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these beans from philadelphia pbs live coverage of the republican national convention millions of the world's oil supply is due to clean energy sources this program was also made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to pbs stations from viewers like you good evening i'm jim lehrer welcome to the first union
center in philadelphia and the pbs special complete coverage of the republican national convention our entire newshour team is here again with his third night of the convention senior correspondents win idol ray suarez and margaret warner analyst mark shields involves ego perspective commentators michael beschloss doris kearns goodwin means johnson and gay games among others we will of course be going to the podium throughout the evening for speeches another major happenings when i fall from her position just off the convention floor gives us a rundown of what's planned for tonight when wealth and there will be other subjects at night actually than the economy there will be other speakers john pace if the retiring house budget chairman but the real highlight of the evening will be the nomination and the acceptance of the nomination by dick cheney george w bush's choice to be his vice presidential running mate we expect to hear from vice ms white when the vice president cheney at some point later and this evening where he will be introduced by his wife lynne cheney after he is indivisible business recent
fate as expected to focus once again on the unity in the republican party excitement is going here every night and nowhere more so than in the texas delegation were literally people are replete with excitement at this point gm wanted to say to the run up to see dick cheney if the vice presidential i'm a nation tonight and george badley what effect tomorrow night with a nice when she was injured are here with me as they've been throughout the conventions indicated columnist mark shields wall street journal columnist boldly go and paul this is this is dick cheney's migrants many ways this is the major route that the major real introduction of dick cheney as a national candidate is not sure the other time to get the senate a podium and that i am the president recently johnson tv interviews but he's so this is a big reduction for what is going to do i think is to remind people why they liked him when he was defense secretary george bush picked him because he would make a better vice president perhaps than you would a candidate and cheney has to project that same kind of reassurance and competence that said he was picked for i would expect a rip
roaring speech he said he's not the best voting speaker in the world and i would expect a partisan attack because that's not his his nature and i think it you know go against their nature when you try to give a speech like this but i am picking up where paul said republicans are not anti police say i joined gary bush picked a vice president not a running mate so there were no political considerations involved obviously that work that political consideration in a dick cheney drinks with them and grab a thousand or a certain heft politically but they are the question that he has since the night is his performance make american vote is particularly undecided voters beyond this fall an independent film as does it make them more comfortable with george bush and he starts with a great great advantages they needed changes he's better known than most was present is far better known john trent lott the senate
majority is to speak barak dennis hastert the speaker didn't speak it is an eighties but it's true you want to voice among undecided voters that's right down the middle so those little to be on the call from one of the things i would look for to indicate from his statements that he agrees and perhaps has altered some of the podium positions he's taken the past which have attracted negative attention but he agrees with governor bush on some of the more controversial is it that way too that he might reassure some people not voting record issue i betcha he skips the voting record issue altogether jacki i think he will bring enough i think mark is right he will suggest that he rather likes compassionate conservatism that somewhere they might pick a particular issue like education or something to do with what is not going to serve those other disabled child safety locks good fight with is also up for it is another gathering of news are renters in there with ray suarez all this convention week we've been hearing from our cast of perspective commentators
presidential historians doris kearns goodwin and michael beschloss and author and journalist james johnson joining them again tonight is changing is a senior fellow at the heritage foundation and director of its citizenship project she's washed delegate from virginia where she was dean of the robertson school of government at regent university well dick cheney will come to make his speech tonight but until convention two thousand we wouldn't have known for the last nine days who the republican nominee what it has is running mccain says one of the biggest changes that are coming over here to the studio there's the whole this is a tent city has a look at the convention here it never changes from convention given the huge pavilions of a building in one two three four all evil things but what used to be their friend is you didn't know there was a sense of suspense excitement when lyndon johnson was picked to be vice president nineteen sixty seven in los angeles with stunning
absolutely stunning right to the end of that contract or michael talk the other night when ronald reagan was going through his life but he was the very last minute of his nineteen eighty the precondition and gerald ford was sadly is in the hospital right now was raising himself forward as the potential broker new vice president but then that choice go up to the last minute because in part a lot of forces in the party were getting there place at the table to make an absolutely right i mean part of the reason i went to the last minute is that first one the days before the primaries took all the drama where you did know who the presidential nominee was so you can pick the vice president so you know he wasn't in what you know who he was he had to figure out what kind of he says he had to man but it's interesting that the convention planners in these modern days have to realize that this is the one thing that could be left when they need promises that if they really wanted to go the full way they could go back to when stephenson did in nineteen fifty six where he threw it open to the convention
can you imagine if they had three or four of the prospective candidates gave keynote speeches each one of these nights and then they let you know these are the solid group from which it's comic you choose on wednesday night we would watch i don't wanna give up right now india and the reality is that those of us were delegates and come to these things in what i'm actually sort of disappointed i am next the drama i like the last minute suspense and i suspect there's judges matter fact i know that there was just as much that when into the background and all the factions coming together in the decision making process to get us to the point where we are today but i would love for them to sit on that until day to three of the convention it's the only thing we have left a lot more to do it's dramatic but it's done for a reason and that as you go back to nineteen seventy two george mcgovern made his decision in the middle of the miami convention he had known that he was going to be the nominee for weeks but he made it in the middle of the convention the result was he chose thomas eagleton and only days later did emerge that eagleton had been hospitalized
three times for exhaustion or no depression have electroshock treatments later on within a short period of time the governor had to arm off taken replace him and a chance to govern had when was gone that led to this idea of an elaborate vice presidential search plus the announcement preferably before the week of the convention what wouldn't dick cheney had had a much easier past week and a half after a visit a madhouse come up tonight we'll probably pick so but at the same time if it turns out to be a mistaken you never know how the pub is going to receive a nomination of a lot of things that have been said about dick cheney that i was is that george w bush had no idea would be set about his voting record about certain other aspects of his career perhaps his health it's better to let those things play out before convention week rather than ever has ignited identity is that why they do it now not allowing it to come up with the last medicus they want control the process it's all part of not making a mistake when when bush
