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Now when my two boys and girls to listen I was your science lady brings you another let's find out. Hello boys and girls how are your plants doing. I hope you're remembering to keep take care of them. Are you good. We don't today. Let's find out about today is the wind blowing. Did you feel any this morning on your way to school. Have you ever felt wind blowing into your face. Why I'm sure you have. Sometimes the wind blows hard doesn't it. And sometimes it blows very softly just a little breeze Sometimes the wind is coo and sometimes it's warm sometimes it's almost hot what it is the wind.
Are you really sure you know what the wind is. Well let's think about it a minute of your Q And while we're getting ready to think Miss South and Mr. North will you go up to the table and be ready to help us. Maybe you're already up there. If you are that's fine. So will you stand still and sink with the rest of us. We want to think about what the wind is now if we listen to a little poem first of all. Maybe it will help us think. Would you like to do that. All right listen to this. Who has seen the wind. Neither you nor I. But when the leaves hanging trembling the wind is passing by. Who has seen the wind. Neither I nor you. But when the trees bow down their heads the wind is passing through. Have you ever heard that little poem before. Have you ever heard the wind.
Sometimes you can hear the noise that the wind makes on things when it blows against them but we can't see the wind can we. But we can see what the wind does to sings as it rolls. Let's try something for just a minute Mr. North where you pick up the flag that you have there on the table. You have a flag on a little stick right now where you stand up straight and hold it just as still as you can so that it isn't moving a bit no moving at all. If you take the bottom of the stick in your hand and you might rest it right on the top of the table. That will help you to hold it still. Can you hold it very still so still that that little flag is not moving at all. All right good for you.
Hold it there now Mr. North hold it as D.L. as you can and Miss South when you pick up the cardboard fan. Now move a little bit away from Mr. North and his flag so that your fan will not touch the flag. Move back far enough not too far so that your fan won't touch the flag. All right now when you fan the flag grew now is this what a fan is a flag moving now. The fan is moving we know Miss South is keep on fanning miss. All right. Watch the flag look at it. All right now stop fanning this out. Now look at this. Like what's happened to it. What what made the flag move this south fan it again is that it is Miss South fan touching the flag at all. I hope not.
Well what did touch the effect of the flag. All right Miss South put the fan down again now. What did touch the flag when Miss south and toward the flag. We want to look at it again. All right Miss South pick up the fan and fan the flag again. Now keep on trending. Don't stop until we tell you to. While Miss South is fanning the flag everybody look at the place between the Frenchman and the flag. Can you see the wind in there. No you can't you can't see anything in there. All right. Now stop fanning again Miss South. Oh miss. Yes it is Miss South. I almost got you by the wrong name. We can't seem to win but we can feel it. Well let's be sure Mr. North when you put the flag down on the table please and
stand facing Miss South All right now Miss South where you pick up the fan again and fan some wind into Miss Mr. North's face. Go ahead. Can you feel the feeling wind from the fan now. Oh my good news is real wind is blowing into Mr. North Face. He knows the wind is blowing he can feel it against his face. But what is it that he can feel what is moving to make the wind. Does anybody know. Well listen again what all around us that we can't see and we can feel only when it moves. Did anybody say air good when air moves we call it wind so wind
is moving air isn't it. All right. But the air around us is not always moving fast enough to make a wind is it. On some days we can feel the air moving at all. So we say there's no wind today. We can feel any wind blowing. Mr. North do you think wind can change the weather for us. Well that's a pretty hard question but I'm sure you'll be able to answer it if we talk about it for a second and to listen. On a hot summer day now I think on a hot summer day does the wind help you to feel a little bit cooler. So a summer breeze or a wind on a hot summer day could make us feel a little cooler couldnt it. What do you do on a hot summer day if you have a fan and I like to Gran in your house.
You turn it on dont you. And a fan makes a breeze makes a wind blow makes the air move in the room and it helps you feel cooler. Well now how about a cold winter day. Desert cold when on a winter day make you feel colder. War I should say it does. So winds do change the weather for us don't see. When someone ask you about the weather what else do you think about besides the wind. Do you think about how cold or warm it is. Yes you do. And how can you tell whether it's cold or warm outside. Well the easiest way to do is to go out and find out and feel it isn't it. You can feel it. But how can you tell just exactly how warm are how cold it is.
Who said use a thermometer. Good for you. Have you ever looked at as a mama to raise your hands all of those of you who've looked at a thermometer. Remember the little line the colored line the long colored line in the thermometer queue on a cold day on a cold day. Is that line long or short. On a hot day a hot day. Is it long or short. Well you know how to read the monitors don't you. How many of you know how to read the numbers on the thermometer. Oh oh some of you do well that's fine I'm glad to hear that you're really getting to be scientists. Well now suppose I said to you some day why it's cloudy today isn't it dark. Would I be telling you something about the weather.
When we ask about the weather we want to know if the sun is shining or if there are clouds in the sky. Well let's see what else would we want to know. We want to know whether it was windy or calm. No wind blowing at all. We want to know whether it was sunny or crowdie as we said before. We don't want to know if it was raining or snowing or whether it wasn't raining or snowing at all. Oh we want to know a lot of things about the weather about the day to find out what kind of weather we had. Does weather have anything to do with what you put on when you leave home in the morning. The clothes you wear. Mr. North tell us did you wear a raincoat today. Did you come to school in your shirt sleeves with out a cold or a sweater.
Well what kind of a day could you go out without a coat. Miss South listen and see if you can tell what kind of weather this little girl was getting ready for. This little girl that I'm thinking about was getting ready to go to school one morning. She put on rubber boat a warm coat thick scarf around her neck and a pair of heavy mittens. What kind of weather was she ready for. What time of the year do you think that must have been. All right listen again on another day this same little girl started off to school with a sweater on over her dress. But by the time she arrived at school she was very warm and so she took her sweater off. What kind of a day was that. I think you could guess.
Now another day this little girl and her brother came home from school and their hats were wet their clothes were wet and they were out of breath from running. What do you suppose had happened on the way home from school. That was really a rainy day. Now when we want to find out about the weather we want to know lots of things. And I'm sure that you could remember lots of things to think about. You could look out and see whether it was cloudy or Sunny you could feel whether the wind was blowing but you'd have to find out from which direction the wind was blowing to tell a little bit more about the weather. Do you think you could make a weather vane. I think if you ask your teacher he would help you make a weathervane Arwin vein which would tell you from which direction the wind is blowing. You could watch this a moment here and find out whether it was a warm or a cold day by looking at the thermometer.
You could keep track of the temperature and the wind direction and the clouds or the sun on a chart. And I wish you do that. I wish you keep a chart of all the things about the weather. Seeing what things about the weather help you to tell what kind of weather it is and maybe you could be our one other man. How about there. Would you like to try. All right keep track of all the things you know about and make a weekend day so you can tell from which direction the wind is blowing. Let's find out Origin night in the studios of St. Louis
more of Education radio saying. This is the end I be radio network.
Let's find out, grade 2
Wind and weather
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program seeks to educate children about weather and how it happens.
Series Description
In-school series produced for release in Fall 1960.
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: S60-13-4 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:14:30?
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Chicago: “Let's find out, grade 2; Wind and weather,” 1960-01-01, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 26, 2024,
MLA: “Let's find out, grade 2; Wind and weather.” 1960-01-01. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 26, 2024. <>.
APA: Let's find out, grade 2; Wind and weather. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from