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Oh I am probably the most beautiful example of a rope turd market north of the Alps during the eighteenth century Church of the Benedictine monastery located in. Oh boy and John I want to be out sometimes. Oh the Swabian of scoria in 1754 condos are very skeptical nation to build and erect to the monastery church a small Holy Ghost organ on the gospel side and a large Trinity organ on the APUs or side of the altar. Both were dedicated in quest of sound on as 12 years later in 1766 the great lapse of time between the awarding of the commission and the completion of both instruments is not at all surprising when we consider the fact that for centuries all organs were hand crafted. Every item from the huge metal and wood pipes to the smallest leather pouches and by a single man. Rape was a conscientious and reputable builder no doubt took extra pains with the instruments
for such an important church. The overall sound of any organ is a composite of the individual stops or sets of pipes within the instrument. Part of the scale in organ building is the correct choice of stops. With regard to the total size of the instrument and the voicing of the selected stops with careful attention to the matter in which they will blend when played together. The instrument we're exploring today is a fine example of excellent tonal balance and blending of divergent stops. The musical portion of our broadcast begins with a series of short tonal examples illustrating only a few of the stops from the total of forty eight in the complete instrument. First let's hear the cornet. Stop. It. An hour of oxy about I'll stop describing early organ building trade as
representing the weeping of strong. Next stop. The first stop we will hear from the second manual of the organ is code and the principal.
This stop is from a family of stops by a poser and is one of the sounds of found only on the organ. But still the tone by means other than an organ pipe not been successful. One of the most brilliant stops of the organ is called Clarion. Here is an example of the clarionet found on the second mad. World.
The next total illustration to be heard demonstrates the brilliance of the cornet. This is what is called a five rankes stop that is to say for every key played by the organist five high pitched tones sound. So just stop is used on large organs to supply overtones in addition to those produced by the pipes themselves as by means of such stops that the extreme brilliance of the large organ is update. Here now is the 5 ranked cornet. I'm a good manual of the organ. There was a small or softer cornet and this is how it sounds. Finally two examples from the port manual press will hear the poop stop.
Our last total example is of another float. This one of the one and I have put up a picture rarely found except on the largest organisms. It's indeed a tribute to the art of organ building that such a disparate group of sounds
and there are many others which we have not heard can be voiced into a cohesive and brilliant mass of thought. The builder of the Trinity organ in the Bavarians way beyond Benedictine monastery and altar boy Ron rape was known far and wide for his craftsmanship. As a young organ builder he lived in Paris for three years and there had intimate contact with the great organist and organ builders of perhaps Paramo and Adullam bade us to set as to mention but two of the most outstanding. Reap them settled in Dijon where he enjoyed the title of packed New watch or royal organ builder. He lived in Dijon for 32 years from 1737 to 1769 and built a good many organs during that period. Even though he elected to live in Bergen day. He remained a true Swabian all his life. The commission to return to his home country and there to erect two organs with the Benedictines most indeed of calm as a most welcome of act in his professional life. The French composer
cross-walk Cooper Rao was a contemporary of repo although somewhat his senior. He died during the time reap was living and working in paradise. We will now hear the organ in the Benedictine monastery an altar boy in a performance of four works by Cooper out bladder problem horn survive by boss to trumpet and the organist is Hines shall part. Hundred
nine hundred nine. Poor compositions by a process walk around. The builder of the organ being explored on our program today as if a rape was born in 1710 in El dam. A small pilgrimage village near auto boy ran. The attempted to learn his art from Johann Andreas Vermont of Strasbourg the famous brother of got three silver mine but he was rejected. Nevertheless when he did build organs in his own right it remained very faithful to Superman principle. The Trinity organ in Auto where I'm located on the episode's side of the altar is one of the two largest
old organs in southern Germany are still in playing condition. It has four manuals and pedals and forty two stops. Today's broadcast concludes with a composition by another contemporary of rape Gottlieb hot chamber musician composer and organist in the quarter piano from 1717 to 1763 when he was retired on pension. And now plays the kata with variations by a Gottlieb pops on the Trinity organ in the Benedictine monastery in auto Boiron Germany. What.
Mine has been heard in a performance of the with variations
by pot. Listening to approach from in from Europe or was having instruments erected during the period from the Middle Ages to the middle of the 18th century featuring performances of anchored by some of Europe's outstanding recital as he toured the Trinity organ in the Church of the Benedictine monastery nowhere in terms of the material to direct 1757 himself. But there will
be programs were recorded by members of the European Broadcasting yours by the way for presentation and I would state by state rooms of an eye for a radio network. The programme was prepared and written by Howie well over and produced by the University of Michigan vice masters are making and inviting me to listen again next week same time or another program or. Is that I have no education or radio network.
Ancient European organs
Trinity organ
Producing Organization
University of Michigan
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program features recordings of the Trinity Organ in Ottobeuren, Germany. Performances include works by Couperin; Muffat; and Hugl.
Series Description
Recordings of noted organs at various locations throughout Europe.
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Host: Fidell, S. A. (Sanford A.)
Producing Organization: University of Michigan
Writer: Welliver, Harry B., 1910-2005
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 68-7-2 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:54
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Ancient European organs; Trinity organ,” 1967-12-05, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “Ancient European organs; Trinity organ.” 1967-12-05. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: Ancient European organs; Trinity organ. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from