quayle in some ways an awful lot of these conventions was undone by having to and the question well why has made it clear he's going to do the same things ok james any any idea they were going to turn back to be aware that its long long it's going to be this way we have to give the media they're just do it in the minutes and the candidates head i think the media knows some house laughter and also georgia bush remembers bitterly how the dan quayle nominations almost wrecked his father's convention nineteen eighty eight the full week people were talking about was quail life where i was someone to have it at the draft almost overshadowed the presidential nominee's speech that almost eliminated the chance for george bush to get real traction less interested in making us excited about surprise are making historians glad that something exciting to write about then producing winning ticket that has no rebels reminded me of the nineteen fifty six a great example one of the students will
open convention in chicago and young jack kennedy came forward after last assessed sixty four there was very exciting for you couldn't do that now first of all no candidate would want a seed that role of picking the person you really walk that causes of military sales will pick up on the vice presidency in the modern era later in the program back to you thanks ray let's go back one rifle now just all the kick off the convention floor for an interview i'm here with republican national committee chairman jim nicholson who is here to talk to us a little bit about what's going on to this dimensional what's happening outside the doors of this convention while we're here with mickelson it seems that so much there's another convention going on outside the doors of the parties to fund raisers a lot of things that seem to be at odds with a lot of what's being talked about inside the convention hall think they're at odds a convention as a lot of scientists has a celebration national town hall meeting it's a place for a lot of information is passed on american television radio and the press and
so forth so i think it's a combination of things i think this convention is going wonderfully irish folk out there that night again what he called the climate action that benefits lobbyists he talked about that the forest on the claim that this way by raising the specter of so much money involved in the process who said in an interview with jim lehrer yesterday that a lot of the floor of the senate and george w bush and hopefully is elected how this whole issue campaign finance reform party's do things where there are a lot of issues to raise their price and campaign finance reform law that there should be soon we'll automate all contributions voluntary and i think we are every day we have the technology to post them on the internet and people know exactly where politicians getting their money that
bothers mar the vote according to the death if this republican convention is really all about effect attracting independents and republicans are basically already in george w bush's can't really do that and then even if it seems as if it's as usual frantically to this convention all this is this is a an unconventional convention or using handheld rowers invention but this convention the internet is a big part of this convention as well and i have never seen those parties so unified and so excited as i sit here in philadelphia and it's that way throughout the country we have a guy that people have come together behind these unified party motivated louisa great leaders of optimist if you're looking for someone to be positive and optimistic and bring dignity in our back the white house without all that and george w bush you say this is an unconventional convention you just
imagine al gore is named as the first part of the republican party yet as nasty as and bill clinton's main levees in the otherwise know eventually get fat five i think we're going to get out or the credit for inventing the city and are you confident that you have the distinctions between our party and the democratic party as ma right congress is bastille day is best of delegates down there is massive eleven attacks in nineteen ninety three and social security are a lot of those taxes and we want to fix the schools in america by allowing children ever break their schools failing and they get to go to some other school but we all the georgians in america i really think is
the civil rights issue of the twenty percent really been saying that on the party's top of the status quo when it had been running it for forty years is that we need to try something different times of the countries doing much better we have big surplus as we can now talk about will pay down the debt and returning some of that surplus of the people that we want to do we can also secure all the income for social security locked out of a lot watts and then look at reforming that system so we'll be there for people and it is not the nominee and they are always tell young dynamic
optimistic guy in the george w bush and this just contagious today was nearly thirty three hundred people i don't want to see those people in the emotion that you still bill as the waiter here say tonight in nicholson thank you very much to make you very much when a notice to bring up to date on what is going to happen here or specifically in a few moments a senator trent lott the senate majority leader world begin the nominating process that dick cheney will be nominated by acclimation that there's a process or procedure that must've gone through and then once that is done we will though be other little things and then the world that will continue to be the rolling roll call to nominate george bush an imported an hour or so later i we will actually get to the acceptance speech show of dick cheney but were chills this issue of their newspaper coverage of this issue are going to assess that chemicals and about which is all that soft money
out there in the parking lot of weather whitt the trains are there isn't that one elaborate setup union pacific as for four delegates an event parties all around all racing a campaign fund for various candidates as i've become a big deal do you think that it's an enormous deal agenda and i say yeah it's a nuclear arms race between the two parties and that is the closest thing we have in my judgment to legalized extortion i was losing is just the explosion i mean it always i knew that the party was the democratic party republican party the democrats are planning a very very end whitley was jealous or that the republicans that have the lead right now i'm in control the congress and that's it whether you're an auto company or a communications company an internet company you had issues before that congress and when the senate majority leader calls on a reception as kenny sixteen grand to be a sponsor and even
a very choice to make a fuel companies gm and said no one simple i said no a time warner has said no most of money general motors has said no more soft money but an awful lot of the motor and my judgment day they're not trying to make a brief survey just protagonist esther the sympathetic widows and orphans that they're under enormous pressure and then to have to come up with money for both parties use illegal in the us although i don't generally i think people are practicing their constitutional right to the fall of the political system when the watergate reforms are passed in nineteen seventies are limiting campaign contributions one thousand dollars maximum for individual primary and general election they were not adjusted for inflation those those limits have made a political competition narrow war and they've created these opportunities for people they want you for that one exercise originally it was politics somehow they can't do it that way with director division soft money to become a loophole that they began to explain you try to cram down the
