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As I rolled out with one of the nation's outstanding Bogart is just produced by Riverside radio program from the National Association of educational broadcasters. Ever since 11 69 when the first English army marched into our land that country has been engaged in a struggle for freedom one of the most important periods in this struggle for freedom was in 1798 during the uprisings and since we're concerned with music on this program. I like to play you one of the stirring battle songs from that uprising. It's called The Rising of the moon and it's so-called because that was the time designated usually to for meetings while people were waiting for the 798 risings the packs and the guns were hidden in that she's in bogs and the phrase the rising of the moon which was when they were supposed to meet to bring these packs and things out that has become almost proverbial in connection with the Irish
uprisings. Let's hear Richard Dyer Bennett sing the rising of the moon. Why. Do you have me to
write well for you and me talking to you on the beat. Me. Oh good morning. Was.
That was Richard Dyer Bennett singing from his own record number 4000 songs of the Irish Rebellion and the song was the rising of the moon. About the only good thing you can say about wars and fighting I suppose is that many beautiful and stirring songs are born from oppression. It's unfortunate but that's the way we get many of their beautiful songs. Another song from that same rebellion in the same period was a song called Roddy McCarley Roddy McCarley was a local leader in County Antrim in Ireland during the famous rebellion after being captured by the British he was executed in the town of Toon bridge and the words to the song were written that if the Carbury and adapted on this record by the Clancy Brothers. For the whole song it was really his
problem. From the shortest cuts I love they come soon to live it to a goal is to die of a street to stop me young son. Just like the cold and being strung. Out is not a tit. This lowlife latest book Bright as young the leave Bowl is the diet of British love to be stepped
up the street this week. A. Mother. Told. Me that that is not. A. Cause. That was a tradition recording number 1 0 4 2 and that was the Clancy Brothers and Tommy Macomb
singing the stirring rowdy McCarley Well not all war songs and songs of freedom are sung by men many of them are sung by women and you can understand why. Because that's one of the terrible aftereffects of war are side effects of war is the people who are affected by it the children the women the fathers and mothers. And here is a lovely song sung by Mariel Hora. It's called the Mountain of women. Here's what Mario Harris says. The beautiful mountain of Islam the one is situated in the Daisey district covering part of south Tipperary in County Waterford and overlooks my own hometown. So you see it's sort of part of her own family history. This was an isolated skirmish on the slopes during the 1798 rebellion in which the bed the armed locals were beaten by the yeoman. Now the song means something like this. It is a great pain to me that the fight went against us. Scattered like a herd without its driver
on the slopes of the mountain of women. My grief that we did not wait for the troops of the deceit to come. But we'll meet the yeoman again on the mountain of women. Many an old man and young hero is suffering in prison but will soon have them free when the stones on the mountain of women years Mario hard to sing it for you in Gaelic. I. Don't.
Want to. Know. Well. We did that. I.
Did. Well. How long is a woman the world over when she is lamenting her man killed in the struggle for freedom. When we went to Aberdeenshire in Scotland on our field trip looking for songs we met Jeannie Robertson and we were the first people to record her. She is a marvelous singer. Her voice is the very opposite of Mario. It's a very deep and earthy and throaty and very wonderful high
and lovely. She sings my Crimmins lament as her lament for the last of the McCrimmon line. And here's Jeannie Robertson in Aberdeenshire to sing this wonderful song her voice almost imitates the paps and she says that the tune is an imitation of the are slow packed tunes the limits. You know. Where.
Oh. No more so. No more low. You know war. I. Yeah.
One way we've heard a woman's lament from Ireland and a woman's lament from Scotland and England. There's a lovely song called The Wars of high Germany and I know it because I used to sing it at home in Kentucky. I guess it got brought over by some of the early settlers. Let me sing it for you. Let's tear a silverback in the up on the guitar. Hero watch. Him with. A
knife. Besides my. Daughter. Oh. Rule Oh. Look. There's three of them.
