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Power electric power generated to meet growing demands of people. Electric Power is one result of the search to find more resources. Energy metal and water. In the early years of the century an estimated limitless supply once easily attainable now increasingly inaccessible. Fifty years of more people using more resources. A reflection of changes in the technology of finding and treating natural resources growing demands demand newer methods better machinery for finding and using the raw materials of America. This document of major changes in the components of American material life was produced and recorded by the University of Southern California under a grant from the Educational Television and Radio Center in cooperation with the National Association of educational broadcasters.
Fire luminescence and increasing its applications at the same time more and more. For instance with you no more. Greater than me. Well not only aircraft which is primarily used and uses many loom much aluminum but the automotive industry for example could utilize many applications and right now they're only lies in the field while the metal becomes more and more plentiful more and more automotive manufacturers will switch to aluminum and use it to advantage. There's plenty of very source of oxide. Box site is and is not plentiful. The existing sources of aluminum adequate for present demands but becoming scarce with the development of new applications new uses for lightweight metals and other sources of metal become scarce and land where needed
by competitive interests. The city the farm the whole. Home a mine or even water in areas dense with people drive. Growing demand demands upon metal and land and on water resources may increase depletion. Cities and industries immense metropolitan Giants the hungry mouth of an industrial economy has eaten and will eat much of the main course. Natural Resources Control of resource use may delay exhaustion but meanwhile the rates of drain continue to rise. The age of speed and tension free way of the airplane speed means lightweight objects leaping through space. Aircraft demands for aluminum have helped deplete resources. The ever growing market for lightweight metal in aircraft
production. There must be a reason for this growing demand. For Aluminum. Industry must have a reason a practical reason. It was mainly caused by. Industry's awareness of the advantages of using aluminum and lightweight corrosion resistance and strength to weight characteristics and the general acceptance by industry and in the consumer application. The conflict between growing demands for resources and increasing rates of brain. Accelerating in all resources electrical appliances refrigerators radio television vacuum clean make life somewhat more bearable. But when millions of people for breakfast toast around 7:30 8:00 a.m.. Or on Saturday mornings.
Cut the lawn with a power mower. More energy must be generated to fill the demand. For fuel and petroleum for natural and synthetic byproduct. New developments create new uses new developments and to the rates of drain people moving need fuel they need better roads. And construction equipment for building better roads drinks its share of needed fuel. The moving people need land and land to build houses. The dairy farm has felt the encroachment of people on it and it remembers the time when more cows and less have a traditional use of land has been to live on it but land is needed to grow food to feed people who live on the land. When more people having to drive up the price of land the farmer cuts back his grazing land or sells out.
Been harder for us to maintain the same number of animals because of their coming in surrounding them all day long now were selling out here moving to the north. Groups of people competing for resources more people wanting more benefits from resources manufacturers farmers private citizens mining companies power stations. Enough space to house close feed and amuse cities. People need water. Industry need water. Cars use fuel. Industries that make cars use fuel. New technology new methods better machinery. Call out to control the depletion rapid depletion of America's natural resources. Finding more resources deeper minerals water tables and more petroleum
explorations depend upon new methods and machinery. The need for research. It took a world war just great research and applied engineering. The gas tank needs more fuel but the oil field can't supply the present conflict can be traced to the slow rate of research in natural resources until the 1940s. Well oddly our company dates back in 1912 and there was probably very little outlook presently Cora charged at that time although there was some technical ever starting about 1923 there are some engineering test work part of which might properly be called research and which then became known as production research and drawing that the people on that harvesting weekend you're hearing from research proper but regular grow in the early have.
A very large petroleum engineering section and a parallel production engineering section of the production apartment. They're nothing of the technical staff of the exploration of bargain with the separate apartment. In 1946 an affiliated company started a larger and more basic exploration and production research program for all of the affiliated companies and that has grown to where it now involves a staff of about 300 people. We need more petroleum for fuel lubricants for synthetic materials. Basically our two object here's Eric to increase the supply of the crowd a minute and are used the cost of those products. Our production partner is concerned that. Drilling wells cheaper
basing them better. And the oil. More economically. All of those things that cost standpoint of ultimate recovery where fighting have been fighting for many years. But the number of wildly Darrelle a matter in which they're located right in which there are due to the manner in which they are completed. All affect not only the current rate of production but the ultimate recovery that we can get out of it. But natural resource research will not be hurried. It's very definitely a gradual growth that hard to make any outstanding milestones. The dairy farmer too had trouble keeping up with demands for his product until the milking machine came along in the late 30s and speeded things up. The cows can't tell the difference but people can and since about 1940
we've been having enough looking machines that actually do all the milking before that time all the milking was done by hand and there's no such thing as a pipeline or milking machine or all of that went into it 10 gallons into lots of 10 gallon cans in which shipped in the greenery that way. But now we have nothing machines and no vacuum machine goes into a pipeline and into the from the pipeline into a refrigerated storage tank and is picked up once a day by the creamery. When we go in there don't be any hands tripping you never text back. And thankfully it's all an entirely mechanical process. Major changes in natural resources changes in pure research and applied engineering changes in research of supply and use of resources. Changes in attitudes toward conservation changes in government industry relations changes in the education
of the public about the nature of natural resources. It was. Scientific discovery and applied engineering. Since World War 2 we have made more minerals and metals available for use but greater activity in mining does nothing but deeply the past. Your methods are needed for exploration and treatment but changes come slowly and must evolve with demand. Right I'm not sure that I can point to any one outstanding thing or any few outstanding things it's just been a gradual process of improving our understanding of the manner in which our accumulates and the earth and the manner in which those accumulations can be found and in production and the forces which are the flow into a well and a way to controlling those forces to get the maximum recovery from our fields.
