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You're listening to music by Don give us. A welcome once again to another important rock music by don't get us emanating in the division of Music School of the arts on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas Texas. And it's brought to you the broadcast not the university by the national educational radio network who are experts at taming your ear drums and such a manner as this. This is of course starting to get us here to explain it all very lucidly plainly and I hope painlessly. Now this week we're going to hear two things a bit of musical nonsense and the first movement of my symphony number five. The musical nonsense is titled Herman the frog that sang at the Met and was put together as a sort of musical collage as it were. It represents what might happen if composers created in the same way that some pop artists do. Anyway consider this bit you're about to hear the music is for the most part snips and
pieces taken from various of my scores. Once in a while I use other people's music for the purpose of illustration only naturally and you'll hear some friends for porting to be that of a croaking frog. But that sound is not a frog at all it's a sound made from a recording I did of my coffeepot as it Purt away in the mornings. However the singing dog you'll hear is indeed a singing dog. His name was genius and the part of symphony Sam will be hired Larry SLI played by Jean Darren's and he and the entire national educational radio network hope you enjoy Herman the prog that sang at the Met. Once upon a time I am as they say in Starbucks. There was a frog who lived with a large family of other frogs at the side of a swamp in Loxahatchee Texas.
Now these frogs were all bullfrogs better known to you frog ologist says. Ran up the end. I mean how scientific Can you get in a bedtime story. Anyway this frog we were talking about was named Herman. That's H E R M A N. H E R M A N. And what a nice fine frog he was. I beg your pardon. Oh Herman you're here. Ladies and gentlemen I would like for you to meet our star in person Herman bullfrog. You're glad you could be here Herman. I'm telling your story today. Well the same to you Herman but I'm telling it anyway. Now most bullfrogs especially if they have a chance to live in Texas are happy enough
to be bullfrog but not Herman. He had ambition he wanted to be the biggest singer in the entire world or even anywhere else. He sat around on his head that's really bad of course. And he practiced all night long. It was pretty bad. But he did it anyway. All the other frogs laughed at him. We're. Glad I can tell you that made him pretty sad when we were. Doing it. They are they are. And then it made me mad that he would show them right Herman. And so he did. He started taking lessons at the walks I had vocal in high note Academy immediately and finally it came time
for his first reciting. He was up on the stage there and nervous as everything. When. You look Hermann said he's singing teacher why don't you try just one more that one is probably too high for you. Herman his teacher said I don't think you're ready yet you sound for all the world like a frog that's got a man in his throat. Maybe you better run on home and practice. But the more he tried to practice the worse he sounded. And he was so blue. Lord. There was nothing left to do. He would just run away and forget all about it.
But he didn't know where to go or what to do when he hopped on the highway the truck drivers all yelled at him and everybody yelled at him. Poor Herman bullfrog. He was so sad. He has. Early. Well he decided to commit suicide and with grim determination written all over his Froggy physiognomy he hopped toward the middle of the highway. And as he was about to throw himself under the wheels of a truck he heard. Hey said Herman that's a heart. Why that it is Herman. Well he said
it just proves this isn't a third rate show. If you've got to harp on it could we hear it again. And no sooner did we hear it again until Hermann was mysteriously transported right into downtown Weehawken New Jersey. Excuse me folks what was that again Herman. You wanted Greenwich Village New York instead of Weehawken. OK Herman. And so in a twinkling of an eyelash Herman hopped around looking this way and that. Think of it. New York City at last. Miles what a town Herman said. And as fast as his little legs Gadhafi
hopped with high hopes to a place called The Village zoo which was a nightclub. And not only was it a nightclub but it was also the studio symphony Sam who was the highest priced classical disc jockey since Rimsky met Korsakov and he hopped over to the nearest table and watched all goggle eyed and bumpy as symphony Sam rolled up his sleeves and began to holler into the microphone. Well they are Johnny Brown's a Symphony Number three was played by this National Symphony with the stick. By old cousin Philharmonic it is all boy band aid where they get a good good tonight. GET AWAY FROM ME WHY DOn't YOU GO GET YOUR OWN shall I say video talk honest. Time for one. And just to make it fair I'm going to dig in. And just see what your listeners want to hear next. There.
