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You're listening to music. From the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas Texas. The national a national radio network presents music by Don goes. And the reason is that's where a more specific place in the division of music school with the art and the whole arrangement. Now that's where I am but where are you. And so therefore you have the next few moments all while listening intently with write me a card or letter saying we are and what you're doing listening to a program like this every week or so I just wonder about that. Actually what I really wonder is if there are any of you out there listening or not. I hope so because I know a lot of bother to do this sort of thing in the morning as behooves you to listen. That's if I do it behooves you to listen. And what we're going to listen to this week and
the piece for clarinet and fans orchestra and that sort of record and hopefully the last published book The unfinished symphony conductor and to begin this radio type opens with a score recorded specially for this broadcast but in the United States Army been with Captain Allen qual as a narrator and downbeat. Hello there I'm Lieutenant Allen Crowe director the United States Army Corps and I've been
designated by the Committee for the promulgation and dissemination of extraneous information about music to appear here to promote date and disseminate the next 10 years information. And today our subject is the conductor. You know you. Lead the band forth now won't you please go. Just like I told you he leads and it just naturally follows that if he leads the band
follows. And you notice he is standing on a box and the name of that box is podium. Now the conductor uses a podium just like the use of the phone. Not quite like it. The conductor stands in the kings that down. Maybe that's the reason there are more conductors than kings these days. The Kings can't stand being king anyway the conductor is king of music when he is on the podium or the podium is a symbol. That's why I am well out.
Anyway you know if the conductor stands with his back toward the audience that's not because he doesn't like your looks. Being a conductor just naturally has to face the music. When the conductor mounts the podium he's the absolute ball. For instance should he want to hear a little more time. All he has to do is wave his arms. And when he wants a wall he waves his arm like this. Now when the conductor waves as gently like so.
And with a slightly different beat. Naturally one. Of the other times you want. Low. Low down.
No if you'll notice he doesn't stand in front of all those musicians bare handed. He has a club I mean stick and that little stick is called a baton. Oh n. O n o t I'm elementary you say as your nearest neighbor while thing elementary. Well yes I agree except you don't know where the podium and baton came from in the first place. Oh please tell us are you beg and so I do come along with me now as we saunter through the centuries on history's mystical pathway for it all happen hundreds of years ago in a big forest and land. Now in the middle of the forest filled with giant sequoias.
In this mysterious moral way of so many years ago there was a little runt of a tree that wouldn't hardly even be worth mentioning if it weren't for the fact that our entire story is built around it. It was scrawny and scabrous and the meaning in fact it was sick. It felt pretty good the first 40 years of its life. But after 40 it had tired sap and the other three used to make fun of it. And the poor little wimp. But one day when the other trees were making fun of it
a little priest spoke up. It was a dogwood tree you see it said. You may laugh at me now You great big giant sequoias you but one would be the most important hunk of wood this side of Dallas Texas. So there. But the other trees just laughed at him some more. And the little tree got sadder than ever. But one day as fortunes changed for three trombone players from the bottom bottom band came into the forest. Well these three trombone players sat down by the little tree to eat their picnic lunch and sure enough they got to talking about their own conductor. A fellow named Shorty from out who not only
stood five feet one in his stocking feet but was also short handed. He's too short to be a conductor of one of the trombone players. I can't see him for sour apples sour apples being the name of the fat fellow on saxophone who sat right in front of him. Me neither said another. He always looks like you standing in a hole. Well they thought and thought. And finally the third trombonist who was a real thinker had a brilliant idea. Why doesn't he stand on a box. Well they agreed on that all right. And then the first trombone player said even if he does stand on a box his arms are so short we'll have to buy him a set of Adler's elevated elbows to see as downbeat. They were in a quandary or as one of them expressed. We are in a quandary. So they thought some more. And the little tree hearing their conversation bent down and whispered in their ear.
I beg your pardon. One of the trombone players that little tree. Would you mind speaking up a little I'm a little hard of hearing. Well what the little tree was saying was that he would volunteer his services if it would help out any right little treat. Right. And so quick as a wink the Bodden Boston band boys chop the little tree down. And quickly as the wind clear again they built the little tree into a podium. And not only that but they had enough left over to make a run.
What they did was a little cream and all that. And the but. And so now when the conductor steps on us and raises is he can play fast music or he can play music. You can play.
You can even play. With a stick in his hand. I would like you with a little music. He sure has endowed him with a right. When he
was in his. With his bead on and his eyes on the score. He beats with the end of his life. Stopping only when. The conductor everlastingly including one number by. Heart and speaking. We need a way. Colonel conductor of the United States Army has just conducted down the
table for a band whose program the music we're now listening to Captain was the narrator. Next music than the orchestra of the Iraq and arts academy and Dr. George Wilson the work we're going to hear from a winter's dream or scenes from yesterday. Why.
Were. You George Wilson who just conducted the students of the Arts Academy
orchestra or scenes of us music as we bring Still another goes on to the show. His name is Lawrence and he's in this Texas Christian University band performance for. Why.
The soloist was performing
with the Texas Christian University been conducted by his brother. He brings us now to the end of the broadcast and I just noticed that my time was almost up for I've had a chance to read a chapter or so published book The unfinished symphony conductor. I had a few choice lines from the chapter on hypnotism as an adjunct science of the conductor's art and maybe even a few things from the chapter what to do posterity comes. But as usual any chance I'm talking about also reluctantly pack up my microphone and steal it back to my work of being chairman of the music division here at Southern Methodist University. But before that. Next week the NBC chimes and the score based on this famous children's book. It's an orchestra so present
with us.
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The music of Don Gillis III
Episode Number
Producing Organization
Southern Methodist University
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-st7dwm2h).
Episode Description
This program features composer Don Gillis highlighting some of his favorite pieces from his oeuvre.
Series Description
This series spotlights the works of American composer Don Gillis and is hosted by the man himself.
Media type
Composer: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Host: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Producer: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Producing Organization: Southern Methodist University
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 67-39-12 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:46
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The music of Don Gillis III; 12,” 1967-11-21, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 27, 2024,
MLA: “The music of Don Gillis III; 12.” 1967-11-21. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 27, 2024. <>.
APA: The music of Don Gillis III; 12. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from