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That contribution to it is that they make us stop and think What's wrong that we have produce a group of young people who live this way who struggle this way. Our task it seems to me is to try to find out what we can do that is more effective than what they do they are not affected because they are isolated because they reject everything about about us that much because that dream and they go into absurdity and because they have no leadership no organization and I don't think you can work without organization. You have no political awareness or seemingly no political possibility because the mass media won't give them the kind of publicity that they'll give your everything. And Ronald Reagan. If you look at any one of the mass media and their representation of the hip they always show you these people as sick and diseased at nutty and turned on drug addicts and so on and never show you any of them.
Because it is much easier not to look at them and not to listen to their programme because we are convinced that if we listen to them and they might be right then we would have to do something about it. There is indeed I think we ought to do something about the situation. We need more rational solutions like the solutions a Fulbright and Spock. And that's what's wrong with him. I didn't mean to get all the hippies with you tonight because my subject is what can we do about what is the nature Rob. What kind of climate can we create. Psychologically which would be promotion of peace which would be war. And that's really what I want to talk about before I leave the hippies However I want to tell you a little bit about. They have to be decision about I think it's October 21. The hippies you know are going to go to Washington and gonna go to Washington and they're
going to sit around the Pentagon there's going to be a peace march on Washington on the 21st and they're going to go there and they've got to get around the Pentagon. And they are going to get all the mystics and they sanction their office and their astrology which is saucers warlock druid and so on. I am reading this and I want to get around of it got to concentrate and I'm going to concentrate on the Pentagon and before they get to the concentration they're going to distribute to all the generals so that when the Pentagon begins to rise into the air and disappear and the generals can parachute to safety that's their plan for Peace Day 21. Do you think that's funny. Your read today's times. You read about probably one of the most brilliant men in american for
your plight. You read that he was on television. Few weeks ago and there he had made contact with his young son would die some year ago in 1966 and over the television waves he got messages through a medium which he insists were messages from his dead son. Now what I am saying is that if you can do that. I think the happiest can actually make the Pentagon go up and. What I'm saying is I think they have a right. To be conscientious objectors like any other country and they have a Pallavi. They have values they have a morality they have a point of view and therefore I think they have a right to object if they want to object. For us we
will be mothers and women's committees which will get down on this Mark. I know that there are many mothers and women who do not join committees for peace. But if you've been reading the newspapers in the last few days you will notice larger numbers of casualties are being reported among the American. I saw last week the largest number of a single report some 400 Marine were killed. Usually there are about three hundred twenty three Vietcong and two American soldiers believe that usually the report out of Vietnam. But last week for the first time I saw a large number reported and I think it's good because it will mean that every household in America sooner or later will have some son or some son die and at this point we will all look at this thing a little more seriously. We got I think you are right. That this
is the prelude to World War 3. This is not not a this is a war and we better know what we're doing with our eyes open. I'm not suggesting that there are arguments for or against this. I am suggesting that you do what you are doing consciously that you know what you're getting in. This is what you want to do. OK take the consequences. Now I might not like your decision because it might affect you. So I will have to struggle with you. But I think you have a right to your opinion and I have a right to mine. But don't rush your blogs you know that the guy was the analyst. I got I got Bob walking up and I am in the a.m. Don't write him off on me. And so what I'm saying is don't write him off. Now want you want you want
a psychological situations would you promote us. You know. There is an old saying I don't know to whom it could be that maybe it was Marx everything that is even you know it's political it's mine it's literary and even the bible of Shakespeare and of a psychological issue was. But anyway. Regardless of that bag there was the saying that war is the making of politics by other means. Now it seems to me that maybe instead of making war we can make politics if we can reverse that would you wager. Because one of the birds in my opinion one of the first criteria for making the psychological climate movies is that they have to be. Some opportunity to discuss some of what you talk so much about human to make
some of what you need to return to politics where the basis of politics is in my estimation. Bargain is. Not going to talk. Trying to deal with one another. Now it seems to me that we will never be able to get to return to politics so long as the most important force is against us. And I've already talked about this important social and that of the force of mass communication. I would like to talk for a few minutes with you about McLuhan. He's another one of my favorite person McLuhan said that we are all mentally brainwashed. He called them aside. He says we all are victims of the electronic Messiah. He says that whoever controls the electronic mass media controls the mind of man. I can always simplification but essentially that's what he said. He says the beat of the Tom-Tom that you hear here
on St. Mark's Place that the beat of electronic music and the beat of the radio the beat of the telomere the multiple defense appeal all of it breaks us that think along certain lines. Which gives us a little freedom of choice. Now the manse media today support the establishment and are against a mass media today. Radio television newspapers magazines represent one of the most important which educate us that violence is part of our lives instead of a part of our lives. Ever isn't the television set that works now at this moment that is on now. That doesn't have some kind of violence being displayed on. Some violence show some violent activity is being displayed. And you know that violence is one of the things that.
