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We are back once more at Music Hall in Cincinnati. Presenting the second concert of the 1970 May Festival. Recorded in concert by top secret University of Cincinnati station. On this concert and all Beethoven program conducted by an actor at all with just soloist Rudolf Serkin. Mr. second is an internationally recognized as one of the world's great musicians and outstanding pianists. He was born of Russian parents in 1903 in Bohemia now a part of Czechoslovakia. His father discouraged the idea of public concerts. You want to know child prodigy in the family. Even so Riddle second made his debut with the Vienna symphony at the age of 12. His concert career began in earnest at the age of 17. He made his first appearance in the United States in 1933 then his formal debut occurred three years later in New York with Toscanini and the New York Philharmonic. He has toured the United States annually for the past 35 years appearing with all of the major orchestras and a dynasty seems to have begun.
His son Peterson is rapidly becoming. One of the outstanding concert pianists too. On the second half of the concert we will hear the Beethoven Piano Concerto Number Four in G major opus 58. It was written in eighteen hundred and five dedicated to the Archduke Rudolph of Austria. The composer himself gave the first performance in Vienna in 1908 at an all Beethoven concert. This concerto. Which broke all bounds with tradition is regarded by many critics has his greatest applause you hear in the background is creating signal from the concert master. Many regard this concerto as even greater than the Emperor Concerto Number five after its primarily neglected for a time. It was Mendelssohn who finally revived it. He wrote it in eighteen hundred and five and eighteen hundred and six and then it made tokens manipulation to the concerto medium became a revelation and to something quite profound He broke all bounds with tradition.
The first few measures are given to the solo piano instead of the full orchestra as had been customary and the first movement Allegro model Rado is of majestic proportions. The music speaks seriously and compassionately and there is no hint of flashy virtuoso posturing. The second movement is without precedent in music. Liszt compared it to Orpheus taming the wild beasts with his music. And the third begins not breaking the mood of the second but soon becomes a full fledged Rondell Vivace. We're awaiting the appearance of a real second there he is. That's Rudolph. Rudolph the podium the second with knowledge of the applause from France over. Run off. With you know the Beethoven Piano Concerto Number Four in G major opus 58 A.
No. Are.
You. Are. You. Oh.
Think. Think think think. Think. Think. Think. Who.
Who. Thing.
you. You were going to talk to him. You don't like the plumbing the Beethoven Piano Concerto Number Four in G Major will prescribe for you. Max Rudolph conducting the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. Are shaking hands. We mentioned before how much the Cincinnati audiences love Mr. Sutton and his performances of Beethoven. You can hear that today is no exception. Mr. second on stage once more. Taking hands
with sitting up on the concertmaster. Mark you don't. Think this applause will probably go on quite some time. Thanks. Once more Mr. second is back on stage Thanks for all the work that he has done in the past hour performing two Beethoven piano concertos he looked remarkably happy and thanks. To.
The final work on today's program the law and order which are a number three who has 70 to be. Beethoven is only opera. The Daily Show was originally named Leonore and first produced in 1983. He said it won for him a martyr's crown. Porter took him 10 years to write it. And he composed for over two years for that one called Fidelio and three called Leonor. The eléonore number three overture was written for a later revision of the opera and is regarded by many as the greatest of all overtures. The opera itself is an expression of Beethoven's philosophy of life. The pop deals with political tyranny conquered by the love of a faithful wife. The hero is a symbol of oppressed peoples everywhere and Leonora his wife is the liberating force combining love courage and devotion.
Themes associated with these characters and what they stand for are interwoven in this overture so that it in itself is an orchestral statement of the whole office. Max Rudolph returning to the stage of Music Hall in Cincinnati. We hear no Leonore overture at number three Opus 70 to be by Beethoven. Yeah. It'll.
Will you.
Iran. Anything. Thank you. Would. With good. Thank. God.
The end. Back to golf as conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. He leant over
to number three for seventy five pages on this small Beethoven concert. From the 1970 May Festival. The audience giving especially warm applause to my school. This was his last regular appearance as a regular conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. At the end of the nineteen. Seventy season. Mr. Rudolph retired from his post. To take a position with the Curtis School of Music in the operative part of. The applause continues. The Applause. Continues.
Mr. Rudolph still is conducting though he made. Since this concert was recorded. He made an appearance with the Boston Symphony Orchestra for the cycle of greater than concerts. Than during the 1970s 71 season. Mr. Rudolph. Is scheduled to make. Appearances as a conductor of Americas with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. The applause for Knox Rudolph ran for the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. I'm not sure whether the warmth of feeling that is between the audience
and Mr. Rudolph. Is evident in this recording or the applause. But it certainly was there. At the concert. Cincinnati grew very fond of Nazi doctrine and stayed with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. The applause finally dying down. And so we conclude the second concert of the 970 May festival from Music Hall in Cincinnati. That's all Beethoven program included calm sea and prosperous voyage Opus One hundred twelve. The Hallelujah Chorus from Christ on the Mount of Olives Opus 85 The Piano Concerto Number two in B-flat major Opus 19 and The Piano Concerto Number 4 in G major
opus 58. Both the concertos played by Rudolph second. Layer overture number three Opus 72. Pax Rudolph conducted the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and the May Festival Chorus under the direction of Homer Thomas. This program was recorded during a performance by a WGA U.S. the radio voice of the University of Cincinnati produced through the cooperation of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra the May festival of association and the Cincinnati musicians Association and national educational radio. Recording by David Thompson. Production by Bob Stephenson founder announcer Myron Bennett continuity by Carol Richardson. This is the national educational radio network.
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1970 May festival
Episode Number
#2 (Reel 2)
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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No description available
Media type
Performing Group: Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 71-19-2 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:58:35
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Chicago: “1970 May festival; #2 (Reel 2),” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 27, 2024,
MLA: “1970 May festival; #2 (Reel 2).” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 27, 2024. <>.
APA: 1970 May festival; #2 (Reel 2). Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from