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Now when my two boys and girls to listen I was your son's lady brings you another program. Hello boys and girls. Welcome back to school. We're going to be doing a lot of fine things this year. Are you all ready to start. Are you ready for a surprise today. Good Mr. Farmer Are you ready to go to work. How about Miss Gardner. Are you ready to. That's fine. Now gardeners and farmers all gardeners and farmers know just lots about plants. So we're going to expect Mr. Farmer and Mrs. Gardner to tell us all they know about fruits today and we'll ask them to show us something these two. Now we're all ready So let's begin. There are many many different
kinds of fruits there. Mr. Farmer If you're not standing up when you stand up at the table so that everyone can see what you're going to do. And Mr. Gardner You stand up there beside me from the way you and face the class. All right Mr. Farmer will you pick pick up the apple. You do have an apple don't you. All right pick up the apple and show it to everyone. Turning around all the way and let them see all sides of the apple. You know right is an apple a fruit. Well as most of us are sure it's a fruit. But let's see what makes an apple a fruit. Let's take a good look at that apple. And we're going to find out what a fruit really is. Fruits all fruits grow on plants.
Did the apple grow on a plant. What kind of a plant. Miss Gardner. Did Miss Gardner say that an apple grew on an apple tree. All right our trees plant. Of course they are trees our plants trees are pretty big aren't they. They're very large plants but they're still plants. Mr. Farmer does the apple you were holding have a stem look and see. If it does have a stem turn it around and show everyone in your room where the stem is. Now if it doesn't have a stem you can tell where the stem did grow. Show everyone where the stem grew. Can you find the end of the apple that you think this dam grew out of if you don't have a stem in there. All right show
everybody. All right now turn the apple around so that they can see the bottom end of the apple. You look at it to the opposite end from where the stem is growing or did grow. Now take a good look at that end of the apple. Mr. Farmer You better look at it because the other people are too far away you can show them after a while. Look at the end. Now we call that in the end that's opposite from the stem the blossom end of the apple. Now look very carefully and you find anything down there at the blossom end that would let you know that it was once upon a time the blossom. And can you see any little thing and pieces of skin look hard put your finger in there and feel them. Will now those little pieces of skin that are sticking out there at the blossom end of the
Apple world the small green leaves the Sea Peoples And you know about those that grew up around the apple bud the apple blossom the little flower the Apple started as a flower and apple blossom and Apple grows from the flower doesn't it. When you show that to the boys and girls after a while don't take time now because we want you to do something else right away. All fruits grow from flowers. Did you know that all fruits grow from the flower of a plant. All right Miss Gardner take the apple in your hand when you please and look at it again carefully. Does it look good nuff to eat some fruits are good to eat. But what would you say if I told you that there are some fruits that are not good to eat.
That's hard to believe isn't it. Well you can talk about that later. Now let's find out something else about fruit. Mr. Farmer will you take the apple again. And put it down on the pad of paper you have some newspaper there put the apple down on the pad of paper and turn it on its side don't stand up. Lay the apple on the side and hold it with one hand. All right are you ready now with your other hand. Pick up the knife. Now we must be very careful when we use a knife. When you look at that knife and be sure you know which is the sharp edge of the blade don't touch it with your fingers. The blade I mean look at it carefully. You don't want to have any accident now have you decided which is the sharp side. Good. Now hold the apple firmly in one hand with one hand down on that pad of paper
and he got it turned on its sign. You are right and keep your fingers out of the way and cut the apple right across the middle halfway between the top and the bottom. Just cut the whole apple right in to be careful not keep your fingers out of the way. Have you got it cut all the way through sometimes it's hard to cut an apple all the way through. Take your time and don't cut your fingers just get the apple All right. Cut it all the way through into two pieces. All right now be sure. Maybe you'll have to turn the apple over to cut it all the way through. But get it all away through. All right have you got it cut into if if it's hard to see if you can break it apart the rest of the way if yours is and cut all the way. All right are you ready is your apple cut into two pieces now. All right now put