system some place is like water moving downhill defines away so it popped up was soft money to clamp down a soft money it would come be with independent expenditures in the supreme court probably wouldn't rule goes out it's an impossible system to control because this is a the democracy we communicate through the airwaves it's expensive it this is the way that the country works and he'd go there we go to senator lott who is truly assess the process nominating and the history of this convention we must determine our nominee to be vice president of the united states now i have no doubt that given all the edge of your seats all night waiting for me to regale you with the nuances of the rules governing the vice presidential process that we're gonna go through not the candidate i'd rather spend my than praising the character of dick cheney
spent a lot of time talking about thirty to be a burden on senior all of that image is a lot more rigid i have near a captured the spirit of the routes more than given you the complete out why there are two important things you need to remember first circuit his only one candidate for nomination for vice president of the united states which is obviously what we have my goodness that person may be nominated by acclimation and all roll call vote is required so let's how will proceed to second convention ruel fourteen and requires a candidate for vice president would demonstrate the support of at least five the allegations several a boy his name can be presented for nomination the chair has been furnished with evidence that the requirement of rule fourteen lamb has been met
a very happy to say and so wherever city with the nomination for vice president the chair recognizes the delegate from the great state of wyoming the pancreas has to pay
one more recognition and a jury in a katy perry says the chair recognizes the chairman of the ohio delegation as in the great state of ohio and i'm proud to have the honor of siphoning the nomination of my good friend and the next vice president of the united states dick cheney of wyoming there'll no
croissant and roll party nominating a motion to nominate by acclamation is an order and the chair recognizes the delegates from the state of washington mr chairman it's imported from the great state of washington i am proud to move the nomination of dick cheney by the two thousand national republican convention be made unanimous it's been with the people now workers only about a similar motion bulldozer all those opposed no lead
in opinion of the chair the odds that in the mud the peak is michele yeah the nominee of the
republican party in the year two thousand vice president for this position or a nebraska wyoming representative from wyoming staff for secretary of defense under george bush it gets nominated today by coincidence just a few years ago that he's in kuwait today he has dominated the kenyan port city in support of all colin powell oversaw the us there are
still very many people around to talk to say fort lee thought even or five weeks ago dick cheney will be the nominee i know jim i don't think there were very many i think there were more for five six months before dick cheney was named the better an assessment of the surge is whatever they have at that time high because of that that time i thought he did have a lot of the things that george bush it doesn't cover the robitussin particular plots became the head of the search committee just about everybody said well that's what happens so he did surprise of rape the reason why is because of a big change in the present a present company excluded you know i i
didn't read because dick cheney made statement after statement is on the record as saying i'm not a federal service i serve my term for the government might not exist in tow and it was like a once in a position to be sent to governor bush is requesting to be the chief very high on the search committee to continue to make statements categorically i didn't get an interview with the msg earlier today before we started i called reminded him that i have run into him and washington have a functional and i sent a little bit and i know what was going on i said and he said well it was literally the day before the governor bush bush first possible so you know senator lott is
still on display cry if they're following this language republicans say that he has been nominated by the convention as our vice presidential nominating a candidate rick lamb escort committee is your commercials it's before we the people there's been this is being destroyed
on the newshour an hour talking about his sudden appearance on the national stage is george w bush's running mate here's a brief excerpt from that interview so how's it going after world angels' big media public well that pretty well so far i think it's been fascinating of course i'd it's not new in the sense that i'd been around before it worked for presidents been involved in national campaigns and so that its still different to be the guy right smack in the middle of a bubble so to speak and that's been a tremendous experience has made the opportunity again get involved on a national campaign and the candidate herself i've given a lot of advice over the years and i have to think back on that reflect on weather was good advice or not
but if they do this a commentary jury read about it that that you seem uncomfortable you know all this kind of hoopla apple's error and smile a smile that low rock n soc and politics is our ideal culpable and not unintelligible i don't think i'm basically am this soft spoken man a few words so that's my heritage that's the way i was brought up in the west end or not somebody who's a giver of spurring tub thumping political speeches as thomas drake so i watch it all with some interest and then i read it correctly it seemed to me when at the beginning when you are attacked and questioned about your voting record in the house are first you were surprised about and then again how about a lot of land i read that correctly oh yeah surprised by it i think we've you know we've seen the men would expect that sort of thing national campaign and that's really been the standard way that war operations run home
in terms of being hot under the collar you know not really i mean on the fact the matter is it's my record i voted today as i voted to have probably a couple thousand times over the course of ten years i think you have to go back and look at the context look at the time to make sure you understand the vote i think obviously something distorts the record or tries to take something out of context to sort of a natural competitor reaction that sets in the nineties probably from my standpoint is still supporting get those juices flowing underwater but you know you know just a little rowboat and i'm suggesting know i'll say it's not relevant obviously it's my record i'm proud of it on the other hand i think it's not it's not what the campaigns had a real about the campaigns really the point for centuries but what comes next and i don't think the democrats frankly made much progress focusing on my boat's twenty years ago as a way to engage in that debate when you were first of a bush really brought it here in philadelphia or anywhere else speaks of that as everybody is of the new republican party to find out what is it well it's it's a party of
the term at the governor's release begin to shape the texas is as good a place as go isn't to go isn't a look at our i would say one of the prime minister's assertion edition in the end that we've seen very positive results in texas as a result of his activities down there's probably get a heavier dose of domestic policy if you will and then what we focused on is much when i was in the congress or fifteen or twenty years ago back in the eighties when we were faced with a specter the possibility of all out global nuclear war with the soviet union so that that emphasis shifted but it's very much as the governor's divided too focused on this notion that we are in a time of unparalleled prosperity we've seen enormous economic growth and development of the country and that there still are people left behind that we have not because of the failures of our educational system they're able to bring in and bring along if you will to the party as many people as we liked that we find ourselves going outside encouraging immigration to come into the united states which were not opposed to encourage them to come in
