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The child beyond produced by Radio house the University of Texas under a grant from the Educational Television and Radio Center in cooperation with the National Association of educational broadcasters. You're. Beyond the hurt and. The different beyond the problem and it will be. There is a child. How can we how can we read. You are. Radio host the University of Texas brings you the child to be on a series of programs devoted to the exceptional child in our society. His areas of difficulty. His problems the avenues of adjustment open to him. There is a brighter and more reassuring world constantly emerging for our exceptional
children. We proposed to explore that world with the guidance of men and women whose companionship with exceptional children constantly reveals to them these youngsters great capacity for a rewarding life and happiness and living. Just who is the child whom we have termed exceptional. What brought him here among us. What can we expect of him and what has he a right to expect of us in this program in the 12 to follow nationally recognized authorities and consultants in the fields of psychology therapy medicine and special education will help us learn what we can of this child who is not as other children. A child who is different. The child who has more than one who has less. The gifted and the handicapped. Let us seek him out and come to know him as best we can for he has need of our knowledge and our understanding. This one among our children who through no fault of his own is the child out of step.
And now our series commentator Dr. William G will by and large we as a people set great store by our children within the limits of our incomes and our imagination of our opportunities and our experience. We want for each child the best that life has to offer whether we ourselves have had that best looking. John isn't he a splendid man and thank God that he will grow up just like you go to your school you have this house take over the businesses you took over from your father or whether something short of the best was our own portion. Just look at that young man with Spiridon image of his own dad. And that's what they all see. But he's got to have the things that his dad never had. Let me tell you that yes he ain't going to miss nothing this good and we've set our sights on the goals for our children health and happiness.
Money enough and the good life prestige and popularity and problems of 5 Beta Kappa key or the football letter. Or a husband who's the pick of the lot. The things we cherish the things we revere the fruits of an alert an active mind and a body attractive sound and strong and insofar as we are able. We set each child's feet on the pathway to those goals. With Formula fresh. Cod liver oil and regular checkups with such a thing and any others within our grasp. Children marching toward the goals we have in mind and all our hopes all our wishes ambitions for them. Some will march at the head of the line and some a few paces back but with luck and a good start the great body of our children will fall into step. One
two three four one two three four. Start wrong. Blast with lifesavers. Cover the ground. They'll march up the road together. But wait. Not all of them no not all for here and there now and then. If we listen if we look we'll find him we'll find the child who cannot keep up or who forges ahead. The child who cannot market through the off beat child. Try as he might strive as she will and so match the commonplace the different life and fortune and circumstance have decreed to be the child. Well that's what they are. The children whom we come to know on these programs.
And all of the children like them wherever they may be in our own home or our friends homes in our neighborhood our school our community however else we may term them exceptional or deviate and be kept or gifted children with problems or children in need of special help. This is their common bond. But in terms of the norm they live their lives you know off beat rhythm that they cannot match the tempo of the rest that they cannot keep step with the patterns around them. But we shall know them best help them most if we remember this too that they have their own congenial patterns that left to their own best pace they can move ahead to slightly alter goals that they are first and foremost children are children like all of the others and that only secondarily are they the children who are out of step. Where did they get out of step. Where do they turn astray from the pattern we call normal.
How are the limbs twisted. The hearing impaired. When did the nerve channels go. When did the mind stop short of its mark where the eyes fail to fulfill their ultimate function wherein the sum of their days and in the unfolding of their ways. Did these children slack the expected pace. Well it happened many times. It came from many causes. Some children were never in step at all and the pattern of normalcy for them was disrupted when they came into being in a home perhaps or in a hospital. Hello there. Well Mrs. Barker So we are awake now most anyway. I feel kind of all scattered. That's sedation It'll wear off in time. You had quite a bit you know I guess. No I don't remember much about it. That's the whole idea. I want a drink of water. Oh yes thank you. MY MOUTH softly draw. Here you are. That better. Oh yes much better. I've got the cotton out of my mouth. Look
what is your name. JOHNSON I'm Mrs. John. I feel so silly just saying nurse all the time. Mrs. Johnson I did have my baby didn't die. Oh yes Mrs. Barker. Yes dear you had your baby. And was it a little boy a boy. Oh but Jim was beside himself. He wanted a boy. It's funny isn't it Mrs. Johnson to have a baby and have to ask whether you've had it. Well with all the things they give you nowadays it's also hazy. I remember everything up to a point. But after that did I do all right Mrs. JOHNSON. I mean I didn't scream or moan or anything. You were a fine patient Mrs. Barker. And now I think you'd better go back to sleep. I'll go back to sleep in a while. But first I want to see my baby or the baby's come down at six Mrs. Barker at six. What time is it now. Oh just a little after three. But that's three whole hours and I haven't even laid eyes on him. I can't wait three hours now Mrs. Barker.