Remember that free trip to Berlin with her 17 of you guys in 70 words or less the exact number of hits lifetime supply of cactus needles and don't forget you have to do is sit at a post card along with 40 dollars in cash to get in this contest which is really on the up. Let's get to the killer. And here's here's a let's see. Ludwig on This one's dedicated. That's Latin for folks. Well stand out stars
I'm concerned you can drop dead. That is swell. Herman was just as excited as everything it looked like his big chance for sure. And he knew he would make good. Why should not he said if Beatles and chipmunks can make it. I don't see why frogs can't do it. Well he looked around and saw a bunch of cats with the chicks and the piano player was a real dog. Come to think of it and just about that time he started in to sing. Well said Herman if he can sing I can too.
And so he stepped up to the microphone and in a voice to sound it all for the world just like a human being he began. I'd rather be here. That's the. Man. Thanks Mo. If you're listening in pleasure you know the federal treasury you're. Following. Well they threw all her men out there before you could say hallelujah I'm gone. And not only that they flame so far that it landed right smack dab in the middle of the stage at the Metropole it but then opera company and it was an opera going on to start over. Herman began hopping toward the exit in with a giant sized leap he landed right in the mouth of a leading tenor. There was a goal but he was saved saved from the length of the highest paid tenor in the whole wide world.
You know no. Confusion set in. What the heck is going on so the baritone how the heck do I know. Said the Tenor. You sound to me like a man who's got a frog in your throat so the baritone set the tenor. You're kidding. While surfing's were really happening on that stage I will tell you the. People running this way and that should be audience was laughing his head off what was going on up
on the stage and then saw his chance to get away. So when that center opened his mouth to belt out a high note he jumped his fathers of that I mean that's what he thought was a lily pad but it turned out to be a somewhat upon the bosom of the soprano who was just making an entrance. Well the elderly will close when they go on the stand and for her money. Was chased from the site that first for the suppression then the better the final everybody including the old Union are scared to death. Herman jumped to the sea had never jumped before I mean with the fleet never seen one in the history of frog ribs which got up to the puppet show in the Lair and then to the ceiling and then with his very last ounce of energy he jumped clear to the top of the Empire State Building where he scared the daylights out of an old hooting out and three seagulls but he was safe at last. He had escaped. He sat there panting from a gulp. Man I sure wish that old magic harp player was around to give me a fast trip back to Waxahachie
And just like in the story books it happened. Wow. Very very. Big Ambitions of the forgotten. For all he did make it to New York and was in the Met. But. It was nicer in Texas and he guessed he'd just stay in Texas all of his life and he did until yesterday. Frans I hate to tell you this but guess what I had for supper last night. Yeah that's right. Is there a doctor in the house. That was Herman the frog that sang at the MET a sort of mess of musical pottage
contrived to amuse you which in these days of travail is often a good thing from trivia However we'll proceed to a profound moment. If the composition of my Symphony Number five perhaps profound is not the exact word but in retrospect it seems so. The work was written in 1045 and I was then of course a much younger man and also I hastily and almost completely unknown as a composer nationally but with my fifth symphony there came a public attention that was most important to me for not only were there people especially conductors interested in my fifth symphony but they also wanted to hear the other things I wrote. It was Dr. Frank Black who gave at the world premiere with the NBC symphony thus opening the new door call recognition. And to him I will ever be grateful. We're going to hear only the first movement this week and next week we'll finish the symphony. The performances played by Dr. Henri and ballet conducting the National High School orchestra of Iraq and the first movement of
Symphony Number five by Don give us. Anyone.
OLD LADY. Henri and I has just conducted the National High School Symphony Orchestra in
Iraq and in the first movement of my Symphony Number five subtitled in memoriam as the final number on this week's edition of music by Don Go us. Next week we'll be back to complete Mr. dowries recording of the score and also hear a beautiful performance of my prairie sunset played for us by the NBC Symphony Orchestra conducted by Guido and tele. So beyond time each week when you hear me say you are listening to music by Don Gillis. But if you don't tune in until you hear me say that it was brought to the national educational radio network Well you missed the whole cutting thickens show. Meanwhile Flo explained this is now done give us a best in class until next week. So far. This program was distributed by national educational radio. This is
the National Education already own network.
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The music of Don Gillis III
Episode Number
Producing Organization
Southern Methodist University
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-np1wjk4z).
Episode Description
This program features "Herman, the Frog That Sang at the Met."
Series Description
This series spotlights the works of American composer Don Gillis and is hosted by the man himself.
Media type
Composer: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Host: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Performing Group: National Music Camp. National High School Symphony Orchestra
Producer: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Producing Organization: Southern Methodist University
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 67-39-19 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:44
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The music of Don Gillis III; 19,” 1968-01-08, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “The music of Don Gillis III; 19.” 1968-01-08. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: The music of Don Gillis III; 19. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from