to take jobs it would be nice if this american kids could be tried for what is your reaction to president obama do i really think and as i watch top raider looks to me like a man who is fearful that his time on the stage is about over and eighty seven difficult to come into grips with that and he's still engaged wants to engage well in a number of political partisanship is sometimes as brendan byrne part of in the past and he simply cannot know i would guess some to speculate but that the corps can snowball what happened have built derby day and it's a pretty a point you're more moore wear well as were we were going to run a positive campaign right about huge but every time the flight goes out into texas and he's attacked me this week to assist reminded everybody india problems i think that we fared during the clinton or years and i'm willow will let them spend all day all fall of the tournament
although just us no dick cheney is doing is starting to shape up his political muscles too much where things were a little flabby little onion use for a while running a company is very different than being thrust into the center of a political campaign where you have to you have to understand when your campaign's message is you have to understand an internalized to be able to talk to you the language to be used to deliver their message we have to respond to attacks it's a difficult thing to do he hasn't been doing it for a long time i think that showed some your interview today i thought was you look better when he has that user you can teach is a calm delivery measure it looks to be thoughtful ideas thoughtful but he presents himself with such a moderate reasonable way that i think it helps
him with his credibility with the people and to get his messages as you doing mechanical and in explaining those votes in other words his past her voting record and his president views easily george bush and the republican party not that welsh and he says you can tell by polls andy warhol is actually write that he uses stylistically a million miles away from the race in this polarizing rhetoric that was associated i think actually sewed with newt gingrich which democrats want to run against me dick dick cheney is not an immediate put their records at voices a guy that really get your blood boiling that may be the right word but there's no way to get your blood boiling we still play defense and you don't score points politically about are you know very few sports on defense and i think that's true there's three votes that discontinued a dog that's the
nelson mandela go ahead start as a couple they had not penetrated the electorate's much as this year they played out whether in fact labor will not become important factor against him but he is obviously he's worried hierarchy world and he was the ceo when dick cheney spoke corporate jets mind up and merk and wyoming insular and that's what american politics it's too egalitarian you ok as good a market largely of more now on this man dick cheney and his record i worked for an assessment of dick cheney and his conservatism we turn to two people who know him well former senator alan simpson represented wyoming from nineteen seventy nine to nineteen eighty seven while cheney was in the house well let's start with cheney during his final term in congress welcome to you both much has been made of dick cheney's very conservative voting record you both there at the same time what kind of a conservative
was he well i campaigned with him we want all around while in the first time together he was running for congress i was running for the senate was he was like a third us senator he had to run the whole state over we've called cars were large and he was just he was an equal to two now from all of them myself where we want to be without oil industry us senator he is one of the most amazing and steady man i've ever know what you see here in this interview is as dick cheney i've never seen him oh sure i've seen him a bristle i might would be the word but i never see you lose a school he's going to drive gore crazy cause they're going to come with him and old dick cheney needs a us for every question that's been posed is ten days because he will respond to the gym where he will go to every talk show alissa have that this vote on south would guess what the press the united states would wander around in florida yesterday with bill nelson they got upset when a horrible thing that she needed on this
vote and nelson voted the same way when the president found out about i think it's one of the few and and this is a right because you can't remember what was happening in south africa the african national congress was not forcing people putting little rubber tires around the net filled with gas and set them on fire they were also trying to disrupt them go up and the soviets and the cubans were in there just wrote all about who is helping us resolve that the south african government and the and african congress also had communist and this was the cold war and it if you can explain that one in the drinks are on me and how was he regarded by his fellow republicans at the time as intrusive where he was on the spectrum some of these votes he was the only one of twenty congressman vote against it was one of thirty three on reauthorizing funds for head start he in other words many many republicans voted for things that he wouldn't have how was he seen with the wind was conservative well
you know we serve and the people's house four hundred and thirty five of us are elected by people and we respond to them and i believe firmly that dick cheney was responding to the people will like to him and in so doing he demonstrated commitment and one of the things he had this tremendous credibility people could understand why he built into certain way because it would explain it but he also is not a fanatic he's open to changing his mind to new conditions occur when those situations occur so dick cheney was well liked both sides of the aisle because he was honest he was he was a straight talker and he respected the truth and he respected of the people he talks in this interview about being from the west and one of his good friends said you know there's something different about the west and western republicans western conservatives is there something particular no one they say that god is going to go into her district of them deal with six hundred thousand people and it had to deal with four hundred and fifty
five or seventy thousand people and ninety eight thousand square mile paleo walk down the main street of dubois or lander cody it's not senator carter guards hague dick come over here and tell me why you voted this way don't think that anybody while they haven't asked him questions on these things and then when you go to a town meeting and i'll call you senator governor you like the mayor of wyoming so dick cheney handled every situation irish are presented to him and he will he will do that here he will explain just as he would with a cowboy imitate see wildly just as he would with a schoolteacher in laramie he will explain and people hear an exhaust themselves if anybody in the world believes that when you see this noble mayor maestas this this this ain't anybody you've ever seen in politics this is this guy is extraordinary if anyone believes the ten little votes out of two thousand or doma tells the american people
against dick cheney really really they're making a big mistake especially when car horn do when the deal yes and has a wonderful sensation that there's two dick cheney is serious on the surface he's very thoughtful ways got a great sense of humor he doesn't take himself too seriously and that's it we can do in politics is so we're not surprised when this week and as he made the rounds of talk shows and some of these votes he said well you know the boats were held today and my own little differently now i was not surprised and i really like people who do have an open mind you know that is the saudi analysts said a fanatic a somebody who has a cause the devil's visit her effort to introduce the side of it and he doesn't he's got an open mind are you but some punch are some of your constituents would say trumpet to vote against hipster happened to vote against clean water act mean i don't remember how people around and so i've heard it but it didn't take
