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It's not a question any longer. It is a necessity. That is why I feel that this program entitled at West meets East which is produced and presented by the Asia Society is of vital concern. We don't know what will happen to mainland China. We don't know what will happen to Japan. As far as our relations with Japan are concerned we don't know what will happen to Taiwan. Our interests are very much in the Far East. It is one world. It is no longer to Will. And if we can bring greater understanding of the Orient to those of us who live in the United States then I think we will have a most important purpose. Perhaps I can better explain to you what this program. If you'll be kind enough to listen to these excerpts from an interview which was done with me by the Voice of America. Today a reversal of roles. An interview with a prominent American radio television broadcaster who regularly interviews Americans and Asian moves to make Americans more aware of Asia's background and its current problems. She is
Mrs. Lee Graham author journalist teacher and award winning radio television broadcaster approach. As I said a reversal of roles. Let me who regularly does the same thing for the Voice of America now. Interview interview our Mrs. Lee Graham. Let me find out what it's like for her to interview people on things pertinent to America's better understanding of Asia. Background. In 1967 the Asia Society and American nonprofit nonpolitical organization began the sponsorship of a New York City radio program series entitled the Asia Society presents an extension of the Society's purpose to strengthen the heightening desire of Americans for a deeper understanding and a wider range of Asia. For hostess and prime mover of the program. The Asia Society selected our guest Mrs. Lee Graham. Beside some 15 years of broadcasting during which time she has interviewed some of the most celebrated author of our day on a range of
subjects including sociological cultural and political questions. She is now rounding out her third year as hostess of the easel society presents radio program series. Think of me as I got to know more about the AG decided it was the only organization of its kind of the United States which attempted to bridge this gap so-called gap between Ethan breath and after doing a few programs for them about their cultural or artistic exhibition. The thought came to me that a continuing series of programmes in which I would interview both Americans or various Western be people on Asian subjects would be something worthwhile for them. And after a little persuasion not a great deal I must say they accepted the idea. Assuming that you're interviewing an Asian. On a subject that has to do with governmental significance international governmental significance read
gentleman necessity and rightfully so has to be careful of what he says. Perhaps he's devoting information or perhaps he just doesn't want to talk about a situation that is uncomfortable to what degree do you as an American interviewer. They were gracious and informed kind of lady to what degree do you persist and dig until you get some kind of a satisfactory answer. I'm often told in advance that there are certain areas not to touch certain questions it would be better not to ask. Yes I accept that because I think it is the guest privilege if he were visiting my home that same privilege story. And so I then say if I happen to ask you a question during the program that you do not wish to answer please tell me and we will go on. Please don't feel and that I won't and I hope that you're wrong. That seems to ring a sure guess. And often as a result of that I can ask questions which might have been considered taboo. And I think any question
if courteously put. Will not be present. Right now how do you avoid interviewing Americans by and large about things and. Situations concerned I would say it's part of our upbringing perhaps to be a little franker due to speak at greater length. Be a little less inhibited and it may be that it is easier somewhat easier to interview Americans. But again not necessarily. I have been told that Asians tend to be on emotion over the whole Richard and yet I think without too much difficulty one can become that friendly in a short time with Asians and many people whom I know my mother spawn Chinese and Indian people. I do have enough of them that I consider them my among my most cherished friends. It was Grandma what sort of background Have you picked up over the years concerning
Asia where primarily I consider myself a writer. Which I suppose whether you speak or write you deal with words and in the course of my work I have met many Asian people at reception. I've read many books about their country. I've studied the I am a slight collector of Asian art and I suppose just in that manner through experience the only thing. Let me take you back will add to the purpose of your being here. Your being an interviewer for the Asia Society present so the radio programme series where you interview as I've said Americans and Asians about things pertinent to America's better understanding of Asia. Over three years of experience in doing this type of work. What sort of feelings do you come away with. What sort of conclusions to United States. Well at the end of the program as I sign off by saying although east is east and west is west we think the time has come for the
training to me and the twain has been meeting increasingly for me as I know more Asians read more about them learn that they have tremendous differences individually nationally and personally. I find that this is and rich my life considerably. And I'm sure that it must do that to some extent for the people who listen to the program. I really feel very proud of this aspect of my life. I feel it's perhaps. The best contribution I've made so far. If I may put it that way. Mrs. Graham It's been delightful having you here before our Voice of America microphone. Best of luck to you and continued good luck in particular with your seriously as a society presents radio program series in this chronic coming series which is entering its fourth year. We will present a number of informed and provocative guests. The sort of specialist that an audience will enjoy hearing. Here are three examples. The first
comes from an interview I did with Donald Cook. Mr. Kirk lived in Indo China for a number of years and has written a book called the wider world present to engage in wishful thinking. And so one doesn't have a thought that after all the home team and the leadership might not be as strong in North Vietnam as it used to be but the problem driving somewhere really for 20 years I might say that we just. Have our own little country of North Vietnam and let all of that if not back together impossible. Well I don't I wouldn't that I would quit altogether impossible that are you know really we are considering a range of all. I would be remiss in not including the time when. I really wouldn't. Seriously speculate myself or the government with an travel because I don't see any evidence of either approach.
