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Jazz of the past. Welcome to our knowledge of jazz classics from the private collection of lenny castle. These old 78 rpm recordings are now a collector's item. I'm here to comment on the music and play some of the records for you is Lenny Gus. And I were going to present some music by Adrian Rolle Leni who is any jazz lover and a person that existed in the field of jazz for a long period of time in a very remarkable way because he started out on an. Instrument with a quite a history in the early days of White Jazz and that was courses and a saxophone. And then he finally ended up with a trio. And we're not going to hear any of those trio records tonight but the trio he always played vibes and he was a good musician and well schooled musician and he certainly enjoyed playing you can always tell that.
But it's sort of a remarkable transition from a heavy handed instrument like a bass sax to a. Type of instrument that had such a ring about it is a vibes but in any case why we're going to hear more of both instruments tonight. There's I say we won't hear as trio and we're going to start out with a record that he made in the mid 30s with among other people women on trumpet. And this is a tune that is called bouncing in rhythm for. That man.
It. Gets. A. Little. More than. That. I think.
It's. A little. Bit when. You. Think of it. Thinking anything. It would. Now we're going to hear another record it only made with Bernard
Addison who plays a beautiful guitar on this thanks when the great tunes called lovely lies a lady. And this is about the only record there's a record under Levy's name this under Bernard absence. But in any case and I thought this was a good record so here it is. Oh.
You're. Wrong. Next record going on here was also made in the 30s in acourt mid
30s and of course a deer only neon this one is on vibes and it's under the name of the little ramblers and they made several records this this group and it's just a nice easy going record and Bill Dillard does a vocal on this he's a trumpet man that played in that Heal's orchestra among others in their mid 30s. So here we are with I've got my fingers crossed. Thank. God nothing. Oh no not that I'm good. Dude you're
very good to get through. Oh god my group will do the mother to blue. No more than no drugs with the old man. Then go. On account of because I'm in the pit. God my being good good very good very good good group. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0.
0. The next record we're going to hear is a record a really neat made under his own name for Decca when it was just getting started and he made this among with among other musicians on this or his brother or through played a very fine tenor. And we're going to hear also some other records that he Arthur only he was on he was with been going for a long period of time or through me and you know leaning on this one of course plays a very fine bass sax the bass sax works that he did on the Beiderbecke records that expired records of course are probably his most
famous records of course Jazz me blue he really boots along. But it's sort of funny because here he's in a much more mellow mood and it's more ranged in you have a feeling that the arrangement was the thing. And it's call stuff etc.. Look.
At. Your. News. Now we're going to hear the first of four records I hope we can get them all in that. A
drew only made about 130 for that very distinguished lineup. And of course the journalist Benny Goodman was one of the region then and only in or through TV with the other two great men had three rhythm. I mean they had four rhythm and they had three saxes. And then they had Teagarden on trombone and supposedly buddy Barry and Manny Klein on trumpet I don't know which one takes the solos on these. Actually they play quite a bit alike. That is I think Manny Klein plays like bunny Berrigan on these. But in any case are great records we'll hear the first one as the famous somebody loves me. I think. Now we hear this next record which is by the same group and incidentally that beautiful guitar solos by George
Van Eps and he's about the most distinguished when the rhythm section. But this next record is the same date and it's beautiful. Again I think these four records are one of the great sessions in jazz. Certainly you could say jazz in the early 30s like that. So here we have sugar. News. Long. Long. Long.
Long. Long. Long. Long. Time. Now we're going to hear the next record from the same 1930 early 1930
records station bitingly news orchestra. And it's the famous Bix Beiderbecke tune. Davenport blues. Rule. Oh. You're. Are. Good. For.
You. Now we're going to close out with one more record was made on that same date. And of course this is another
Beiderbecke tune and least he named a tune I think was called free wheeling at first and then changed to riverboat shuffle it was written by Obie Carmichael in those early days when Carmichael and Beiderbecke were associated in southern Indiana and Bloomington. Now on this particular record why I think you'll also get the feeling that with Rolly me it was the music that counted I mean he. He was he was a jazz man but he had a great respect for form and it certainly reflects in this is it has in all these tonight and I hope it will make you identify a little more with the greatness of Adrian Leni as a musician. So here we have and will go out with riverboat shuffle. And go. For it. Right.
Next week at the same time money will again so like several recordings from his
private collection of old 78 rpm jazz classics he'll play them for you on jazz. This is the University of Alaska Broadcasting Service. This program was distributed by the national educational radio network.
Visiting scholars
Arthur Wood
Producing Organization
Cleveland Public Schools
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program features an interview with Arthur Wood, district inspector for the Inner London Education Authority.
Series Description
This series features interviews with outstanding scholars from various fields.
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Interviewee: Wood, Arthur
Interviewer: Evans, Cecelia
Producing Organization: Cleveland Public Schools
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 68-2-12 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:14:28
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Visiting scholars; Arthur Wood,” 1968-02-13, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “Visiting scholars; Arthur Wood.” 1968-02-13. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: Visiting scholars; Arthur Wood. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from