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The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund presents. How do you say hello. A series of radio programs by Charles winter about children of the developing countries. How do you say hello today from Kenya. Newcomer to Nairobi. And. Most countries we have visited we have had a young girl or boy with us who was a native of that country and knew as much as any girl or boy possibly could about it. Here in Nairobi in Kenya. We thought we'd try something different. Robi is a fairly new city and we have with us. Not a new citizen but a newcomer to Kenya. Would you tell the girls and boys your name please. How do you happen to be in Nairobi in the middle of Africa. Because my father to be a professor.
If you have any brothers or sisters. What is his name. He's 16 is 16. So today we're going to see through the eyes of a newcomer. Nairobi and the countryside surrounding it. You've been away from Denmark before this trip and some trips. Did you ever move away before. How did you feel about leaving Denmark for two long years to come to Africa. What was your first impression of Africa. Was it the way you expected it to be. Everything. Is
like a place where you had expected this from Nairobi certainly is very modern. Have you learned much in school about this new city a new country you're living in. Here comes a quick look at Nairobi doesn't sound to me like an English word is it. What language is it. The land of cold waters did you say. How big is it. How many people how high up is Nairobi. Just barely close to the equator. You know just how close to the equator we are. Maybe seven miles of the equator and a mile high in the air which must explain this wonderful climate you've got.
It looks to me as I drive through the streets of the city that it's very new. I'm quite surprised in the middle of Africa to see these bridges these wide wide roads with the boulevards the flowers down the middle. Yet when Nairobi was first begun to really is only about 65 70 years old. Nairobi is often known as the Safari center of the world and for good reason. So Camille and I have arranged to meet John crag of thorn trees of Ari's here in Ahmed brothers in Nairobi. Probably one of the foremost Outfitters of Ari's in the world. No Mister crag. Camille and I are going on safari. First of all we want to know what the name means. So five Swahili word and it means a journey. Well we live in a tent. I would say that in the area that you would like to go and there is a variety of game that you would like to see. I would say that tents would definitely be
the best thing to use. What if an elephant or a lion comes sniffing at the door of our tent what you Camille and I do sniff back if they are going to sniff it I probably run. You mean they're more frightened of us than we are of them. That's what I would say because but animals normally done like they smell of people it's instinct to them and they don't want to come too close. Now if you're a hunter if you're in charge of a safari What would you do in the way of handling Camille and I for example. Well the first thing I would find out is whether you can shoot at all. In most cases nobody would take a hunting party unless a good shooting also liked to shoot animals. Then I'd find out what animals he would like to shoot and how long he would like to go out. Full. Well would start off early in the morning planning out the fire in this way that we would be in the area where the animals are they go from there and only a mile away or even
less from the camp and we were planted in the way that when we go there we would try to spot the herd of animals which ever to say an Impala something like that would like to shoot. And we just bought the hood of the Impala. And at the same time trying to pick out the one with a largest ones because those are always the ones that people like to have. Now then of course you have been doing the normal style you would go up against say at Windsor the animals don't get your say and then you would be quiet as possible. You would see that you don't walk over areas where there's lots of twigs lying on the ground because and any little noise will usually scare the animal. Now when we get close enough up to the animal we would be even more quiet and would try to get ourselves into a position where we can shoot this Impala buck as well as possible because it's
no good shooting an animal and wounding it would have to kill it with the first shot. You always like with an Impala to get the shot from the side so you can get it in behind the shoulder which usually kills it immediately. Very often you'll find that as soon as you get into a good position that the animal moves when you can get into position like that you should rather wait then and pull the trigger. We were normally in areas which are very very large indeed we get. Good provided with a hunting block. It's a block which is normally anything between a hundred square miles and several thousand square miles. Other hunters have to keep out of that and any other hunter that haven't had these hunting block. Given to them for this particular period will have to keep away completely because they often find in other areas people want to go out and shoot stag for example in and then America or
Europe they shoot this stag and there may be 50 other people in the area and what usually kills somebody. Do you ever find people in the midst of a hunting safari who get frightened when they're near the animals and ready to shoot. I don't think so really because. People that want to go out on the Safari they have seen animals before and very often they're probably like animals and I don't think they're really scared except you get the odd occasions when they're not careful enough. And listen to the good advice that you normally give them that they find themselves in some difficult situations and that maybe sometimes what's caring what sort of thing can happen to them. Well there was a friend of mine who was doing sound recording goes this has got nothing to do with the endings of bodies but it just shows you what can happen. He was making sounds of animals and so on taken up on tape recorder and he was lying on behind a tree
in the bush near smell a fence and this was around about midnight while they find themselves suddenly woken up about 2:00 in the morning by an elephant who had put his trunk almost into his ear. And when he woke up the elephant got so scared that he blew something like this. Into this air and there's a cause has ruined his sample probably for a lifetime. What do you think Camille are you really anxious to go on safari. If we don't shoot some projects here and fall asleep on the ground face was the cry very much. Do you have a chance a chance to make an effort. To be.
