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Now when my two boys and girls to listen I love your science ladies bring you another let's find out. How boys and girls are. The sound you hear just alike are some sounds high are some of the sounds you hear. Are they all allowed. Are some of them soft. Are some sounds pleasing to hear. Do you like to hear something. Do some sound sound almost like music to your ears. Have you ever heard any noisy sounds. Well then all sounds are not alike are they.
Today we're going to see. No we're not. We're going to hear if we can tell the difference between sounds. If I talk like this you'd like to hear in the volume down on your radio who wouldn't you. That didn't sound very well did it. But listen carefully now if I should talk like this then you'd have a hard time hearing me all of the time wouldn't you. Does anyone ever ask you to speak louder. If he does then you know you were speaking too softly to be heard. Does anyone ever tell you not to speak so loud. I guess that happens to all of us. It does to me sometimes when we're ready to start our program here in the studio. Our engineer Mr. Miller. He's the man who helps bring these programs to you.
Mr. Miller our radio engineer often says to me. Did you hear him. He knows just how loud or soft We must speak so that you be able to hear us on your radio. He listened. All of the time. Are you ready to listen. All of the time today. Good. We're going to play a note on the piano for you. This same note but we're going to play it several times and I'd like you to listen to it. Are you ready. Listen. Did that note sound the same every time. Was
it soft sometimes. Was it loud at other times. Listen again. And when it sounds loud to you. Raise your hand when it sounds soft. Put your hands down. Are you ready again. Listen. Did you hear three loud notes that time. Well good for you. Now we're going to play a short little piece on the piano for you. And I'd like you to listen to it listen and see what this piece tell you about loud and soft.
Are you ready. All right. Listen. All the notes in that piece soft were they all out. How would you like to hear it again this time. Nod your head whenever the piano sounds loud. Nod your head forward. All right. Are you ready. Listen. Well you're good listeners. Try something else this time. Would
you like to clap your hands in time with the music. All right. When the music is loud clap your hands only on the loud tones. Now no fear clapping out of time. Let's see if we can do this all together. Clap your hands loud. No. Are you ready. One two. Wasn't that fun. Don't you think it's fun to listen for loud and soft sounds. I think so too. All right let's listen again. You know sometimes we can tell how far away things are
just by listening to the sounds they make when things are close to us. They sound a little louder than when their father away. We're used to chimes here in the studio today and I'd like you to listen to them. Here they are. Did you hear them. That time they were right here close to the microphone close to me and they sounded close to you too didn't they. Now remember how that sounded. And now we're going to take them way off in the corner of the room and play them again. Listen. Good they sound far away that. I tell you what let's do. Let's see if we can follow those chimes with our ears. When they sound as though they're coming close. Raise your
hands when they sound as though they're going away. Put your hand down. Here they are again close by. Listen. And here they are far away. Listen again. Are you all ready now. Hands up when they're coming close. Hands down when you're going away. All right. Listen. What could you do. When the chimes were closed
Could you tell when they were going far away. Most sounds soft when they're far away and louder when they're close by. We're going to play something for you now. Tell you what it is first. But I want you to listen to it just listen carefully now and see if you can tell what they see is and what's happening. Where were you. What did you heard. Was that train coming closer to you.
Was it going father away. Well that was easy to tell wasn't it. We'll have to listen for another sound now and see if we can do something else. I don't know whether you've ever heard this sound before but we'll listen to it first and then see if you have when you listen to this sound now. For the sound made by frogs in cricket. Have you ever heard them before. If we were very close to them and stood very still they'd sound like this. If we were far away from them they might sound like this. All right are you ready to pretend something. Let's pretend we're out walking in the woods
near a pond where the frogs and the crickets are singing. We'll have to pretend that we're walking this very softly because if we make any noise at all they all stop singing now as we pretend to walk. We'll get closer to the frogs in the gray kit and as we pass them they all sound very loud and as we walk away they all sound very soft again. Are you ready to listen. All right listen. All right could you tell when you were right close to the drugs in cricket. Good for you. You know there are lots of games you could play about sound. When we used to play when I was a little girl was something like this. We would close our eyes and sit very still and guess what the sounds were that we heard. You could do that sometimes one boy or girl would go off way off into a
corner and the rest of us would close our eyes and listen. The one in the corner would walk as softly as he could to see if he could come up and touch one of us before we heard him coming. It's someone heard him. He'd have to stop and try again. Will you make up some sound games and play them. I'd like to hear about them. You could play other sound games too. There are all sorts of things you could listen right in your school room and see how many sounds you could hear coming in from outdoors and from the hallway and from the playground and even some of the sounds in your room that are made when you're not even moving one little bit. Will you try. Will you play some sound games. All right bye. Let's find out a Regine night in the studios of the St. Louis
Board of Education radio. This is the Emmy B Radio Network.
Let's find out, grade 2
High or low
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program seeks to educate children about sound and the difference in dynamics.
Series Description
In-school series produced for release in Fall 1960.
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: S60-13-9 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:14:30?
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Chicago: “Let's find out, grade 2; High or low,” 1960-01-01, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 26, 2024,
MLA: “Let's find out, grade 2; High or low.” 1960-01-01. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 26, 2024. <>.
APA: Let's find out, grade 2; High or low. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from