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A new legal services program has been established to give practical experience as well as ideational training to law students. It also provides a much needed service for the poor. This is a new idea trying to use the law students and they are two or three years experience in studying law to solve the problem of providing lawyers for for poor people. There are a lot of legal service program a 275 to 300 programs which some of them are very large have 50 or 60 lawyers and in the large cities. But as far as law school programs are really not very many I would say half a dozen. That was Larry James a lawyer and director of the new program. In a moment we'll talk more about legal aid for the poor. Challenges in education presented by Duke University. Here with today's feature is Charles Bronson the
legal aid clinic operated by the Duke Law School and directed by Larry James is set up to offer services related to let Lord and tenant laws consumer problems and public welfare. No criminal cases will be considered. Mr. James comments on the clinic and we're hoping to have a lot of students work along with me so that they can assist in this and do the backup work research and investigation and get some actual experience in how we interview clients and how we solve problems for a real client. Stay experiment in. And clinical legal education as well as providing legal and direct legal services to the poor so we have to sort of. Have have a two edged sword and teach the students and help some poor people who need lawyers and who need to have something adjudicated in court. Mr James believes the program can give a new dimension to legal education. I think that oftentimes we have people graduating from law school
taking bar examinations and being vetted to the bar and they have never really interviewed a client or gone through the process of how difficult it is to get the fact situations how difficult it is to interview a client and understand that you have to integrate your knowledge overall with your ability to ask questions and to be able to extract from the client those facts that are relevant to them like in a case oftentimes the client doesn't know whether it's a case he knows he's in trouble. But as to what kind of case he is for or at least based upon principles of law. But as you know this and the lawyer has to be able to bring this out in an interview. This legal aid clinic well benefit only those who cannot afford to pay up. The matter is the poor have a whole lot more legal problems and those who are not so poor. They're right on the margin and and the difficulties with consumer fraud repossessions getting into a Raider's on their
contracts. It is much more likely low income people. Mr James will be the only lawyer at the clinic but he is excited about the program. I do believe it will be able to handle a substantial number of cases a whole lot more than would be implied by the fact that it is just a one lawyer operation because only on each case we foresee that I would have a clerk working with me at least and that he can do the backup work and we want him to do as much as the work as he can so that it becomes a problem that he feels personally responsible for and will hammer out the answer to and look up all the alternatives feel like this would be extremely good for the students. Also it makes it possible that we would provide a great deal more legal services. Then I want a lawyer. Office usually could. Legal aid for the poor offering a helping hand to those in need. This is Charles Brazill with challenges in education from Duke University.
This program was distributed by the national educational radio network.
Challenges in education
Legal aid for the poor
Producing Organization
Duke University
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
Program number 140 talks about a new legal service that helps the poor.
Series Description
This series presents problems facing educators today.
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Host: Braswell, Charles
Interviewee: James, Larry
Producing Organization: Duke University
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 61-35i-140 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:04:33
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Chicago: “Challenges in education; Legal aid for the poor,” 1969-05-13, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “Challenges in education; Legal aid for the poor.” 1969-05-13. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: Challenges in education; Legal aid for the poor. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from