I like to write about what I think that what I see some evidence and I thing that I don't like to speculate but I like to think that I can speculate on the basis of some evidence. In this region. Now. I threw them into the movement to move through most of the sort of the not alive. This may come as a prod. Something. Going on all over the world but actually Malaysia and Singapore. On the American side of the Right right a breakdown side rather evenly in this. Confrontation. However I think it's quite possible. The Americans are going to withdraw their troops which they certainly seem to be. Doing. I think
it's quite possible that Singapore and Malaysia where. Some. Support and security and I would think the creditors thought what they would look would be the Soviet Union. But it's a bit of Japan hasn't come up in this conversation but actually the past holds the key to the future of a thriving more than any other single country. Another topic we will and will be the appeal of eastern religions to American youth. Our guest on that particular discussion is Mr. Rowley is a British born social commentator and journalist and he made a study throughout the United States over what the new religions are in this country and why the Asian ones are particularly enticing. You know one thing I think of exercise in a way it's a way of living. It's almost more of a. Race of men that haven't and I think that the confusion that some people have about yoga
you have not quite who knows and I talk has a call sign and of course I many people who just do the yoga exercises and have very little to do with the spiritual side of it but that's not me I want to say. And then I'm a Christian I would say is the most stock language. Everyone has seen in virtually every city of these young people or when I can. Young men and women. Chanting to Christian. And gone and that is really a total repudiation of the direction of American life and they have our nanny's Twitter too and their religion and they get enough Americans who they were in the clothing. I think at the same time by repudiating everything about American life at the same time have moved and to have a very strict life and they're very strict about sex and drugs they have a very strict hierarchy handed out by the Swami back to the data from Los Angeles.
Another guest you will hear is Dr. N. M. Pereira. Dr. Perera is chairman of the finance committee of Ceylon and also one of Asia's leading socialists. There are violent. And where we're headed this release and some of the people. Pressure and wanted to have a prayer from a government called government of their own although they were not very poor as to what they were going to do. We were really expressing that discontent slow progress made by government. But then I suppose in common with the rest of the world all young people are somewhat impatient at the moment. Still if we go back to Ceylon and a Marxist democratic kind of government it has what is your ultimate aim in socialism. How much. But participation of the government happened on industry. Well I give you two examples of what you are doing. We have. Try to
rock out advisory committees attached to every department and corporation the Iraq US themselves elect representatives. Who meet with the management once a fortnight maybe want to reconsider cases and discuss common problems to develop how to improve them. The running of the factory got it right with good efficiency or do you let people walk according to the requirements. Various things like that then. An admission you have what are called people's committees being set up throughout the country. These people are expected to do two things one to see that what passes out by way of legislation the benefits that the people. Who work to get actually do reach the people. I have the impression that many women of age are highly educated politically advanced
and everything in the round. On the other hand we have to think through the Asian woman. Might have a submissive. Which is more accurately I think well there was a permissive I think but Dad always said in themselves you can't really want to be good we have got a woman prime minister and we have got a number of women by the military and and they are doing quite well in various avocations lawyers. I hope those bits of the conversation from upcoming programs will give you an idea of the range of our subjects and the range of our guests. I'd like it close by reading from the text of a speech by John D Rockefeller the third the founder of the Asia Society. Rockefeller said the founders of the Asia Society are confident that Asians and Americans are capable of a richer and more meaningful mutual understanding because of shared hopes fears and aspirations. Asians and Americans alike yearn for a world in which the
human creative potential may be freed and where each child born may have a chance to live in dignity free from want or coercion. These were among America's goals our own Revolutionary War and similar goals have been more recently inspiring to Asian independence leaders and nation builders. Yet despite common cause the gaps in understanding between Asian and American leaders and their peoples continue to threaten common enterprises and the fulfillment of mutual aspirations. I feel it is an obligation and I'm sure you will agree those of you who present programs of interest and merit to your audiences on the educational radio stations throughout this country. I feel that you agree with me that we must do what we can to stop this gap from spreading. In fact to diminish the gap and make it disappear altogether West must meet East. It is our obligation. If I may quote just from something the New York Times said in referring to its
own newspaper in an advertisement. And I'm sure they won't mind my doing this. The Times said about its own use paper and I'd like to say that about our radio program that if you are without it you are not with it. This is Lee Graham thanking you and saying goodbye to.
West meets east
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University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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University of Maryland
Identifier: 72-4-SAMPLE (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:16:40
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Chicago: “West meets east; Sample,” 1972-00-00, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “West meets east; Sample.” 1972-00-00. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: West meets east; Sample. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from