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But this was a story which has a universal appeal. There is no school no college no high school that does not know the story. And it is always new always intriguing is playing over and over again by actors all over the world in everyday life. Are examined this forming here and that we hope will come to our aid in the world of morality and history now examined in the field of science. In the middle of the last century there was a man named Pt.. I was late. He was a chemist and he had discovered that the exact arrangement of carbon atoms was very important to all of you in your chemistry. But he could not solve the problem as to how these carbon atoms were arranged and unless he could solve the problem
he could not be deduced from this whole developments which were very important theoretically. One night terribly frustrated and tired he went to sleep and had a dream he dreamt of a snake with its tail in its mouth. And awoke from it. Somewhat like Archimedes in the bathtub YELLING AT THE ARETHUSA. I have found the carbon atoms were arranged in a ring and this gave him the solution to the problem. The benzene ring which underlies three fourths of modern chemistry as been called the most brilliant prediction in the history of Chemical Theory. What is not so well known about calculate is the fact that as a young man he was interested in architecture not in chemistry. In other words the fundamental quality of his individual form maker
always heading in certain directions as it has for every one of us. And this is why each individual human being has whole and each indie individual human being knows truth. From his point of view because he has such a form a. He has such a thing which works for him at night when he sleeps relieving the tensions of his heart in various kinds of imagery and he has this form a character when he comes. Let us save the lectures like this and listens to one man expound and try to learn and to grasp the meaning of a new idea. That's why we have seven arts and science. All human all human form and making can be divided into these eight groups with signs representing all the various finance and other aspects of precise numbers.
We help recycle them and so it is in science as well as in art. That's from dreams from on him at the function of this internal para conscious feel this is your Eames green at night in this fantasy screen during the day. So it is that man learns that he is the Creator He is the Valar. Not a revolution but a revolution is only when the time comes that evolution must take the next leap and then it stops being the slow evolving process. It becomes a gradual explosive process of actual change such as the colonists of this country endured from six from the 16 20 to 1776 for a hundred years. And we are proud of our revolution because it gave us a
new domain. It gave us a new creative nucleus a new concept of ourselves so that we could not only enquire into our dreams but that we could to the best of our ability. Implement them. But actually from the point of view of human the main. The greatest historical story ever told it all of you know is the story of two different senses of will mean confronting each other. One was the concept of the Imperial Rome the domaine way about man that said I am a god because I have conquered all this territory with my war machine and I have been slaves. All the people the so-called sense of out here you'll mean confronting him
was a small dark man named Jesus of Nazareth whose whole life. Had followed through the tradition which began in ancient Egypt and grew until the invasion of Judea. Jesus's cry was essentially what does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul. And it is because of the strength of Jesus that I do not believe that he was betrayed by Judas at all. I believe that you did as it was the only man whom Jesus could rely upon. To identifying himself as a follower of Jesus and I think he sent Judas to be trained him in order that he might confront a pilot and see whether or not his own internal power the same power ulit he
thought he had raised Lazarus from the dead. Whether that same power failing to Pace came and subdue the pilot. We know that he failed in one way but we also know that he succeeded in another. All modern civilization depends upon that moment. When Jesus was crucified his hands were nailed on his head put a crown of thorns his feet were nails and a wound was made in his left side between his heart and his genitals. Every single thing that could deny a man's right to his domain is expressed by the crucifix. And those who espouse the crucifix do not do so simply because of a myth or in actuality or a hallucination of redemption and resurrection. They
do so out of the evolutionary power of the insistence of man we have value. We are not animals we have a domain. Each of us. All the religious art and all the other kinds of art you speak of the domain of man study the life of Rembrandt or of any great painter and you will find that he constantly changes don't mean nothing. No minion you don't mean he will give you self portraits of himself at various times in this life. He will paint his studio his garden his house the landscapes around him and then little by little he will touch upon the universe as he can mastery as he can understand it is this sense of will main In theory which seems to
me to be the clue to a new creative genius in all mankind. Just as we have given names to history so history of using names to psychiatry for example. We know the phrase Napoleonic complex. The man who was so sick inside of himself that he had to do this to put back the invading Russia in the winter knowing that he had to die or be destroyed there. Or Hitler who has a Nero complex. Making great great speeches while everything burned around him. History recognizes the insanity of the generals and the insanity of war makers history recognizes
unjust wars and history condemns them. There is no fooling the people all the time and you know from Abraham when history is marked. History is creative in creative. That's what civilization is is it created and created in history and in it we put the very meat of our heart as well as in learning intellectually for the forms that have gone before us. We live in a time when the young people of our world. Are more tense than perhaps any generation of young people has ever been.