and you can extrapolate out from any big omnibus bill that we have any appropriation you could take one little sandwich made maybe that was keeping head start it what it was in the last congress or maybe there was some reason for it and so i just think he could do that with any kind of villain that that often happens but he handles it exceedingly well what did you both think you both season campaigns of the points that martin paul were just talking about about whether has to go more on officer not dick cheney were jewish do a dick cheney if they hand them a book to do something he'll ignore and dick cheney and george bush have reached a trashed what and they're going to be awesome because dick cheney didn't want to do the job and the more he worked with george bush and he said to me i just became more and more impressed with him like i was deeply impressed by men of course as he vetted with him but he saw dick cheney as we all know dick cheney those of those who know him but i can play you explain ever want the clean air act if it had a
little prevail if you had to find fifteen different things in the water and one in wyoming with pineapple fungus we don't have a lot of pineapple fungus in wyoming and and then the head start program we get a letter from the administrator in chicago say i've got i've got a hundred percent more money than i could use because everybody loves to vote for him sorry for mauricio says i was in that act you can go find a probably twenty five board voted against the secretariat of the veterans affairs is a cabinet position there were forks in a life as i thought mexico the aarp section of the cabin and there'll be the senior citizens section and go look at the vote i'm glad to explain and dick cheney will explain to everyone rochelle if i said this vice president he has said that he's going to follow what the president wants him to do so he understands the role of vice president and believe so much in our country and then george bush is going to meet about it that he's comfortable
as a number two will be in the loyalty that i believe there may be instances where can george bush when he becomes president will ask him for advice and get the advice and they could do something different and dick cheney that support and i think with connie and connie watched him in the leadership far as i say oh i have worked for forty one years and politics and you know as a friend them were from wyoming ted you don't get the chief of staff of three four if anybody believes that tim boucher going to start on a detour to cheer really goofy virtually really goofy i go via alan simpson's comical finland went by i had to say that is the best defense of dick cheney's nomination and past voting record given them which voters market has been a while that are indebted tell alan simpson is just recently left targeting used in politics they don't put him out immediately that was me quite a character
nobody has said that if i had not heard anybody describe the explain the anc south africa both the way alan simpson just an example dr know i've read it a couple places including our paper but now i would leave the mud several read this is a situation where the bush campaign is desire not to get my hair done with the democrats want to talk about really discourages actual political debate and like because what senator simpson did was he engaged the issuance of law here's the context here's what was ok and laid out then people can decide that the bush campaign like so much of modern politics wants to avoid it because we have to be on our message so their advice to cheney privately is just to set off and move on that's the route that the reason that dick cheney has not responded by the bad plus he doesn't quite frankly of the cold and the sounds of the podium the subject is the new economy along on entrepreneur or the republican convention today
nearly sixty thousand americans will log on to the internet or the very first internet users in the arm at the pieces that need the internet and counting to watch online at the nominating next president of the united states your internet technology and texas is the leader in america eleven years ago and the cost or any culpability seven years later with another new company copied the order without the computer industry
leaders participate in e commerce i'm proud of her for the president and many in taxes and the government has announced a rainy nearly one hundred thousand new jobs with his is a reform of the legal system or educational standards the hero an environment where businesses flourish and people since the american raid and three george w bush's leadership technology played a leading role in our children's education
people like you and the entrepreneurs who work tirelessly to make our dreams a reality by new opportunities new challenge with indignation not be protected in sydney and fifty employees and financial resources american legal system to protect the interests not because that like for you hearing a country that every american can participate that our appeal to entrepreneurs every american benefits to being an
entrepreneur you know about building a business and maybe if you want a leader in every community and for the president of the united states says twenty fourteen he's an arab you know in a world
of on a parallel opportunity for the first time through the use of the internet an inner city child has access to as much information and knowledge as the ceo of a fortune by hundred company and its visa access to information and knowledge that levels the playing field creating new opportunity i've experienced this firsthand unit at the opportunity to go from being a son of an immigrant parents to being the ceo of a multibillion dollar internet company now we can create that same opportunities for others but for these opportunities to be realized we need leadership leadership committed to lifting the barriers to innovation leadership devoted to the best workers in the
world for retraining and education leadership steadfast in its support of research and development required for continued technological progress leadership dedicated to using technology to better serve people leadership to connect every row every school and every community so that no one is left behind america needs the leadership of governor george w bush says this initiative the government to better serve state's people has created an entrepreneur the event that leaves our nation in technology job growth governor bush was dedicated one point five two ian dollars to technologies
that boost student achievement this is the kind of leadership we need to create new opportunities in this world opportunities for everyone and with his leadership that inner city child will have more than just access to the same information as the fortune five hundred ceo you will have the opportunity to be combat ceo governor george w bush's meeting leader for america's future that it is my choice to be the next president of the united states for thirty four years old forty two more than the germans wanted to be on the stage as the
nominee of this party marty olson some people say oh yeah that was like and money and fund an energetic reasons and the vice president and me we have seen it earlier this evening the leaders of the republican party live in the belief in the power and the dignity of the individual we believe that america has said the run from the bottom up not from the top down at
this comes from day american heroes from lance armstrong who overcame cancer and on his way into the hearts of all americans ordinary shoes shined and donated over forty thousand dollars and the money to a children's hospital the lead america works best when it is run from our families and our communities didn't talk and nothing better illustrates those republican principles in george w bush's economic at first and foremost be a league in tax cuts at
tax cuts of more than just numbers easy ladies and gentlemen there a real moral issue because every time we cut taxes we make government less important and people across this great country more important than the resources to fix the problems that we all face every day your own family and within our own communities today and america the government taxes the war just because mayor marion this is all going to be time
to build a business or a family farm and the government takes it away when a dime so this tax cut is long and we can't get our senior citizens are punished for working longer in contributing more toward great nation this policy attacks and inclination are seniors makes no sense and we didn't have as status has demonstrated real barracks and real leadership has standing up to the washington elite he has proposed a bold plan to save and strengthen social security you know everyone in america understands the power of this economy everyone in america knows that