Violence is one of the things that sells products. There isn't a child program that isn't filled with violence. There isn't a radio program every day there are hours in which is not true. But basically there is a support violence. Hostility and so on by the way there are some social scientists who claim that the summer riots were increased by virtue of the way in which the television cameras reported and that we encourage violence by the way which we use the mass media the mass media are definitely opposed to the peace efforts of the show the very black. That the efforts of the more rational than they have. But the mass media are tremendously powerful. Because I have a feeling that the mass media do not give you a support against violence.
We must give up violence or we will never have peace. We often say to people give up violence but we are violent we have a kind of double blind. For example I was doing last night you got to see a film very very soon a film to make and break. The film about war. And they talk about how strange it is that in Vietnam we Americans are in a strange double bind position on the one hand we drop bombs and fragment people. We break the legs and feet and head into small little pieces and then we send the best surgical teams in the storm together again. We do this in our project. If a man is condemned to death in the electric chair and he suddenly develops an appendicitis we invite the surgeon in the world to come in and give
him the best rate. We remove the appendix. We saw him up again we give him penicillin we get more kinds of drugs. We make him healthy and then we put him in there. Now there's a double bind involved in that. We talk out of two sides of our mouth and we confuse people whether what we mean really is that we are all war weapons and it's difficult to trust and trust and honesty. Is one of the best psychological climate for peace. If you cannot trust the other fellow it is very difficult. To have peace because you will this president you will like him you will want to protect yourself. He will not trust you because trust bilateral and there will be war. It will be like what we do and why. What will be war nevertheless it will certainly not be.
So I said one of the things we need to learn how to be interpreted as negotiators and politicians talk instead of fight. This is one of the basic life. Secondly we've got to be honest and trustworthy. Stop giving us double dog. Third we need support from the mass media a mass media must establish a climate in favor of peace in favor of kindness and spay Rob and. We needed vigorous training and education. We need a revision of our educational system in my estimation in which we want to educate people our young people not the war not give them the heroes of the general. Not all violence and even George Washington have to chop down the cherry tree in order to show his individuality. It should be a way of going your individuality without an act. Certainly there must be other things about our country we can love him or.
And the fact that he chopped down a cherry tree. Let's not ready to be sold as an educator these showed it. Let's not provide them with the draft in order to have honors let's give them honors peace loving instead of feeling a certain number of people. Let's find other kinds of heroes in our educational system are my heroes of in general. Other than warrior. There must be other kinds of heroes of the kind of people we can respect. And this educational system must provide training against back. Against War. But education should have another aspect. Nobody is going to listen to me so I'm going to talk about it. Nothing's going to happen with it it's a plan that represents my own. I would like to see every young man and woman get a chance to have a couple of years of education abroad.
Instead of the United Nations to make peace by sending Stone let's send young people abroad to be educated. Under the United Nations. Every young man and woman will get a chance to live for a year or two years in some foreign country. Why. Why. Why do white suggest I suggest that because I would like to give you something to take home tonight and you got to get everything like that and oh man. And I perfectly alright then listen to what I'd like but I'd like you to remember one thing that I think the most important psychological. The most important area the most important is the intolerance of difference. I think that's
what years ago the fear of the stranger the difference. The inability on the brain the inability to tolerate somebody who was different like a man who can't relate to God. That's right. That's why we have many cannot relate to women or women. Why we will not talk to somebody who has a different religion. I have heard many and you say I would rather my son die than be married. I've heard many say my I don't want to marry if you are right. Because it seems to me that one of the central kinds of conflict in every human situation one of the Central is our insistence and you'll be like
me every one of us plays God with somebody. Every one of us wants to make the other person in my image. Now I know I think because of the occupational disease and the fact that God and most other human being. But there isn't a mother. Or doesn't have a victim and what she's trying to get the other person to be like me this is a confirmation of me the largest problem the parents have with children they want to be with the Parent Trap. You look different you look different. Thank God that. You were playing around with the iceman he looks like he looked great. We are absolutely intolerant of any different
it was why you've given your rabid what he thought were the differences characteristic of if you look at the. Hitler newspaper and see what they did in the narrative. But we feel the same way about them. They're not human. Because we don't want to them that they weren't human. It was like We love our own family but the neighbors we because they're different we speak a different language they speak a language you speak it with a different accent they have a different set of values. And. From the minute aspect of the life of the writers the area where I. Think about it think about in your own. Think how we really get into trouble with our
