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Diary of SIMON Well Pete and historical entertainment. Produced by radio station KC You are FM of the University of Missouri at Kansas City. When peeps began his diary and 16 60 he was a poor clerk at the Exchequer and a man of all errands to his great Cousin Edward Montague. As an admiral of the fleet it was Montague who brought Charles second home to England and peeps was aboard the ship as secretary to his cousin in appreciation Charles made Montague Earl of Sandwich and a knight of the Garter through sandwich peeps received his position as clerk of the Acts of the Navy. You know what she was to become the greatest naval administrator England had ever known. He lived with his French wife Elizabeth and their servants in a house provided with his position in seething lane next to the Navy office. His diary which he kept faithfully for nine years is the most evocative history of the restoration period and the most honest personal record of a man's daily life in
existence. The diary of Samuel peeps Chapter 11. In which an uprising of fanatics causes Sam to arm himself with sword and pistol and placing guards at the king's navy yards. And Sam makes an unexpected trip as guide to Lady sent with. Jan. 16 61 to the theater where was acted to make use Bush. It's very well done and here the first time that ever I saw women come up on the stage for the January office all the morning my wife and Paul be gone to my father's to dress did it for Mr. Hollywood. My mother be gone out of town.
I had been early this morning at Whitehall at the Jubal office to choose a piece of gilt plate for my lot in return of his offering to the king which it seems is usual at this time of year and an Earl gives 20 pieces of gold in a purse to the king. But strange it was for me to see what a company of small fees I was called upon by a great many to pay that which I perceive is the man of that courtiers do get their estates. After dinner Mr. Moore and I had to the theater. Where was the scornful lady. Acted very well. It being the first play that ever he saw. Fifth January the great Tom Fuller come to me to desire a kindness for a friend of his who has a mind to go to Jamaica with these two ships that are going which I promise to do staying in Paul's Churchyard to bespeak Ogilvy's Aesop's Fables and jellies office seas to be bought for me.
7th January this morning news was brought to me by my bedside that there had been a great stir in the city this night by the fanatics who had been up and killed six or seven men but all are fled when Lord Mayor of the whole city had been in arms above 40000. Tom and I had my wife to the theater and there saw the Silent Woman. Among other things here Kynaston the boy had the good turn to appear in three shapes. First as a poor woman in ordinary clothes to please more rose than in fine clothes as a gallant and in them was clearly the prettiest woman in the whole house. And lastly as a man and then likewise did appear the handsomest man in the house for pence by link to my cousin Hardwick's and after a good supper we had an excellent cake where the mark for the queen was cut. And so there was two queens. My wife and Mrs. Ward and the king being lost they chose
the doctor to be king. So we made him send for some wine and then go in our way we were in many places quickly examined more than in the worst of times there being great fears of these fanatics rising again. But the present I did not hear that any of them are taken. 8th January to Westminster where I dined with my lady sandwich after dinner I took my lot in she broke Mr. Sidney into the theater and showed them the window an indifferent good play but wrong by the women's being much too sad in their parts. That being done with all its coach waited for us. And so back to my ladies where she made me drink of some Florence wine and did give me two bottles for my wife. 9th January waked in the morning about six o'clock by people running up and down in Mr Davis's house talking that the fanatics were up in arms in the
city and so I rose and went forth where in the street I found everybody in arms at the doors. So I returned there with no good courage at all but that I might not seem to be afraid. I got my sword and pistol which however I had no power to charge and went to the door when I found Sir R. Ford and with him I walked up and down as far as the exchange. And there I left him in our way the streets full of train bands of great stir what mischief these rogues have done. And I think there are a dozen have been killed this morning on both sides. The shops are shut and all things and trouble. Home to my loot. Too late. And then to bed. They're being strict guards all night in the city. The most of the enemies they say are killed or taken. 10th January there comes Mr. Hindley to me and brings me my money for the quarter of a year's salary at my place under downing that I was at sea.
So I did give him half whereof he did in his nobleness give the odd five shillings to my JM after dinner. Well comes to tell me that he had presented my piece of plate to Mr. Coventry who takes it very kindly and sends me a very kind letter and the plate back again of which my heart is very glad. 11th January office day. This day comes news by letters from Portsmouth that the princess Henrietta is fallen sick of the measles on board the London after the queen and she was under sail and so was forced to come back into Portsmouth Harbor and in their way by negligence of the pilot run upon the horse sand. The queen and she continued aboard and do not intend to come on shore till she sees what will become of the young princes. This news do make people think something indeed that three of the royal family should fall sick of the same disease one after another.
