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Listen to the land profile of a nation in terms of its living language. This week. All about animal rights. Well maybe not all about animals but a great deal about animals animals of all kinds and varieties. In this week's listen to the land produced by station W.H. y y Philadelphia under a grant from the National Educational Television and Radio Center in cooperation with the National Association of educational broadcasters. Now here is your host and animal trainer Richard S. Burdick. The trouble with the kitten is that it soon grows up to be a cat. Thus spake Ogden Nash a man who can make the fur fly in verse yet in vaguely
intelligent species with the milk of human running us. If you like animals you'll probably enjoy this week's program. And if you don't well that's just one of those things. Here's another one of those. Ogden Nash things. In fact several of them all about animals the rabbits. Here's a verse about rabbits but doesn't mention their habits. The pig the pig if I am not mistaken supplies us sausage ham and bacon but others say his heart is big. I call it stupid of the pig because the cow is of the Bovino ilk. One end is moot. The other milk. No editorial comment please Jim.
This is a program in two parts. This week will concern ourselves with domestic animals next week with wild animals. I mention this so that any animals who may be listening may adjust their schedules accordingly. This must certainly include dogs gay and otherwise. The pet pet of most Americans and most particularly suburbanites. It's been my observation that once a couple buys a house in suburbia and is moved in three acquisitions immediately follow a power more a lamp in the picture window and a dog. Dog owners should be particularly interested in a book by James R. Kinney with an honey gut. Illustrated by that friend of dogs James Thurber and published by Simon and Schuster and titled How to Raise a dog in the first chapter of which the authors tell us. First you get a dog. Now there are many ways of getting a dog or of a dog getting you. You may receive one as a present. You can adopt a stray from a
dog shelter. You might win one in a television contest or if a punch boarded a 4th of July fish fry and you can go out and buy one. Also as happens every day in the year you can become a dog owner unwittingly. Dogs are old and experienced in the practice of selling themselves. They are in fact born that way and by the time he is six weeks old the average puppy is already as wily and full of tricks as and I mean even a rug salesman and considerably more non resistable a puppy will usually show you first is around soft and cuddly line and if that is not you he will try the forlorn hungry orphan in the snow storm approach. If that doesn't work you may start cleaning it up for you. And if that doesn't work he will try to persuade you that no one has ever loved or understood you in your whole life and it is high time he will guarantee you loyalty love and understanding the likes of which you have never known. And it will be for you and you alone. This demonstration generally
winds up with a casually dropped but carefully saved up. Final point and clincher that he is himself a one man dog. Another trade catcher is the small bully. He is the one you see in a pet shop window chewing an ear off of a much larger dog. He is the one who was always at the top of the heap and he was the one barking with showy ferocity at the monkeys in the adjoining cage or at the ones outside walking past. Attracted you of course. Stop and watch him and the next thing you know you are inside the shop carefully explaining to the proprietor that you positively do not want to buy a dog but could you just look at that little black and white number over there you pick him up and you have got yourself a turtleneck sweater border for life. Children are born abettors to dogs. Your child brings home a scraggly puppy from an ash heap somewhere. You protest and patiently explain that there isn't room in your small apartment for a dog. The
child cries the puppy cries. You relent and in a year the dog is the size of a Shetland pony. One little boy I know pleaded with his father for a dog for six months and for six months the father said no and was under the impression that he was finally getting his point over when the kid showed up at home one night with a little 3 pound pup tied up neck feet in the middle with a rope the size of the Atlantic cable. Houdini could not have escaped it. Look papa. Look what followed me home. The dog stayed weakened and conditioned in this manner by a child. This same man later became the owner of a second dog all by himself and by the innocent root of merely going to bed. He was on a trip and one night checked into a hotel which used in a door beds. He pulled down his bed and out rolled a small cocker spaniel. A little groggy from his internment but otherwise unharmed. Instead of reporting the
find to the management in an honorable attempt to save the dog long to anybody or you would think out of sheer curiosity as to how a dog could get himself in such a fix this long gone dog lover ordered up a bottle of warm milk and fed the puppy. They both went to bed and had a good night's sleep and the next morning he checked out of the hotel with the dog in his suitcase. The trick is to avoid getting a dog. I hope you don't you'll admits miss too much warmth and merriment. Even too much plain every day a lightness thorough study kept a dog to stir up the dead air in a room that's a delightful book by the way by Dr Kitty how to raise a dog. I suggest that if you're interested in reading more of it you either buy it through Simon Schuster in the arc or at the get out of your library.