Never before in history has so much happened. As in the last 70 years and never before have young people known. That Warren does not belong to the domain of the man. And they are 10 and if they have taken to drive and if they cannot trust those of us any longer. You cannot bring about a stop to war it is not their fault. They arrived in history when we are still powerless to prevent that which we know is animal and bestial. And so they take drugs among these drugs that you know is LSD and you have been told I'm sure you've read in all the papers and anything you've ever heard about Elvis
that it expands consciousness in a matter of great concern to myself. Theoretically as well as morally for the young. Because if there is a framework in form a cure in the human mind. And if LSD expands that framework and that for me what this is quite a revolutionary thing to learn. The only trouble is as we know it not only expands consciousness but also destroys chromosomes and may produce a number of monstrous newborns. It is this kind of thing which shows the brilliance of Freud. For it was Freud. As we know said that consciousness is a representation of the fundamental sexual memory productive machinery of the body. And
here is your proof. Even though Roy himself did not live long enough to understand that he had discovered in in his own way that the brain was a computer and not a set of railroad tracks. Even though the law did not live long enough to understand that conditioning of reflexes is really programming in the computers. Those of us who are alive know that both Roy and Hobbes Locke were right that it is possible to educate not to drug the framework maker in the configuration makers in the human mind and impossible so to program the computer of the brain and the computation of the mind which flows from that computer so that the greatest possible creativeness of each human being from childhood up will be geared to peace
and never toward it. It is very hard. To convey this kind of sense. That we creep along in our evolution. Perceiving more we want to go faster. We don't want to slow the concepts of the human mind that tell us. Yes you must evolve because we want to try to backtrack. We want everything quickly now. Perhaps it is sad that we are vital machinery that defends itself from change but
nevertheless that very same slowness and conservative tendency in all that being things gives us a stability a Ginsu to suddenly change. But as I try to say before the slow process of evolution comes to was they find it like the sumo climber climbing you finally reaches the top of a hill and see it in the distance and sees the future possibilities of this human brain of ours. This machinery that monitors the heart this heart that gives imagery to the mind the mind and makes new reborn to give us a greater and more creative lifespan and then came over to me for the sky and even space itself. And yet in the presence of the mind of such magnificent possibilities we are still killing.
Not too different from the way you conscious pilot and his again hung men upon the crosses and the hills of Volvo. We are restless because we sense inside of ourselves that we have a creative instrumentality. A very specific kind of instrumentality that under very specific conditions you can conceive anything and anything that it can conceive and can eventually make. We know this and we resent the improper use of that instrumentality the brain is not a petal a piece of the swishes around. It is not even a set of nerves that give you pain. It is the most magnificent computer ever built a computer
such can test the capacity that it has been estimated that if you had to build one that could do what the human brain would do even with present day miniaturization it would have to be slightly larger than the state of Texas. Each of us have this. It's not merely an instrument to put a hat on. Nor is it merely a thing for hair. And various kinds of shampoos. It is an instrument part creating. It is an instrument which you follow. And at the right time. It is an instrument for rebellion. Not because it wants to rebel. The conservative tendency in human being is NOT want anything to do with revenge but the power of the forming resident within the human brain. Coming to a place where it
can no longer be done. And then one gets the guillotine and the best deal. As one gets a valley course in German town. One of the interesting things about our perception of our own inner Demain has been the transition in the various fields of art. At first as we know painting which representation will look around you will see portraits which represent things at a time before we had invented the camera. But once the camera is developed we no longer need it that we were now slowly more and more interested in how the internal form a. word how did we proceed what did organize our perception. What is so wide in our framework that we can see more than we saw before
and see in different ways and sole representation changed to present station and present in the change to impressionism and impressionism change to Cubism and feudalism to abstraction and abstraction to nonobjective art and nonobjective art. Now who is this curious time when Art has become design and cartoon in a very interesting kind of way a kind of wilderness the inner blueprint for a future we cannot yet see. Designs which have magical significance sometimes like the masks of the Aztecs or the totem pole of the long lost tribe. I want to summarize this very simply by you numerate for you.
The concept of human domain the nucleus of creative character by trying to show you that it in light moves us and a change in our own history our own significant and Revolutionary War our 1776 and the struggle of men all over the world for quality as well as for life and liberty. I don't mean all soul tells us everything about that which we want to perpetually. Which we want to express our sense of time our extension in the future just as the Egyptians built the pyramids and in the pyramids put their soul in ships that would sail or ever through the seas of time. So who do we find on Main making monuments everywhere. And it does not matter what culture we wish no man conceives of death a man conceives only up
especially and his Each man. As well. As well as I'm the North American continent. Each man thinks in terms of his destiny and his giant of the future of the movement up. Not in idealistic terms. Sometimes in the struggle to possess a piece of land. Haven't done any work I have a pension. Something that will enable him to see end of his day. To try to use the forming of his mind. For new configuration. How can you know if. You heard author and psychoanalyst Daniel Schneider as he spoke on the topic. A new
concept of the mind. This was another programme in the series. Peace love and creativity. The hope of mankind. On our next program. Alfred Jones co-director of the mental health consultation center will discuss. The development of creativity. These programmes are recorded at the Cooper Union in New York City by station WNYC. The series is made available to the station by the national educational radio network.
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Peace, love, creativity: Hope of mankind
A new concept of the mind, part two
Producing Organization
WNYC (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-kp7trv16).
Episode Description
This program presents the second part of a lecture by Daniel Schneider, psychoanalyst, author.
Series Description
This series presents lectures from the 1968 Cooper Union Forum. This forum's theme is Peace, Love, Creativity: The Hope of Mankind.
Media type
Producing Organization: WNYC (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Producing Organization: Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Speaker: Fairchild, Johnson E.
Speaker: Schneider, Daniel E. (Daniel Edward), 1907-
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 68-10-31 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:22:53
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Peace, love, creativity: Hope of mankind; A new concept of the mind, part two,” 1968-07-08, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 27, 2024,
MLA: “Peace, love, creativity: Hope of mankind; A new concept of the mind, part two.” 1968-07-08. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 27, 2024. <>.
APA: Peace, love, creativity: Hope of mankind; A new concept of the mind, part two. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from