What kind of African. Women. When you left was a departing ceremony.
Is this the custom. Yes. Thanks. What did you do with the lie rooster that he was. When in Nairobi one should go on safari and have the good fortune to shoot some big game you
want to take it home with you and there's only one place in Nairobi that anybody would think of going to and that's to Zimmerman's the taxidermists which is where Camille and I are right now in their factory just outside of Nairobi. We're talking with Mr. Wolfgang shank. Mr. Shanks suppose that Camilla and I were out on safari and that I am the big game that she has shot. How would you go about making it an object of art out of me for her to put over a mantel shelf. Is this is first up to hunt because it's a fee to seduce a skinning of cinemas and we get Here's a drawing. And so it is skins in here we take you instructions what you want to have done was your skin you know what you want done with my skin. Camilla thank you person I know you had to put on ice you know it's all right there. If those are your instructions well Carrie what do you do now. Your skin would go from you to the tenor. And just goes down to the dipping Department voted you know.
I don't know whether I want to go through this or not so how can we go down there now of course. What is this great big bubbling cauldron you're stirring just wrote with on the nice and he describes and then you clean them and send them to the problem. Why do you have to boil him. To get all the meat and flesh off which is still on. What happened to the mining section where we sat. Rock on it is my skin there already. Yeah skin should be ready. Well I'm slowly getting myself together I got my skull back and I've got my skin back and were now in a room that is filled with bits and pieces of animals mounted and unmounted what happens to me here. First from the sky and if possible the bones and the body. We
make this animal into position how we would like it I say and then was last seen we model it. You model it really like a sculpture and when you think that's how you want it you cast your model now and we keep and from there would we make a manic and what we call a mannequin which is from plaster of paris and only about a quarter of an inch thick. And over that we finally dress the skin. I see up on the shelf behind me here a couple of panels of family are they manic and yes this is what we call a manic and manic and from that they're in a fixed position can you change their position. You can change the attorney to the other side or turning a lake a bit. But on this side you can't change too much into the overall position. Do you like the position that he's got me in Camilla. Not really. How do you want it changed.
Maybe you could sit down that you have me sitting down. Yes of course I mean it just means making them what I think the lady says and they're hard to please. Well here we are in front of a half dressed animal. How am I going to be done. Mr much the same way. When you get money can you fix your thoughts on a pedestrian and then you have to rip it to bits you know in some places you have to fill out a bitterness. And add a bit and sometimes you have to cut a bit and menu things that's how I wanted and how it fits the skin and you put glue on and you dress it was a skin and saw it inside the legs and along the summit is going to hurt me very much. I don't think so. When finishing touches down. The eyes are normally put in before addressing the American but all the other finishing touch paintings the Maoists and taking off to paints in the end the countenance was a mask and so
we do after about 14 days. Just how much would it cost to have me done. We have been taken out of a job like that to now but to live with 5500 shelling in Aleppo it is about three thousand two hundred seven. So if I were the equivalent of a lion it would be about a hundred dollars or so. Thats right. Thriller theyre all finished with me are you going to take me home and put me over your metal shop or not. Yeah yeah. Thank you so much Mr. Shanks glad to hear that too I'm sure. Thank you Mr. Singh. What sort of.