You've waited nine months a little more time won't matter it matters to me. Can't they bring him down just for a minute. Only for a little while so I can see him. I am afraid not. Well that's the silliest thing I ever. I've had a baby and I can't even. Where's Jim. Where's my husband. Has he seen the baby. Mr. Barker had some things to do. You'll be back in a little while. Oh I bet Jim will fix it so I can see my baby. My goodness I never heard of anything so ridiculous. Now Mrs. Barr I believe I hear voices. Somebody's awake in here. Somebody certainly is old Jim. I'm so glad you're here. Hello sweetie. How do you feel. I feel Jim. Can you believe it. They if there's nothing else you want. Mrs. Barker I think I'll just check in. All right Mrs. JOHNSON. I'm sorry I was out of pocket when you wake up early. You're sure you feel all right.
Of course I feel all right. I'm fine or I would be if GM. They won't bring the baby down until six o'clock. Well that's that's that's when they bring him down to me. That's when they bring all the babies down. You sound just like Mrs. JOHNSON. I don't care about all the babies and when they come down this is the first baby I ever had and I've waited all this time wondering what he'd be like. And now he's here and I could see him only they won't. Jim you seem yestreen me well. Mike I mean you know is he cute in everything honey. After all you got to remember babies never are of course I know. Brand new little babies don't look like much. He's probably awfully red and scrunchy looking. But you like him don't you Jim. I mean you wanted a boy and all that I had you were a boy I didn't die. Yes honey you did Jim. Yes we. You don't sound right Jim. Now
Jeannie. Yeah. Well you don't I know you. You'd be doing net pubs if everything was all right. Look again Julia you've had an awful tough. Why don't you take yourself a little nap and then maybe don't try to stall me Jim. What is it they won't let me see my baby and you act so funny. What is it Jim. Don't do me this way don't it. The doctor he's coming in he wants to talk to you. To both of us it'll be easier if he tells it you you'll understand it better. He'd have been here now only. But I don't want him to tell me. I want you to. You've seen our baby. You've seen him. What's the matter with it. I don't know if I can tell you just how it is but but the way the doctor told me. Well sometimes a baby when he's being made you know before is born. Well something
goes wrong they don't know what they are they just don't know Jamia it was nothing you did or didn't do. You couldn't have changed it. Nobody could. Not the doctor or anybody. It just happened just happens. What you talk all around. But you won't say. All right Jeanie this is tough. It's awful tough. But but I'll tell you our little boy our baby genie he's not much to look at. I wanted you to get ready for that. He looks pretty bad honey. Jim I don't care about that. Well I will love him no matter how I look. But that's not the main thing the main thing is he just isn't right. He doesn't move right. He doesn't act right. He just didn't turn out exactly the way we'd hoped Gini did. But look at me. Maybe it will be better than we think it. It's too early to tell. Even the doctor says so.
He says there are all sorts of things we know now about little babies who are different that that we didn't know before and they're learning new things all the time. But do you. This just is oer baby. That's what he is. And one thing's for sure we're not going to let this thing lick us we're going to see that our baby has the best life that any little boy could have. Even Like why not like he is. Everybody's different in some way or other. You're like you are. I'm like I am but somebody else is like something else. We all just have to get along the way things are best for us. So what is different. So what he's gonna make it. He just started out a little bit behind the line. The child out of step. The child who was never in step.
With From the beginning fate circumstance and the mysterious process is a birth. That he must find his own best temple there are those children and then there are others others who started out bravely enough keeping time with the pattern of the norm. And then you say that was the first time is it Stan the first time you notice this convulsive state without any contributing federal condition any fever. Yes that's right Tommy hadn't had any fever speeding fine so far as I could tell. And many down for his nappy takes have nap every afternoon. Well it's like I told you I was still in the room picking up some toys and I. I heard this sound you know kind of strangled sound and when I turned around well he was all stiffened up. He couldn't talk couldn't tell me what was the matter. He just made that sound. Well I ran for a drink of water and
he couldn't swallow that it just ran out of his mouth. Look real skill. And that lasted about two minutes you think. Yes I guess about two minutes and it was only after that seizure that you began to notice this difficulty with his right arm and yes it came on so gradually you know that. But at first we didn't notice but later on you couldn't help noticing especially when he was tired he'd get that droop to his mouth the whole side of his face sanctuary and. He'd drop things or fall he fell really easy. Well I would tell you Miss Stanley as I explained to you this involvement of the right side indicates that there's trouble on the left side of Tommy's brain. When we started out we didn't know what we were looking for exactly. We weren't sure what we advise. And there was a possibility of a tumor on that side of the brain or or something like that partial agenesis.
