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Now we begin the second half of this concert by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra with the suite from the Threepenny Opera by CT violin. Viola came to America from his native Germany in 1035. Produced a series of musicals which revealed his amazing ability to adjust to the style of American popular music. Like a Bach or holiday lady in the dark. And one touch of Venus where some of his musical hits. The Threepenny Opera was written before vile came to America. This song play as he called it was first performed in Berlin in one thousand twenty eight. The text by baritone Brecht was an adaptation of John Gay's The Beggar's Opera. Work written 200 years earlier satirize the morals and customs of 18th century England Breck's the bread dough is a bitter satire on social and political corruption in Germany. The Threepenny Opera was an outstanding success. And in the several years before Hitler came to power its music was played all over Germany. While had
succeeded well in capturing the spirit of an age of disillusionment and protest. But under Hitler the score was sent to the Nazi Museum of decayed art. And the order went out to destroy every copy and Weill had to flee for his life. You're Kestrel sweet based on highlights from the opera was prepared by the composer in one thousand twenty nine. The music of the suite as a medley of song and dance styles ballads foxtrot to tango and the blues and jazz. Viol uses a dancehall orchestra of mostly wins with piano percussion banjo guitar and Bondi on a kind of concertina. After a short overture we hear the famous Abboud of Mack the Knife then the INSTEAD OF SONG ABOUT out of pleasant living Polly song a tango Ballade the song of the cannons and the phenomena are now of every culture once
again. We will conduct the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra in the suite from the Threepenny Opera by court vile. Oh. Oh. True. True.
Thank you. RUTH. RUTH.
When it.
Didn't. Do. You. Think. Why.
Not right. Now. Thought. Of thank.
The by. The by. The book. Right.
Eh. Wow. The Threepenny Opera by George by the Cincinnati Symphony
Orchestra under the direction of every country. By the way this performance coincides with the 20th anniversary 4th filed in 1950 the American premiere performance of court files the Berlin Requiem and this is one of the composers serious compositions which was commissioned by Frankfurt radio and first performed in Germany in 1909. After the premiere a while made several revisions of the score and the Requiem was not published until 1967. The text consists of five points. Again the author is very cold bright. The poems both in style and content are very close to the Christian hymn and the
cadences of the Lutheran Bible. Brecht uses this form to preach against false idealism. Religious of Parker see and war. The Requiem then is not for heroes but for those who have been crushed by the world and then forgotten. Brecht's verses are bitter and ironic. Vials music matches the mood. The first part is a chorus of thanksgiving and praise of night and darkness the oblivion of heaven and the mortality of man who lives and dies but no one cares. Next the ballad of the drowned girl. Like Ophelia her body floats down the river decaying and forgotten even by God. The third is a march to Germany a March hare as a road side picture which calls the attention of passer by to a saint who was martyred at the spot. This one is called here rests the maiden. In the fourth section
is the first report. About the unknown soldier under the Arch of Triumph. Recht speaks of the return of the Unknown Soldier On the day of judgment to face his murderers. Then the second report about the unknown soldier under the Arch of Triumph. Here Brecht retract his statement. At that the soldier will return and there is no return and no Last Judgment. Only Brecht's rage at mankind's indifference. The Requiem ends with a repeat of the chorus of Thanksgiving. There are except McCoy and William justice followed by Maestro Erik Prince all in a moment we'll hear the soloists University of Cincinnati men's glee club and the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra in the American premiere of the Berlin Requiem by court Violet. I am loathe.
To close. The. Los Lobos.
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It'll. It'll. And I think.
We. Why.
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well. Will do. Will do you you. Oh oh mum. Oh oh oh mum. Oh you you load. Oh oh. ILO. Will obey. Oh. Oh oh do you. Oh. Yeah. While.
Oh you. Oh oh well. Will you. Oh oh fail where. Well in Lake William by Fort Riley a recurrence or conduct of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra with McCoy Tyner William Justus baritone and the University of Cincinnati police under
the direction of John Layman. The tenor of soloists McCoy began his career when he was soloist with the Robert chalk around. Instead he's given many orchestral and. Operatic performances. Just this year. Soloist appeared with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra in the premier performance and recording. They were back oratory Oh the life in the wilderness performing with many leading opera companies in Europe and in the United States. The men's Glee Club is composed of 50 members. It represents all colleges of the University of Cincinnati. Group has been in existence for about 15 years. John Layman their director has been selected for who's
who in American education and is choral director of the American youth band and chorus which has toured Europe for the past. I've summary. On today's program we heard the symphony in B minor number eight the unfinished by Schubert 8 symphonic poem Don Juan Opus 25 Ricard Strauss. The suite from Threepenny Opera by vile and the American premier performance of viles early in Requiem. And so we conclude another concert of the seventy fifth season by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. This concert was recorded during performance at Cincinnati music hall by W.G. U.S. the radio station of the University of Cincinnati. These programs are made possible through the cooperation of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra the Cincinnati musicians Association and the national educational radio. Recording Engineer for the
series is Myron Bennett production by Bob Stephenson and continuity by Carol Richardson. This is George Bryant inviting you to be with us for the next program in this series by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. This is the national educational radio network. Oh.
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Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1970
Episode Number
#9 (Reel 2)
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-m03xxr3k).
Series Description
This series features live performances from the 1970 season by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra .
Media type
Performing Group: Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 71-19-9 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:47:47
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1970; #9 (Reel 2),” 1970-04-04, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1970; #9 (Reel 2).” 1970-04-04. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1970; #9 (Reel 2). Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from