It's a gradual advance on a very broad front. They're a little more knowledge on each of thousands of subjects that know one thing that I would choose to emphasize as being. Outstanding in itself and yet there must be some major improvement something that changed quickly. The historical method she'll use for water wells in part and occasionally for oil wells it called people to drilling in which heavy tools are lifted and dropped on the bottom of the hole crushing the rock and virtually beating their way down by a hammer action that had been largely superseded for many years by the Rotary shift in which the string of drill pipe running from the surface to the bottom of the well is rotated the bottom of the shrink at drill 5 there is a bit like a touch or grind its way through the earth in a manner not entirely different from what
the carpenters auger or mechanics drill. Research continued research to develop new energy resources before depletion accelerates beyond available supply. A major change. Supply and use research is finding out about the nature of resources finding out before depletion proceeds too far. New machines more machines better facilities to meet growing demand by industry and people. There was considerable research done on the part of this station. The population drones were studied very carefully the anticipated industrial growth was also studied growth. Residential area forecastable is your residential area.
All our components which went into working as the load which would require not only establishment destruction of new stations but also other facilities. It's done on a national level. It's done on a graphical area level and it's also done on the local level. The same type of planning that goes in dictating the needs for generation also has to be done on a somewhat neighborhood basis in order to determine the need for some stations distribution facilities and that it is a continuous process where the station is radically different from the stations that were conventional down to 12 years ago. At that time we were building machines or we were building for months and installing them in buildings. We now install them out of doors. The problems are built to take the weathering of the elements the same as the building with great savings in
cost to result from this practice. Also the technology will be there more than thermodynamic process. Has advanced quite rapidly. Ten to 12 years ago pressures of twelve hundred pounds when considered to be high. We have eighteen hundred pounds per square inch here and others in the industry are going to twenty four hundred and forty five years where Also temperatures have had a corresponding increase in the steam that enters our units here are is a thousand degrees Fahrenheit. We hear of 10 to 12 years ago temperatures in the area of 707. You can. Thank research research in the use of land how it should land be used. You can use it to the best advantage who misuses it. Farmer Wants
to plant food. Thank. Me earlier. Her thanks. But the manufacturer needed to build his production plants. And the people all the people will eat the food and work in the plants. They want the land to live on. The two to. Make the residential use of land. The era of the subdivision and people moving moving in on what was the farm the arid land. The problems of sewage and zoning and depreciated areas. What is the proper use of land and streets. The means to move the people. Think of
the people who drive to and from work on the roads the streets and the freeways. All of these are necessary uses of land but how to control the uses and how to avoid misuses. Research. Supply and use research and more of it. America became industrial and became urbanized and became complex. It is not what to do with a lot but how to do what is best for the vacant lot. Gradual changes in engineering changes in technical recession or. Changes in supply and use research. A gradual steady flow of improvement. But technological improvement creates social
problems. Conservation of natural resources is a social problem and some cooperation has been born to supplement competition. But is it enough. From my scientific an engineering standpoint I think there has been a better understanding and a wider understanding of the need for conservation and the here as usual methods of conservation. Actually there has been a lot of progress in better engineering of the operation of reservoirs or reservoirs are controlled by one company which is rare in California or by a number of companies that can get together on a voluntary basis to operate the pool as a physical unit. Unfortunately the interests of the company are
sometimes conflicting so that voluntary unit EIS ation cannot always be accomplished. It means that we still have some fields that are operated on a highly competitive basis with some resolving loss of ultimate recovery. I think I used the word from head it think that needed. Well industry is highly competitive. And should be but within the framework of competitive operations it is pretty near essential to have some unity of physical operations in order to get the best recovery from a pool. How people work together to get things done. Cooperation within industries between government and industry is another social change
in natural resources cooperation vital element constructive control of natural resources and the extent of working together at present is a 20th century development. But co-operation itself can become the center of conflict like the guest who came for a day and stayed for weeks. Cooperation unleashes unseen difficulties. Conflicts over scope of authority and the ever present problem of the greater public good. Terms and functions must be defined. Must be passed to feel gaps. And inefficient overlaps of authority must be cut. Questions must be asked. Should the federal government finance and develop our resources. What is the relationship of private industry and atomic power. What role