investing in this economy it will help save social security a literally me as however they don't trust us ladies and gentlemen to build our own retirement apply to you and i know that through voluntary personal retirement accounts we can create wealth and personal security for ourselves and for our families in our most important here is our bottom of loss and finally nothing represents the power of the individual more than the opportunities of the internet and the new economy you know ladies and gentlemen it's the internet and the new economy unleashed individual creativity and potential it's created more well more
broadly for more people needed any era in human history we are going to live longer we're going to communicate faster and we're going to work smarter most important we're going to let our economy ran new clients as they stand in the way of this remarkable progress is intrusive government and we will not let that happen at saving and strengthening social security expanding our new economy and running america from the bottom up ladies and gentlemen this is the excitement of the twenty first century this is our program this is our nation and america's greatest assets and only be
realized that we protect uncivil opportunity for every single american my parents taught me that through hard work and education you can achieve anything more bottom up approach will guarantee this opportunity my parents also told me to care for him to help others by doing this we will improve the lives of the next generation represented by my six month old daughters emma and reese says the american dream this is what george w bush is all about at ohio is leaving the house representatives
is interesting all we were talking about rental the nomination again and he's talking here we've heard and during this convention from legal and john mccain but mostly for no mr alexander no alan keyes know orrin hatch here about what's going on jack case against elizabeth dole to quickly endorsed george w bush when they got up and they both got out early evidence really take it to a process steve forbes i think it's a case of personal dislike just it's not like steve forbes doesn't want her award and oren hatch a member of congress they don't want too many of those there as we as we found and we also made a decision not to have too many notable conservatives there and gary bauer of course endorsed donnelly is a
social conservative but he endorsed john mccain in the crucial state of south carolina sort of the bush campaign is engaging in an element of reward and that they must calculate market that early work on alienate and of people who supported gary bauer or steve forbes are among those people that have another constituency that required them to do something like say john mccain not mean if it's sitting on ninety percent support of the republican party i mentioned earlier than most the strongly supported the deal in an election day republican presidential nominee was blowing and in nineteen eighty four when he got ninety four percent so it wasn't there wasn't as much mileage and inviting any of these other follows updated never size of the stitches they had to have john jay john mccain was it was obligatory military and plus they want a guarantee that the strong endorsement and then i just went on that john mccain right now as of today has
done more for george bush in the year to south then if the jerry ford and all of nineteen seventy six i mean so i mean and that you know if that that endorsement is far stronger than angry reagan talked about support the republican ticket i n i n nineteen seventy six did not campaign for high end and john mccain gave a ringing endorsement to a forceful endorsement of george bush and that really have identified in him autism characteristics i think some members of the family are so strong because not only add really good it was a person and that was that was also part of it was to his personal qualities just kind of saying ok we're going to take at every break down our special tv's coverage of the republican national convention will be right back i
am from philadelphia pbs live coverage of the republican national convention modern practices that made america in particular all right this program was also made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to pbs stations from viewers like you thinking wow if you think campaign two thousand as a simple two man race think again to
election history americans have often looked beyond the two major political parties and reach conclusions and ralph nader both the republicans and democrats join ben wattenberg for a look at their party's present and a third choice the police officer is one solution you don't need anyone's decline that's right
really need it so who does business pbs continues live coverage of the republican national convention as an ingenue
iran were back here at the first union center in philadelphia let's go to when i fall on the floor various day your heel then oh how'd you get a look at is where they
mean well they become a wonderful guy these
little things that we do have the economic program of ronald reagan not going to get the kind of economic program that we need to face the problems likes of turkey and we need to get our defense and foreign policy and there is a lot of excitement obviously among delegation of some quiet and happiness in the top that we pick out what was not said it is time to say that when a little bit more about more conservative
saw their conservative we have a conservative country in the sense that people are directing that freedom is important to the family that we have to reach out to people and hold each other's hands and so i come to be widely shared new year's detroit radical conservative the real thing for me and i think republicans attack that we will know about that we will
we're going to emphasize is in all of the things that should be the poem howl was eloquent others here well if secretary state yourself thank you very much for joining us here the stories weren't for some additional commentary on what's going on here to my right jem i'm with presidential historians doris kearns goodwin and michael beschloss journalist and author haynes johnson and k james bush delegate and a senior fellow at the heritage foundation was really too things that we ask of the vice president is going to be a candidate and then he's gotta be a partner have there been candidates who are their politicians and that's of great partners are great partners but not so valuable on the ticket we'll look back at his lyndon johnson nineteen sixty you know and that's one of the first at once because if you talk to a candidate today many of the candidates will tell
you we never wanted johnson for vice president jack went down to the majority leader's sweet morning after he was nominated and insider pro forma crack you should be vice president clinton and there's a line and just grabbed it out of his hand and said thank you and he was stuck you talk to other people most at the jfk was being drawn and he knew that johnson would carry texas it was a brilliant move that made john kennedy president but it was a terrible partnership because the two men did not particularly along kennedy was worried about seeding power to the vice president had been in the senate for years when lyndon johnson was the majority leader the power of the senate he was worried the jobs would take that power away from him is it one of the city as you say you know you think back to harry truman was a great president a strong capable when he became the poster roosevelt's death he didn't even know about the atomic bomb project that was under way the greatest effort the united states that may we want to hear about no contact
with that or vice president stays in the midst of the greatest work ever and that was not an unusual kind of thing and in past relationships and michael streit and since then hugo for tim mondale for instance alabama and then that period pieces are very effective working partnership and his vice presidency but it's nicer if you get along with the person didn't spend a lot of time with them and you have a working partner that can help you out as poor certainly has been for for clinton i think it's a great thing or if for example teddy roosevelt when he chose a tap he treated kept almost like a son even though it was about the same age and he actually then became his campaign manager when tapped rents out much as clinton has become but i think nixon said it best the great strategist he said if all the sequel yes it would be nice to have somebody who's a partner who can work with but on the other hand it's more fun to commiserate about the sky you don't like windy city the white house if you look at the criteria that church of the bush said he laid out in his