the knife down. Thank you. Now look at the cut side of the apple. Give half of it to Miss Gardner where you get one half of the apple to Ms Gardner and you take the other and both of you look at the cut side of the apple. The inside where you cut it through right now. Do you see anything at the very center of the apple. Can you find any seeds in little pockets down there in little spaces in the center of the apple. In what we call the core you find some seeds. Good. Are the seeds the same color as the apple fruit. Most apples when they're ripe have the dark brown seeds where you turn the apples of the apple halves around and show the class where those seeds are way inside the Apple. All right. All fruits have C and the seeds of all fruits are usually
inside the fruit. Does the Apple have seeds inside of it. All right let's put the apple down again and think about some other fruits. You have pictures of some there on the bulletin board or on the wall or somewhere. Mr. Gardner Do you have a picture of an orange. Show us where it is. All right now if you don't have the picture of an orange What do you think of one I'm sure you've all seen an orange. Does an orange grow on a plant. Does an orange have seeds inside. Well some do but it is true that you may have had oranges that do not have seeds and that's because the seeds have not grown. But if you look carefully even inside of an orange that seems not to have seeds. You
find some very little tiny white things at the very center of each little partition each little slice of orange that looks white. And they're very tiny. And if they had grown they would have been seeds some oranges do not grow the seeds do not grow very well in them and so we say they are seedless our ages. But if you look closely you find some of those little tiny white things that would have been a seed if they had grown. So an orange is a fruit isn't it. It grows on a plant and it has seeds inside of it we call an orange a fruit. Now let's look at the picture of a pear. Have you got a pear there. Well if you haven't close your eyes and think a pear grows on a plant as a pair have Seaton's on what you think of a peach or show us the picture of a peach. How many
seeds are inside of a peach usually. How about a cherry. Does a lemon or a grapefruit have seeds inside of it. Do grapes have see what we call all of those things fruits and they are they grow on plants they have seeds inside. And they're the fruits of the plant. Mr. Farmer If you grew all these things that we've been talking about you would call them fruit too wouldn't you. All right now all of the things we've talked about so far grow on plants grow from a flower and have seeds inside. Now Ms Gardner You have a picture of a tomato. If you do show us if you can't if you don't have a picture just think about a tomato for a minute or two. How many of you have ever seen a tomato. How many of you
have eaten tomatoes. Are there seeds in Jimmy toes. Well then are tomatoes the fruit of plants. Yes sir they are fruit. Sometimes we call things vegetables we call a tomato a vegetable. But tomatoes are really fruits of plants. If you've ever seen a tomato plant how many have. Well you know that tomato plants have flowers. And after the petals of the flower fall off a little green ball begins to grow and it grows bigger and bigger and bigger and soon it turns red. And there you have a tomato. So tomatoes are their fruits. Plants and you will know why if you think it grew on a plant it grew from the flower it has seeds inside and so it is the fruit of a plant. Now let's think about a
pumpkin. You have a picture of a pumpkin there. Well if you don't I'm sure all of you have seen a pumpkin before. What did you find inside of a pumpkin if you hollowed one out for Halloween for a jack o'lantern. Did you find seeds inside the pumpkin. Home is a pumpkin and fruit it grows on a plant. The pumpkin grows from a flower and it heads has seeds in. Are you surprised to know that you call a pumpkin a fruit bowl we call lots of things. Vegetables that are really fruit think squash string beans cucumber. Will you decide which of the things that you call vegetables are really fruits. When you talk about fruits All right bye. Let's find out originates in the studios on paying and selling the St.
Louis Board of Education radio station. This is the end I be radio network.
Let's find out, grade 2
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program seeks to educate children about various kinds of fruit.
Series Description
In-school series produced for release in Fall 1960.
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: S60-13-1 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:14:30?
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Chicago: “Let's find out, grade 2; Fruits,” 1960-01-01, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “Let's find out, grade 2; Fruits.” 1960-01-01. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: Let's find out, grade 2; Fruits. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from