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The following program is produced at WG U.S. in cooperation with the national educational radio network. The down staff. Conversations on music with composer Scott Houston and Carolyn watts of the University of Cincinnati Mrs. Watts and I ended our last little chat with a very easy quiz intervals. There are several intervals we should add to our vocabulary now just for the sake of completeness. Before we go on to a review of the construction of triads which in our first chat was very two too short there are only four more common intervals just for the major sixth is heard in the simple prelude to Chopin in a major. That's a major sixth.
Review of the major saves. The court is. An unusual one. If you could compare. That cord with the barrel chord. Those two are both chord tones and the romantic era. Oh I know what I mean you used to be a bloke. Nor would you explain the difference. Yes person here be a baroque chord progression in the same key. And to be a big chord change. Six year ahead of me again because we're going to have a
major triad. Add the seven then add the sixth above the row. So they're all correct because everybody thinks they know what it is. So I want to see what the distinction was between the last time you remember that the third appears in music of 600 a certain period and all music even today in the most while it does I can't believe it has become a melody or a fix. But I know that's what you were taught about the major sixth. Here's another one the first one as you remember. This one is harmonic. And every. Practically every pianist.
Famous walls in a flat of bronze. And another one Eddie doing the E-flat not a shield thing. Very good for you. I don't have a I do. Anyway we're talking about a major stake in the melody. All of the middle aged folk remember from the popular offer of Sigmund Romberg you remember the desert song goes gravity because the leaps down the major stick and then back up the majors. Yes that's right lonely as an author that doesn't bridge. The interval of minor seventh is less easy to find. But let's try that Tchaikovsky song. Can you translate that. We know
something sorrow or yearning. Oh A-minus said Let's hear it again and I will say you don't love me. Minor of. Course there are lots of. Here is one. Of the famous argument going on mom going on about in musician's musical circles about whether this is the car. You want to wear this is the car. If that's all the tour and it goes to. Perpendicular because the composer is modern Piers he simply wants to make it in big news so you don't know what chord it is. Care or listen to or
what is that. You want to definition it's just like somebody died back in the Baroque period then it would take a C major chord to have to explain. And say it just for example in a pond is a tone that doesn't belong in the card and approached by a leap and resolve by step. So chord tones all of them. Not in the chord. This is the car. In. The chord. Tone. Chord tone and another all of the chord tone.
Listen to the other chord passed just passed by. Another famous example is this. The audience does not have yet enough background to be appreciate. This is frequently. A student from one school comes to our school in lot of Marston's goes another school and they'll say What do you think about this. Dominant in the key of A Minor. Or is it the key of E minor with a sharp Third Eye on the minor seventh occurs in a very popular song in fact one of the most popular ever written. This one.
Away. From the seven. Miners miners that we associate with Gershwin and the blues. You know that that mine is very good but that this minor seventh. He stopped me again because there's so much I have yet to explain before this explanation becomes clear so let's wait on that. Like that is Lara's theme from Dr Zhivago and a beautiful minor seventh appears in the slow movement from Shostakovich his fifth symphony begins this way. I think it was built as a nation because perhaps you did not hear the minor seventh and there is blame for
other. Miners. Going it's a different with a different feeling that a different journey. Mostly because of the scale degrees and views in Lars the. Only really up to the forwards. And in the just the garbage examples the first get right down the second you. Thought you were dealing. With. The major seventh interval is even harder to find. But here are a few.
Here's one from the. Parts of the chord is nothing like hears of the Saber Dance. In the part of the. Lesson to normally. It's harsh if you think of it as almost an. Hour long.
We find that in the very popular song rain drops or fall on my head the third phrase has. A hold. And there is and. It's not easy to miss it. There's music. From the singer. I wanted one more to go and it would have covered most of the common intervals.
The owner of the tried to own that is three whole tones. Is seldom used melodically it seems to destroy a key perhaps but most of us will remember the television show which starred Jack Webb and whose theme went. If you're listening carefully you recognize that as just a minor. I don't expect you to think of that now as we play it but as we play it and we analyze it you recognize the interval. Becomes a triad. You know that destroying this. Or this. Yeah. Yeah.
And right on the ride away sings better as you know move forward or seem to be diminished. Now I know what's on your mind right now I can see it. If it's an augmented fourth of minute intervals get larger so. If it's a diminished fifth or G flat. It gets Mars of those here and there's a great way to my delight. And composers in the very early classic period. Would you do that once more beautiful if they go to such totally different. The truth here is that when you're starting with a band I'm telling that's a try toner on the floor that resolves to. Sharper go to. G. Will be spelled out as flat. Seen you know the bottom boys go up a half step
as strong. Totally different feeling than Mozart so much but Beethoven could easily do. It. They knew it by the time they were 12 years old so it could have just left us to go song has to go somewhere in that kind of music in the music of Davis ie the music of an impressionist and music of the Moderns. The tri tone divides the octave exactly in half and doesn't have to go anywhere. But if your ear is oriented dramatically or to a key U.S. has to go on. To get that marvelous feeling of surprise. Oh but suppose you just add try to. Wait in the queue that is. Oh yeah well you do know you're reading pride to what you're saying.
You don't have to go anywhere there is a tank there. OK I can't remember the name of that show but his star Jack Webb and dragnet Yes of course. And one more example of the tri tone. Oddly enough the two have coded before for the perfect gift. People will say we're in love has to try tone in this first three short phrases. To try to try to. Understand it had to reverse three phases. Now let's review for a second the play all the intervals as the common ones on one page so you can hear them all in relationship to one pitch.
