the mouth more want to get it you get a five thousand dollars tax credit if you hire somebody is unemployed which awarded an avid existing business the cancer is to say once again green line any area in america ad has been a red line for lack of mortgage money lack of credit and capital to say that area qualifies for no captain clint dempsey will not as what eleanor holmes norton wants to do in the district of columbia and this administration said tbilisi drop dead robin we don't want to change the legislation that would lower the tax rate and they say allow welfare mothers take a job without any tax on the first one hundred ninety percent of her income and no cap giving tax i should be done in every corner of america that would make capital flow back and you can't have capitalism now without capital you may want to get a
tax credit that won't work well we have one hundred and five empowerment zones and enterprise communities all across the united states of america and with all due respect that's one hundred and five more than were there when we came into the white house we have been implementing them in a determined way they are making a difference in about empowerment zone that i mentioned in detroit is creating jobs not only for join crowder and feels proud that she's on welfare now and we're proud of her it's creating jobs for hundreds of others and similar initiatives are working in the other empowerment zones and to give you said recently that one of the problems related to this that was that all the capital was on the heels of the white people went to me the single greatest problem in our opinion domestically in the domestic economy is this tax code eighty three years old a
relic of the cold war in a hot or inflation and depression seven eight million words long over taxes capital over taxes working men women and families clarity the gordian knot needs to be broken in one fell swoop bob dole and jack kemp says we get through this first step of cutting tax rates across the board and repealed all go well bill clinton my friend al gore defend the status quo when repeal the seven eight million words view estates and they could once and for all tax income once not twice three four and that i would confiscate your state as an acceptable we must have a tax code one of the twenty percent shrink it does not protect the establishment and his tax code does and by cutting and eliminating the capital gains by cutting eliminating the estate tax will bring in the top tax rate down to something reasonable like
jerry goes again i think the spanish in the iran and i don't think they are twenty five percent the phase that capital will flow out in the economy we would help people get access to capital small businessmen and women african american asian americans latino americans female americans they were starting businesses dana priest of the lancaster said david sachs built his bass guitarist she will open a new factory with warrior figures sixty employees in lancaster pennsylvania polka electrical down i call a niagara falls the problem with this version of niagara falls is that senator dole industry can't put the american economy in a barrel and send it over the fall because it is a risky five hundred and fifty billion dollar tax scheme that actually raises taxes on nine million of the hardest working families again <unk> him propose that and called an unconscionable now it is part of the
plan that he is supporting not only that though it would blow a hole in the deficit it would raise interest rates that means higher mortgage payments critically those with a variable rate mortgages hire car payments he would also lead to a much steeper cuts in medicare medicaid education and the environment it is extremely risky as for these harsh words i don't let them perform he said much worse about bob dole when he said bob dole never met a tax that he didn't hike he wrote about four hundred and fifty separate provisions in that coat you better check with him before you eliminate it completely maybe getting royalties dale campbell five hundred and fifty billion dollar tax cut something all was not one mention as to be you to guess the context of a fifty trillion dollar us economy output of goods and services over the next six years five hundred fifty billion dollar taxpayer in a fifty trillion dollar
economy over six years is one and a half percent and they only hold it would blow is a hole you know plans of this administration to try to tinker with the tax code and defend the indefensible it would blow up the bureaucracy that you expand the economy that's important but what about the second point is mitt a couple of times that what we need is to throw away the current president tax code right a whole new tax system you agree with that we've passed the a taxpayer bill of rights we have fought for new provisions that now make it possible to file over the telephone we're fighting for tax reforms across the board and most importantly we have a plan on the table right now to cut taxes on middle income families with several specific provisions we already cut taxes on fifteen million working families in this country with an average of about a
thousand dollars in tax relief for those making twenty five thousand dollars a year or less and for the last two years we have had middle income tax cuts on the table in the congress and they would not they were accepted by bob dole and newt gingrich because they said they would not pass them without cutting deeply into medicare medicaid education and the environment we are determined to move forward during these next four years with the tax cuts that president bill clinton has proposed here they are again a fifteen hundred dollar tax credit for tuition eighth eight ten thousand dollar tax deductions so that no family pays taxes on the money for college tuition capital gains a laminated for the sale of a home a tax break for first time homebuyers and for health care expenses and a five hundred dollars child tax credit you only get that in one
administration if you do exactly what al gore and bill clinton wants to do as not america when john f kennedy cut tax rates economy growth unemployment down would balance the budget and revenues went up and gave me the secretary treasurer john f kennedy and the deputy secretary treasury under john f kennedy into erst model plan to cut rates cut the cabbage index dallas the budget provide a five hundred dollars tax credit and clearly the plan should be let the economy to get more revenue medicare will be saved because it'll be put into a commission or both bill clinton and bob dole recognizing has to be studied by the same people that would study art yesterday i should say the social security system and say did in nineteen eighty three and eighty four but we can bring down the government but rather government spending we have to grow the economy and bob dole and jack kemp's opinion we should aim at doubling the size of the american economy in the next fifteen years under their policies
