Classical drama; Orestes, part 4

- Transcript
Nothing in this world is better than our friend. Well one good friend I would not take in trade either poem money or all of the people of August. It was you my best friend who planned this. You share the risks with me and once again good friend you gave me my revenge and all your help. But I say no more lest I embarrass you by praising you so much. I have to die. Very well then. But above all I want my death to her command I hate. He betrayed me he made me suffer some let him suffer now for what he did to me. Am I or am I not the son of a gun none none. The men who rule the old hell is not as a tyrant but almost as a god with godlike powers and I shall not shame him by dying like a slave. No I die for E and I shall have my free revenge on you. That three vengeance alone would make me happy here which I doubt we could murder Helen and then escape. So much the better. But this isn't really a prayer of futile hope it cheers the heart but nothing more.
Orestes I had the answer a way out for a song that would take a god but go ahead a lecture I know your shrewdness of mine is and then you to pilot these go on. Good news would make pleasant hearing now do you remember Helen's daughter her mind little girl my mother took care of. Yes she is gone now to cry to mistress to what who and what is she has she went to pour libations on others Graham So what does this have to do with our escape sees her as a stage when she comes Matt called one of the two thin Orestes ones Helen is dead mentally as me attempt to hurt one of us three you or him or me. That would hardly matters who we are all one here. Let him try. You merely set your sword at her mind he's through and warn him you will kill her at the first false move you think. Seeing Helen lying in a pool of blood he decides he wants his daughter's life at least and agrees to spare you. Let the girl go. On the other hand if he tries to kill you in a frantic burst of rage you slit the girl's throat.
He may bluster in the beginning but he assumes the reason I think the man's a coward is you know he won't fight. And there you have my plan for making our escape. What woman. The mind of a man with a woman's loveliness. If ever a woman deserved to live not die that woman is you. What do you say now pilot is where you forfeit a woman like this by dying the way you live marry and be happy. Nothing would please me more. My dearest wish is to go home to forces with Electra as my bride. Electra I like your plan in every respect. Provided we can catch the traitors cub. How soon do you think we'll have money returned any moment now the time at least is exactly right perfect. Electra you stay here outside the house and wait for her. Make certain that no one and especially no friend of her father slipped into the house. But if someone does beat with your fist on the door or raise a cry but let us know you're not a pilot. I know I can count on your help now my friend. We'll go inside get our swords and make ready to serve the last car with Helen.
My father. This time the arrestees calls upon him his. Would you rather I suffer. For you I was condemned to death and just did you know brothers be crate me though what I did was right. Come Father help me to capture his wife help me to kill her father. Help was not. Coming. Kinsman of my father. Hear my prayers. Help us save your children. How did my mother. I held the saw. The killed in carriage the. I made them break here all reproaches I'm save your children now my help and my tears to you. We must be about our business done.
Oh Zeus Zeus father's great power of Justice help us now help us to victory. Three friends together one common cause one right and together we shall live or die. Women of my Seanie noble women of God are so good with you please what is it my lady for your mistress still in the city of algal So I want half of you to watch the highway the rest of you will stand guard over here. Premonition. I'm afraid that maybe murderous looking about the house fresh blood may be spilled to your post when then I'll watch the road to the east and know what's here on the west Woodstock in a close look out on both sides now look all around you. Now look sharp for what is coming. Look up is approaching the palace and this is the end. You betray our anguish to our enemies know the road is empty there is no one
there. You on the other side is all well. Is there anyone in sight or is where you're you know no no I'm inside anyway. Yeah Eva not stolen thought I'd wait then while he's still quiet. Why this to me. From CQ. God what has happened has her loveliness planted their soul woods in a few minutes the soldiers will be here to rescue her rushing up with drawn swords. Back to your posts look show me the number this is no time for napping. I want you. To do. No no. That was. Not when I was home. No. That's again. That's not
I don't know who killed so many brave young men wounded and the dead. We will go out and dine with the one of the scum and already young was to know someone is coming. Let's be home irony. Yes he's her my and he has hope at the very moment of murder but I saw no God walking straight for art. And those sweet catchy easy and take quick back to your posts seem natural and unconcerned don't give also way. I had better have a sullen sort of look as though nothing had happened here. O M I N E. Have you been declined in these just brave dear. Did you read it with flowers in Pour libation. Yes I gave her all the dew was of the dead. But you know I was frightened coming home. I thought I heard a scream in the diff to the crowd really
but surely we have every right to cry a little more trouble Electra. What has happened now. Arrestees and I have been sentenced to death cut for period. You my own cousins must die. We must. This is necessity whose yoke we bear and that was why I heard that cry. Yes he went and fell at Helen's knees. Who wouldn't. I don't understand Orestes do implore heaven to save our lives. Then well might the palace have rung with your cries. What better reason could there be. But if you love us do you go now fall at your mother's feet and beg her and implore her buy her happiness to intercede with Minna lay as now an ABI have my mother nursed you in her arms. Have pity on us now and save our lives. Go plead with her. You are our last hope. I will take you there myself.