So here is the. Musician's Coletta one line to your d one. Here's a half step. Minute. Or train. For Rangers miners and Rangers have a perfect night right you're behind it 10. To 11. And stop there because you then you reduce it by the octave and go right now Les. Let's go down with those in of those beginning with you know I did so we can get them going at the top of the melodically all the time they were to straight up and down vertically. But Anderson was there
for training. Perfect for when you're solo Be calm. Now we can turn our ears for the next few minutes to focus on just two of the 13 interviews we've been explaining those two are the major third in the minor third and we try a little stacking deformed cards of three different tongues or triads. Remember that there are only four car size of triads. It may zombie weltering when you hear music because that one cord moves to another. But there are only four kinds of triads. Number one if we sound a major third anywhere in the keyboard where would you like it where you eat.
And then we stack a minor third on top of that major. We know that the inner hole from the bottom down to the top top is a perfect fifth and we can fill it in with the Tetra card of whole and half steps. We mentioned earlier in this conversation. And behold a major triad. In the major The bottom line. And the perfect fit. That's all there is to it. The Triad called majors. Was a major triad and yet you had out of melody and
sounds and it all started from that fundamental simple call and we call it a major time of the first things you have a lead in the piano. We see it usually illustrated this way. We start you want the major I'd say e-mail and we take in the Major and go up my steps. And I think it's perfectly ridiculous. You tell me what music goes. That's another story to hear music go that way I don't think I like you my dear. Oh no I'm not. Yes but that's but that's a way just in the theory books. And that's a way to explain theoretically some days in by some person.
Let's hear that major triad as used the most familiar tune of all appear in the Star-Spangled Banner melodically. It's a major triad that is going down you know. And it goes right back out to. The Dummy had forgotten anyone got in that slot and that's a major driver that I never could sing it anyway. I've not met K. You could but there's another one the Haydn minuet from Stefano 100 far. Major drug. Drat the Beethoven 8. If you tried growing up my mom taught. You that minor.
And likely. Will. Likely. Get in the hand of cards even the Messiah. And how do you a chorus which everyone is. Very positive and raised on because both those triads are major U.S.. Major. Now if we begin with a minor third anywhere on the keyboard and stack a major third on top know you like for my third G G. Is a minor third. But a major third on top. Oh you know it's still the interval from the bottom Tolland of the top
is a perfect fit. And we can make from it part of a minor scale by filling in the tones between the third. The Triad called minor sounds strong and mysterious. I don't think it's a sad call right as they teach in the public school. I do as it's said to me my romantically to give a listen. Is this sad or mysterious in Beethoven's Aposhian not us and. Yet I'm not sad that it is missed in some of the most beautiful music in all literature is written so called minor key but is not sad. I would divorce you scared
you testing my knowledge and testing mine. It's used harmonically. Does the passion not a sonata Beethoven was a lot of play. Here it is minor harmonically. Being there for. My mother in the bottom making there. It's of you know let's And most people know only that peace think that all mine are there for a set and it's a ridiculous assumption is probably the first one because the temple has so much to do with it and us and with which for fun at first it was very positive of this one. So do you think this is set. Up as he wanted and that's really what it was he said to begin with what he said.
Maybe some of our listeners will remember this tune from several years ago it was one of those hot numbers that lasted for six months and then died in the man's name was even OB as I recall abstained to because he put the first letters of his name in lower capital lower and it was called Nature Boy I don't know. Try to find it from the bottom up here. But I'll find it for you because that's where Mr. Oh yes that's right. You're right that time for one more. Some of our mathematical logical friends are probably already computing two more ways of combining major and minor thirds. We have just used a major third a major third in the bottom. With a minor on top. That's a major drop. In the
involuted form with a minor on the bottom and the major that's a minor draw. It is possible to stack the two major thirds. And come up with an augmented trials. C major third down on top. We note that the interval been the first to the fifth degrees is no longer a perfect fifth unstressed. It's been made bigger than a piano the rubber band than another. Here's a perfect theft and here's the augmented. It's a half step larger. The name of the size of triad is very naturally called minute and we illustrate with a piano composition of Davis E.. Because all the tribes are adamant. That was from this week by Davis.
Now let's review for a second the three kinds of tragedy introduced today. Our next chat would involve the last of the four triads which will be diminished when we establish that this record. Is a major trial. It has only three columns. Interval on the bottom is a MAJOR the top is a. And from root of two is a perfect for. The most out of recorded music from the minor. It's perfect. And a major third. Try it three times. And I mastered with an amen a Dryad.
Charm. Oh enough it doesn't need a resolution with this loss. How would you like to be resolved in the Baroque period or the romantic. Let's hear it with your hear. It one more night out I'm not a human being. Robert you didn't even insult as a little juice in the mouth. And it rarely appears in the barrel. But here's an example from the Renaissance. Story. There had to be prepared by a certain method in the US in the Renaissance a composer named
Victoria. Well then if you insist on leaving it there that's going to lead to the next one we take up then becoming a band I knew either because I wanted to diminish dryad and that needs a revolution too. So I think we'd better stop and in that light. You've been listening to up the down staff conversations on music with composer Scott Houston and Carlin watch our technical director is Bob Stevenson. This program was produced in cooperation with the national educational radio network in the studios of WGA UC on the campus of the University of Cincinnati. This is the national educational radio network.
Up the down staff
Episode Number
Try Adding for Triad-ing
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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University of Maryland
Identifier: 71-17-3 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “Up the down staff; 3; Try Adding for Triad-ing,” 1971-00-00, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “Up the down staff; 3; Try Adding for Triad-ing.” 1971-00-00. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: Up the down staff; 3; Try Adding for Triad-ing. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from