This morning Likewise we had order to see guards set in all the king's yards and so so William batten goes to Chatham Colonel Slingsby and I to Deptford and Wooldridge. Portsmouth being a garrison needs an up to the coffee house and so home to bed. 12 January with Colonel slings being a friend of his major waters a deaf and most amorous melancholy gentleman who is under a despair and love as the colonel told me which makes him bad company though a most good natured man by water to read riff and so on foot to Deptford we fail to choosing for captains to command the guards and choosing the place where to keep them and other things in order of their own to never till now did I see the great authority of my place. All the captains of the fleet coming cap in hand to us. I went home with Mr. Davis storekeeper whose wife is ill and so I could not see her. And was
there most prince like lodged with so much respect and honor that I was at a loss how to behave myself. 14th January. The arms being come this morning from the tower we caused them to be distributed. After today Mrs. Pett lent us her coach and carried us to college where we did also dispose of the arms there and settle the gods. 15th January. Up and down the yard all the morning and seeing the seamen exercise which they do already very handsomely. You know whey walked into the rope yard where I do look into the Tara houses and other places and took great notice of all the several works belonging to the making of a cable. So after a cup of bad wine at the tavern there we took barge. I perceive none of our officers care much for one another. But I do keep in with
them all as much as I can. The king has been this afternoon a Deptford to see the yacht that commission a pet is building which will be very pretty. 16th January I went to wait upon my lady. But coming to our lodgings I hear that she is gone this morning to Chatham by coach thinking to meet me there which did trouble be exceedingly and I didn't know what to do. Being loath to follow her and yet could not imagine what she would do when she found me not there. I did resolve to go to. And so by boat home and put on my boots and so over to Sothern to the post house and there to coarsen guide to Dartford and then to Rochester. Having good horses and good way. Come to the row about half an hour after daylight which was before 6 o'clock and I said for them after a while I found a lady and her daughter Gemma Mrs Brown and five servants all of a great loss not finding
me there but at my coming she was overjoyed. In fine we supped to marry and so to bed. They're coming several of the Charles men to see me before I got to bed. The page lay with me. January 17th up and breakfast with my lady and to carry her in the barge to the Saab room which is the most noble ship a goodly sight all the way to see the brave ships that live here from things to the Charles where my lady took great pleasure to see all the rooms and hear me tell her how things are when my lord is there. So we took coach and went through the town without making stop at our end but left Jay goods to pay the reckoning. So I rode with my lady in the coach and the page on the horse that I should have read on. He desiring it he began to be dark before we could come to Dartford and to rain hard on the horses to fail which was our great care to prevent for fear of my lord's displeasure. So here
we set up for the night. January 18th after a morning draft I took a course in guide for London and though some rain in the great wind in my face I got to London at about 11 o'clock at home found all well but the monkey loose which did anger me and so I did strike until she was almost dead. That they might make a fast again which did still troubled me more. Took Mr Hollywood to the Grand Isle where he did advise me above all things both as to the stone and the decay of my memory of which I now complain to him to avoid drinking often which I am resolved if I can to leave off. January 19th went to the theater where I saw the last lady which did not please me much. Here I was troubled to be seen by four of our office clocks which sat in the half crown box
and I and the one shilling from house by link and bought two mousetraps of Thomas peeps that turned January 21st. It is strange what weather we have had all this winter. No colder toll but the ways are dusty and the flies fly up and down in the rosebushes are full of leaves. Such a time of the year is was never known in the world before year this day. Many more of the fifth monarchy men were hanged January 23rd to Gresham College where I never was before and saw the man of the house and found great company of persons of honor there. Thence to my bookseller's and for books and to Stephens the silversmith to make clean some plate against tomato and so oh by the way paying many little debts for wines and pictures which is my great pleasure. January 24th there dined with me. So we're better
than his lady and daughter. So William Pitt and Mr. Fox his lady being you could come and Captain Constance the first in or I've made since I come here that. This cost me above five puffs and Mary would only make chimneys. Tippett be glad that the trouble was over. In Chapter 12 of the diary of Samuel peeps. Sam spends forty shillings on his Valentine. Takes his wife Elizabeth aboard a ship. And dines in very high company at the Tower of London. The diary of Samuel peeps was edited by Gloria Scott read by James Hardy was produced by Radio Station Casey you are FM of the University of Missouri at
Kansas City and made available to this station by a national educational radio. This is the national educational radio network.
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The diary of Samuel Pepys
Chapter eleven
Producing Organization
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program presents dramatizations of portions of the diary of seventeenth century naval administrator, Samuel Pepys.
Series Description
This series dramatizes portions of the diary of Samuel Pepys, an English naval administrator who provided invaluable writings from the English Restoration period.
Media type
Producing Organization: University of Missouri at Kansas City
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 67-14-11 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:14:56
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Chicago: “The diary of Samuel Pepys; Chapter eleven,” 1967-05-17, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “The diary of Samuel Pepys; Chapter eleven.” 1967-05-17. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: The diary of Samuel Pepys; Chapter eleven. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from