Despite Ogden Nash's warning earlier quoted that Tabby eventually grows up to be a full fledged Mouser cat lovers are not to be discouraged. Christopher Morley was a cat lover in addition to being a people lover as often happens as well as vice versa and in his volume chimney smoke published by J.B. Lippincott Company there is a verse by Mr Morley in honor of tatty Topaz. Taffy the topaz colored cat thinks not all of this knowledge that but chiefly of his meals. Asparagus and cream and fish are objects of his Friday and wish. What you don't give. He steals his gallant heart as strongly stirred by the clink of plate to a flight of bird. He has a puny tail at night. He treads on stealthy paddles Marius or Galahad as speaking of the Grail is amiable amber eyes a very friendly very wise like Buddha grave in fact he sits regardless of applause and thinking as he needs his paws.
What fun to be kept. For the life of me I can't tell you why. I never picture Mark Twain as a cat lover. Perhaps my concept of the man is be clouded with ice stinging cigar smoke and caustic somatics in his book roughing it published by Harper and brothers the a Serb humorist unwound the tale if you'll forgive the unavoidable bond of Dick Baker's cat in which he recounted one of my comrades. Another of those victims of 18 years of unrequited toil and blighted hopes was one of the gentlest spirits ever born it's a patient cross in a weary exile grave in simple dick Baker pocket miner of Dead Horse Gulch. He was 46 grey as a rat. Earnest thoughtful son splendidly educated slug Julie dressed in clay soiled but his heart was finer metal than any gold a shovel ever brought to light. Then he indeed that was never mind amended. Whenever he was out of luck and a little down
hearted it would fall to mourning over the loss of a wonderful cat. He used to own and he always spoke of the strange sagacity of that cat with the air of a man who believed in his secret heart that there was something human about it maybe even supernatural. I heard him talking about this animal once and he said gentleman I used to have a cat here by the name of Tom quartz which you took an interest in I reckon most anybody would I had him here a year he was the most remarkable a scout I ever see. Large gray one of the Tom specie and that more hard natural sense than any man in this camp in a bar of dignity would let the governor of California before you were familiar with him never catch a rat in his life there'd be above it. I never cared for nothing but mine and you know more about mine and that cat didn't any man I ever seed couldn't tell him nothing about placer Dickens. Mr. Puckett Minden why he was just born for it had the best judgment about mine and ground when we went to work each got a glance around and if you didn't think much of the indications you've
given looked as much to say. I'll have to get you to excuse me. And without another word he used his nose near and shoved her home if the ground suited him. He lay low and keep dark till the first pan was washed and he sidled up to look like there was about six or seven grains of gold he was satisfied didn't want no matter brushback in that he lay down on our coach and snore like a steamboat always struck the pocket and then get up and kind of superintend. He was nearly lightnin and superintendent. Well Byron bar up comes this year corks excitement. Everybody was into what nothing would do Jim but we must tackle alleges tune so we did. We commenced putting down a shaft in Tom court you begin to wonder what the dickens it was all about. It never seen any mind like that before and he was all upset you might say. Couldn't come to a right understanding of it NO WAY too many for him. Is he was down on it do you bet you he was down on a powerful always appeared to consider at the
cost of his foolishness out with that cat you know was always again newfangled arrangements. Amal never could abide him you know it is old habits by and by. Dom Cortes began to get sorta reconciled a little though we never could altogether understand that eternal sinking of a shaft never pan out anything lasting up to coming down in the shaft ascend to try to cipher it out when you get the blues and you kind of scruffy and aggravated and disgusted no one as he did at the bills was runnin up all the time and we weren't making a cent he'd curl up on a gunny sack in the corner and go to sleep. I was there one day when the shaft was down about eight foot. The rockets are we had to put in a blast the first blast and we've ever done since Tom Cortes was born and then we lit the fuse and climb out and got off about. But the yards and forgotten left Tom Cort sound asleep on the gunny sack o sear in about a minute we seen a puff of smoke bust up out of the hole and then everything let go an awful crash and about 4 million tons or rocks and dirt and splinters shut up about a
mile and a half into the air and by George right the dead center of it was old time courts go on end over end and US Norton is reaching for things like all possessed. But I want no use you know it was no use and that was the last we seen of him for about two minutes and a half and then all of a sudden it begins to rain rocks and rubbish and directly come down about 10 foot off from where we stood. I reckon he was perhaps the ornery looking beast you ever did see one here was shot back on his neck and his tail was stove up and his eye winkers was seen as Dauphine was all blacked up with powder and smoke and all sloppy with mud and slush and one in t'other. I'll certain want know you tried apologize we couldn't say a word on courts because sort of disgusted look at Saffron and looked at us and it was just exactly the same as if he had said gents Maybe you think it's smart to take advantage of a cat that had no experience of courts money but I think different.
