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The following tape recorded program is made available to this station by the National Association of educational broadcasters. The legendary pianists. Washington State University brings you another in a series of recitals by the keyboard giants of the early 20th century. The masters of piano art who made most of their recordings before the era of modern electronics. These legendary concert artists made their records on thick rolls of perforated paper similar to the player piano rolls but designed for a much more complex instrument called the reproducing piano recital we will hear today as selected from more than a thousand of these roll recordings in the collection of Dr. Campbell style. The chairman of the music department at Washington State University. The performance will be on
a Steinway reproducing piano in Dr. Stout's home. Here now is Dr. Campbell start to introduce today's legendary pianist. Harold Bauer the artist I have chosen for today's concert started his musical career as a violinist making his first public appearance in London at the age of 10. After several successful tours of England he moved to Paris in 1903 the next year he was engaged to make a tour of Russia with an American singer. In addition to playing her piano accompaniment he was supposed to play violin solos between her groups of songs. However in many of the small towns where they performed it was impossible to find an accompanist for his violin syllables so he resolved the problem by substituting piano solos in place of the violin. From that time on bar gradually shifted his attention and concentration toward the piano. Paderewski had taken quite an interest in Bauer when he came to Paris and it was through Potter Eskies manager that Barrett was engaged in 1895 to perform as a piano soloist with the Berlin Philharmonic.
The performance was highly successful and led to many more engagements that same season. His first tour in America was made in 1900. He became an American citizen in one thousand twenty one and died in Miami Florida in 1051 at the age of 77. All together here about our record about 200 rules for the Dort piano he tells in his autobiography about the many hours he spent in the Aeolian company studios. Not only in recording stations but in editing the rules. Today's program opens with his performance of one of the Bach two part invention as the one in F Major A. You have just heard one of the Bach two part inventions as performed by Harold Bell are one of the most.
As for promotional devices used by the door company was to have various artists record a piano concerto and then have the reproducing piano perform the work with orchestral accompaniment in a regular symphony concert. According to the best information I've been able to locate Harold Bauer was the first one to make such a recording. The work chosen was a sandstones concerto in G minor in the hall where it was performed with the Philadelphia Orchestra under the direction of Leopold to Koski was filled to capacity with invited guests. Mr Bower tells what a strange feeling it was to be a part of the audience see the lid of the piano raised and hear the noun Smith made that Mr. Harold Bauer would now play the sandstones concerto in G minor. He reports that the performance was a sensational success and was later repeated by the New York Symphony under the direction of Walter Damrosch and the San Francisco Symphony under the direction of Alfred Hertz. Damn right sure we're both quoted as saying that they had never before been so nervous in accompanying an artist. This same concerto is the one I have chosen for inclusion on today's program. Harold Bauer
recorded not only the solo piano part but after arranging the orchestra accompany for piano recorded this part also both parts are combined into one player rule. It is in this form that you will now hear the sandstones Concerto Number two in G minor. The first movement is marked andante Sawston you till the second Allegro skirts Ondo and the third movement presto. Yeah.
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You have just heard the siren songs concerto in G minor with Harold bower as today's soloist. The next programme in our series will present do art recordings of piano duets performed by a bar and govern over each bar and Myra house. Cyril Scott and Percy Granger and Alfredo Castillo.
This has been the legendary pianists. It's a series of recitals from reproducing piano rolls by the great concert pianists of the early 20th century. Your host and commentator on these programs is Dr. Campbell Stout the chairman of the music department of Washington State University. The legendary pianists is produced by Omar Erickson for Washington State University Radio. Here Randall speaking. This is the AMA a radio network.
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The legendary pianists
Bach and Saint-Saens
Producing Organization
Washington State University
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
Harold Bauer performs works by Bach and Saint-Saens.
Series Description
Music by great early-twentieth century concert pianists who produced Duo-Art piano roll recordings before advent of electronic recording.
Broadcast Date
Media type
Host: Stout, Kemble, 1916-
Performer: Bauer, Harold, 1873-1951
Producing Organization: Washington State University
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 62-8-3 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:30
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Chicago: “The legendary pianists; Bach and Saint-Saens,” 1961-12-21, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 27, 2024,
MLA: “The legendary pianists; Bach and Saint-Saens.” 1961-12-21. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 27, 2024. <>.
APA: The legendary pianists; Bach and Saint-Saens. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from