Yeah yeah if I must go quickly if it lies in my power. You are saying For God's sake arrestees pilot Jesus lift your soul I can see your pray. Go ahead. But your. Car. Just a little promise about screaming let mentally a slow burn with me yesterday on our show here what he plans to fight with the man not Howard from Troy. Make him stop up on his prize and. The MY any of the. Great. Christmas songs was drug with the later not telling the show ya gut feeling I'm running so let's do it all day. Bush met me dead he had a line and I blogged on the other story from last night. Was that me but what I did look at golds.
Just this question from heaven just as far. As my oldest push. He steers. The books on the great doors a slighting someone is coming out. Some who can tell us what has happened. British royal Kildare draws you scared oh run run jump in slippers find more of a roof hole in beams inside court jump below. Oh well can run before the ladies know nothing. Women see you maybe maybe what God bullshit griddles world flowing water will in God's name speak love and draw draw little red green one old growing dirge I cry. But Helen beauty brought a bird born loveliness the
lovely Swan of zoo's Swan that sank in leader's lap. Pension glancing down. I have love the broke the burnished walls of Troy. Pity pity I cry for Ganymede of Troy. Already are ravaged by the writer tell us what happened as clearly as you can I only knows I only knows I know. The church revival royal blood and Prince is dead. But I tell you Warren how come happen into Palace came a pride of lions because twins one of general Agamemnon son other pilot he is a man of plots evil and who disobeys kind of bluff a loyal Yes and skills war of killer snake god on him dead for plot he sneaks I hope. But in two years Helen Perry's wife oh so sit him down one and lift one out right.
But swords to war and then will put their hands on leaders need life sleeves are scared to try to rescue to scatter what directory look out later someone cries no no yes other slaves but some are thinking of a snake who killed his mother. Tangled heads in a way burial plot and where were you all had your run away. No need stern way with a foreign fan of feathers yes and probably to hell and rippling to and fro gently or cheeks of ma'am and while I fan slow wind the flex spindle turning thing goes moving round and round the flex on floor. Crude oil as well. Cloth of purple Yes. Home. Oh and Orestes Speaks Do you know when I'm child of Zeus. Don't from Don't step stand by. You know my talk but private. Poor suspecting nothing Helen. Yes evil of oddities of crime is doing work
he shouts. Then he locked them up some in stables others rooms here know what happened. What I saw in the house of Prince cloaks they drew their swords and I was of them going round to see if danger anywhere. And then they came as they were screaming shouting die die die for traitor coward who betrayed his brother son who left him to die you know gross. Beating breast. But after I have took a motorist is caught her no whining fingers in her head and neck.
Down down against a shoulder lifted sword to strike but where were her servants couldn't you. We shout yes we batter doors with iron bars break down panels where we are then run run rescue rescue some with stones with swords was Spears but the pilot is no actor like or Ajax with his Helms of triple. I saw him once in PI on Palace steel on steel to get our meet but soon we see Trojan men no match for Greek. I won run one dead wounded the sandbagging that so quick quick run. How are you fooling some dying others staggering is one with wounds and they know who my mother Helen. Stop. Yes but came to his dropping one's voice using brain snatch at girl then turned back to KILL KILL. Madam did it.