friends and our neighbors because even he or she will not be any different. It isn't that I can solve the problem my way you can solve it your way you know my way. Or in the ME as wife how to run out and how to do it and there isn't a woman alive when I wanted to visit and go there. Maybe but he can only do it as we do it our way. And that ought to be good enough. And it isn't always that we say we want to approve it but he won't change. We get angry and we find ways and means of getting that. And when you're angry and we begin to refile ways I'm destroying the relationship. Because in my estimation most powerful probably most like human experience
revolve around this situation. In which we are intolerant. Granger how different. Of a difference of opinion different ways of living different ways of thinking different ways of feeling a different value system. And we do feel we get anxious we are frightened by the fact that somebody thinks differently act differently and so we try to convert them. We try to make them we try to and if we can't we can't. So I would like to suggest to you then. To. Reduce but they call this a night so usually I pump with one package one package that would like you to take home the one idea. Trouble with the problem of being different every time you get caught up in being able to tolerate somebody
knowing you are creating a war in yourself and around yourself that adjusts more or less being creative when you are empowering the other person because even a photostat image you image you man created God in His image. The Bible God created man made man wrote the Bible and created God and then ascribed to God. The problems we have namely that God created us in his name and all of us have a piece of this god complex in life. And it's not a god it's a god with thunder and lightning who says and the less you are like me with your SO THAT FIRST back. Be conscious of what you do with those who would be the person to
walk. Who live in their home or. Private Cover why we got behind this theory. Find out why the person would in any way including the person was closest and the second package I would like to leave with. There is no psychological climate for peace even if we are our end of the difference. Unless we are also related we must be related. It is not enough just be that from the other person but you also have to give the other person. It is not enough that you give to the other person. You got it from the other person. You have got to relate and you know what a low priest can never be acquired alone. No matter how you as an
individual like you what alone would like to create a world that you alone are going to stop the war whether it's in Korea or Vietnam or in Israel or anywhere else that you're going to stop it all you want your little one going to write a letter and you're going to. Get your own no matter how much goodwill you have just as you cannot live alone. And I would like to quote my formal presentation this evening with another piece from this. Feel like you make it right which will open later this year. Another story that I heard last night when I heard a documentary on it. Which illustrates how good will. And being alone in your own way wanting to do something good doesn't work. In this field there is a lady and she tells this story and this is my closing this part. If you tell this story.
That there was a woman who decided she would go to Spain for a holiday. Spain is very fashionable now and so this was a nice lady and she went to the someone of the sea resorts in Maine and she's back on the beach and enjoy. And wondered if you were sitting and having a holiday on the beach in Spain. She saw a couple of boy who had just caught a scene that ended broken its wing and he's here to try. A little role for the leg of the Seagull and try to fly like a kite. And you try to get the response you try to be reasonable with them that. I think you're hearing. They paid no attention. I mean she said but ah but I never heard from you I'll give you 10 percent
give me the bird and I gave her the bird. She took the bird back to our hotel and began to try to tie up the broken wing with the splint to try to see if you know so that you could then we've got to go back. To the other see the seagull that was pining away. And that night after was. Little spammy boys and hundreds of screaming and yelling for the lady you wanted to buy. Not funny because you know I think all of them are in the wings and need your dog with broken wings. What they don't that is growing old. And not with good will in the world. You heard Dr. Emmanuel K. Schwartz the dean of training at the Post Graduate Center for
Mental Health. As he discussed the subject. The psychological climate for peace. This was another program in the series. Peace love and creativity the hope of mankind. On our next program radio and television commentator George Hamilton Combs will speak on the topic. The great disenchantment these programs originate at the Cooper Union in New York City and are recorded by station WNYC. The programs are made available to the station by the national educational radio network.
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Peace, love, creativity: Hope of mankind
Psychological climate for peace, part two
Producing Organization
WNYC (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-qr4nqk73).
Episode Description
This program presents the second part of a lecture by Emanuel K. Schwartz, dean of training, Postgraduate Center for Mental Health.
Series Description
This series presents lectures from the 1968 Cooper Union Forum. This forum's theme is Peace, Love, Creativity: The Hope of Mankind.
Media type
Producing Organization: WNYC (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Producing Organization: Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Speaker: Schwartz, Emanuel K., 1908-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 68-10-2 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:28:11
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Peace, love, creativity: Hope of mankind; Psychological climate for peace, part two,” 1967-12-18, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “Peace, love, creativity: Hope of mankind; Psychological climate for peace, part two.” 1967-12-18. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: Peace, love, creativity: Hope of mankind; Psychological climate for peace, part two. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from