will take thirty to forty years that's not acceptable the chairman international campaign steering committee senator d'amato said that bob dole would have to cut into medicare in order to pay for this proposal but that he would wait until after the election to do the proposal to cut medicare that senator dole push before and shut down the government that tried to enact would have already raised by two hundred and sixty eight dollars the fees paid by the average couple now on medicare he tried to double the deductibles and give people whereas in return we have a balanced budget plan that protects medicare and these tax cuts that left the camp is it really possible to balance the budget without reforming rest including entitlement programs including social security and medicare or as they say it is disgraceful the campaign been raised to scare americans senior citizens
in this state and my home state of well dr goldfarb about medicare medicaid and maryland now on the amount of money spent to try to mislead the american people as demagoguery and only in the clinton white house and al gore's mine could increase in spending per capita on the senior citizens from forty eight hundred dollars in nineteen ninety six two seventy two hundred the over the next five years he considered a cut as anybody the model one was paid his life for his country who has served in the senate who helped save so says a cure we crawled out of what's on river ranch in northern italy nineteen forty five say they wanted a radio man is anybody in this country you could possibly want to move our country had and leave anybody behind of course we can balance the budget course we
have to hold down the growth in the entitlement spending but clearly you cannot now submit a gym without a growing us economy is only going to buy to air present we should double the rate of growth it was a double the size of the american economy as needs more jobs more well more income and more capital particularly for our nation's poor and those left behind mr lehrer our balanced budget plan it stands the medicare trust fund ten years into the future of commission has filed a commission would not do any good if we adopted this risky five hundred and fifty billion dollars tax schemes the word scary has been years a couple days ago i went with governor lawton chiles who is here to sarasota to the friendship senior center i talked with a woman there named dorothy war now and she said you know we may not be as sophisticated us on those people in washington but we can add and subtract here are the numbers he's adding and subtract the polls
would have already imposed an extra two hundred and sixty eight dollars on the average medicare receiving couple and what his plan would have double deductibles it would've cost an extra one thousand seven hundred dollars over the lifetime of his plan and illuminated nursing home standards and guarantees of nursing home care for seniors bill clinton prevent it from happening we will never allow that that gmo medicare is too important to senior citizens around this guy i'm free to play that type of politics is being played on this is it is lizzie eight billion dollars as we stand here tonight by the president's own trustees of medicare remembers it would serve in his cabinet it will be losing twenty three billion dollars a year of nineteen it had something must be done marvelous city suggested a commission but clearly you cannot save medicare social security or
any program for the social welfare net of american people underway says should not be allowed at all unless we grow this economy at least twice the rate is going to make that decision not scaring people there well as i said before used much harsher language when he talked about the people he said that though i'm bob dole solution for every single problem was to increase taxes he said just a two years ago that the bob dole tax increase of nineteen eighty two was the largest tax increase in history all the world but let's get to the point of medicare has been adjusted twenty three times since it was created in nineteen sixty five bob dole incidentally just brag this year that he was one of only twelve people who voted against the creation of medicare in the
first place i don't think he's even believe in advance and the plan that he promoted last year would have certainly been devastating to medicare again don't take my word for it the american hospital association said he could have closed seven hundred hospitals the catholic health association the aarp off and many other groups to pay careful attention to medicare said that the dole gingrich plan on medicare would have led to deep cuts possibly set up a two tiered system and would have ended the game the kind of medicare system that we have our plan extensive medicare ten years into the future we will always protect medicare with young the context of a balanced budget they have absolutely no plans of the president
himself suggested that the reduction in the growth of medicare over the next five or six years on to be held to six percent under the republican plan irrespective of the numbers they will grow and seven or even more present but that is beside the point what has to be discussed is how we as a nation are going to create
The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
Producing Organization
NewsHour Productions
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NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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(The beginning and end of this episode are cut off in this recording.) This episode of the NewsHour covers the 1996 United States Vice Presidential debate. Raw footage shows presenters introduce the debate to the audience before the show proper begins, with Jim Lehrer giving questions to Jack Kemp and Bob Dole.
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
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NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-5673-A (NH Show Code)
Format: Betacam
Generation: Preservation
Duration: 01:00:00;00
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Chicago: “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,” 1996-10-09, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 15, 2024,
MLA: “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.” 1996-10-09. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 15, 2024. <>.
APA: The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from