Just as in our land Scotland's fights for freedom seem always to name England the oppressor. While we were travelling in Scotland on my Fulbright collecting trip we had many good long singing sessions with Jimmy Macbeth travelling entertainer and a member of one of the old Scots tinker families. He was an entertainer in the sense that he sang at football matches and the county fairs and things like that and people gave him pennies and that's the way he made his living. He told me that he was a direct descendant of old King make that himself and used to tell us stories about Macbeth in the witches and Beth and Lady Macbeth and Stabenow King Duncan right through them across. That meant the dead and he was a very he was a very entertaining fellow and he knew hundreds and thousands of songs. Well he sang a fine strong version of the battle accommodate and he had this to say about it.
The partner combed the old fort but you are particularly fond of King James Ford Como do not believe you want a king it would want to vote for him. I knew enough to start with Charles do push your horse. Please join me Stuart Prince Charles sure this U.S. knew nothing and he for the second Butler called but in front but the computer would Boys point of and of course the first woman touch to that to that. Do you call a ghetto can do a Jane Doe. We've been near that Dune and dark and through his own spirit attacked him with ways don't you know how to narrow down they're coming to call a model or show me where part of that old old PC this
magic door knows maybe McCain has struck islands man where foreigners blue army clamors most laughed and Durant and call when they create mentors of Poland then came the well there and I am on and I say candy bar door so begad up or honks call. Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks. I couldn't resist as long as the tape was rolling to let you hear three pieces on that tape.
The war paps marching into battle and then Jeannie Robertson singing the reel of a magnificent plea for peace and then followed of course by the reel itself the reel played on the fiddle. This whole section is lifted from my forthcoming record for Folkways to be called Field Trip Scotland. I would like before concluding this week's program to play some songs from our own country's history. One of the areas of oppression and our country had one that's known throughout the world was the slavery and the freeing of the slaves and ever since that has been the oppression of the negro. The data speaks for her race when she sings on a vanguard record 9 0 7 6. No more auction block for me. The Weavers sing a song follow the drinking gourd that is an old song
from slavery times when the slaves are trying to get away from their masters and away from the plantations and make their escape. And of course if the masters are if the owners can catch them it would be go very hard with them sometimes very bad beatings and sometimes death even. So they made up a way of giving instructions to each other about how to get away and what you had to do is to follow the drinking gourd which meant follow the north star to the last star in the Big Dipper and pointed to the north and pointed to freedom. Here's the Weavers on Vanguard 9 0 1 0 0 singing follow the drinking gourd. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Where the. Sun. Is on. Fire. Lol. The sun comes.
On the first grey cold. Cold. But. There are women along with a. Lot of. Debris. Was. Told by. A lowlife. Oh my it was a hard cut raise was. A binding. Treaties with. The way. Plan all. Along. Our lol. Lol. LOL LOL. Lol. Lol.
Lol. The. The. The. The the the. I hope you'll join us again next week.
Many of the portions of this program were compiled from recordings made by Gene Ritchie on her husband while she was on a Fulbright scholarship in the British Isles. In her final program of the series next week Ms Ritchey will perform in concert some of her favorite folk music. The program was produced by Isidore directed by Stuart Silber. As I rode out with Jean Ritchie as a recorded production of Riverside radio WRVA are in New York City produced under a grant from the National Association of educational broadcasters. This is the NOAA ABC Radio Network.
As I roved out
Episode Number
Songs of freedom
Producing Organization
National Association of Educational Broadcasters
WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Series Description
Hosted by folksinger Jean Ritchie, As I Roved Out explores folk music of America and the British Isles and the people who make it.
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Host: Ritchie, Jean
Producer: Gouds, Moyra
Producing Organization: National Association of Educational Broadcasters
Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 64-4-12 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:30
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “As I roved out; 12; Songs of freedom,” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “As I roved out; 12; Songs of freedom.” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: As I roved out; 12; Songs of freedom. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from