When he turned on his heel and marched off home without ever saying another word. I was just as style and maybe you won't believe it but after that you never see a cat so prejudiced against quartz mine and that's what he was. By and by when he did get to going down in the shaft again you'd have been astonished. It is a Gas City the minute we touch off a blast in the fuse or begin to sizzle. It give a look as much to say. Well how have to get you to excuse me and it was surprising the way he'd shit out of that hole and go for a treat. Sagacity that a no name for what inspiration. I said Well Mr Baker is prejudiced against quartz mining was remarkable considering how he came by it. Could you ever cure him of it. Cure him. No when Tom Cortes was shot once he was shot and you might have brought him up as much as 3 million times and you'd never have broken him of his custom prejudice again court's mind.
Well two items about cats and only one about dogs. I'm down to receive angry letters from the dog lovers walking and fire hydrant society about this one. So active dogs for a quick recovery and a clever verse by Phyllis McGinley. Originally published in The New Yorker and later in a book a short walk from the station by Viking Press inc.. Rattled rhyme in praise of pupils. See Liam's Waddle Newfoundland's Cuttle Airedales all dawdle on corners to grouse docks and snow of reasons to huddle but poodles walk proud in the house boxers are addled with love they speak twaddle guests will be straddled just pummelled embraced Cockers have noodles and chanting to model but poodles have manners and taste. Needless and idle on pool the paddle learning's a bridle he's planning to
wear rough to the middle of battle play fiddle or waltz to an air collies are brutal guard babes in the cradle Springer's can wheedle a bird from a treat Dobermans model. Pugs score in a puddle beagles can yodel though slightly off key. Scotty's win medals Pekinese title Chows while a riddle are tempting to cuddle yet kit and caboodle no peer has the poodle of a poodle thinks highly of me. And damning in next week's programme all about animals Part 2 which concerns itself with wild animals. We will include an informative and compelling piece by J Frank Dolby on wild horses in particular a phantom white steed that was a legend of the prairie's of the early West. But since horses are both wild and domestic and in these modern times almost exclusively the latter we would be failing in our assignment if we did not include a reference to horses in this week's program on domestic
animals. A special favorite of mine both is fine writing and for its insight into the love of a small boy for horses as the Red Pony by John Steinbeck. In The Red Pony Steinbeck tells of a boy Jody to Flynn who lives on a ranch in Salinas Valley California and wants a horse more than anything else in the world. Jody Steinbeck tells us it was only a little boy 10 years old with hair like dusty yellow grass and was shy polite gray eyes and with a mouth that worked when he thought each morning the sound of the triangle picked him up out of sleep. It didn't occur to him to disobey the harsh note. He never had no one he knew ever ever had. And on this particular morning in the triangle sounded Jodi dressed more quickly even than usual in the kitchen when he washed his face to comb his hair. His mother addressed him irritably. Don't you go out and get a good breakfast don't you. He went into the dining room and sat at the long white table. He took a steaming hot cake from the
platter arranged two fried eggs on it covered them with another hot cake and squashed the whole thing with his fork. His father and Billy Buck came in. Jody knew from the sign on the floor that both of them were wearing flat heel shoes but he peered under the table to make sure his father turned off the oil lamp for the day had arrived and he looked stern and disciplinary. But Billy Buck didn't look at Jodi at all. He avoided the shy questioning eyes of the boy and soaked a whole piece of toast in his coffee. Carl to Flynn Jodi's father said crossly you come with us after breakfast. Jodi had trouble with his food and for he felt a kind of doom in the air. After Billie had tilted his saucer and drained the coffee which had slopped into it and wiped his hands on his jeans the two men stood up from the table and went out into the morning like together and Jodi respectfully followed a little behind them. He tried to keep his mind from running ahead and tried to keep it absolutely motionless. His mother
