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Misandrous up a church in Russia Italy. We explore one of the ancient organs of Europe. Nope some facts are historical and musical interest. Here the performance of music composed by its contemporaries. The engine to brick siya a place of Celtic origin was a place of military importance to the Romans and its early fame rested upon a reputation to manufacture arms for the military. The city almost from its beginning was of strategic importance. The poet Catullus speaks of it as the mother of his native Verona Attila the Hun sacked the place in 450 to 80. Later it became the seat of a duchy under the Lombards. Napoleon included Russia and his ASIS Alpine Republic. But the city's modern history began in a sense at least when in 1859 it was
handed over to King Victor Emanuel the second. In spite of a long history a frequently punctuated with political and military disaster Russia was the center of considerable artistic activity. Today its most prized artistic treasure is a six foot high bronze statue known as the wing of victory the statue is found in the temple of Aspasia which is dated 70 to a date. Modern remains of the temple are incorporated in the city's national museum of Roman days. In the light of these few historical facts and there are many more of equal importance and interest to even the casual observer might surmise that Prussia somewhere would how as one of the ancient organs of Europe and so it dies in the church of signed Giuseppe. Today's programme of music begins with a composition by the 17th 18th century Italian organist composer and a Jesuit priest. Domenico as opposed to a seven verse at a sonata didn't have all the Torah. Don't gotta know.
Seven of us said hey by the 17th and 18th century Jesuit organist composer
Domenic was the poli organist a fruit job in New Delhi now plays a composition by the Italian musician John on a mo fresco bowed Prisca bowed A was born in Ferrara in 15 83. The injured organ we're hearing today from the church of son Giuseppe and brush was erected two years before his birth in 59 he won by the famous builder. He had a I think here is that a condo on the first tone by fresco Baudelaire. There are the most risk about days to Kata on the first tone performed by organist
Joe being in Italy the church of central Stepien brush where today's concert was recorded is not the only Intrade building in the city. The fifteenth century church of Saint Julia I was is the famous medieval museum which contains exquisite early Christian ivory relics and a professional cross of the ninth century set with jet it was adjoining the church is the Basilica of San Salvatore which was founded by the Lombard King does it Dario's the present Cathedral in brush or the Duomo novo dates from the Baroque period but the Duomo Vicki O. A circular building of the top century is still standing. Sanderus up a date from the 16th century. The instrument we are hearing today erected in 15 81 by acting out today contains one manual and Pet o. It has 13 stops thus it might be classed as a somewhat modest enjoyment for its time. We were here now another composition by fresco about a the Dakota on the eighth tone
performed by organist job in you know late. That was the content on the eight stone by Rolla Mo. fresco by.
The 17th century Italian organist composer Binondo past Keeney is remembered for his long and distinguished tenure as organist at Sun Maria majority and row and as chamber musician to prince jumped at least about gays in spite of the duties demanded by these offices. Paskin he found enough time to compose profusely 10 operas eight oratory O's and many harpsichord pieces to mention but a part of his output from the centrist epic church in brush where we will hear the aria five by Bernardo a passkey name. Oh. Arya 5 by the 17th century Italian organist composer and
court musician Barnardo Paskin aim to conclude today's broadcast in this series ancient European organs. We will hear a composition by Mika ungentle Rossi Rossi was born in Rome some time about the year 16:00 his death thought to have occurred sometime about 16 sextape. Although Little is known of the composer's life certain facts have come to light in connection with important associations some rounding some of his works. For example there is considerable detail about his opera I mean I don't not know that the author of the libretto was probably a Julio rust but you know so afterwards Pope Clement the night that it was performed with all stage accessories and trappings in the palace of Taddeo Barberini prefect of Rome and Prince of Palestrina. The work was dedicated to the princes of Palestrina In fact he also wrote music or a play on the subject of Andromeda which was performed at the carnival in
Ferrara in 16 38 is better known however for his compositions for organ or harpsichord is to counter a current day had its second edition in Roman 16 57 the date of the first edition is unknown. Our program concludes today with the work to cop to a current day. We were here seven by one Joe. To cut her number seven by the 17th century Italian composer
ungentle Rossi. You have been listening to another program from the most serious ancient European instruments erected during the late it's. The middle of the. Promises made by some of Europe's outstanding recital of. The day's broadcast. Highlighted New York in the churches under separate Italy it's one manual and pedal instrument of thirteen stops erected in 15 81 by the famous builder Rocky a day I tell ya to. Perform I was but who just are given materials for these programmes are recorded by members of the European Broadcasting Union. Today's program coming from the Italian radio operator. Program prepared and written by well over speaking and inviting you to
listen again next week at this same time for another program of ancient European markers. This is the national education or radio network.
Ancient European organs
San Giuseppe Church
Producing Organization
University of Michigan
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program features recordings of the organ at San Giuseppe Church, Bresica, Italy. Performances include works by Zipol; Frescobaldi; Pasquini; and Rossi.
Series Description
Recordings of noted organs at various locations throughout Europe.
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Host: Fidell, S. A. (Sanford A.)
Performer: Vignanelli, Ferruccio
Producing Organization: University of Michigan
Writer: Welliver, Harry B., 1910-2005
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 68-7-5 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:57
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Ancient European organs; San Giuseppe Church,” 1968-01-03, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 27, 2024,
MLA: “Ancient European organs; San Giuseppe Church.” 1968-01-03. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 27, 2024. <>.
APA: Ancient European organs; San Giuseppe Church. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from