selection process it seemed that having a partner was up at the top of the list you heard him say over and over again i'm looking for someone that i feel i can get along with that shares my values he would spend the next four years or possibly eight are arguing with someone over policy or disagree are having to rein him then and so i think he saw as a very high priority for him finding someone that would be a partner with him in running the country and again that the old truism ziv ticket balance region religion ideology these various things that people have talked about are off the table now that the paradigm has shifted does that mean that we're watching now is shift also toward that partnership but away from the political strains that they that the second guy on the ticket a second person on the ticket mike in this case tonight you have a unique things we said before i think you have of a presidential nominee of our great party that isn't well known in the country people don't really know much about his ability he's a he's a figure that's going to be seen tomorrow night for the first time
close up by the american people he has pick a vice president that could be priced with the experience with the background in they warn cases ten years ago today that the desert storm war began when dick cheney was involved in the bush and i think if anyone doubts about that that part of this ticket you can argue on the issues that will be argued very strongly as we talked about before the conservative preacher be a first experience that does make a difference for the kind of candidate that george w bush stagg that vice presidents have become as we were saying earlier more powerful in the last twenty five years and the country's expecting the possibility sadly that that person might become the president you can't get away with not having somebody who at least meet some sort of test as a potential president when they all say that they say that's the reason they're oysters in the never say differently so i think it's a good thing that he's chosen a person with some seriousness and somebody does whether he adds any sex appeal or both says he doesn't win the votes from wyoming
but i think it was driven by politics because look at the others the bush apparently considered colin powell jon damn fourth older figures of that stature who extract from him in a way that like eating vocal homeowner right richard pennsylvania never work so their geography and the size of wyoming becomes in pales into insignificance in the pit of the strength he'd have a much as your jug for a second you still could have al gore to choose a round steel tactics to steal for but in this case again i think as the politics are interesting because what cheney i believe has done in the selection cheney hits actually solidified and unify the republican party voting base and i think that there's no question that they're happy with dick cheney now whether he explains how low turnout election that's a good thing but if it's a larger turnout election that could make a huge difference was i think we're going to see a large turnout election and i hope we do because the american people should be involved in the
process because i think you have two very different candidates running with two very different visions for america and there is an option there is a choice and i think that as they lay out their agendas and their vision for america that people will have a choice to make and that they're very different and and so i think cheney really did exactly what you say it solidified the base people and that whole argument of just enthusiastic overwhelmingly for for this ticket and its unified us and endured an essay i think a warm reception and though a launch the campaign and one of the areas that weren't not sure that the polls are clearly remember when gore was chosen they said forty four percent of the people said they were more likely to vote for clinton because of gore and he did give clinton a certain extra twelve because they were both young and energetic new ideas but think about it when you're actually going to the booth and you pull that curtain behind you when you're standing there by itself is great moment to really when you're pulling into the president think he says that i like his vice president i dare offend nobody does but it is a near on the
president the person he chooses which tells you about his first decision and that's where its importance it will soon we never looked to go into the same way before july of nineteen ninety two which was the cold war that was different from the way that we look at and afterwards because with florida's site gives a figure of stature with the clean background someone would but always seen as a future president it is quite the stature to really unintelligible racial christ to young man at that moment coming after ronald reagan bush the world were to her and so far side of the nile casual one or are all these things and they have been taken from a live but that's that that looked young and vigorous and that kept that help politically and we expect the ticket to head out on the road really into this convention how will us to have this cap that has hit this convention is so what's taken
label for jim back to you thank you ray are chosen particular still they're up and i'm going to share with our audience so force you to just to share with our audience of the things that and talking about every time the prices go up about al gore who he is going to select for his vice president and all i asked you straight out a while ago mr hu yu thought out or the deal is easy going out on tuesday raised eighty eight and nash that's right and paul asked you you thought he was going to be here with the audience with his idol i can say that because in any it i really wish you had a theory because it was a you know as in this ad is it simply a war memorial in nashville and i thought perhaps they wouldn't try a patriotic sentiment if that were the case given a new location
that could be argued for either john kerry us senate from massachusetts decorated hero himself or bob kerrey the senator from nebraska will be a more daring to use an unconventional democrat and some presidential candidate in nineteen eighty to now retired from the senate this year but who in fact the congressional medal of honor and i would challenge any american to read the citation of the medal of honor on kerry earn and not just in awe that only lost a part of his part of his leg was in his heroic actions they won't serve at cnbc after it is articulately or three and a half hours he continued the operation get inside were of course the vice president has or the campaign just made lines to me
but now it its i would be stunned that was bob kerrey because because that doesn't strike me as a way of war thinks thinking out of the box he has a problem with his base but he's been celibate it's a problem with george w bush as we already hands and but bob dole had to do that in nineteen ninety six when republicans jack kemp was a way of doing that and perhaps having some appeal to supporters clinton on her not republicans bob kerrey is as a maverick who's unconventional he's a wonderful person to talk to when he's and he's daring projects and entitlements are where he agrees as much with george w bush as he does with that with al gore i think that might be a problem for john kerry is an articulate a senator he knows how to engage in political debate and al gore need somebody really take george bush down because that's the only way i think that al gore can win is to
put some doubts in the mind the country about george bush made as a vice presidential candidate who can help them do that work picking up on something that they are age group was talking about this idea of a partner for the president rather than a political asset for the year or the year before the presidential candidate clearly george w bush is gone that way has it not end it it i mean i think there's a the political dimension of the church gym and that is filling in the gaps that i'd end that needed dick cheney is says it to me and i have renounced his collegiality i mean everywhere he's ever worked with jerry ford house lead in the republican house leader sweat mr reagan was president is george bush's secretary of defense i am i mean he's always had good relation solid relations are not a part of it certainly is that i think it's i think it's more about george bush and the doubts paul talked about the doubts that al gore's campaign democrats want to raise