We considered that. But everything now points to scar tissue of some kind. You say you don't remember an injury or some hard blow on the head that Tommy might have had at one time or another. You know I don't remember if there was ever anything like that. We just don't know. Now I've talked to Dr. Garfield the surgeon we've gone over Tommy's record and the tests are all very carefully and we think if Dr. Garfield could operate if that scar tissue were moving on his brain go in there and cut it out remove the scar tissue that is causing the trouble. Let me reassure you Dr. Garfield has done that kind of thing a number of times very successful I don't know. It's awfully risky on his brain. I don't know if that's the right thing. What happens if you don't take it out. I'm afraid Tommy will just get worse Mrs Stanley. It's a progressive
thing you've seen yourself how he's gradually losing more and more the mobility of that arm and leg in time. I can't say how long but in time they could be seriously affected. He might lose the entire use of the members on that side. You mean he'd be paralyzed but I can't say of course but it's possible even probable. I just don't understand it. It just doesn't seem like it could be Tommy's never been sick to speak up just just as healthy and active a boy should have had no paypal with his dad. Swim. Ron if you have a Saul such a boy. And then all of a sudden for no reason that you know about or can even think back to just all of a sudden this. Yes all of a sudden this or something else polio maybe or an
accident measles or a high fever or a tired heart and another child is out of step. Another child becomes the exception to the rule that boys and girls are active and healthy and have whole call upon all their faculties for there are these children among us. Children whose own best patterns bear an individual stamp. The exceptions who is happiest and most successful pace. We must with skill and diligence help them fine for a while. Almost 90 percent of our youngsters step out more or less together keeping time to the pattern of the norm. There are the others. Children never worry and step differences of mind and body relegated them to a pattern of their own from their very first hours and other children who started in conformity but changed face along the way. These are our exceptional children exceptional. Yes they need what other children need. They see what other
children see and they can be helped to a rich and rewarding fulfillment of their goals. If we tailor their market marching to their own measure or each of them is first and foremost important to us valuable in his own right and only for our present consideration child. To help us know more about the child who is out of step don't talk to us about who he is why he is what he wants what he needs. Here again is our program narrator Dr. William G Wolfe professor of educational psychology at the University of Texas director of the Austin cerebral palsy center and well-known lecturer in the field of special education. Talking with Dr. Wolff are three
authorities whose work and experience have qualified them all so to speak for and about our exceptional children. From the University of Texas Dr. Philip Washoe a professor of psychology and director of clinical training and Mrs. Burt Krueger Smith mental health educator and writer Hogg foundation for Mental Hygiene representing the medical profession is a pediatrician Dr. Ralph Hanna. Dr. Wolfe in teaching courses relative to the exceptional child and in your work with exceptional children you very likely use that term exceptional many many times a day. Just what do we mean by exceptional Well exceptional in terms of exceptional children. It means any child who can get along in the regular classroom without some special service he would have a physical problem possibly or mental problem some problem that would prevent him getting along as the so-called average or normal child would get along. This problem really is a very severe one very serious one because the United States
Office of Education has estimated that approximately 12 and a half percent of our scholastic population have problems severe enough to require these special services. This program that we have just heard has brought out I believe a number of problems that confront us and special education dealing with the exceptional child. One of these problems I feel is really one of the main ones is the counseling problem. And we have with us Dr. Philip or Shell who is a psychologist and I'd like to ask Dr. war shell what his impression is of the way the mother Jean was informed of the fact that her child was a deviant child not a war shell. Do you feel that the father should have this responsibility of informing the mother or should this responsibility be the doctors. Dr. Wolf in cases where we have to inform parents of the deviation of their child it raises usually two
questions one who is going to give the information. And second how is the information they get. Usually the physician is the one that diagnosis the deviation and is in a position to inform the parents. He often will evaluate the ability of the parent to handle the information and come to the come to a decision. In this case here probably thought it was best to let Jim know first of the deviation of the baby. And Jim carry the news to his wife and his attitude as you could see certainly help the wife to accept the news without the tremendous shock that might have been probably a result if it came in a different or more unsuspecting way. So that I say it's very hard to generalize. You must consider all the circumstance of the situation in order to make a decision on who is going to get the information as far as how.