But who then suddenly. Madam vanish flies through first those magic maybe maybe a robbery of the U-boat daughters. Who knows who's night. What didn't happen. I not know. No no I ran but yes. Or he suffered all his hurt to bring home. Nothing. Strangeness to strangeness succeeding harder to heart. Look here arrestees comes rushing from the palace withdrawn so that they will run from my sword In fact I kissed the ground Lord is a stone cutter and those screams of yours admitted in my house are not hard when you are screaming you needed her. Good heaven does have to count. Three times you know I did not object this
is colored leaf or you don't. So I believe sure you're telling me the closer on you part. I swear the code is terrified by cold steel. Are you afraid I'll turn you into stone these cauldron for you know I do not know why. Nothing but a slave and afraid to die. Death might end your suffering. Everybody's spoken you all which saves you now get inside you will not kill you. Thank you thank you. Changed my mind. Thank you for that. Neither man nor woman who could want your life. To Stop Your frightened screams. Quickly roused by any
cry for help. Not that I'm afraid of men lay aside his glory as his golden curls not his sword. But if you bring guys here in revenge for Helen's death refuse help to my sister my friend and help myself and his daughter to join his wife in get. God's. Grief can we do to help. Silence is the safer course. Look look up there. You know I'm the cleverest coaches. They are the emphasis through the spring from nothing not even God works its way with America that's gone where great is the power of great it has been yet with the vengeance drawing blood from blood Diggins this gent's ball.
Right. I see many lists coming this way in great haste. He must have had some use of what has happened here. Send you. Inside the house. The Pentagon was honest use this man in his honor of triumph is dangerous. Do you care. How you have come to investigate a tale of incredible crimes committed by two lions. I cannot bring myself to call them in. I am also told that Helen is not dead but has disappeared vanished into thin air. The idiotic fiction of a man whose mind was almost crazed with fear. Or more probably as I suspect the invention of the matricide and patently absurd means higher than open the dose that we will break down that door so I can rescue my poor daughter from the hands of these my dress and recover Helen's body in revenge for I personally shall put these men to death if you.
Don't if in the not done. Yes I mean you will minute I ask you a braggart touch that don't rip up. Parapet from the crumbling masonry and smash your skull. Those have been bolted down with iron bars on purpose to keep you up to heaven. Torches placing people standing on the roof like a city under siege and whoa. A man holding a sword at my daughter's throat do you want me to ask the questions Mina Lance or would you prefer that I do the talking. But I suppose I must listen for your information I'm about to kill you I don't have to. Wasn't it enough that you murdered her mother who had been stolen robbed me of the pleasure he sees mockery. Do you deny you killed it pains me to deny it what good God I had killed struck down the one who pollute Thailand to have a body. Let me believe that the gods caucus in the meanwhile I will kill your daughter on the bench. Why you wasn't her death enough yeah I could never have my fill of telling you pilot is why are you his partner in this murder to hide and says he is. But I speak for
if I catch you and you will regret this act we won't run away. In fact we'll burn the house burn the house burn the palace of your father keep it from you but your daughter dies first and the fire killer will get anywhere no wait for God's sake don't you. Just like I watch OK and just just let you live even rain to rain where you know you are and you were officiating as pre-canned why not sacrifice for war. You can i can too. My hands are clean your head and yes but not your heart would speak to you. Those who love their father and those who love their mother. That leaves you out. I love the keep that stored away from I guess again. Could you kill by talking the truth at last. What do you want. Persuade them of what i let us do you will kill my child how just how that hurts my poor pitiful me. Home to Doctor country hand like nothing done myself is irrelevant to me. I am trapped trapped by your own business.