does the government have in financing water projects that are localized. How should government protect resource industries that develop non-fuel minerals. More research is needed more studies to find the answers. The pressure on the nation's resources continue to mount. Where is the answer. One answer is education. Education of the public in the extent of depletion and what they can do about it. Education of the public in the proper use of natural resources the judicious use of water and the communication of information about zoning and conservation explanations of the problems of industry. Industry is aware of depletion and what to write about people having the world over there should be in the band picked up where in fact they know. Recession in the vanishment back the man a
crime now is much better than what it took over the war and that's been reflected in the separated research of all kind of leading to. A better way to buying oil more economical way to developing the ocean reducing the oil and of course they're going to refining lightweight metal industries continually develop new applications to decrease depletion on other more secure sources of metal perhaps like it's competitive in the street below ministry and it's primary companies are in a continuous research and development program on increasing applications for aluminum and modifying existing products so that it could utilize aluminum to advantage. But applications cannot be developed in new areas until the supply of pink aluminum is increased.
The only forseeable problems are. Maintaining a continuous supply and opening up new applications for the metal that really isn't a problem but we can open up many more applications than could be satisfied by current supplies so it has to be a progressive meeting of increasing the supply of aluminum and and increasing its applications at the same time. Awareness of resource problems. The first step towards solving those problems. Cooperation education. Communication. Research. In these directions I found the problems and the answers to the problems technical and social research. The tools to uncover the answers. Unanswered questions turn predictions into suppositions more research and more engineering mean more resources are made available.
Growing demand increase rates of drain the next half century may not see exhaustion. But a good look at waning resources is inevitable. Action is needed along three lines. Integration of interests. A look outside the borders of America for the needed components of manufactured goods. Research new devices of chemistry or synthetic sand Elyse. Revaluation. Constructive control of resource use by developing new methods of exploration and treatment. Tapping unconventional energy resources the seed and the sun. The operation of household appliances with power from the sea and the sun. Even the department store escalator may get its power their. Operatives research develops new inventions and finds more efficient ways of
exploring for metals oil and other raw materials in the land. Full employment and Resource Industries ensures the predictability of future supplies for more work brings more knowledge. This and more so that industry may continue drilling well cheaper better more economically. Moving people. The use of land. Competition. Attention. Demand for control. Good role zoning and careful planning ease the competition for the use of land. Integration of foreign and domestic resources. Research reevaluation. For. Cooperation. New inventions and methods better ways of finding raw materials.
These are the directions in which solutions to depletion. But what about unresolved problems in resource use one of land needed for recreational use. What have people moving in and out of cities freeways harsh and menacing threat of greater demand for energy to power the light. The machine a neon sign. Children leaving the lights on when mother is away. Everyone takes a bath more frequently than before and the swimming pools more water more people and greater demand for resources minerals metals water and land. The intensity of electricity representing the intensity of demand demand
for power and for water and for fuel demand for metal changes in American economy will be reflected in the type and volume of resource use. The changes must be predicted. Research Education communication exploration and development of new machines and methods must be accelerated not cut back. New explorations constructively control would assist this nation in maintaining an economy beneficial to the world. Power more power to meet growing demands of people. Electric Power is one result of the search to find more resources. Institutions cooperating in the production of this program were a Southern California Edison Company Javi aluminum company Excelsior farms and general petroleum corporations. This program
was written by Donald price directed and narrated by Edward de Roux and produced by Stuart Cooney to find more resources was recorded by the University of Southern California under a grant from the Educational Television and Radio Center. This program is distributed by the National Association of educational broadcasters. This is the end I emailed me Radio Network.
Fifty years of growth
To find more resources
Producing Organization
University of Southern California
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
The electric intensity of a steam-electric generator symbolizes the search for more natural resources. Demand competes with depletion; the country cries for energy, metal, land, water.
Series Description
A series of documentaries on industrial change in the U.S.
Broadcast Date
Social Issues
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Director: Deroux, Edward
Narrator: Kuralt, Charles, 1934-1997
Producer: Cooney, Stuart
Producing Organization: University of Southern California
Writer: Price, Donald
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 57-54-1 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:00
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Chicago: “Fifty years of growth; To find more resources,” 1957-01-01, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “Fifty years of growth; To find more resources.” 1957-01-01. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: Fifty years of growth; To find more resources. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from