Here's another problem was how can we tell the parents usually tell him very bluntly or even very tactfully that the child is a deviant child. It's going to result in a lot of anxiety tremendous shock. So we have to consider what else can we say to the parents that may minimize the shock. One may be the possibility of giving specific action. What can the parents do in view of the deviation of the child. What plans can they make. How can they help the child to develop within the limits that had been set down for most when the responsibles special education really isn't it. Yes it requires a careful appraisal of all the abilities or possibilities potentialities of the diagnosis and of the child's way of developing towards Before diagnosis given to the parents about community garden centers and your clinic for example. They would have certainly a very important role there with gas and chases positionally for the say an older child or even a baby to cycle the clinic to make sure of a diagnosis and
then plan realistically beforehand so only tell the parents they can tell something more than merely a diagnosis to parents because my time diagnosis quite a shock. A doctor or Shell as a physician many times we are faced with the problem of a child whom we may not even consider as a deviate at birth and as we go along in the first few months of life realize there is some deviation in that case. Very frequently the father is not in the office with the mother and the mother has to be told directly by the physician. Well something like that seen them with Mr. Stanley wasn't where the child had the brain damage. Yes exactly that sort of a scene. And in that particular case the father apparently was not playing any part or any role at that particular time. So that the physician had to go into the deviation in quite some depth in order to try to explain to Mrs. Stanley what the situation was. His explanation was
that of the normal method of differential diagnosis that's very frequently used when a problem is not apparent on first examination and from what we heard in that scene we can see that a great amount of laboratory work had been done to confirm the diagnosis. We can also see that the doctor tried to tell Mrs. Stanley that this surgery was essential. Although we did not hear it in this scene. I feel that the doctor probably went into some of the medical needs during and soon after the surgery but there are other things that we must think about such as the need of counseling the parent during and following as well as making some educational plans so that this child does not lag far behind during his recuperative period from the surgery. Well again that brings in a special education as I said as a doctor. Yes it does for example your homebound program as a part of special education in the public school. Also your hospital the
education programs like I said to Dr. Ward Show counseling is very important here isn't it. We have with us Mrs. Krueger Smith who is the person in charge of editing the publications of the whole foundation in the area of mental hygiene. I'd like to ask Mrs. Smith what her feeling is about the job this type of program does for parents. I feel more and more that parents are tremendously interested in getting all the knowledge that they can about taking care of their exceptional children just as they're interested in taking care of their so-called normal children. We get hundreds of letters each month. They usually come from parents or from interested citizens or from students wanting to go into the field. I kept thinking and listening to this program of the words of one of my favorite authors Kelly Alger Bron who said should you really open your eyes and see you would behold your image in all images. And should you really open your ears and listen you would hear your voice than our voices.
I think it goes back to this program and what the narrator said earlier that we as a people set great store by our children. I think we want to do our best for exceptional children as mental health education is proving that these differences are only in degree and that we are learning that the child beyond maybe only a little way away and that we can help them toward fulfillment. Well that's an excellent thought there. As you people know we are going to have a number of these programs I believe they're 11 or 12 more of them. For example one of the ones to come will be on this problem of counseling and the attitudes of people. I certainly want to thank each and every one of you for being with us and and showing us really some of these problems of the child out of step. The child was brought to you by a radio House the University of Texas as the first of a special series of programs titled The child young. These programs are devoted to the exceptional
problems areas of difficulty and the avenues of adjustment open to them. Consultants taking part in the panel discussion on this program are Dr. William Rockefeller Mrs. Burton Krueger Smith and Dr. Ralph Kiner. The child out of step prepared for broadcast my jack Summerfield from a script. By the way with special music by Eleanor playing. Hail our Adkins was Project Coordinator. The child beyond was produced by Radio hosts of the University of Texas under a grant from the Educational Television and Radio Center. This program is distributed by the National Association of educational broad. Shoulders. The preceding program was tape recorded their radio network.
Child beyond
The child out of step
Producing Organization
University of Texas
KUT (Radio station : Austin, Tex.)
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
Who is the exceptional child?
Series Description
Documentary-drama with discussions by child-care experts about exceptional children, both handicapped and gifted.
Broadcast Date
Exceptional children--United States.
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Composer: Page, Eleanor
Producer: Summerfield, Jack D.
Producing Organization: University of Texas
Producing Organization: KUT (Radio station : Austin, Tex.)
Speaker: Wolf, William G.
Speaker: Hanna, Ralph
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 56-12-1 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:23
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Child beyond; The child out of step,” 1956-01-01, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 27, 2024,
MLA: “Child beyond; The child out of step.” 1956-01-01. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 27, 2024. <>.
APA: Child beyond; The child out of step. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from