Oh right electorate that doesn't. Why are you on our planet is most None of my friends on the rough set those benefits to help people have done those nights of August to arms to arms. This man with mother's blood upon his hands threatens our city our very lives. My last column you want I got you desire your god people Soprano's some lovely time you two arrestees standing there with drawn sword over that girl. Hear what I say. Helen is here with me. Yes that same Helen whom you tried to kill out of hatred from an alliance. This is she who you see unfolded in the beginning delivered from death. You did not kill her for I so commanded by Zeus the father
snatched up from yours. And live from being born of Zeus she could not die. And now between the DI Oscar Ah in this way the veil she said syncro whatever. A star has you must marry again. Since the gods by means of Helen's loveliness drove Trojans and Greeks together in war and made them die. The White Queen mightn't of her heavy burden of mortality. So much like that I now turn to you were misty. It is your destiny to leave this land and go in exile for you. And all that region shall be named for you. All the rest by the Arcadians and Azania. From there you must go to the city of the agenda justice for your mother's murder to the pre-human of the. Gods shall be your judges sitting on the Hill of Addie's
and acquitting you by sacred verdict then you shall marry. The girl against your holding out. Hopes to make of his wife but never shall for he is doomed to die when he comes to Delphi seeking justice for his fathers. Do you think that trial you managed to pilot to use as your problems. Oh great happy. Subjects. Arrestee is right in August M.S.. But go yourself. And be inspired. The diary of Helen whose only daughter yet has been anguish and suffering. I myself will reconcile the city of August to August. Before it was I who commanded his mother's murder. I compelled him to kill Apollo for your prophetic oracles true prophet not homes. And yet when I heard you speak I thought I heard the whispers of some peened speaking freely.
But all is well and I obey. See I now release her mind and we shall marry and her father gives his blessings and consent. There will Helen daughter of Zeus. I envy you your home and happiness among the gods arrestors. I now be true of my only child to you is Apollo Command become of noble birth and obey may this marriage bless us both. Let each one go to his appointed place. Make sure I obey law and I. Mandalay as. I accept our troops and make my peace with Apollo and his party. Let each one go his way. Go when all our people loveliest of Goddess and Helen. I now lead to the hose of Zeus upon that road that turns among the Blazing Star. Now with here are she shall sit with her tears and throw a goddess whatever. Whatever door. There are between
the sounds of Zeus raining on the scene right to St.. You have just heard Orestes by your repartees as produced by the University of Michigan Broadcasting Service. The translation published by the University of Chicago Press was by William Aerosmith. This production marked the first radio performance of this new version of the play. Original music was composed by Don Gillis and conducted by Henri and Dolly appearing in the title role of Orestes was Marvin Diskin and Nancy was an actor. The members of the Greek chorus were Raeburn Hirsch as leader Elizabeth Robertson and Susan Heller. Others in the cast were federal act as pieties the dial as mentally s e.g. Burroughs Estan Darrius Winifred Pierce as Helen of Troy
Donald Ewing as the messenger John Sargent as the Phrygian slave. Elizabeth Robertson as her Miami and Beverley way portrayed the god Appollo engineering by Ralph Johnson and Neil McLean the production was under the direction of Jerry Sandler. This program may not be reproduced on tape or by any other means without the express permission of the University of Michigan and the publisher arrestees by Europe it is was produced and recorded in the studios of WUOM. The University of Michigan broadcasting service the preceding program was made available to the station by the National Association of educational broadcasters. This is the end AB Radio Network.
- Series
- Classical drama
- Episode
- Orestes, part 4
- Producing Organization
- University of Michigan
- Contributing Organization
- University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
- cpb-aacip/500-gm81pz3n
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-gm81pz3n).
- Description
- Episode Description
- This program presents part four of Orestes by Euripides.
- Series Description
- This series presents full-length productions of Greek and Roman plays of antiquity in modern English translation with original music especially composed for this series. Each play is introduced by William Arrowsmith, University of Texas.
- Broadcast Date
- 1961-11-30
- Topics
- Theater
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 00:26:58
- Credits
Composer: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Producing Organization: University of Michigan
Speaker: Arrowsmith, William, 1924-1992
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 61-58-5 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:27:03
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Classical drama; Orestes, part 4,” 1961-11-30, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed February 8, 2025,
- MLA: “Classical drama; Orestes, part 4.” 1961-11-30. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. February 8, 2025. <>.
- APA: Classical drama; Orestes, part 4. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from