about about joint question perhaps lack of mastering lack of information like that experience and that's what dick cheney does this campaign i mean if you can fight with that and the bass was pretty well solidify going in and he would pick dick cheney does is credentials two it means is that this is a guy a maybe not sure about george bush's knowledge of the middle east or knowledge of nato dick cheney's that like just to bring everybody up to bring you up to date on what's so what's going on here the rest of the evening of course everything is leading up to word dick cheney's accepted acceptance speech will be will be at the end of the evening he will be introduced by his wife land between now and then there's one other major event and that's the end of the roll call at least the roll call that will push their will put george w bush over the top in the works will he will have enough votes to become officially the nominee for president of the
republican hardy another will do some more tomorrow because a lot of these things is a lot of these states passed another witness were more i can become official told tamara because all of the votes must be cast before becomes official but that he will call the top short legend within the next of fifteen or twenty minutes they will pick up the end of the roll call and we will have a demonstration and again as dick cheney earlier by acclamation became a number of vice presidential nominee george w bush will become the presidential nominee in a moment we hope to also when i thought of stairway interview with bob dole who is on his way now down to her position down on the floor well bob dole didn't didn't have the year they're all shot here for a moment there the bushes president bush and mrs
bush there we go there they are common law they got themselves into the situation and they're not talking about president clinton's attacks on their son a slave state is that in fact that govern abortion as president bush offered a meeting of abc's private phone number at that column in a month in bill clinton camp that this criticism president bill clinton young george bush and let her know exactly what he thought of bill clinton hi this is a bush today on good morning america with charlie gibson it was a fascinating interview to say because president bush former president bush was trying to hold her back and that was in san diego on down the road i did it she said that she talked about dignity and respect in the white house they are very much in the campaign and that simply
something that they have speaking parts which i don't think power over the boston brain trust that mine played both sides of things and i'm pleased that he's got the they got insecurity with bunton particular thing for campaigns not terribly thrilled with the president and inject himself at this stage i think that it does mark point out on the newshour earlier attempts to make it more difficult for al gore to separate himself from brooklyn which he does need to do is i was notable about a billboard building yes united party when he gave his convention four years ago analysts go to jc watts know we're coming to the end of the roll and roll call homilies also shares this convention is going to reduce the assistant secretaries
jackson coliseum uncle moon runaway can and will finish the local picking it up and north dakota wyoming and that will push in a moment the secretary general for the state of north dakota during the coal states have been announced by the chairman of the suspected delegation leak that all states had been called the secretary will call the name is state law and not every city no delegates jc watts is actually what's going to happen we'll come back to this in a moment
but bob dole is when is with one like that when i thought well it's got away one is that it was an avocado or four years ago was the nominee of this party so i thought everyone who the nominee is on a secluded you're locked out the word on his fate that matters a lot of people made a lot of friends and have a good time as i would've rather won the election but i didn't disclose another convention everyone gets better more exciting for us the first hours of this convention you could have a first spouse's lot of them rather than event i've ever gotten that much commotion a much accomplishment is not convinced that the media but i think a lot of talk about that lack of conflict and i think you think that some people are basically suppressing any unhappiness in the name of party unity we well maybe i could do a lot of like a ninety six admit it is i think and when that way most of the people that may be out there trying to broaden the party and make it more
to see we're not even aware that we don't have an inclusive party it's about time we realize that i think you would do it and i think governor bush of making great ever use it when that way what ways that you can get a majority and if you can bring more order and more live more hispanics more asian more women will come in the little horse and downs of ninety six you can and you know even from a mine and that's basically another tale signs this year and it is your daily and and well it still may still make up a lot of them but i think it's timeless but we were talking to a couple soldiers republicans moderate republicans feel about that a minute i think that that someone who understands that within the party and win every issue of korea on the political spectrum and we need to recognize that
we are the conservative party that mean you've got like a right wing party major conservative on fiscal issues today people i have dick cheney to start tonight have seen as europe so far the vice president he measures up to the back of the voting or twenty years old and a poster board or you know i was against medicare but i was for elder care without drug benefit thirty years ago so i was at a lifetime but it not works with all the dick cheney have not done in twenty five years of bias and prejudice not like even a vice presidential candidate to get a presidential candidate out of a process which means that the presidential candidate it is all going to be fine and i don't think i can point and that's the way they
lay on the floor numbered seventy six i with all that unanimous agreement strategy i would go out for the lord's day in the rose garden there's been a lot of talk today about how president clinton george president george bush's credits fact that they'd been having back and forth the army criticize our family and all those things but i think the us and worked with likeability factor shield it was ego and jim lehrer had been
trying to decide what what everyone's been talking about for the vice presidency the democratic side and yet he thought that well you know of carrie johnson traveled there a lot of it is a liberal a hat an even more you're going to have to have all five perhaps the end of his final question you're asking everyone which is what is the single thing that george w bush have to do between now and november in order to get a lot of the media continued sort of the same human activity that
evaded taxes this is that debate foreign policy and federal issues and the governor like a quick study
The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
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NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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(The ending of the episode is cut off in this recording.) This Special Edition NewsHour episode reports on the third night of the 2000 Republican National Convention. Jim Lehrer and the rest of the NewsHour team give political commentary and reports from the show floor, with the big event being the choice of Dick Cheney as the running mate for George W. Bush.
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Identifier: NH-6823-A (NH Show Code)
Format: Betacam SX
Generation: Preservation
Duration: 01:00:00;00
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Chicago: “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,” 2000-08-02, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 21, 2024,
MLA: “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.” 2000-08-02. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 21, 2024. <>.
APA: The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from