Business. Are far away with the girls. We just passed the place with a sign it's a. Small place. Sick people. The country that such a large one the means of. Help. Yeah because some places it's.
About interesting where the use of. Touch. Is the peace of. The species. Is this part of the initiation ceremony or something. I think. We have just left the top of a site that is almost like nepotism beyond words and come down to the bottom of that same site. Camille and I are standing almost in the bottom of the Great Rift Valley which runs about 25 miles outside the city of Nairobi itself. Camilla would tell the girls and boys
what the Great Rift Valley is. Crackin Yeah. It begins in Israel in Israel. Yeah and where does it go from there. It passes through it and goes in Africa and ends in Mozambique. Have you any idea how many miles that would be altogether. Several thousand miles. Where we're standing Camille I can hear the wind in the trees overhead and birds in the same trees but I can't see any people do people live in the Great Rift Valley. Yes the must live in although the flat area all the way to the center of things and always so there is tribal life almost entirely through the floor of the Rift Valley them.
Yes. Commune of the Messiah who lived down here what would they live on. Then the for milk and blood mixed together. Where do they get the milk and the blood from. Their cattle. You mean they keep cattle down here in the Rift Valley. Yes. How was the blood obtained Camilla. They proc an arrow into the into the cattle and neck and then they take pints of blood mixed with milk and they say well why wouldn't the cow die they put a lot of stuff. All right they take the blood and of course they would get the milk from the cattle as well and they mix it together. Yes and what do they do with this cricket. And that gives them a diet to live on. Yes. Have you ever tried it. No I wouldn't like it. Have you spent any time down here in the Rift Valley community. Phineas oh times. Have you ever met any animals. Yes I've met lots of friends. If you ever met any unfriendly animals.
Oh yes you see you a little cameo was there. It's London not. We went on a trip about this some time ago and we had of course black umbrellas with us in case of rain and in case of unfriendly animals know how to use an umbrella whether with an unfriendly animal when it's clad get it. To stick with it and get it out. We use it as a shield. And in case of rain you're also out for that too. Yeah. Well Camille I think I can safely say having stood at the top of the great LaSalle and stood here very near the bottom with you that it is without doubt one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen looking in miles and miles across into the hazy distance and then coming down here in this windy but silent place thank you for bringing me. I am truly impressed by three or four things. First of all how clean the streets are and the number of flowers. What are some of the flowers
that I find in the streets here. Trees or shrubs or what. Else. Like the ones with cherry colored. And yellow. What about three. Colors. You know I've heard of the world but I think flowers. Are the similarity between your new life and your old life. How does the weather differ weather.
People. Tomorrow. How do you
think the government of. This program was distributed by the National Education.
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How Do You Say Hello?
Episode Number
Producing Organization
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Series Description
How Do You Say Hello? is a series of radio programs hosted by Charles Winter and produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in cooperation with UNICEF. In each episode, Winter visits a different country in the developing world and talks with a young person about their local traditions, culture, history, language, and community. Throughout their conversation, they visit various local points of interest and describe these events and environments. Winter also interviews adults and other members of the community.
Global Affairs
Local Communities
Media type
Host: Winter, Charles
Producing Organization: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 69-25-6 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:27:20
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Chicago: “How Do You Say Hello?; 6,” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 27, 2024,
MLA: “How Do You Say Hello?; 6.” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 27, 2024. <>.
APA: How Do You Say Hello?; 6. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from