called cow. Don't you want to keep him from school out. They marched past the Cypress where a single tree hung from a limb to butcher pigs on and passed the black iron kettle so it was not a pig killing. The sun shone over the hill and through long dark shadows of the trees and buildings they crossed the stubble field to short cut the barn Jodi's father unhooked the door and they went in it in walking toward the sun on the way down. The barn was black as night and contrast and warm from the hay and from the beasts Dodi's father moved over toward one box dog. And there he ordered. Jodi could begin to see things now. He looked into the box stall and then stepped back quickly. A Red Pony Colt was looking at him out of the stall. Its tense ears were forward in the light of disobedience was in its eyes its coat was rough and thicker than ever Dale's fur and its mane was long and
tangled Jodie's throat collapsed in on itself and cut his breath short. Needs a good curry I'm his father said and if I ever hear of you not feeding him or leaving a stall dirty I'll sell him off in a minute. Jodi couldn't bear to look at the pony's eyes anymore. He gazed down at his hands for a moment and he asked very shyly. Mine. No one answered him. He put his hand out toward the pony its gray nose came close sniffing loudly in the lips drew back in the strong teeth close done Jodie's fingers. The pony shook its head up and down and seemed to laugh with amusement. Jodi regarded his beauty bruised fingers. Well well I guess you can bite All right. The two men laughed somewhat in relief. Carl Teflon went out of the barn and walked up a side hill to be by himself for he was embarrassed. But Billy Buck stayed. It was easier to talk to Billy Buck anyway. Jody asked again.
Mine Billy became very professional in tone. Sure but if you look up Foreman break him in right I'll show you how he's just a colt. You can't ride him for some time. So he put out his bruised hand again and this time the Red Pony let his nose be rubbed. I ought to have a carrot joke he said when we get to belly bottom of the sheriff's auction. Billy explained the show went broke in Salinas had bad debts. The sheriff was selling off their stuff. The pony stretched out his nose and shook the forelock from his wild eyes. Jodi stroked the nose a little he said softly. There there isn't a saddle Billy Buck laughed. Oh I forgot. Going along in the harness room he lifted down a little saddle of red morocco leather. It's just a show saddle Billy Buck said disparagingly. Not
practical for the brush but it was cheap at the sale. Jodi couldn't trust himself to look at the saddle either and he couldn't speak at all. He brushed the shining red leather with his fingertips. After a long time he said. It looked pretty on him. No. He thought of the grandest and prettiest things he knew if he hasn't a name already. I think I'll call him gabble and mountains he said. Billy Buck knew how he felt for a long name. Why don't you just call him gabble and that means hawk and I'd be a fine name for him. Billy felt glad. Now if you will collect the tail hair I might be able to make a hero point sometime Billy. You could use it Veronica more. Jodi wanted to go back to the box dolls. Could I leave them to school you think to jolly kids. Billy shook his head. He's not even all are broke yet. We had a time getting them here
had to almost drag him. You better be starting for school I'll bring the kids to see him here this afternoon Jodi said. Six boys came over the hill half an hour early that afternoon running hard their heads down their forearms working their breath whistling. They swept by the house and cut across the stubble field to the barn and then they stood self-consciously before the pony and then they looked at Jodi with eyes in which there was a new admiration and a new respect. Before today Jodi had been a boy dressed in overalls and a blue shirt. Quieter than most even suspected of being a little cowardly. Now it was different. Out of a thousand centuries they drew the ancient admiration of the footmen for the horsemen they knew instinctively that a man on a horse is spiritually as well as physically bigger than a man on foot. They knew that Jodi had been miraculously lifted out of equality with them and had it placed over them. Javelin put
his head out of the stall and sniffed them. Once you're right in the boys cried what your brightest tell ribbons like an affair. When I got a ride of Jody Jody's courage was up. He too felt the superiority of the horseman Wiley's not old enough. Nobody can ride him for a long time. I'm going to train him on the long holder. Billy Buck is going to show me how to weld. Can't we even lead him around a little. He isn't even a halter broke Jodi said he wanted to be completely alone and he took the pony out the first time. Come and see the saddle. The boys were speechless at the red morocco Suttle completely shocked out of comment. There isn't much use in the brush. Jodi explained it a little looked pretty on him though. Maybe I'll ride bareback when I got out of the brush. How you going to rope a car without a saddle horn Jody. Well maybe I'll get another saddle for every day. My father might want me to help him with the stock.
He let them feel the red saddle and showed them the fine brass chain throatlatch on the bridle and the big brass buttons at each temple with the head stall and broad brow band crossed the whole thing was too wonderful. They had to go away after a little while and each boy in his mind searched among his possessions for a bribe worthy of offering in return for a ride on the red pony. When the time should come. Jodi was glad when they had gone. It took brush and curry comb from the wall took down the barrier of the box stall and stepped cautiously in the pony's eyes glittered and he edged around in a kicking position. But Jodi touched him on the shoulder and rubbed his high arched neck as he had always seen Billy Buck do when he crooned saw a boy or a boy the pony gradually relaxed his tenseness. Jodi curried and brushed until a pile of dead hair lay in the stall until the pony's coat had taken on a deep red shine. Each time he finished he thought it might have been done better. He braided the mane into a dozen little pigtails and
he braided the forelock and then he undid them and brushed the hair out straight again. Jodi did not hear his mother enter the barn. She was angry when she came but when she looked at the pony and Jodie working over him she felt a curious pride rise up in her. If you forgot the woodbox she asked gently. It's not far off from dark and there's not a stick of wood in the House and the chickens aren't fed. Jodi quickly put up his tools. I forgot ma'am. Well after those do your chores first then you won't forget. I expect you'll forget lots of things now if I don't keep an eye on you. Can I have carrots from the garden farm ma'am. She didn't think about that. I guess so. If you only take the big tough ones carrots keep the coat good Judy said. And again his mother felt a curious rush of pride.
We shut the door now for this week. The animals in our literary collection are all about animals. Part one genius domesticus captured and well-trained prose and poetry by Ogden Nash. Dr. James R. Kinney. Christopher Morley. Mark Twain Phyllis McGinley. And John Steinbeck. Next week part two. Wild Animals. If you enjoyed this one I think you'll find some pleasures in the next one. Anyway I hope you plan to be with me. And until then this is Dick Burdick saying thanks for listening. And so I long. To go.
Listen to the land is produced under a grant from the National Educational Television and Radio Center and is being distributed by the National Association of educational broadcasters. It is produced and recorded at station w h y y Philadelphia. This is James Keeler inviting you to be with us next week for the program all about animals. While I listen to the land with your host and the writer Richard S. Byrd. This is the end AB Radio Nowhere. To go.
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Listen to the land
All about animals, part 1
Producing Organization
WHYY (Radio station : Philadelphia, Pa.)
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-nv99b42k).
Episode Description
This program, the first of two parts, explores American writings on domesticated animals.
Series Description
America's literary heritage is explored through readings of short stories, poems, folklore, journalism and legends. The series is narrated by Richard S. Burdick.
Broadcast Date
Media type
Announcer: Keeler, James
Host: Burdick, Richard S.
Producing Organization: WHYY (Radio station : Philadelphia, Pa.)
Writer: Schmidt, Karl
Writer: Twain, Mark, 1835-1910
Writer: Nash, Ogden, 1902-1971
Writer: Morley, Christopher, 1890-1957
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 60-54-21 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:29
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Listen to the land; All about animals, part 1,” 1961-01-31, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “Listen to the land; All about animals, part 1.” 1961-01-31. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: Listen to the land; All about animals, part 1. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from